I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 14 The Strongest Woman in History

"Ah hey -" Harley punched him straight, but the opponent shook his head and dodged it.

The robber held his fist tightly with both hands, and Harley's other left hand had already been held by a robber, and she seemed unable to move.

But the next moment, she stood on the same spot, kicking her right foot upwards like lightning, pushing upwards almost perfectly.

“Crack——” The robber’s jaw on the opposite side seemed to be broken.

"Puff!" Without even a scream, the thing flew upwards half a meter, then fell straight to the floor and fainted.

Harley laughed loudly, "You bunch of rubbish, dare to threaten our customers' precious deposits, even if it's just a penny, I will make sure you walk away with nothing to eat!"

She seemed to be on top of her head, laughing arrogantly, without stopping her hand movements, leaning on the robber who held her left arm, like her hands on a pommel horse.

Then, there were gymnastics moves again, swinging the legs, and the toes of the hard leather boots poked directly into the face of the rushing robber.

"Pfft." It was so miserable, with blood spurting out of the mouth and a few white teeth.

The graceful woman's expression condensed, and a trace of anger flashed in her deep blue eyes.

Like a ghost, she dodged her little brother who was flying over, and took a few steps to come to Harley's side. The black barrel of the gun was pressed against her straight nose with a few drops of crystal sweat hanging on it.

"Gah——" the laughter stopped abruptly.

"If you dare to move, I will blow your pretty little face off!" Mrs. Yongrong said with murderous intent.

He doesn't talk about martial arts, but he actually uses a gun.

"Let that girl go!"

A loud roar came from above, followed by a round grenade?

Harley was frightened, "Buzz————"

The next second, it seemed like millions of bees were swarming into her mind, flapping their wings and buzzing, and there seemed to be countless white needles of light piercing her eyes.

Like being drunk, Harley felt dizzy, lost control of her five senses, and her thinking seemed to have stagnated.

As soon as the sky darkened, a shadow fell from the sky and landed not far in front of Harry.

"Lay down your weapons and surrender to me!"

This should be said to the female robber, Harley has no weapons.

"It's Mr. Shadow, we're saved!" someone far away shouted.

After all, there were eight points of defense. Although he still couldn't control his body, Harley began to slowly regain some consciousness.

In fact, the shock bomb is a sonic attack, and the white light is an illusion. It does not cause direct damage to the eyes, but the brain is dizzy and temporarily unable to process visual information.

Harley was very surprised. Even though her "blood cow" was under control, the female robber, who was over fifty years old, was still able to move quickly.

She was knocked several meters away by the shock bomb. At this time, she had climbed up and held a female client hostage with an Uzi submachine gun.

"Shit, isn't this Batman?" Harley was a little surprised to see Gotham's urban legend with her own eyes.

A matte black helmet that only exposes the mouth and chin, a short black cape that only covers the buttocks, a black tactical jacket sewn with special fabrics, and matte metal sheets on vital parts. The overall black color and no traces of splicing indicate that this suit belongs to a private individual Customized.

Also like Batman, Mr. Shadow carries various props hanging from his belt.

At this time, he was holding a special radio, gun, and gun in his hand. He stunned the robber who was beaten to death by Harley with several blows, and was walking confidently towards the last female robber.

When passing by Harley, he stopped and glanced at her, with obvious admiration and surprise in his eyes.

"Bill, welcome to the real Gotham! You are great and have great potential. We can form a team if we have the chance."

Leaving this sentence behind, he walked straight towards the female robber, regardless of Harley's extremely excited expression.

"It's over. Let go of the hostages and don't struggle pointlessly."

Mr. Shadow's voice is hoarse and must have been voice-changed. It sounds very intimidating.

"Oh, you are so unprofessional if you still want to pick up girls at this time." The female robber sighed, pushed the female hostage in front of her, and mocked: "But you are right about one thing, this female robber is very rich Potential, more potential than you, at least she can see that this is a show."

The copycat Batman was stunned, "What?"

The female robber smiled and said, "Boy, how did you know there was a robbery happening here? Did someone tip you off?

But why don't you think about it, what if that informant is the FBI?

We've been pretty active in Gotham lately, right? "

Seven or eight "customers" came around one after another, and at the same time they took out their identity tags from their pockets and hung them around their necks.

Even the female hostage who had been kidnapped before took out a sign with a huge "FBI" on it.

"Shit!" Mr. Shadow cursed and ran away.

Well, he didn't have Batman's zip gun, and he couldn't summon the Batmobile. He only used two legs to run towards the gate like a delivery boy who was about to run out of time.

"Pfft." The scene was a bit funny and a bit low-key, and Harley couldn't help but cover her mouth and chuckle.

"Da da da da da" The female robber raised her right hand casually and fired a series of shots.

"Crack-" Mr. Shadow was shot several times, howled, smashed the glass of the revolving door, and lay motionless on the ground.

"Fake, he is a superhero after all. He has been arrested, why do you still want to kill him?" Harley was shocked and angry.

The incident happened so suddenly that no one had time to react.

The female robber rolled her eyes and didn't explain anything.

Immediately, an FBI trotted over, squatted down and checked, and said strangely: "He is not dead. The armor has a very high technological content and is completely bulletproof. He just fainted from fright."

Harley breathed a sigh of relief and sneered: "It's not the first day I debuted. I have experienced the ups and downs of Gotham, so I won't be scared.

