I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1395 Lord of the White Lantern

"Ah ah ah" everyone yelled uncontrollably, just like when a person is injured, he subconsciously screams in pain.

When Harley activated her emotional power defense expertise and regained her sanity from the uncontrollable shouting, she immediately felt that an invisible thread seemed to extend from the white light, connecting to herself.

I can’t tell which part of the body, but it’s a very deep and essential connection.

"Sister Gaia, Sister Gaia?"

She saw the white light bursting out from the depths of the earth, and immediately thought of her dear sister Gaia.

Even if Sister Gaia is not in charge of underground matters, she definitely knows some secrets.

"Sister Gaia, don't pretend to be dead!"

Harley shook her divine power like pulling a rope tied deep in Gaia's soul.

"That white light is the spirit of existence and has nothing to do with me. The Black Death Emperor is so fierce and I'm afraid."

For a while, Gaia's voice, as thin as silk, fell secretly into her heart.

"You are Gaia, the Mother Goddess!" Harley shouted.

"I am the spirit of the planet. The planet gave birth to gods and humans, but the spirit of the planet is also a kind of life. As long as it is life, we should fear the Black Death Emperor, because he is the enemy of all life and pure death.

Look at the black light planets that were resurrected by Him before.

The only difference between them and me is in size, not in essence.

If I offend the Black Death Emperor, I will suffer the same fate. Gaia said solemnly.

"You have my divine power to protect you, so you don't have to be afraid of him." Harley comforted him.

Gaia said: "But you yourself don't dare to challenge him alone."

"The main reason is that his sickle is too powerful. If we don't use weapons, let's see if I beat him to death." Harley said arrogantly.

Gaia said disapprovingly: "The sickle is part of his soul, and it is the embodiment of the laws of death, annihilation, and fracture. If you ask him not to hold the sickle, it is no different than asking him to tie his hands. That is truly unfair. .”

"Okay, stop talking, tell me what the spirit of existence is?"

In the brief moment when she and Sister Gaia exchanged thoughts, the Black Death Emperor went crazy and struck the white light dozens of times with his scythe, each blow causing the living person to feel heart-piercing pain.

Obviously, the continuous output of the Black Death Emperor has caused great trauma to the "spirit of existence", and the "spirit of existence" is related to the fate of all living people.

Harley was anxious.

"Actually, I don't know much." Gaia pondered: "The earth has only participated in one-third of the 13 billion-year history of the universe.

And for the past few billion years, I have known that there are spirits on earth.

I even know who put it on Earth.

In other words, the spirit of existence appeared in the material universe earlier than the earth and earlier than me.

According to my understanding, it is the sum total of all life and the source of all life.

It is the opposite existence to the Black Death Emperor. "

"Gunther, what is the spirit of existence in the white light?" Hal asked loudly.

Here, Harley and Sister Gaia were whispering. On the other side, a group of determined people had woken up from the "howling of pain" and began to discuss the nature of the spirit of existence.

"If I guess correctly, it should be the physical existence of the light of life, and the light of life is the original source of all life." Gunther said.

Atrocitus grabbed him by the collar and growled: "Little dwarf, how many secrets do you have hiding from us?"

Carol shouted: "Now is not the time to argue, haven't you noticed? Every time the Black Death Emperor attacks the spirit of existence, we will feel extreme pain."

"Not only is it painful, our lives are also declining." Saint Walker said solemnly: "We are all connected to each other by a thread of life, and the source of this thread is being destroyed.

It means that all living creatures, including us, are dying. "

"I have a question, if the spirit of existence is so powerful, why doesn't it fight back or even dodge?" Lantern Barry asked.

Hal guessed: "Perhaps, the spirit of existence, like the ion shark and the parallax monster, needs someone -"

"Black Death Emperor, stop!" Harley suddenly let out a deafening cry.

Shout with your mouth and mental power at the same time, creating a powerful mental impact and sonic impact.

Hal was not aware of it for a moment, and was so shocked that he became dizzy, his ears were ringing, and naturally he couldn't speak any more.

After shaking his head, his consciousness returned to clarity, and he saw that Harley had rushed into the white light, seeming to fight to the death with the Black Death Emperor.

"Harley, be careful, don't be impulsive, we may be able to absorb existence-"

As soon as he shouted in worry, he saw Harley suddenly stop, outside the killing range of the Black Death Emperor's scythe, and shouted equally loudly: "Spirit of existence, I am the general of the universe, save the multiverse." The Protector, the Recaster, the Patron Saint of the Living, please become one with me."


