I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1410 Gotham’s Child Mother (It’s the end of the month, I’ve also resumed 9K+ updates, shamel

"Looking at your smile, it looks like flowers are blooming on your face. Is it another good harvest this time?" Ivy asked curiously on the way back.

Harry looked back at the cabin at the back. The Boeing 747-class cabin was crowded with people with their families. There were more than 2,000 people in the "Harley's Friends and Family Group". This trip only managed to transport over 200 people. , Ivy will have to make another eight or nine trips later.

Said to be her relatives and friends, in fact, she does not have many relatives and friends, most of them are relatives and friends of relatives and friends.

At this moment, many of them were looking at her and pricking their ears, trying to eavesdrop on their conversation.

They don't necessarily want to know her secrets, they want to know more about the process of the Blackest Night and the current situation of the earth.

"It's okay. I achieved a basic small goal." Harley told him about the "Heroic Soul Realm".

Many of the "Harley's relatives and friends" behind the driver's seat had their eyes lit up and their faces were thoughtful.

"What is the big goal?" Ivy asked curiously.

Harry sighed: "I originally thought that Brother God gave me a special reward this time and I should be able to see Him in person. Alas, I didn't expect that He didn't show up at all."

Her understatement caused quite a stir among the "Harley's relatives and friends" behind her.

Although they came to Heaven Mountain, they didn't see even an angel. Even Silver City could only look at it from a distance and couldn't see clearly.

But Harley didn't pretend to be pretentious, she was really looking forward to seeing Brother God.

Having obtained the emotional origin of death and life at the same time, Brother God was obviously very happy and received huge benefits.

Coincidentally, she also received great benefits from the emotional origin of death and life this time.

Hal thought that the essence she extracted from the spirit of existence was dedicated to God, and perhaps she also kept a small part for herself.

But in fact, she accounted for 99% of the white light source, and dedicated less than 1% of the total to Brother God. It was really too expensive to upgrade the defense expertise to level nine.

Moreover, she also integrated a large part of the white light source into the dimensional stomach wall.

Harley felt that the defense of the stomach wall was probably close to 120 points, which was at least stronger than her own defense of 114 points.

However, the qualitative improvement of the stomach wall caused by the black light and white light is not her biggest gain this time.

First, after feasting in the Black Death Emperor's lair and upgrading the Black Lantern Defense feat to level nine, she gained an "immortality" trait.

Level 9 Black Light Defense Specialty: 100% immune to black light energy attacks, immune to the negative effects of death to a certain extent, body cells vitality permanent, immortality.

The effect of the expertise was within Harry's expectations.

What kind of energy is absorbed to activate the expertise, and the special effects of the expertise are specifically targeted at this energy.

The origin of death is the characteristics of decay, darkness and death, so the expertise is aimed at decay and death.

The external manifestation is immortality. The reason why it is not immortal is because Harley obtained the origin of the Black Death Emperor, not the "magic power" of the second sister's death.

However, she suspected that the second sister did not have the "magic source" for her to absorb, just like Morpheus, the Lord of Dreams, did not actually have the power of dreams.

Morpheus controls the rules.

There are many "dream mages" in the nightmare dimension and hell. They use the magic of dreams to manipulate the rules to perform miracles, but Morpheus is the rule itself. His mental activities are the operation of the rules and do not require "magic".

In short, the Black Death Emperor is not as good as the Second Sister of Death, and the death defense expertise enabled by his origin is not truly immune to death.

In fact, Harley already has the characteristics of eternal vitality and immortality.

In the defense of the Mother River of Time, she is no longer affected by time and enjoys eternal life.

But this does not mean that the ninth-level black light defense expertise is useless. Harley can never have too many immortal buffs.

After all, there are too many ways for people to "corrupt" in this world.

The immortality that Harley obtained through time defense only works against the "rot of time". If the Black Death uses the "rot of death" against her, she will still become immortal.

Therefore, even if the White Light Defense Specialty is upgraded to level nine and gives her the repeated immortality trait, Harley will not be disappointed.

As a result, Bai Leng's specialty gave her a big surprise and a huge surprise.

