I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 136 Loki’s Mischief Curse

"I don't mind helping the younger generations, but my path may not be suitable for you. For example, Rebecca"

Xanadu looked at Wuhuo and said: "I am a diviner, but you are a standard fire mage.

If you study astronomy and tarot cards with me, you will never become a great mage in your life. "

"Then where should I find a fire mage mentor?" Rebecca asked.

"Just in the Skillful Hands Sisterhood, come to more parties and make more friends, and you will always meet a teacher that suits you."

"Why is there no school like Hogwarts in the wizarding world? Or, a wizarding university?" Harley asked confused.

Xanadu said calmly: "Didn't you almost join the wizard group? Didier even summoned the shadow of a giant beast for you to check, which shows that they have no secrets.

The wizarding group is equivalent to a department in Hogwarts.

Factions with conflicting ideals form a school that only exists in fairy tales.

In reality, you have also experienced it in the hall just now. Demons and Crusaders have completely different attitudes towards you.

Demons, heaven, magic masters, gods from other dimensions

They each have their own ideas and conflict with each other. Can they live in harmony? "

"It's not impossible if a powerful person suppresses the whole crowd." Harley said.

"Then let me ask you, who is stronger than Satan or God?"

Harley was silent.

After that, Mrs. Xanadu answered the questions of the witches one by one, and also taught a set of meditation methods.

Originally, Harry planned to stay there to "listen to the class", at least until Madam Xanadu announced that get out of class was over.

But when she turned around midway, she found that Helen was already standing behind her, so she quietly withdrew.

Helen led her through a yard filled with exotic flowers to the three-story dormitory building behind the bar.

"I thought you were a working girl here, but it seems I was wrong."

Harry looked around the room. It turned out to be three bedrooms and two living rooms, with an area of ​​more than 150 square meters. The decoration inside was also rich, elegant and unique.

The front window faces the garden, and outside the balcony at the back is a strange dark blue starry sky.

"I am an apprentice with Master Dark Night."

Helen raised her finger lightly, and the teapot a few meters away automatically levitated. The light red liquid flowed into the glass. When it was nearly three-quarters full, the cup flew smoothly to the coffee table.

It landed right in front of Harley.

"How cool!" Harley picked up the cup and took a sip. It felt as clear and gentle as the winter sun, and her mind seemed to wake up a lot instantly.

"Harry, I'm sorry." Helen lowered her head and said slowly: "The Crusaders heard about our relationship from somewhere. They came to my house a long time ago and trampled Terrance's right leg off. Bone stubble poked out of the flesh, I..."

"Oh, let the past go. Anyway, I am living well now." Harley sighed.

What could she say?

Helen's parents died early, and Terrance was the only relative.

If it were her, she might choose to let Andy die heroically.

But she couldn't ask Helen to do the same.

It can only be said that fate means fate and points. It is too difficult to get the best of both worlds.

Helen still lowered her head, and there were a few wet marks on the floor in front of her.

She was not choked, but slowed down her tone and said slowly: "When I saw you getting shot that day, I fainted with excitement.

I was groggy for several days and had a high fever. When I woke up again, there was magic in my body. "

The corners of Harley's mouth twitched, not knowing what to say.

“The memory of my father is very vague in my mind, but my brother knows that he has always known that magic is real.

Because my father is an expert in magic anti-counterfeiting, he has many magician friends, including the Night Master in the Forgotten Bar.

Terrance saw that I was bored in the bedroom all day and didn't even go to school, so he introduced me here as a bartender and apprentice. "

"What does a magic anti-counterfeiting expert do?" Harley asked curiously.

"They are professional counterfeiters, but their targets are not academic papers or products, but magicians, magic items, and magic events."

Isn’t this the Fang Zhouzi of the magic world?

Harley grinned and said, "This is really a strange profession."

Helen said: "Actually, my brother is also a magic counterfeiter, and the Sertin family is also well-known in the magic world.

Since our ancestors, those with talent have become magicians, while those without talent have relied on their expert knowledge to become magic counterfeiters. "

Harley was completely speechless.

"Woof woof woof woof!" During the silence, the barking of a dog suddenly came from the door, and then a chubby black bully dog ​​was seen running towards Harley in a cheerful manner.

"Haha, Duoduo, you are here too!" Harley was surprised and happy, opening her arms and holding her pet dog in her arms.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" Duoduo stuck out her tongue and licked and nudged Harry's face and neck.

"Woof woof woof" Harley was hugging the dog and making love when another calico puppy ran over and tilted its head to look at Harley curiously.

Harley looked at the puppy and was stunned, "Is it Duoduo's child?"

"Woof woof!" The black and white spotted milk dog actually nodded.

"My dear, it -" Harley was greatly surprised, "Is it a monster?"

Helen felt a lot better after she said what she had buried in her heart to her face. She bent down and held the puppy in her arms. She smiled and flicked it on the head and said, "It's called Jelly."

"Woof woof!" Jelly shouted immediately.

"Although it looks like a Dalmatian, look, there are two little horns on its head——"

Helen brushed the hair behind Jelly's ears, and sure enough there was a horn as big as a broad bean.

"Isn't his father a dog?" Harley asked in surprise.