The next moment, the spirit of existence, which would rather be chopped by the Black Death Emperor's scythe than move even half a step or utter a single syllable, suddenly moved, and with a "swish", it avoided Harry for several hundred meters.

"No, I know who you are, Witch Harley. You want to eat me and steal my origin." It also spoke.

Harry felt surprised, embarrassed, embarrassed, and annoyed in his heart. He had mixed feelings, but a look of grievance appeared on his face, and he shouted: "It's unfair! 'Witch Harley, greedy and greedy' is the slander against me by evil heretics and the world. misunderstanding.

The orange light cannot lie. It has proved that I am not greedy by not choosing me. "

"Go away, I won't choose you as my host."

As Harley spoke, she moved closer to the spirit of existence, while the spirit of existence moved away from her as she spoke.

"Harley, leave the destiny of the white light host to me!" Hal yelled, swooping over like a high-speed train.

"Whoosh -" With a flash of golden light, Sinestro rushed in front of him, manifesting a hundred-meter-tall "Fear Giant": a huge energy body in Sinestro's own image, filled with the power of fear.

Hal was caught off guard and was knocked away more than ten meters by the giant's fist containing the power of fear, and was hit on the ground.

"This is my mission."

Leaving the Dread Titan to stagnate Hal, Sinestro's body went straight to the Spirit of Existence from another direction.

Harley took one step forward and prepared a Foshan Shadowless Kick to kick the bastard away.

——Even if she can't be the host of the Spirit of Existence, she still has to let her own people come.

That's what she thought.

But she suddenly caught a glimpse of the Black Death Emperor who had been forgotten by everyone. He was staring at the spirit of existence, his face full of anger, black smoke coming out of the sickle in his hand, and his breath was extremely terrifying.

Harley stopped midway.

——Let Sinestro try it first.

She changed her mind.

The threat of the Black Death Emperor is only one aspect, but the other reason comes from her selfishness: if the spirit of existence falls into the hands of Sinestro, she can extract his energy without any psychological burden; if Hal or her acquaintance becomes As the host of the Spirit of Existence, she would be embarrassed to kill him.

Well, she has determined that the white light emitted by the spirit of existence is also a kind of emotional energy. It should be the emotion of life and is the "white light" opposite to the black light.

So, she needed its power to make the Emotional Spectrum Defense feat complete.

Without Harley's obstruction, Sinestro got rid of Lafleeze, who was unable to catch up later, and was the first to rush to the spirit of existence.

Well, Lafleeze's reaction was a little slow. He wanted to strike first, but failed.

"I long for your gaze, Your Majesty, the Great Lord of Life, Mother of All Living Beings, and the Spirit of Existence!"

Sinestro seemed to have hit a ball of soft but tough cotton and was ejected by the white light.

"Why did I choose you?" The Spirit of Existence asked lightly.

With a look of humility on his face, he knelt down in front of it, "This is the reason why I am alive until now, it is my destiny!

The reason why I exist is for this moment.

Please let me be your carrier and lead all living people in the universe out of this dark night. "

"Zal Sinestro from Koruga has been waiting for his destiny for a long time." The white light suddenly dispersed, revealing a bright white "giant baby" inside: the body was completely made of white light, and the face could not be seen clearly. It was five meters tall. Tall, looks like a baby, and a bit like a little blue man, with a big head and a small body.

The strange thing is that the "Spirit of Existence" giant baby has many intestine-like tentacles growing out of its body.

Those tentacles wrapped Sinestro into a rice dumpling and got into his ears, mouth, eyes, and nose.

Eventually, the spirit of existence disappeared and Sinestro changed into a white uniform.

"Hey, this symbol"

Seeing the "new icon" on Sinestro's chest, Harley's pupils shrank and she was filled with surprise.

The seven major colored light legions have their own legion symbols. For example, Green Lantern has two bars up and down, with a circle in the middle, which is the style of a lamp furnace.

The green lantern is made up of triangular brackets at the top and bottom and a circle in the middle, which is also in the shape of a lamp furnace.

The orange light is a circle with several small crosses.

The black light also has its own Legion symbol: an inverted triangle below and several slashes above. The triangle and slashes form a larger inverted triangle as a whole.

Previously, Black Lantern used little blue men as sacrifices, and the sacrificial formation drawn on the ground also had a triangle at the bottom and several slashes at the top.

Harley always thought it represented a black lamp. Although she wondered why the black lamp pattern was used to open the door to the spirit of existence, the symbol was too obvious, it was a black lamp.