Level 9 White Lantern Power Defense Specialty: Forms a force field, is 100% immune to the "magical damage" of the white lantern, and is no longer affected by life growth rules.

There are two very simple ones, one is basic magic immunity, and the other is immunity to life growth rules. This is a big surprise.

The life process of a normal person is fertilized egg, baby, child, teenager, youth, adulthood, middle age, old age, and aging.

The process is irreversible.

This is the natural law of the universe.

Now that Harley is completely free from the influence of this law of life, she can be twenty-eight today, eighteen tomorrow morning, and eight the day after tomorrow.

She has become an enhanced version of "Arkham Child", able to feel the body, mind and emotions of any age at any time.

The white light is emotional energy. Arkham Child changes not only her physical appearance, but also her emotions.

This white light power defense specialty allows Harley to truly transcend life, which is very unnatural.

But that's just the big surprise.

When the white light power defense feat is at level eight, it has no connection with the black light defense specialty.

But when it reaches level nine and turns on the force field, the white lights and black lights, life and death, suddenly become fair and react.

The two major defensive specialties have been merged into one new speciality!

In fact, white light, black light, green light, red light, etc. are inherently emotional spectrum defense expertise.

Just like the "class, order, family, genus and species" in biological taxonomy, soybeans and peanuts are both leguminous plants. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black and white, they both belong to the "emotional spectrum family".

The strange thing is that now black and white are merged separately.

The ninth-level white light plus the ninth-level black light form a "reincarnation of life and death" defense specialty: getting rid of the restrictions of the law of life and death in the multiverse.

With her newly integrated "life and death defense expertise", Harley can create a mark that jumps out of the cycle of life and death. Not only can she be reincarnated at will, but the souls imprinted by her can also be reincarnated.

Of course, the premise is that reincarnation exists in the world she lives in.

This specialty only allows her to "defend" reincarnation, that is, to transcend reincarnation, rather than creating reincarnation out of thin air.

To put it bluntly, it is essentially a defensive skill. If there is no "damage", defense cannot be activated.

In the DC universe, good people go to heaven, dead people go to hell, and dissolving Limbo is the mainstream.

But reincarnation does not exist.

Harley's brother Murphys, didn't he send Nada, his old lover from ten thousand years ago, to reincarnation in the Great Celestial Empire? (ps)

The reason why reincarnation has not become mainstream is not because of legal restrictions, nor because the cost is too high and the difficulty is too great.

As long as the gods of death who control the law of death are willing, they can establish a kingdom of gods that allows the souls of believers to reincarnate.

The point is, the soul itself is of great value.

It is not easy to cultivate a devout believer who can enter the kingdom of God. If you don’t keep him in the kingdom of God to provide faith and stabilize the priesthood (the believer’s persistence and belief in the concept of the god can stabilize and strengthen the divinity and priesthood of the god), but Send him to reincarnation, but in the second life he becomes someone else's believer. Why bother?

Gods are not philanthropists.

Many gods with evil intentions even deliberately deceive mortals and rob their souls.

Letting them waste their divine power on sending mortal souls to reincarnation would cost them their lives.

In short, reincarnation in the DC universe is very unconventional. It is not a technical problem, but simply a completely unequal cost and gain.

During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Harley used the "Soul Transfer Card" to gather the souls of many heroes. God was grateful for their great contributions to the multiverse, so he gave everyone a reward: reincarnation or going to heaven.

Reincarnation is actually juxtaposed with going to heaven, which is enough to show its value. Well, it should be the price.

Now Harley can also control reincarnation with the "Mark of Reincarnation of Life and Death".

Moreover, she opened the "Seal of Reincarnation" with the ninth-level defense expertise. The defensive expertise is not affected by the laws of the DC universe. Even if it is placed in the omnipotent universe, her expertise is still effective, but the effect is limited to the ninth level.

But it is possible to upgrade to level 10 or 11.

This means that her reincarnation seal is not limited to the DC multiverse.

After receiving this huge surprise, Harley wanted to meet the Dog God and ask Him about the emotional integration of death and life.

