I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1409 Heroic Soul Realm

Metropolis, Justice League.

The lantern masters and lanterns were so angry at Harley that they left in embarrassment. She herself didn't stay in the Hall of Justice for long. After agreeing on a time for "Noah's Ark" to dock, she went back to Quinn Manor.

There was also a large group of "Harley's friends and relatives" who went to Paradise Mountain to avoid the disaster. She planned to get everyone back before dusk.

By the way, I also went to heaven to do some errands.

"Well, Harley has this kind of character. Stealing magic power is her instinct, but Hal, you are a hero and you should control it.

Without your wholehearted cooperation, she shouldn't be able to rob the source of the spirit of existence, right? "Da Chao looked at Hal with a bit of reproach in his eyes.

When Harley was arrogant and domineering before, he just lowered his head, ashamed of her behavior.

He didn't think of blaming her.

As he said himself, this is her character. She has been an old friend for many years and knows each other very well. He also had flaws, and she didn't say anything, so naturally he wouldn't comment on her habits.

Moreover, Harley has never been a hero and has not set up a sign of a righteous hero. They cannot ask too much of her.

In fact, she has repeatedly stepped forward in crises and turned the tide, and she has done better than many heroes.

But Hal is a superhero with faith. When rebuilding the Heroes' Paradise, all their heroes also seriously discussed and learned the concept of "absolute justice".

"We need to be clear first. Is it really a crime to steal the magic power of the spirit of existence?" Hal asked.

"Isn't it a crime to steal other people's things?" Wonder Woman frowned.

Hal said seriously: "If the wealth is obtained from labor, of course it is a crime to rob him.

But many times, magic is not the 'value' created by hard work, nor does it come from hard work.

There is no ownerless magic power in the world. Maybe there was before, but now it is all monopolized by the supreme being. Once the latecomers are exposed to magic power, they will be more terrible than ordinary people getting poisoned, and they have to use everything they have to pay off the debt.

This is obviously unfair.

As a practitioner, Harley needs the power of miracles to improve her realm. If she doesn't want to bear the debt of magic power of selling her soul, there is only one way left, and that is to steal and rob.

When there is only one road left, no matter how many sins there are on that road, it is the right one.

If you make a mistake, you can only rob the wrong person. Stealing magic power itself is a neutral behavior without good or evil. "

Bateman said: "Is this what she said to convince you?"

Hal shook his head and said: "She spoke more and was more tactful, but she did convince me."

"But you also said that it is difficult to distinguish between good and evil when it comes to robbing magic power, but it is wrong to rob the wrong person. Should the soul of existence be robbed?" Wonder Woman said.

"You said before that you were happy to see it being unlucky." Hal looked strange.

"If someone scolds me for nothing and falls down, I will smile on the side, but if a car is about to hit him, I will save him.

I agree with Harley's assessment that the spirit of existence is 'like air' and no longer have sacred expectations for it.

In this way, its indifference and unwillingness to save our companions is no longer so hateful. "Diana said.

"Since it is no longer sacred and great, Harry stealing the magic power of 'air' is not worthy of being overly harsh, right?" Hal said.

Diana shook her head and said, "I never blamed her for robbing the spirit of existence of its magic power.

As long as she doesn't steal mine, steal my father's magic, I don't care whose magic she steals.

I don't think anyone else cares either, what we care about is your reaction.

We come together to discuss this matter out of concern for you, not to seek justice for the spirits of existence. "

"Yes, what Diana said is what I think." Da Chao nodded.

Bateman, Aquaman, Oliver and other heroes also nodded slightly.

Harley is a habitual thief, everyone knows it.

She even stole the magic power of ghosts. The wrath of God is more sacred than the spirit of existence. Didn't they say anything?

"You don't have to worry about me. Although Harley has distorted my values ​​on the matter of 'stealing magic', my philosophy of insisting on absolute justice will not change."

After a pause, Hal hesitated and said: "Actually, we have always misunderstood Harley. She did not steal magic power solely for herself."

"If it's not for herself, then who is she for?" Da Chao asked strangely.

Diana's expression changed, "Is the rumor that she is God's black hand true? Is she doing dark work for God?"

Hal looked at her in surprise and asked, "How do you know? Isn't this a secret in the supernatural world?"

A sarcastic smile appeared on Diana's face, "Hey, it's an open secret. Smart people have guessed it. But she has never admitted it publicly, and Heaven has always firmly denied it."

"This time I saw with my own eyes that she first robbed the magic power of the spirits of existence; then, she transformed them into her own 'origin'; and finally, she sacrificed her 'own' power to God as a sacrifice.

As for the magic mark, magic debt, karma, etc., they are all borne by Harley.

Despite her superficial beauty, Harley is actually having a hard time!

But she had nothing to do, her magic power was taken by the big shot. If she wanted to rise up suddenly, she could only find a big backer and work for him. " Hal sighed.

"I didn't expect the truth to be like this. Heaven is too dark." Louise murmured.