"It's a dog, but not an ordinary dog. Harley, have you heard of the hounds Kili and Kulich in Norse mythology." Helen said strangely.

"Uh, no way, Duoduo and Odin's hound." Harley's eyes widened and she looked at the bully dog ​​in her arms in surprise.

Helen nodded, "That's the evil wolf Kili. Last Christmas Eve, Odin took his brother Loki to hell for a hunting spree.

They gained a lot and were very happy. They invited the guests to eat and drink at the bar.

Just like in the myths and legends, Kili and Kulich lay under the table and ate the food fed by Odin.

And Duoduo also likes to pick up bones under the guests' tables and eat them, and then——"

"And the divine dog Duoduo is actually still alive!"

Harley had a strange expression, holding the bully dog ​​and looking up and down.

Helen said awkwardly: "It's not the kind of intercourse you thought. In fact, Duoduo was in love with the divine dog, but the divine dog ignored it.

Loki, the god of mischief, found it interesting, so he put a strange spell on Dodo - any male dog he likes, as long as he is in love and is not pregnant at the time, he can just touch him. Loki is a giant wolf. Where is the father! "

Harley's expression was dull, "Can this still happen?"

"It's just a joke between gods." Helen had seen too many strange people and heard too many strange things in the Forgotten Bar, and now she was used to it.

"Do gods come here often?" Harley asked.

"Rarely, most of the time, even if they come, no one knows."

Harley was curious again: "What do Odin and Loki look like? Is there a Thor?"

"Odin is tall and mighty, with the appearance of a typical Nordic man. Loki has a long face and a pointed and long chin. Thor was not present at the time."

Helen thought deeply and said, "I heard from Master Dark Night that for more than a thousand years, Loki has been locked up in an underground cave by Odin, and he was only taken out to hunt once every hundred years."

After talking about Duoduo and the little puppy, the two women fell silent again at some point.

They all wanted to say something, but they didn't know what to say.

The atmosphere was not awkward, but it was far from warm and harmonious.

Harry sighed inwardly. They used to be able to talk until dawn, but now they can

"Helen, I have to leave. I still have things waiting for me in Gotham." She put down Duoduo and stood up.

"Harry, I've heard about you, you-" Helen seemed to want to say something, but when she really opened her mouth, the words in her throat couldn't come out.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. You know, I'm never confused and always know what I want." Harley smiled.

Helen nodded slightly and said: "I am still an apprentice, and my magic power is not enough to travel between the world and the tavern, so I cannot return to Gotham often.

Your friend Wuhuo is a powerful witch. Let her bring you here. "

"Yes, I know."

"Wuwuwu~~~" Duoduo seemed to understand something and bit the corner of Harley's skirt to prevent her from leaving.

"This" Harry couldn't bear to part with it.

Dodo is not a pure bully dog.

Its father is the old man's hunting dog, and Harley has been taking care of it since Duoduo was born.

Later, Harley entered Gotham for further studies, and Duoduo also came with her. The two of them had been together for more than four years, so their relationship was particularly deep.

Harley had wanted to go to Terrance Apartment many times before to bring Dodo back, but at that time she thought Helen was still attending Gotham High School, so she

"How about I take Duoduo back?" Harley said.

Helen was a little reluctant, but she couldn't refuse.

Duoduo was originally fostered by Harry.

"Are the puppies coming too?" she asked.

"I'll leave the jelly to you, I'll just take Duoduo with me," Harley said.

Helen was happy at first, then shook her head and said: "When Jelly grows up, he may not be as good as Odin's divine dog, but he will definitely be able to help you. You need it more."

"You keep the jelly and give me some puppies when it gives birth." Harley said.

Back in the bar lobby, the Night Master was also off work, and a thin chimpanzee was sitting behind the bar.

"Hi, are you looking for the Sisterhood of the Hand?"

Seeing Harley looking towards the east lounge, the chimpanzee took the initiative to chat: "My name is Bobo. I am also from Earth. I am a talking orangutan detective."

"Hello, Bobo, I'm Harley Quinn, where is my friend Rebecca?"

Harley has even seen demons and elves, but the talking orangutan can no longer move her.

"I was about to tell you." Detective Orangutan took a piece of note paper, put it on the counter, and said, "This is what she left for you when she left."

"Harry, today's party is over, but you haven't shown up yet. I can't wait and take the first step.

Maddie and I are going to Australia to visit a fire mage.

If you want to enter the Oblivion Bar in the future, you can go to Madame Xanadu, she lives in Greenwich Village. "

Harley put away the paper and asked, "How should I leave?"

Bobo pointed in the direction of the door, "Just open the door and think about your own home. By the way, you spent 295 US dollars today, please settle the bill before leaving."

"I just drank a cup of Coke, and the devil still treated me to a treat." Harley said strangely.

"Rebecca said you would help her pay the bill. Is she lying?" Bobo scratched his head and asked doubtfully.

Rebecca is just a poor girl who just left the orphanage. It is normal to have no money, but

Harley looked down and saw that she was wearing a dress today. She didn't even think about going out, and she didn't bring a penny with her.

"Can I keep accounts?" she asked awkwardly.

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