She only used white light and black light to activate her expertise, but the Dog God really stole the laws and energy secrets of the two origins.

As for the "Heroic Soul Realm".

Harley did see a group of new grass-headed gods who had died long ago but had just arrived in Paradise Mountain. They asked her about the whereabouts of their companions, which gave her the idea of ​​​​creating a "soul cache" for the heroes.

In this way, she can also test the newly obtained "reincarnation mark" on them.

Archimedes' airship was filled with connections from all over the country.

It is impossible for Hallie to go door to door to pick up and deliver children.

It is already a great kindness to provide them with a shelter in Paradise Mountain to escape the catastrophe, but they still expect her to provide door-to-door pick-up and drop-off services? impossible.

They all first took a plane to several big cities such as Gotham and Metropolis, and waited in a powerful manor. When the airship arrived, they swarmed up.

When they come back, the airship will also land. They will disembark and go home by themselves, or if there are elderly or children, their families will come to pick them up.

At this time, many people were waiting at the "Lina Manor" on the outskirts of the metropolis, including Mr. and Mrs. Kent and Mr. and Mrs. Neptune.

Considering that the identity of the hero needs to be kept secret, the first batch of people to arrive on Earth are those whose identities do not need to be kept secret, or who can provide reasonable cover.

Just like Mr. and Mrs. Kent.

Martha was able to take her grandson to Paradise Mountain mainly because of her son Dachao, but the Kents showed that it was the relationship between Louise's father, General Lane, that allowed them to get the tickets.

Neptune does not need to hide it, and has no way to hide it.

When he ascended the throne of Atlantis, he was already famous throughout the world, and his identity and origin were known to all people on earth.

After learning about the "Noah's Ark" plan, he was worried that the bottom of the sea was not safe, so he sent his parents and two children to Paradise Mountain.

In fact, even if the bottom of the sea is safe, his American father cannot go there.

"Mom, how did you become a celebrity?" Little Arthur (ps) was very surprised when he saw Mera with a red light. He jumped off the spaceship and ran to her side and looked around, "Wow, this looks like blood. The bright red armor is really cool! Jonathan, come and take a look, isn’t my mother beautiful?”

He also waved proudly to the Kent children.

Jonathan glanced at Meila, who was holding a trident, with fluttering red hair, and a tight-fitting, sexy uniform. Then he turned to look at his mother, who had a haggard face, dark circles under her eyes, messy hair, and wrinkled windbreaker. He felt a little inferior in his heart. .

"Well, your mother is so beautiful." He praised sincerely.

Hearing the children's childlike words and seeing their sincere eyes, Meila felt very happy, and a sincere happy smile appeared on her face, "Arthur - uh!"

Without any warning, Mela suddenly stiffened her smile, as if a bomb had exploded in her belly, and her mouth spurted out a waterfall of hot "blood" uncontrollably.

"Pfft." The little Arthur in front of her was poured a basin of hot blood on his head.

It was like a basin of boiling water, filled with the power of hot anger, not real blood.

Mela's blood had long been drained.

The five-year-old child was so frightened that he opened his mouth and cried, "Mom, Mom"

He has Atlantis royal blood, so he won't be burned, it's just scary.

"My dear, Mela, what's wrong with you?" The faces of Neptune and the people around him changed greatly, and they hurriedly gathered around.

"I" before Meila could finish her sentence, she spit out a shiny red ring from her mouth, then her body tilted and she lost her breath.

The cool blood-colored uniform on her body also faded away, revealing her original turquoise soft scales.

"Oh, no!!!"

Neptune let out a shrill howl, and his life connection force directly lost Mela's life perception.

"Lamp Ring Status Report: The anger can no longer be maintained. Mela, an Earthling from sector 2814, has been kicked out of the Red Lantern Corps."

"Light ring status report: The light ring has lost its host and is scanning the sector to find a new one. The scan failed to open and the light ring will be taken back immediately."

"Whoosh~" The red light ring flashed on the spot a few times, made a few mechanical sounds, and was about to fly into the sky and leave the earth.