Dachao said bitterly: "I only found out today. Alas, I had heard about it before, but looking at Harley's arrogant and domineering appearance, I only noticed her strength and did not consider her difficulties."

"Maybe she just deliberately used this arrogant way to hide her inner sorrow." Barry said softly with a look of pity on his face.

Everyone fell silent.

"Actually, serving God is not so tragic." Hal said slowly: "After sacrificing the origin of the spirit of existence, the Voice of Heaven immediately rewarded Halle with 100 million heavenly meritorious deeds.

Because Harley took me along to sacrifice, Tian Zhizhi also gave me 50 million alone.

In other words, we will be rewarded with 150 million meritorious services this time. "

"I bought it, 150 million, how much is that?" the heroes exclaimed.

"150 million is enough to save me tens of thousands of times." Louise said with envy.

"No wonder Harley grew up so fast." Diana sighed with relief.

——No wonder, in just a few years, she, the God of War in Olympus, was surpassed by the God of War in Heaven. In fact, God's background is more powerful than her father, "Mr. Zhou".

Hal continued: "The merits in heaven are only one of the rewards. Harley said that she had sacrificed the origin of the Black Death Emperor before. God harvested the origin of death and life at the same time in one day. She was very happy. It seemed that she was going to be promoted to a noble title again. ”

Hal got 50 million merit, which was actually earned by Harley.

She bargained with the Voice of Heaven and said that Hal was a superhero who insisted on the concept of justice. This time, even the concept of justice was distorted for the sake of God and he should be compensated.

So, Tian Zhisheng gave him 50 million, plus a 1 million direct-to-heaven card.

That is to say, those whose sins are less than 1 million will go directly to heaven after death.

If there were only a few old friends in the Hall of Justice right now, Hal would have said it in public.

But there were many heroes gathered at this time, and Hal didn't intend to "lend" the Paradise Card to anyone, so he didn't say it to make people worry.

However, it is true that God is very happy that the two emotional origins of death and life are complete.

Hal could see that Harry was also surprised by this unexpected surprise.

"Harry is already the 'Young Lord' of heaven, the guardian of the underworld, and a king, how can he be promoted?" There was obvious envy in Louise's tone.

Hal shook his head and said: "I don't know, Harley doesn't seem to want the title.

She was rushing to heaven right now, not only to pick up those who had taken refuge in Heaven Mountain, but also to discuss rewards.

However, Harley has made a decision to use 50 million of the 100 million to repay the loan, and the remaining 50 million will be donated to the 'Justice Eternal Foundation'.

Well, her newly established charity fund in Watch Dogs is specifically used to redeem the souls of fallen heroes.

As long as the sins are less than 100,000, he can receive assistance from the foundation, his sins will be cleared instantly, and he can freely choose to go to Heaven Mountain or the divine realm he believes in. "

"Wow, long live Harley!" Aquaman whistled.

"Harley." Almost all the heroes looked moved.

"Oh, Harley was so helpless and in a difficult situation. She worked so hard for heaven and suffered notoriety and notoriety. She finally earned some benefits and selflessly dedicated herself to us. We should also do something for her." Old Green Lantern Alan Si Kurt said excitedly.

"But what can we do? Apart from stealing magic power, Harley seems to need nothing." His daughter Jade said.

"Then when she steals magic power from now on, we will provide her with the help we can?" Alan gritted his teeth.

Jade was surprised and said: "Father, we must adhere to the concept of absolute justice."

"Maybe Harley is right. There is no difference between good and evil in stealing magic power, as long as you don't steal the magic power of good people."

While the superhero lamented Harley's situation of being strong on the outside but sad on the inside, Harley had already arrived in heaven happily.

She asked Ivy to drive the small airship to Heaven Mountain to pick up the guests, and she went straight to the Golden Hall.

"Acting Lord" Raphael was already waiting for her there.

"Harley Quinn, let me be frank. There are two things to do today. First of all, you are not allowed to hold the blame for stealing magic power on Heaven's head again in the future."

When Harry heard this, he immediately cried out aggrievedly, "I have never said anything to slander heaven. Brother God can vouch for me."

Raphael sneered: "Who do you think asked me to warn you? Anyway, the blame is not placed on my head. Do you think I will be impatient?"

"Uh" Harry's expression froze, and he became even more aggrieved, shouting: "With all conscience, I really never said anything bad about Brother God.

If I say it, the Golden Hall will definitely record my words.

Speaker Raphael, you can check my quotations to see if I have said any forbidden words in the past few years. "

Raphael snorted coldly and said: "You are very smart. You make the sign of the cross on your chest every time with a pious look on your face, as if you are showing your loyalty to God.

But for several years, you have not provided any faith to God.

The quantity and quality of faith cannot fool anyone.

However, your behavior immediately aroused bad associations among the people around you. You did it on purpose. "

Harley was really embarrassed, "I don't believe it. I respect and love Brother God so much, how could I not have any faith at all?"