Now that she saw the "white light symbol" on Sinestro's chest, she suddenly understood that the formation pattern drawn by the Black Death Emperor using the little blue man's corpse as a brush was not a black light, but a white light.

The symbols for black lights and white lights are almost identical!

The biggest difference between them is just white characters on a black background (black light) or black characters on a white background (white light).

"Life and Death" Harley thought of Little Black Bean inexplicably, and thought of light and darkness.

Mutual opposition does not necessarily mean incompatibility or absolute opposition.

They may be "two sides of one body".

"Now, at this moment, I finally prove to the universe: I am the greatest Lantern!"

Sinestro stood in the white light, roaring proudly, and the supreme aura filled all directions.

Harley shook her head, put aside distracting thoughts, and focused on the "ultimate battle" in front of her.

"Brother Sai, how do you feel now?"

she asked in a gentle tone that Sinestro had never seen before.

But he didn't appreciate it, "Go away, don't try to get close to the savior."

Harley smiled and nodded, and there was no hesitation in her heart: As soon as the cunning rabbit died, he would cook the red-skinned Koruga guy.

"Sinestro, can you get any method from the Spirit of Existence to deal with the Black Death Emperor?" Hal asked.

A group of lanterns also gathered around.

"You all stand back, the light of life chooses me!"

Sinestro was equally rude to his fellow lamp owners. He waved his hand violently, and several people immediately felt the power of the majestic white light falling on them. They wanted to struggle but could not move, like a small boat on the rough waves, being easily pushed away by hundreds of people. rice.

"I am Sinestro, the savior of the universe!"

As Sinestro shouted, a five-meter-long white light samurai sword appeared in his hand with a "swish".

"Ahhhh, Black Death Emperor, go to hell!"

He raised the white light blade high and charged towards the Black Death Emperor with a roar.

The Black Death Emperor stood still, waiting for him to get closer, then slowly raised the scythe, "Whoa!"

There was a flash of black light, and Sinestro stood still two meters in front of him, slowly moving apart in two directions.

"No, that can't be" came the voice from both directions as he was split into two pieces.

"Oh my god, Sinestro is dead now?!" The Seven Deng people were shocked.

The two Sinestros shouted together: "No, I will not die, I am the embodiment of the light of life, I am life itself."

Bright white light spread from the wound, and the two bodies merged into one body like plasticine.

In perfect condition, not even a scar.

"Sinestro, you need our help." Gunther shouted from a distance.

Sinestro flatly refused: "No, get away, this belongs to me -"


A black light flashed, and he cut him in two again.


This time, before he could recover, the Black Death Emperor stood in front of him, the scythe in his hand dancing into an afterimage. In the blink of an eye, Sinestro was divided into two, four, four and eight, and he became a puddle of "Sinestrodine".


And with every stab, Sinestro let out a wail of pain from the depths of his soul.


Sinestro was in pain, and they, the living people, were also in pain; Sinestro howled miserably, and they covered their foreheads in pain and let out low moans.

Sinestro is the host of the Spirit of Existence at this time. His injury is equal to the injury of the Spirit of Existence, and the Spirit of Existence is equal to the sum of all life in the material universe at this time. Its injury is equal to the collective loss of blood of everyone.

"Damn it, Sinestro is not the white light host of destiny at all." Atrocitas cursed while holding his head.

"The spirit of existence should choose me!" Lafleeze shouted.

"Mine, your power is mine." Luther drooled at the corner of his mouth, his eyes glowed orange, he screamed, and suddenly rushed towards Lafleeze madly, "Give me the lamp and stove, mine, everything is mine. "

"Son of a bitch, you also made a wrong choice, give the ring back." Lafleeze scolded.

"Boom!" He was answered by Luther's violent orange light energy explosion, which was like an incendiary bomb exploding on the spot. The orange flames and powerful shock wave sent several lamp owners who were caught off guard flying dozens of meters.

"Fake, I swear, I will never deal with Orange Lantern again."

Atrocitus got up from the ground in embarrassment and said bitterly.

"Harley, we need seven lights to unite. Come over quickly and help break up the fight." Hal shouted helplessly.

"Not even true white light is useful. What can your seven-lamp pseudo-white light do?"

Harley flew over and kicked the two crazy Orange Lanterns awake again.

Ganser said: "White light can weaken the Black Death Emperor's strength and create opportunities for Sinestro."

Several people were very mobile, and the next moment the seven lights merged into one again. Harley acted as a temporary yellow light, and two sets of white lights fell on the Black Death Emperor's head and chest respectively.

"Uh, you are looking for death!" The Black Death Emperor shouted in pain, turned around and gave them a sickle.

