I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1394 The Spirit of Existence


Lex Group headquarters, in a security fortress 30 meters underground.

Luther was wearing a white coat and buried his head in front of the experimental table. While operating a robotic arm with a serious expression, he said: "Computer, don't call me 'Luther', our relationship is far from close.

As before, you'd better call me 'Mr. Luther'. "

On the desk a few steps away from the experimental table, on the screen of a mobile phone placed on a stand, a portrait of a man with glasses appeared, a supervillain's intelligence expert - a calculator.

"We have always called you Luther." Calculator said.

"Here's the thing, the familiarity you bastards show with me annoys me."

"You don't think you should be familiar with us. Do you want to get close to superheroes?" the calculator asked.

"No, compared to hypocritical superheroes, you make me feel more familiar, but the familiarity you show is not to me, but to that bastard." Luthor gritted his teeth.

The mathematician suddenly realized that he was talking about Little Luther, and they all transferred their "respect and love" for Little Luther to the current Big Luther.

But the elder Luther would rather not have "love and respect" than endure the slightest suspicion of being regarded as a substitute for the younger Luther.

He hesitated and said: "Actually, the experience in the secret society can be regarded as the most glorious moment of 'Luthor''s life——"

"What did you say?" Luther suddenly turned back, glaring and gnashing his teeth.

"Uh, sorry, I mean, that bastard is just your shadow, you don't need to pay too much attention to him." The calculator said with a fake smile.

Luther was thinking about the experimental data and didn't want to talk nonsense with this bastard.

"My mobile phone number has been changed and it's in the experimental area. You shouldn't be able to find me."

"Hey, although you still call me 'calculator', many people have started to call me 'magic calculator'." The calculator said proudly: "Because I can find everyone's numbers and break through the firewalls of all smart devices. Yours is no exception."

"What do you want from me?" Luther asked impatiently.

The mathematician was about to make a request directly when he suddenly remembered Luther's words just now: Don't bring the deep "friendship" they established with little Luther to him.

"Why don't you go to Paradise Mountain?"

The calculator decided to talk about family matters first and slowly lead the topic to what he wanted.

"There are a bunch of undead burping superheroes over there, am I going to get a blank stare?"

"For you, Noah's Ark is also a good place." The calculator added.

"I am Lex Luthor, and I have the ability to forge my own 'ark'." Luthor said proudly.

"Did you know? Not only superheroes and ordinary people can be resurrected, but we super villains have also resurrected a large number of people. I saw with my own eyes that Dr. Polaris took out the heart of the second generation Dr. Polaris."

Speaking of this, the mathematician said with some resentment in his tone, "The second generation Doctor Polaris just received a task from me and is helping me monitor the Blue Beetle.

Why didn't Maxwell Lord kill the stink beetle?

Fake, he was originally a top computer expert, and now he got help from the mysterious Blue Beetle. He almost locked my position several times. "

"When did Dr. Polaris become the second generation?"

Luther was not interested in Blue Beetle, but he had worked with Dr. Polaris on an experiment that required an extremely strong magnetic field.

He was paid $300,000 plus an energy gun.

Dr. Polaris has done a good job. He is very satisfied and has included his name in the whitelist of people with utilization value. Why is he suddenly the second generation?

"The original Dr. Polaris died. When you were away, the current one was John Nicol. Probably we have always called him 'Dr. Polaris', so you didn't realize that this position has been replaced." Calculator said.

"Are there still three generations? I'm going to do a particle collision experiment next month, and I need a 'Dr. Polaris.'" Luther frowned.

"Next month? Looking at the situation outside, with an army of tens of billions of zombies and hundreds of black light planets, the earth may not have a next month." The calculator sighed.

Sighing, he said confidently: "As long as the money is in place, I can help you with whoever you want."

"I need the ability of the first generation Dr. Polaris to control the planet's magnetic field. Ordinary magnetic powers are of no use to me," Luther said.

"Don't worry, our country in the United States has no shortage of anything, especially people with superpowers. The third generation of Dr. Polaris will return within a month after the end of the Blackest Night." The mathematician confirmed.

Luther wondered: "If he has the ability of the first Polaris, why doesn't he have any reputation now?"

“Well, there are so many superheroes and supervillains these days and the competition is so fierce.

It's very difficult to get ahead, even harder than being a young kid in Hollywood.

