I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1421 Harley’s ultimate skill

"Hiss~~" There was burning pain in her back and lower abdomen. Harley took a breath of cold air. Before she could lower her head to see the injury, the enemy's high-frequency vibrating hand knife came again.

A hand knife with a vibration frequency of hundreds of millions of times per second is almost indestructible.

Moreover, Black Lightning's movement speed and attack speed are at least ten times faster than the speed of light.

Harley was once again lucky that when she met Black Lightning, her Speed ​​Force defense expertise was already at level eight, and her dynamic vision and mental reactions were able to catch up with Barry, who has not yet exploded his potential.

Well, although Barry said that he couldn't outrun this enhanced version of Black Lightning, Harley felt that as the "father" of his Speed ​​Force, his speed was 80% the same as Superboy's power. The limit only lies in their own needs and eager.

Now, facing the speed of Black Lightning, her body was as stiff and sluggish as a wooden stake, and she could not react at all, but she saw the action of Black Lightning's hand knife thrusting into her heart.

Her physical reaction is slow, but her mental reaction is extremely fast.

The thinking speed is tens of thousands of times faster than that of level 5 defense expertise.

She didn't have to panic and activate her whole body defense.

With just a thought, a transparent light film blocked Black Lightning A's hand knife.

"Boom--" The light film remained deadlocked for one hundredth of a second, just like glass shot by a bullet, shattering into several pieces and dissipating into light spots.

Harry couldn't help but groaned as he suffered the mental shock, and his head felt stinging.

But taking advantage of this hundredth of a second, she also made her own counterattack.

"Stab it————"

A golden crescent moon, two meters high, suddenly appeared behind Black Lightning A - it was going to stab her chest with a knife, so it must be very close to her.

Black Lightning A immediately retracted the hand knife that he continued to thrust forward, turned around and slashed at the crescent blade with yellow light energy.

Not only are the speedsters so fast that people can't react, they also have super resilience and almost unstoppable attacks.

At least for Harley, the black lightning's vibrating frequency was hundreds of millions of times, making it almost impossible to stop him.

That's not "magic damage", it's a physical attack driven by the Speed ​​Force, which can only be blocked with defense.

But similarly, Harley, the "greatest Yellow Lantern in history", did not dare to take a full blow with the speedster's crispy attributes.

Black Lightning's high-frequency hand knife can hurt Harley, and Harley's yellow light energy curved blade can also hurt them.

So she can surround Wei and save Zhao.

When Black Lightning A turned back to block the yellow scythe, it exposed its back to Harley.

Black Lightning A has already seen her companion's movements: at the same time, Black Lightning B's hand knife is close to her back.

Harley also had to save herself. As long as she delayed for a thousandth of a second, Black Lightning A would have eliminated the Yellow Lantern Scythe.

This is the idea of ​​two Black Lightnings.

Harley does extraordinary things at extraordinary moments.

She took a blow from Black Lightning B and a large piece of "back meat" was taken out. Only bloody bones were left in the back of her heart. You could almost see through the gaps between the bones. Pink guts.

"Tsk--" While being licked, Harley spat out a thick mist of gastric acid from her mouth, and spit it out on Black Lightning A's head half a meter away in front of her.

"Pfft——" The back of his heart was hurt. Make her spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Pfft..." Black Lightning A's head was like a scrap metal pile with a bucket of concentrated sulfuric acid poured on it.

It didn't melt into water immediately, but it suffered a head injury and staggered.

Roughly speaking, the damage to it this time was similar to the impact of the injury on Harley's back.

But Harley is thick-skinned, and its main focus is speed. A stagger is a huge flaw.


The yellow crescent blade that was shattered by Black Lightning A in an instant, and its scattered fragments suddenly shot towards Black Lightning A's legs.

Even Barry, the Flash, would freeze into ice and fall to the ground if his legs and feet were shot by a freezing gun.

Harley's yellow moon blade is definitely more powerful than the freezing gun.

If Black Lightning A was a living person and its legs were cut off, it would be useless now. At this time, it could still stagger forward and fall.

It was capable of stumbling, but Harley wouldn't give it a chance.

The defensive gold film appeared again, this time it was not to defend against Black Lightning's attack, but it instantly folded into a knife and was nailed to Black Lightning A's back.

The blade is staggered into four strips, and cuts in four directions: up, down, left, and right.