"Am I going to lie about something as trivial as this?"

Harry's heart moved and asked: "Sir Speaker, how much faith have you provided to Brother God?"

Raphael's face froze, he turned his head slightly and said stiffly: "We are discussing your problem now."

——Fake, it turns out to be the crow laughing and the pig black!

Harley immediately stopped being embarrassed.

Although she didn't have much faith in Dog God, she dared to swear to herself that she didn't have any rebellious intentions towards Brother God.

But this is not necessarily the case for this group of angels.

Otherwise, how did the fallen angels come about?

"Although I didn't mean that at the time, since Brother God said it, I will do it no matter what." Her expression was firm, and the light of faith seemed to be shining on her fair face. "From now on, I will never do that again. I will explain to everyone that stealing magic power is my responsibility alone and has nothing to do with God."

Raphael rubbed his eyebrows, "Do you know what the superheroes in the Hall of Justice are discussing now?"

Harry realized something in his heart and shook his head sharply: "I don't know, I don't know how to predict."

"They all know now that God has received the emotional energy of death and life, and they all say you are taking the blame for God."

Harry immediately said: "I will explain it to them when I get back."

Raphael stared into her eyes and said: "If you can turn public opinion around and let everyone know that you deliberately misled their understanding, in fact you are letting heaven take the blame for you, I will reward you with 1 billion meritorious deeds. "

——It’s useless to give me one trillion, everyone knows the “truth”.

Harley sneered in her heart, with an angry look on her face, "Isn't it natural for me to take the blame for Brother God? How can I still get merit from heaven? You are insulting me."

Raphael waved his hand and said: "You are not taking the blame for Heaven, you are stealing the magic power yourself."

Harley was stunned for a while, and then suddenly realized: "That's right, I didn't take the blame for Heaven. I will tell everyone so when I go back."

Raphael held up his forehead and said, "Forget it, let's talk about the second thing. Although you blame Heaven, the act of sacrificing the emotional origin of life and death is worthy of commendation. I mean, if you take another level -"

Harley waved her hands quickly and said, "No, I don't want to be promoted this time."

Raphael was surprised: "Have you not always wanted to join the 'Council of Archangels'?"

——What’s more, the Angel Council has devalued since you promoted another group of archangels to become “alternate members”.

Harley muttered in her heart and said with a serious face: "I have more urgent things to do."

During the last multi-restart crisis, she promoted the belief in God across the universe and made outstanding achievements. She was promoted one level and became an alternate member of parliament.

She was quite happy at first. After all, the members of the parliament were all "Twelve Archangels" level bosses.

Even Lucifer and Michael are one of the 12 Archangels, which shows the preciousness of the Council of Archangels.

But later, Raphael selected a group of archangels from the angels who came down to earth to help her restore diversity, and they were also promoted to "alternate members", so the alternate members were worthless.

"What do you want?" Raphael didn't insist.

He actually doesn't want her to be promoted yet.

Harley sighed: "When I went to Heaven Mountain just now, I saw more than twenty new grass-headed gods, but in the Blackest Night, more than a hundred heroes died from all over the world. Where did the rest go?"

Raphael said: "Either you go to the kingdom of strange gods because of your faith, or you are guilty of sin and fall into hell, or the purgatory of heroes.

Only true heroes can go to purgatory. Those who have the name of a hero but only want to gain benefits from the name of a hero go to hell. "

"We earned a lot of merit this time, which is enough to help the 'true hero' atone for his sins." Harley said.

Raphael shook his head and said: "It's too late, meritorious atonement can only be done before the trial."

"I understand. Therefore, I hope that heaven will build a 'Heroic Soul Realm' for me, specifically to cache the souls of heroes who died in emergencies."

Harley explained: "It doesn't have to be too complicated, just move a floating island from my 'Kingdom' to outside the gate of heaven.

If the registered heroes are not qualified to go to heaven, their souls will first go to the 'Island of the Dead' after death. I will wait until I am informed and then decide whether to atone for their sins. "

"You plan to exchange your own reward for the 'Island of the Dead' that is only useful to heroes?" Raphael asked in surprise.

Harley said solemnly: "Heroes have dedicated their lives to justice and the earth, and they deserve such treatment."

There are two keys to the Island of the Dead: first, the registered heroes; second, waiting for her to decide whether to atone for their sins.

Whose book is it registered in?

If a superhero says he is a hero, does that mean he must be a hero?

Are registered "heroes" really heroes?

The roster of heroes is in her hands, and the final power of interpretation is also in her hands, which means that the fate of the hero "for the rest of his life" is controlled by her. Unless the hero is a true hero, he has no sins and goes directly to heaven.

This is real power and influence, which is much more reliable than the illusory and never-ending "Paradise Councilor's progress".

Of course, when facing Raphael and the Earth's heroes, her reasons will be high-sounding and righteous, allowing everyone to see a self-dedicated, generous and heroic self.

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