I estimate that he probably fainted due to your shamelessness and was extremely angry. "

"Do you also want to stay in the cell for a few days? I injured several of my agents and I haven't settled the score with you yet." The old woman said calmly.

Harley shrank her head and stopped talking.

"Shit, shit FBI, you old sow, he is a hero, why do you arrest him?!" Some of the real customers yelled.

Not only him, but when the police car drove over and a cordon was set up outside the bank, the people surrounding him also cursed loudly.

"Hi, Laurie!" Jessica came over and greeted the "old sow" with a smile.

Laurie shook his head gently, flicked the hair from his forehead to his ears, and said calmly: "Jesse, is your grandpa in good health?"

"I'm so confused. I live in a nursing home on the outskirts of the city. People can't even remember it." Jessica shook her head slightly.

Then, she pulled Harley over and introduced: "This is your senior, living watcher, second-generation silk soul, Laurie Black."

Jessica's grandfather is the husband and manager of a generation of silk souls.

For at least ten years, the second-generation Silk Soul Laurie regarded him as his father.

But later all the truth came out, it turned out that Yi Sihun had cheated on her during their marriage and had an affair with her teammate Xiaojiang.

Harry was really shocked and blurted out: "Have the Watchers been completely reduced to court hawks?"

She was not surprised that Laurie was alive, after all, he was only in his fifties. But Laurie leads a team to hunt down cross-dressing heroes.

"The Watchers have been disbanded a long time ago. I only represent myself." Laurie said indifferently.

Jessica glared at Harley and smoothed things over with a smile, "We finally met, how about we have a drink at the cafe next door?"

Harley thought Silk Soul would refuse.

In fact, Jessica didn't have much hope, but Laurie only hesitated for a moment and nodded in agreement.

Harley didn't change her clothes.

Except for the cloak, the uniforms worn by female banknotes are not unconventional.

Sitting down in a booth by the window, Laurie initiated a conversation about arresting the drag hero.

“The Keene Act, which restricts cross-dressing heroes, is about to be revoked.”

This is earth-shattering news.

Jessica was surprised and asked: "Since it is about to be cancelled, why do we still need to arrest Mr. Shadow?"

Laurie said calmly: "You should ask why the bill was withdrawn."

"Why?" Jessica asked stupidly.

Laurie glanced at Harley and said meaningfully: "A bill that cannot be maintained loses the meaning of existence.

If Joan had not agreed, the Keene Act would not have been passed at all.

But not every ‘God on Earth’ is Joan. "

Joan is Dr. Manhattan's "lifetime" name.

An atomic physics scientist named "Jonathan Jean" had an accident during the "Existence Field" experiment and was broken down into atoms and entered the quantum state. After a period of time, the quantum state collapses into a controllable constant value, that is, it returns to the human world from the quantum space.

When he came back, he was losing his humanity every day. He was no longer the same person. He gave himself a new codename, "Dr. Manhattan."

However, people close to him still call him by his original name.

Silk soul Laurie has been Lan DaDiao's lover for nearly twenty years.

"Is there a second 'God' now?" Jessica said in shock.

Silk Soul said: "A being who is more powerful than mortals and can control the fate of mortals is no different from God.

I hunt drag heroes not for the authorities in Washington, but because mortal heroes have become utterly obsolete.

If you can't even pass this test like mine, taking off your mask and going home to live a normal life is definitely the best option. "

"Why are you explaining this to us?" Harley asked confused.

"It's not you, it's just you." Silk Soul looked at her hesitantly for a while and said: "I tell you the inside story about the cross-dressing hero because I hope you can choose your future path carefully.

As for the reason, Watchman and Big Money are one and the same."

Lao Sihun picked up the coffee cup and took a sip without saying the last reason.

"Harry, so you're here!" The bald old white man rushed over excitedly, dancing with excitement, "I watched the video, you played so well, it was like a rebirth of money, especially these long legs, it's like The important person, uh, Agent Black, you're here too."

When the bald man Will saw Laurie, he was stunned for a moment, and then shouted excitedly: "Ah, I understand, you recognized the identity of the second generation of Big Money.

Maybe we could organize a Watcher gathering and at least have a welcome ceremony so that Harley—"

"I'm leaving. See you later." Laurie put down the coffee cup and left without even looking at the old white man.

The old white man's face turned green and red, and he gritted his teeth and cursed: "This old bitch who made Japanese hydrogen bombs is so rude."

"Uh, Fak. Hydrogen bomb, what does it mean?" Harley asked strangely.

"Isn't that big blue guy just a big moving hydrogen bomb?"

Harley and Jessica are both too young to understand the tricks of the older generation.

The name Dr. Manhattan comes from the "Manhattan Project" (the nuclear bomb project led by the U.S. Army).

To put it bluntly, he is also one of the products of nuclear engineering.

In the era when he was born (the early 1950s), not to mention ordinary people, even many physicists had little or no understanding of quantum science.

So, they simply defined Dr. Manhattan as a being more powerful than a nuclear bomb, probably like a hydrogen bomb with controllable energy.

"The walking hydrogen bomb" is the world's intuitive understanding and common name for Dr. Manhattan.

This is nothing, Dr. Manhattan doesn't care about other people's opinions.

The key lies in the second-generation Silk Soul Laurie.

"The lover of the hydrogen bomb", "The woman of the French hydrogen bomb".

They were all surprised how a human being could make love with the energy of a hydrogen bomb.

This seems to go beyond Xu Xianning and Caichen?

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