"Chichichichi!" Black Lightning A was divided into four pieces.

"Chichi!" Harry's heart felt cold, as if he had lost something important.

The body feels a little lighter.

When he looked down, he saw that his chest was not injured.

Looking back, she saw a cold sneer on Black Lightning B's dead face, holding a beating heart in his hand.

"My heart, ah, I'm dead." Harley screamed, losing all breath, and fell forward.

Black Lightning B sneered and threw his heart to the ground.

Before my heart fell to the ground, "Puff, puff!"

Black Lightning B jumped forward in shock. It was a real jump because its two legs were broken at knee level.

"Idiot, who said people without a heart can't live?"

Harley took back the two five-meter-long gold-coated folding knives, picked up the heart with a smile, and put it back.

In the blink of an eye, the golden-coated folding knife had already slashed its body seven or eight times.

Although they were quartered, the two Black Lightnings did not die immediately.

It wasn't until Harley drained away all their origins that their corpses turned into a ball of water and disappeared without a trace.

"Fake, the Ion Demon has been taken away by the third black lightning, and now he can't even find his direction." Harley quickly used the black lightning source she just obtained to repair her body, while turning her head and looking around.

Three Black Lightnings came just now, two of them fought with her, and the other directly captured the Ion Demon.

"Bah, bang, bang!" Suddenly, gentle applause came from behind.

"Harley, you can always shock your enemies. Awesome, really awesome, I admire you."

Harley suddenly turned around and saw another black lightning.

"伱——" She looked at it in surprise.

The name "Black Lightning" comes from Barry. They are not black people, they are just corpses, and the corpses have decayed until they turned black.

Because there was too much decay, Harley could not identify their appearance, only the Flash uniform on them was arousing.

Black Lightning at this time is also a corpse, but its appearance is relatively complete.

Not only does it have a complete face, but even the uniform is red.

Not only is the style of Barry's Flash uniform the same, it's also the same color.

"Barry?!" Harley said in a difficult voice.

If the nearly identical Flash uniform doesn't mean anything, what about the addition of a mummy face that looks exactly like Barry?

"Barry?" Black Lightning tilted his head and thought for a moment, "Barry Allen often enters the Speed ​​Force space. It is very likely that I crawled out of his future tomb."

"Who are you?" Harley asked seriously, alert.

"Didn't you just call me 'Barry'?"

"At least now, Barry is not you, and you are not Barry." Harley said.

"I'm already standing in front of you, and the three people you killed just now are all me and Barry Allen." Black Lightning Barry said with a strange smile.

"I won't be deceived by you. There is only one Barry in the world." Harley said firmly.

Black Lightning Barry shook his finger, "No, no, no, you at this moment and you a minute ago are both 'Harley Quinn', but they are not the same person.

Now you have met me and heard me introduce myself as ‘Barry Allen’.

A minute ago you were still so smug, happy to have defeated two time phantoms.

These two you are not the same.

Two different you can be distinguished, and naturally they can exist independently, as long as your speed is fast enough, so fast that it transcends time. "

Harley was stunned for a moment, then her pupils shrank and she said in horror: "Are you all Barry's time clones left in the Speed ​​Force space?"

Barry has an interesting trick. By moving at high speed, he leaves a time afterimage in place. The afterimage is Barry at that point in time. He can speak, think, and even participate in battles as a shadow clone.

During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Barry was captured by the Anti-Monitor King. During this period, two Barrys returned to Earth and issued a warning to Earth's heroes.

When Harley meets Barry on the planet Kovad in the antimatter universe, he himself knows nothing about it.

Although Barry didn't know about the "two Barrys" warning superheroes, he was not surprised by it.

In order to destroy the anti-surveillance king's space cannon, he ran around it at extremely high speeds and created a wall of divine speed. The wall of divine speed collapsed the nearby space and time, and also destroyed the space cannon in the space.

The anti-monitoring origin stored in the cosmic cannon fell into the turbulence of time and was led into the river of time by him.

Later, when Harley arrived, he guided the source of antimatter into her stomach.

In the process of running out of the Speed ​​Force Wall, Barry learned that he had created three time clones.

The "Barry" who warned the heroes were two of the time clones.

Harley remembered that Barry paid a great price. He lost a lot of time while running and turned into a gray-haired old man.

If she hadn't appeared in time, he would have almost rotted to death on the spot.

However, Barry's time clone couldn't exist for long.

