The moment she forcibly entered the Speed ​​Force space, Harley was still secretly congratulating herself. Fortunately, she had just upgraded her Speed ​​Force defense expertise to level 8.

The dynamic vision brought by the level 8 feat allows her to see Black Lightning's basic movements clearly.

The soul reaction speed brought by the level 8 expertise allowed her to build a new defensive light film in time when the black lightning took away the ion demon.

A light film in the shape of an arm.

Two bare hands grabbed Black Lightning's waist and wrapped the Ion Demon's body.

Relying on the pull of the light-film arm, Harley was able to get close to Black Lightning and touch it with her fleshy palms for the first time - grabbing its neck from behind with both hands.

Just like that, Black Lightning held the Ion Demon in his left hand and galloped through the golden-red space. She floated sideways behind it like a kite.

She was not protected by the Speed ​​Force at this time, so her body was moving at high speed, causing fierce friction with the surrounding space, and burned into a big fireball.

"Ahhhh, stop!"

She howled in pain while using full power to absorb the power escaping from Black Lightning.

It was while Barry was running with her that Harley activated the level 0 Speed ​​Force defense feat.

Because she absorbed the speed force wrapped around her body to protect her safety, it also caused her to hit the air while moving at high speed, and her body broke in two.

Now she's up to her old tricks.

However, the effect is not very good. At that time, the specialization had not been activated, so it required very little speed power. Now in the process of upgrading to level 9, the little speed power that escapes from Black Lightning Running is simply a drop in the bucket.

"Ahhhhhh" Harley yelled for a while and started to feel dizzy.

The Speed ​​Force space is not empty and void, at least in Harley's eyes, it is not a blank dimension.

Instead, it is a kaleidoscope of wonderfully complex worlds.

Every step Black Lightning takes is almost a step into a new world.

One step ago, Harley saw the early morning rush of pedestrians in Central City. One step after, she came to Keystone City with heavy snow in winter. Another step, she saw a lively park with many tourists playing and laughing. When she took a closer look, she found out... Entering a new scene

She has super dynamic vision, so she can see those scenes clearly, but every time she sees a scene, a piece of information is sent to her brain. She has seen countless scenes in a short period of time, which means that her brain has squeezed countless information.

Her face was hot and red, and a stream of white air was steaming from the top of her head. The temperature in her head was over a hundred degrees. Well, one hundred degrees was just an illusion. At this moment, she was floating behind Black Lightning, rubbing fiercely with the "air". The temperature had already reached an unknown number. Baidu.

"Ion Demon, don't be in a daze, put the Speed ​​Force shield on me quickly." Harley shouted immediately when she thought that she still had companions.

"I'm so weak, I can't even move." Fatty said weakly.

Harley shook her head, no longer looking at the kaleidoscopically changing scene around her, and only stared at the back of Black Lightning's head.

"Black Lightning, let us go, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless."

Black Lightning completely ignored her threat.

Harley gritted her teeth and activated her vitality connection expertise. Under the control of her mind, the muscles and bone cells in her palms quickly changed shape, and a mouth full of sharp teeth opened in her palms, biting down on Black Lightning's throat.

It's like biting into an old corpse that has been dried for more than 10 years.

"Crack, click, click." The palm of his hand bit his mouth quickly, triggering quantum critical strikes many times during the process, biting Black Lightning's neck to pieces.

But it is dead to begin with, does not feel pain, and is not injured.

Harry endured the nausea and inhaled fiercely with his palm and mouth against his throat. A stream of rancid black smoke was absorbed by his palm and mouth, and flowed back into his stomach along the blood vessels of his arms.

Rolling around in the mist of stomach acid, the black smoke immediately turned into a stream of pure magic power.

"New energy has been discovered, which can be used to improve the death emotion defense expertise." Such a message suddenly came from the evolutionary treasure deep in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Harley was surprised. The black light specialty was already at level nine, but that didn't mean it couldn't continue to evolve.

For example, her God's Power Defense Specialty is already level 10, which is the Great Almighty Universe level.

But after absorbing the origin of the Three Palace Demons, it can be slightly improved.

Still level 10, but more evolved.

This is because after the Dog God absorbs the "fresh" origins of other gods and demons, his power of God can evolve accordingly.

In theory, there are no limits to this kind of evolution.

If she encounters the "new magic" of death, Harley's black light expertise may evolve.

She was surprised because she knew that she was in the Speed ​​Force space at the moment. There should only be the Speed ​​Force here. How could such a high-level source of death appear?

If the level is not high enough, the black light specialty will not evolve.

"Absorb!" Although confused, Harley did not hesitate and immediately integrated the death origin from Black Lightning's Speed ​​Force attribute into the Death Emotional Power Defense Specialty.

The speed force's death origin is very strong.

Of the "black smoke magic" absorbed from Black Lightning's body, the Speed ​​Force does not account for even 10%, and the rest is the source of death.

After about ten puffs, the nearly dry "blood" in the rotten blood vessels in Black Lightning's throat was sucked dry.

Harry's heart moved. The cells from his palm were armed with the mist of gastric acid and the power of thick skin, and transformed into "cell warriors" with live ammunition. They followed the wound on Black Lightning's neck and penetrated into its flesh.

The cell battle of phagocytes has officially begun.

The naked eye can see that the black lightning starts from the neck and the body gradually turns white.