For example, John Nicol is very talented, but his experience and strength are not as good as the first generation.

When the original Emerson was still around, people with the same type of superpowers were not allowed to rise, and they killed every one they saw. At that time, John Nicol didn't dare to show up at all, and naturally he had no reputation.

After all, our super villain circle is also a big fame and fortune fair. If it’s not for fame or profit, who would want to be a super villain?

Even if ordinary criminals are imprisoned, they can at least enjoy a comfortable prison life, but super villains risk being forced to play games with the Witch Harley. "The mathematician sighed with emotion.

"Hmph, I'm not as vulgar as you. I've never been interested in fame and fortune." Luther's face was filled with a sense of superiority.

"Of course, you are our boss, your style and magnanimity are the best."

The mathematician gave a flattering compliment. Seeing that Luther did not object to the title of "boss", he continued: "Boss, we are in some trouble now. Only you can help us."

"What trouble?"

"We need a new shelter." The calculator said bitterly: "There is no place for us villains on Noah's Ark, and we don't dare to go to Harley Quinn, and we don't want to be carried aboard the Ark by The Flash.

But Black Light will not let us go just because we are villains.

Those we kill will come back to seek revenge on us.

Our former companions, knowing the location of our existing shelters, are in even greater danger.

That's why we wanted to take shelter with you.

You have the arrogance not to go to Heaven Mountain and be looked down upon, and the determination not to go to Noah's Ark and be embarrassed, just because you are confident that you can protect yourself.

We also believe in your wisdom. "

Luther sneered: "Computer, let me be honest with you, what you are trying to get from me is just the corner of my own greatness, but I don't want to meet any of your needs.

Because I don’t want to create an illusion and make you feel that ‘we are in the same group’. "

The calculator was silent for a while and said, "Aren't we in the same group? Aren't you a super villain?"

"Hmph, you don't even understand the principle of 'every man for himself, adding insult to injury' and still have the nerve to call himself a super villain," Luther said sarcastically.

On another occasion, he wouldn't mind doing them some favors.

Even if it's just for them to call him "Boss".

Luther found a pattern from the existing information: the resurrected people all had emotional entanglements with the living, otherwise they would still be lying in the grave even if they died.

If he takes in those supervillains, he's taking in living corpses with whom he has an emotional connection.

Once they come to him, the living corpses chasing them will definitely come.

“Bang bang bang~~~”

While I was thinking wildly, there was a fierce collision outside the door of the underground laboratory.

Luther's expression changed.

"Beep beep~~~" The next moment, the alarm sounded in the laboratory, "Channels No. 4, 5, and 6 have been breached, and a large group of living corpses are about to arrive at the entrance of the laboratory."

The resurrected people all have an emotional entanglement with the living people. This emotion can be love or hate. The living corpses surrounding Lex Tower are all "avengers" who hate Luther.

"Damn, why so fast? No, why did they suddenly break through the outer defense?"

A few drops of sweat broke out on Luther's bald head. His hands were typing quickly on the keyboard, and lines of code flashed on the screen.

After a while, he let out a howl like a wolf, "Damn it, you mother, you mathematician, how dare you cheat on me!"

After cursing, he quickly ordered: "Activate the sixth level of security."

"Entered secondary laboratory mode." The host said mechanically.

Luther breathed a sigh of relief. In level six security mode, the entire laboratory was covered with an energy shield, whose strength was no weaker than Brainia's "World Barrier".

Half an hour later, the beep beep alarm sounded again, "The energy is less than 10%, and the level six defense is about to be broken."

"Fuck!" Luther cursed, took off his white coat, and jumped into the "Luthor Mecha" that was already loaded with weapons.

"Boom!!" A few minutes later, the laboratory door was knocked open, and zombies wearing black light rings swarmed in.

"Son, you are finally going to get your comeuppance, hahahaha!"

The first person to bear the brunt was the old Luther, who had been deceased for many years.

"BOOOM!" Luther said with a dull face, and blasted his father's head with an energy cannon.

Then, the mecha took him into the sky, went straight into the open window in the ceiling, and left the laboratory.

But living corpses can also fly and chase him to death.

Luther hesitated for a moment, but still didn't run towards the superhero.

He couldn't afford to lose that face.

If his life is really in danger, he can endure it even if he is saved by Superman. But even if he is being hunted by living corpses, he still has a way out: the Limbo satellite.