The two Barrys who warned the heroes disappeared without a trace before they could finish their words.

Black Lightning seems to have no time limit?

Harley was surprised.

"Time clone?" Black Lightning Barry shook his head, "It might just be his corrupt desires and thoughts left in the Speed ​​Force space.

Well, am I his dark side?

Or maybe we, Black Lightning, are just imitating his image.

However, none of this matters.

Harley, although I admire you very much, the rules are the rules, and everyone who is targeted by us must die. "

"Don't worry yet!" Harley took two steps back and said quickly: "As long as you and Barry have any relationship, we can be considered old friends.

For the sake of being an old friend for many years, at least let me die clearly. "

Without waiting for it to agree, she quickly asked: "Why do you have the source of death in you? Isn't this the speed force space?"

"Your friendship with Barry Allen is worthless to me. However, I admire your strength and wisdom in defeating three Black Lightnings in succession.

You kill three Black Lightnings, and I will answer your three questions.

Regarding my identity just now, it was the first one, now it is the second one, how about it? "Heibali looked at her and asked with a meaningful smile.

"Okay." Harley would definitely not refuse.

Black Lightning Barry asked: "Do you think speedsters will die of natural causes?"

"Isn't it possible? I see that Barry has crow's feet, and old Jay's hair is even gray." Harley said.

Black Lightning Barry said: "How can a being who can transcend time at will and make time unable to catch up die with the passage of time?

Not to mention time, any way of death has its own speed.

If you have speed, you can be surpassed.

As long as the speedster is fast enough, he can escape the capture of 'death'. "

"So, 'Black Lightning' is an existence that maintains the balance of life and death? Is it specially used to repair the 'immortality bug' of speedsters?" Harley asked in surprise.

She felt that it shouldn't lie, it was logically reasonable.

At least it answered the question in her mind.

“Since other ‘deaths’ are too slow, let ‘Black Lightning’ hunt down the speedsters who try to escape death.

I respect Yu Nei's speed and no one can escape. "Black Lightning Barry said proudly.

Harley frowned in thought. Black Death is the embodiment of the emotion of death, and Black Lightning, who has the same level of death origin, only targets "The Flash".

Emotional energy and the Speed ​​Force are both one of the basic forces of the universe. So, are there other "deaths"?

These "small deaths" in the sub-fields must be related to the "DC big death" of the second sister. In what way and how deep is the connection?

"Reverse Flash is in his early fifties. He has no illness, no injuries, no pain. It seems that he hasn't reached the end of his life yet," said Harley.

Black Lightning Barry said calmly: "Time can't even catch up with the speedster, so what qualifications does it have to be used as the standard for judging the lifespan of the speedster?"

Harley's heart moved, thinking of Black Lightning's previous sentence to Swann: The balance of the Speed ​​Force has been exhausted.

"The lifespan of a speedster is the speed force? There is a certain limit to the speed force that each speedster can use, just like the time limit for ordinary people.

Ordinary people run out of time and their lifespan ends. Speedsters exhaust their speed force and death comes? "

A faint light flashed in Black Lightning's eyes, "Is this the third question?"

"No, I want to know how to find the Ion Demon. Well, it's the Reverse-Flash Albert Swann."

The Ion Demon is missing, and she has to find it and bring it back.

"The last question was wasted by you. Because you know the answer is useless, your life will end at this moment." Black Lightning Barry said.

Harley said sincerely: "I don't want to die yet. I will work hard to prove that I never waste anything."

Black Lightning smiled strangely at her, "What now?"

"Swish, swish, swish," Black Lightning Barry ran around her countless times at a speed that was difficult for Harley to capture, and with every step he took, a black lightning was left behind.

By the time it finished speaking, Harley was surrounded by dense black lightning.

They all wear the same black Flash uniform, but their faces are distorted or rotten to different degrees, and their expressions are also different, either indifferent, taunting, or sneering.

They are not simple phantoms, nor are they copies.

They are much like "time doppelgangers" of a person at different points in time.

"The previous Black Lightning was all your clones?" Harley swallowed and asked dryly.

"Are you going to change the question? Not bad, at least this question will make your death more clear." Black Lightning Barry said with a sly smile.

Harley shook her head and said, "You should answer my previous question."

She could roughly guess Black Lightning's state.

Since Black Lightning is also an incarnation of death, its energy level is similar to that of the Black Death Emperor.