It was originally as dark as night. At this time, Harley's cells devoured its origin and split into more Harley cells to replace its decayed flesh. The color of its skin began to turn white, and the surface was covered with strange black meridians - this It is the devoured origin of death, flowing under the skin.

Black Lightning wanted to struggle, but too many of Harley's cells had penetrated into its body. It was like a patient with a bad cold who had lost the strength to move vigorously.

"Harley Quinn, stop - shut up, don't devour these sources of death yet, sacrifice them to heaven, and reward you with 100 million heavenly merits." Suddenly, Harley's big cross vibrated twice, flashing a faint holy light, An anxious voice suddenly appeared in her mind.

"The voice of heaven?" Harry was startled, but quickly regained his composure.

The great cross is a holy relic of heaven.

She can communicate with the Voice of Heaven through it, and the Voice of Heaven can naturally locate and contact her through it.

This was something she had realized a long time ago.

Not to mention the big cross, any god, devil, or supreme being in the divine realm can observe the lives of mortals in the material world as easily as he can from the second floor to the first floor.

So every time she "did something bad" or planned something bad, she would use the God force field to block prying eyes that might come from the divine realm.

"Don't rush to convert the origin of death into the power of your bloodline." Tianzhi said quickly: "After being converted into the power of bloodline, they will lose their legal effects and have no value to heaven."

The power of blood, just like its name, is the power contained in Harley's blood, and the power attributes come from her.

The process of converting the source of magic into the power of blood is like eating all kinds of food and converting it into the nutrients her body needs.

The so-called magic mark is like the radioactive element in food.

Even if the Fukushima fish is digested into amino acids and the amino acids become part of the human body, the radioactive elements will still remain.

However, what God wants is not the magic mark, but the secret of the law in the origin.

"One hundred million is a bit small."

Harley is very down-to-earth, straightforward, and puts interests first.

Even though he secretly laughed hundreds of times in his heart, he never said a single word to mock the "Voice of Heaven".

If the voice of heaven is given enough, she will have no problem praising it for a few words.

"The quality of the death source you can provide is only worth this price, which is the same as the black light source." The voice of Tian returned to an indifferent and calm tone.

"Price is not the same as value. The power of black light and white light was easy to get before. I didn't even have to counter-offer if you said 100 million. But you saw it this time, I almost risked my life."

"150 million, 100 million for you, 50 million for Barry Allen." Tianzhi said.

"Add another 50 million. In addition to the Flash, Fatty also paid a lot." Harley said.

"You can give it five million."

"Are you discriminating against lantern beasts?" Harley shouted.

Tian Zhisheng said: "I don't discriminate against anyone, but it belongs to you, and the risks it takes are all on you."

"At least 30 million, otherwise I won't be able to explain to Fatty. You give me a total of 130 million, and I will use 100 million to repay the loan, but you only paid 30 million."

Tianzhi was silent for a while and said: "If you can provide enough death source, it is not impossible to give you another 30 million."

"Crash~~" Finally, when more than 70% of Black Lightning's cells were replaced by "Harley cells", its body that was running at high speed staggered, fell to the ground, and broke into countless pieces.

Falling apart.

"Death!" Harley turned her head as she thought, and the cells belonging to her in the broken meat and broken bones that fell on the ground immediately lost their vitality.

All cells die automatically.

The tissues that record genetic information within cells also collapsed.

The wreckage finally turned into a puddle of clear liquid, and quickly dissipated in this speed force space.

"What did you do to it?" Ion Demon asked doubtfully.

——I dispatched "cell soldiers" to eat it alive.

Harry swallowed, not thinking about it.

She is horrified by her abilities and degree of perversion: she seems less and less like a normal person.

The demons of hell are not as scary as her.

"Don't talk nonsense. This is not a place to stay for a long time. Run immediately and let's leave as soon as possible." She grabbed the Ion Demon's arm and said quickly.

Entering the Speed ​​Force space requires a speedster; leaving the Speed ​​Force space requires a speedster.

Ion Demon is now the speedster and can take her away.

"I thought you wanted to feast here and won't leave until you're full." Ion Demon pulled her and started running.

"You think I don't want to? But-shit, be careful not to hit me, there's black lightning ahead!"

Halfway through Harley's words, she pulled the Ion Demon and exclaimed, "There's more than one, there's also a back door. Falk, I knew it would be like this."

"Didn't you kill one just now? Keep going." Ion Demon said.

"You don't understand, their strength——"

"Chichichichi~~~" Three black figures had already attacked from behind and from the left and right sides. Their strikes were like lightning, piercing the defensive golden film almost instantly. One reached out to pull the ion demon, and the other thrust his palm into Harley's back. , one thrust towards her lower abdomen.

The speed was so fast that Harley's body had no time to react and could only vigorously inflate the defensive force field.

Especially the death defense expertise that has just evolved.

"Puff~~" Harley swayed and almost screamed in pain.

Barry the Flash can directly physically pass through the gaps between molecules through the high-frequency vibration of his body.

For example, he can walk through walls, and can quietly insert his hand into someone else's chest and crush their heart without breaking the chest skin.

Black Lightning used this move against Harley, failing to get his hands through the gaps in her body's cells, her defensive expertise disrupting their high-frequency vibrations activated by the Speed ​​Force.

But there were two bloody wounds on her back and lower abdomen, as if a plane had taken away a layer of muscle, causing burning pain.

Over the years, Harley once again felt the crisis of death.

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