If he can't anymore, he can escape to Limbo. There is a small shelter inside the satellite.

"Luthor?" There was a flash of black light, and Superboy Connor wearing a black leather jacket flew over, "Why are you out?"

"Protecting the earth is everyone's responsibility." Luther said solemnly while killing the living corpses.

Connor believed his lies, was silent for a while, and said in a low voice: "You know what? Superman and Supergirl are both dead.

I was supposed to deal with Black Death Emperor, but Supergirl took my place. I couldn't even take down Zod, thanks to the help of Ion Shark and Blue Lantern. "

"Superman will not die easily." Luthor pursed his lips and said gloomily.

Superboy was in a depressed mood and hoped to get comfort from his "father", but Luthor didn't care about his mood at all, only caring about Superman's life and death.

"I hope so." Connor sighed and invited: "Only the Color Lantern Corps can completely kill the Black Lantern zombies. If you want to protect the earth, why not work with us to deal with the meteorites falling from outer space."

Luther thought for a while and agreed.

Now he is not seeking help from superheroes, but as a leader, leading superheroes to resist the invasion. At least he and Superman's cheap son Connor will definitely accept his leadership.

While he was cleaning the meteorite, an orange light ring flew over and was put on his finger without any explanation.

"Intelligent life has been locked, Lex Luthor from Earth, you are insatiable, you belong to the Orange Lantern Corps."

At this time, Beach City.

"Don't the light rings even have 'eyes'?"

Halle complained again after seeing "Diana with Love."

She complained for the first time when she met "The Flash of Hope."

Mercy Oliver, she complained for the second time.

The Scarecrow of Fear is in line with her understanding.

What followed was Mela in anger and Diana in love, making her even more inexplicable and strange.

"What's wrong with Purple Lantern choosing me? I also have love." Diana was very dissatisfied with her sudden performance.

Harley said: "Everyone has love, but just because you have love does not mean you should be chosen by the Purple Lantern Ring. After all, the Purple Lantern Corps is essentially the 'Regiment of Resentful Women'. Not only must you have love in your heart, but you must also have deep love but no Vent everywhere.

Are you a resentful woman who cannot love you? "

Carol, the head of the Purple Lantern, said angrily: "Harry, what do you mean?"

"Harry, you don't understand Purple Lantern at all. The love of Purple Lantern is not love that cannot be obtained, but love that is full of love. The love for the lover goes beyond oneself." Diana said sternly.

Harry shrugged and turned to Mela, who had long blood-red hair, blood-red armor, and blood from the corner of her mouth, "You are not at home to take care of the children, so why are you here messing around?"

Mela just gave birth to her second child not long ago.

"I was originally in the sea and didn't want to go ashore, but Lantern Ring found it on its own." Mei La said.

"Are you angry? There must be a reason for Red Light to choose you." Harley asked.

Mela thought for a while and said: "I saw Superman beating my husband repeatedly at the beach, beating him like a stake, making him scream. I was very angry and furious, and then the light ring flew over. .”

Harley was speechless.

"Whoosh~~~" An orange figure roared across the sky and landed in front of several people.

It's Luthor, who is wrapped in an orange mecha.

"Well, Luther, it turns out you stole my orange light ring." Harley gritted her teeth.

"Lex Luthor, give me back the lamp ring!" Lafleeze was even more excited than she was and pounced on him.

Luther's expression was dull, and a ball of orange flame burned in his eyes, "Mine, it's mine, it's all mine."

Saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth, the orange light in his eyes became brighter and brighter, and his eyes became more and more frantic. Finally, he howled and rushed towards Lafleeze, "The orange light power is mine and mine alone."

"Give me the ring back." Lafleeze was not to be outdone.

The two quickly struggled with each other, completely forgetting the big plan of the Seven Lanterns and the crisis of the Black Death Emperor.

"Luthor is completely controlled by the greed of orange light?" Harley was startled and asked in confusion: "With Luther's will and mental strength, he can't even suppress it with an orange light ring, right?"

"That is not an ordinary lamp ring." Ganser frowned and said: "The lamp ring that splits from the lamp owner shares the same emotional energy with the lamp owner.

Lafleeze is even more special. He is not only a user of Orange Lantern, but also the host of Orange Lantern Beast. "

After a pause, he explained to everyone: "The orange lantern beast is called "Yumang", and it can be regarded as a free parallax monster.