"Bah!" Harry thought, and a protective shield appeared above the light ring, blocking it.

"What's going on?" Neptune's father asked confused and sadly.

Harry held the struggling red light ring and said thoughtfully: "Meila was so happy to see her family, and the little anger left in her heart completely dissipated.

Then she lost her identity as a Red Lantern and the Lantern abandoned her. "

With tears in his eyes, Neptune cried out sadly: "Meila doesn't want to be a Red Lantern at all. If the Lantern Ring wants to leave, he will leave. Why should he kill her?"

Harley said: "The light ring didn't mean to kill her. The red light is different from the green light and the yellow light. Putting on the ring will complete the transformation.

After the red lantern ring selects a target, it will first drain all the blood from the Lantern's body and replace it with red rage.

The heart is then dug out and replaced with a lamp ring.

Thus a new biological internal cycle is formed that is entirely based on the emotional power of anger.

Because of this, Red Lanterns are generally physically stronger than other color light users.

After Atrocitus activates the Heart of Anger, his power is not weaker than Ripman.

But everything has advantages and disadvantages. When the Green Lantern loses his Lantern Ring, he just becomes an ordinary person, but the Red Lantern puts everything on the line. When he loses his Lantern Ring, he also loses his life. "

"Harley, she just died and she can still be saved as much as possible." Clark Kent reminded anxiously.

Harry frowned and said, "Meila's soul was detained by me in the God of War space just after she left her body. However, her body has lost its blood and heart and is almost freezing. I can't save her."

Seeing that Neptune was about to howl again, she quickly said, "Arthur, don't get excited. When I grabbed the red lantern ring, I already used it to send a message to Atrocitus.

At worst, let him modify the light ring program and install the light ring back again. "

"Whoosh -" As soon as he finished speaking, a ray of red light fell from the sky.

"Witch Harley, you—" Before he could finish his question, Atrocitus noticed the corpse of Mela lying on the ground.

"I have long said that she does not have a lasting source of anger and is not qualified to be a Red Lantern."

He raised his head and glanced at Neptune, "She was angry because you were being beaten at that time. Unless you were beaten to death on the spot, the anger in her heart would dissipate sooner or later, but I didn't expect that she would be abandoned by the Lantern Ring in less than a day." "

"Who cares about being a red lantern demon? It was the lantern ring that forced her to find her." Neptune said angrily.

"Whoosh -" a red light pierced the sky, teleporting to Neptune, "Intelligent life has been locked, Arthur Curry from the earth, your heart is boiling with anger, you belong to the Red Lantern Corps."

It turned out to be a red light ring.

After saying that, it ignored him and put it on the middle finger of Neptune's right hand.

Harley was stunned, and quickly trapped it with a defensive gold film, then turned to the Lord of the Red Light suspiciously, "What are you doing?"

Atrocitus was also a little confused. He was stunned and said: "It has nothing to do with me. I have never specifically targeted any earthling.

But in the Blackest Night, the Red Lantern Corps suffered heavy losses, and many rings lost their owners and are floating around the universe, so..."

He turned to Neptune, glanced over his and Mela's bodies, and nodded: "Isn't this just right? Your wife is dead, you love her very much, and you will spend the rest of your life in grief and anger, which is very suitable for the Red Lantern Corps.

I admire your perseverance in enduring for hours under the iron fist of Tearman. Please be my deputy leader. "

The corners of Harley's mouth twitched.

"Fuck you." Neptune cursed angrily and shouted: "Hurry up and modify the Lantern selection process so that the ring can return to Mela's body."

(PS: There is reincarnation in the DC universe. This is a comic setting, not my second setting. The Sandman sends Nada to reincarnation in the Celestial Empire. This is also the original plot. The Celestial Empire is more peaceful and peaceful. The United States is full of villains and heroes, and disasters are constant every day. .

ps: The title of "Little Arthur" here is correct. Arthur is the first name, and Curry is the surname. The reason why he is not called Little Curry is because his name is Little Arthur. Arthur Curry, the King of the Sea, and His son's name is the same.

Well, yes, his son is named Arthur Curry, the only difference is his middle name. )

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