The crescent moon reaches the sky!

Harley sneered and said via voice: "Don't worry about the output. Leave your safety to me."

As soon as the thought came to mind, the ninth-level black light defensive force field, the translucent defensive light film wrapped in the shape of a long sword, struck the death crescent with precision.

"Boom!" The long sword of light film was invincible, and the Black Death Emperor's death crescent exploded.

"Hey, this seems to be a good move."

Harley thought thoughtfully, maybe her previous thinking was still too narrow. The defensive gold film that can change its shape at will within a hundred meters around the body can not only trap the enemy, but if folded into a "paper sword", it can also become a convenient and useful attack. means.

"Black Death Emperor, come and challenge me."

She let out a loud roar, broke away from the group of Seven Lanterns, and deployed her defensive golden film with all her strength.

It is not a spherical shield, but is centered on her body, folded into "eight combat arms": top, bottom, left and right, each with two arms in the form of defensive gold films. They all end with a sharp sword, and there are only four on the left and right. The arms are translucent golden and visible to the naked eye, but the other four are completely transparent and completely invisible.

"You can't even block a knife, but you're still yelling at me?"

The Black Death Emperor sneered, teleported to her, and struck her forehead with the sickle in his hand.

The two arms on the left raised their swords to block, while the two arms on the right swung their swords to chop at the Black Death Emperor's head. The upper and lower four arms, also twenty meters long, poked at the Black Death Emperor's heart and eye sockets respectively.

And these "gold film arms" are covered with defensive force fields.


The scythe stagnated in mid-air for only a moment, and then sharply drew an arc of light in front of Harley, bringing up a handful of blood.

"Hmph - ah~~" Harry's head was filled with confusion, he took three steps back and let out a scream.

Blood gurgled down his forehead, and from the center of his eyebrows to his nose and mouth, a deep gash was cut across his entire face, and the squirming brain and throat could be seen inside.

If she hadn't dodged quickly, she would have been cut in half.

The eight-armed God of War failed, a disastrous defeat!

Although she has condensed eight arms, they are still essentially defensive gold films, and only the style has changed.

They still have to abide by the two rules of the defensive gold film: first, the damage received is converted into soul impact; second, it will collapse when it reaches the limit.

When the first arm blocked the sickle, the damage instantly reached its limit. Not only did it collapse, but the other seven arms also collapsed at the same time. It did not have the effect of "layers of defense" at all.

That is to say, as long as she defends against attacks that cannot be blocked by the golden film, no matter how she changes the form of the golden film, she still cannot block it.

After thinking about this, Harley completely gave up the idea of ​​relying on defense to resist the Black Death Emperor.

In the next battle, she must focus on skills and not resist forcefully.

"How dare you show off this little trick in front of me."

The Black Death Emperor sneered, kept up his attack, and struck with his sword again.

Harley did not retreat, but quickly took small steps forward, "Whoosh!"

The quantum shift was triggered, and her body pulled out phantoms, which not only passed through the attack range of the sickle blade, but also penetrated the body of the Black Death Emperor, and came behind it in one step.

"Hmph, you are only good at scythes and martial arts." Harley leaned against His back, but her hands seemed to be facing His back. Her right hand was like an iron hoop, tightly grasping the Black Death Emperor's only left arm. , making him unable to swing the sickle backward flexibly.

The entire left hand is integrated into the "White Bone Stick". The skin and flesh of the five fingers are almost transparent, and you can see the shining white bones surrounded by the Wind of Nothingness and the Tears of Death.

The Nine Yin White Bone Grasp and the walking dragon claw hand, with a "puff" sound, penetrated the Black Death Emperor's back and grasped the purple-black sticky heart that had stopped beating on his chest.

"Poof!" Black Tiger dug out his heart and took out a thick, fat, black-smelling black heart.

"Quick, seven lights into one." Hal had an idea and moved the seven-in-one white light to the black center of Harley's palm.

Although it is dirty, smelly, and dripping with sticky black water, it is also like a bright black gem, exuding the majestic power of death.

The heart is suspected to be a vital part of the Black Death Emperor.

Previously, the Black Lantern zombies had been digging out the hearts of living people, extracting rich emotional energy from them.


The white light fell on it, as if it were fried in an iron pan filled with hot oil that had been left out for three days and nights.

A large stream of scorching, smelly black gas came out, almost knocking Harry out.

"Ugh~~" She retched unbearably and threw the black heart in her hand cleanly.

"Bah!" Sinestro hit him right in the face.

Well, now he has been fully resurrected in white light.

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