The Parallax monster exerts fear on the entire civilized planet to drain the source of fear.

Yumang also used his power to coerce the entire civilized planet and asked the planet's inhabitants to offer it all their treasures, mainly gold, silver and jewelry. It does not like blood sacrifices. If humans sacrifice babies to it and let them devour them, it will not eat them either.

Every time a planet is drained of its wealth, it will go to the next planet, and then it encounters Lafleeze, a man more greedy than it is. Not only does it fail to devour the treasure, but it is devoured as a source of energy.

Luther, who got the same lamp ring as Lafleeze, now looks like Parallax Demon.

Even Kyle Rayner was affected by the Parallax Monster, and it was normal for Luther to be controlled by greed. "

"Idiots, hurry up and combine the seven lights into one!" Harley flew to the side of the two grappling people, knocked Luther away with a left hook, and kicked Lafleeze in the heart.

A little consciousness returned to their eyes.

Then, she took a few steps forward and smashed the black light shield with a headbutt.

"Seven lights unite into one, brilliant white light!"

Hal Jordan immediately shot out a beam of green light, aiming at the socket of the black lamp stove.

"Buzzing buzzing" The effect of the double seven lights combined into one is indeed very powerful. The bright white light is more than ten times more powerful than before. The three-meter-high black light furnace is like a pressure cooker under the feet of a strong man.

The pressure cooker was very strong, and it staggered around and made a clanging sound when the big man kicked it.

The Black Death Emperor only glanced sideways, without doing anything to stop him, and his smile became even more sarcastic.

"Why is this happening? What material is the black lamp furnace made of, and why is it so strong?" The lamp owners were shocked.

If it were replaced by their own central energy battery, it would have been broken into pieces by now.

The black light withstood the white light attack, but it didn't even crack or even deflate.

Too strong.

Ganser also looked dull, "That shouldn't be the case. We have done exactly what was predicted, and"

"Idiots, you know nothing about the truth of the Blackest Night!"

The Black Death Emperor laughed, and the sickle in his hand drew 15 arcs of light in mid-air.

"Chi chi chi" 15 of the 16 Green Lantern Guardians suspended in mid-air were slashed with blood by sickles.

Pulled by the power of death, they were like 15 ink-stained brushes, using their own blood as ink to draw a huge magic circle around the Black Death Emperor - a black light symbol.

The whole process was very fast. Harley wanted to stop it, but was forced back by the Black Death Emperor's scythes.

The transfer of the seven lamps in one from the lamp furnace to Him was also blocked by a black light energy shield.

"come over!"

The Black Death Emperor reached out and picked up the last guardian in his hand, slit his throat and disemboweled him.

"Black Hand." He called again.

"Your Majesty!" The black hand fell in front of Him and he knelt on one knee.

"He is the sacrifice."

The Black Death Emperor handed the little blue man in his hand to him, and continued to block the harassment of Harley and the Seven Lanterns.

When the black hand cut open the body of the little blue man, seven kinds of bright rays of red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue and purple shot out from the belly.

Each color of light contains majestic emotional energy, which even exceeds the light owner tens of thousands of times.

It's as if the little blue man's belly is not filled with internal organs, but seven emotional energy pools.

Harley's pupils shrank, "Isn't this the emotional energy collected by the black light zombie? All stored in the organs of this little blue man?"

Black Hand laughed and took out the gleaming internal organs and placed them in the center of the "Black Lantern Array".

Sacrificial array, start!

"BOOOOM!" The earth exploded, endless white light burst out from the ground, and the whole world was completely white.

The breath of white light is very similar to the white light of the seven lamps in one, but it is vaster and more sacred.

"Ahhhhh~~~" The Seven-Deng Lantern Master was bathed in white light, holding his head and screaming miserably.

"Ahhhh~~~" All the living people were howling in the white light.

"Ah-what the hell is this?"

Harley couldn't help but want to scream. She did scream twice, and then the internal defense skill was activated and she stopped screaming.

But she didn't scream. In her belly, the billions of people on earth in "Noah's Ark" seemed to be possessed by evil spirits, holding their heads and howling.

"Spirit of existence, you are finally out." The Black Death Emperor laughed wildly, waved his sickle, and rushed towards the center of the white light, "Die, all life will come to an end at this moment!"

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