You can completely refer to the situation of Black Death Emperor, Black Hand, and Black Lantern Living Corpse.

Ordinary Black Lightning also contains pure "origin of death speed" in her body. When the first Black Lightning attacks her, she can increase her level experience at a rate of "+1%"

Based on the above facts, Harley believes that Black Lightning is a "black hand" and the embodiment of the "Law of Death Speed".

It is the product of the afterimage of Barry Allen left in the Speed ​​Force space being "possessed" by the Law of Death Speed.

The Black Lightning Barry who was chatting with her so well before her was either really a "fallen" Barry, or a projection of the Law of Death Speed ​​itself.

It's just that it borrowed Barry's image because of Barry's status as "Dad of the Speed ​​Force."

Of course, she might have guessed it all wrong.

Regardless of whether she guesses right or wrong, rescuing Fatty is what she must do.

"It's easy to know where Reverse Flash is going." Black Lightning Barry tapped his temple and said with an evil smile: "Take off my head, it can guide you in the direction."

"What should be done specifically? Please explain in detail the method of processing your head." Harley said seriously.

Black Lightning Barry's smile faded, "This is the fourth question. I'm tired of talking nonsense to you."

"Stab la la, prick la la la~~"

Hundreds of nearby black lightnings activated at the same time.

Attack Harley from all directions and angles.

Harry's hair stood on end, and the sense of crisis was like a weight, falling heavily on her heart.

"Ahhhhh~~~" she yelled crazily, her body was like an incandescent lamp, and every pore radiated golden light.

And each ray of golden light is a two-foot-long spike of yellow light energy.

“Swish swish~~~”

The black lightning was running very fast. From a distance, Harley seemed to be surrounded by a black smoke with a radius of 200 meters. The shadow of the black lightning could not be seen at all. The yellow light spikes shot into the black smoke, and it was like It fell on the air, passed through the black smoke range without any hindrance, and shot towards the distance.

"Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff good

At the same moment, Harley suffered dozens of attacks, all of which were high-frequency oscillating hand knives. The golden protective film was broken, and the body with 114 points of defense was broken. The black vortex of thorns was launched one after another, knocking back some of the approaching black lightning. .

"Crash!" Blood spurted out from dozens of wounds on Harley's body. The blood gathered in one place and flowed along the hem of her skirt, as if a faucet had been turned on.

Turn the switch to the maximum.

But Black Lightning's siege hasn't stopped yet. They are ruthless and every move has the purpose of taking away her life.

"Wow!" Harry opened the second, third, and fourth faucet.

Harley's arms, back, legs, feet, waist and abdomen had been shaved clean of flesh and blood, and even some of her organs had been torn out and torn to pieces.

These wounds were bleeding like crazy.

At this time, it wasn't like turning on several faucets. It was more like the pool was full, and the water was still being poured in. As a result, water was sprinkling all around the pool.

"Wait a minute, I have something to say!"

Harley is not dead yet, her skull mouth opens and closes, and her voice is transmitted in the form of mental fluctuations.

Usually when she shouted like this, the enemies would stop and listen to her.

But this time, the Black Lightning army ignored her and continued to attack crazily around her, poaching away her flesh and blood and crushing her bones into dust.

"Don't you think I have a little too much blood?" Harley didn't care, but laughed, "Look carefully, look at your hands, look at your feet, look at your bodies, are they covered in blood? "

This time the Black Lightnings were delayed for a moment.

Not to mention the hands and feet, the ground in the Speed ​​Force space was also covered by the Speed ​​Force, but it was completely dyed blood red at this time.

The "black smoke" that enveloped Harry was only two hundred meters in radius, but the blood had already dyed the ground ten kilometers around him red.

The Flash needs friction to run. Well, the magical speed force suddenly became science fiction again.

In short, the Flash needs to be in contact with the ground in order to run.

Therefore, even if Harley's Black Lightning didn't hit him, the soles of his feet were stained with a lot of blood during the running process.

"Don't you wonder? Why do I have so much blood? Why does the blood flow so far and spread to ten kilometers away?

Hehe, did you notice it?

Guess I have a conspiracy?

But if I was playing dirty tricks, why did I take the initiative to say it?

Hahaha, let me tell you, because if I don’t tell you now, I won’t have the chance later. "

After laughing, she shouted loudly: "Idiots, try my 'Magic Buds'!"

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