I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 135 There are pitfalls everywhere (please subscribe)

"Don't think Madam Xanadu is young, but I think she should also be an official wizard." Rebecca whispered.

Her voice was quiet, but the focus of the room was her and Harley, and almost everyone else heard it.

At that moment, Mrs. Xanadu, who was wearing a green classical robe, smiled, raised her bright wrist with a gold bracelet, wiped the corners of her mouth, and said, "Little girl, you are also a newcomer, right?"

"Yes, I've only been in the Forgotten Bar for a few days." Rebecca guessed that she might have said the wrong thing, and couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.


"Wow, it turns out that Madam is a fairy." Many witches covered their mouths and exclaimed. They didn't know much about Madam Xanadu's background before.

Harley was also very shocked. She didn't expect that the beautiful woman in her early twenties in front of her was actually a character from myths and legends.

"Hello, Mrs. Xanadu, I'm Harley Quinn." She greeted with a smile.

Mrs. Xanadu looked at the girl in front of her with dark green eyes that had accumulated over time, and said strangely: "I know you, in fact, we are still neighbors!"

Harry's heart moved and he asked in surprise: "You also live in Manhattan?"

Mrs. Xanadu nodded slightly, "Greenwich Village."

"They are really neighbors. If you have free time, madam, you can go to my place for a stroll." Harley said with a smile.

"I've already been there. The drinks are good and the performances are great."

"Madam, what is deathbed transformation?" the witch next to her interjected.

Mrs. Xanadu waved to Rebecca and Harry, asking them to sit down on the sofa, and then slowly said: "There is a visible gap between human body, magic power, mental power, and soul compared to gods and demons. right?"

All the witches nodded slightly. Mortals and gods must be different.

"But mortals can also become gods. Do you know this?" Madam Xanadu asked.

"Like you?" the horned girl asked curiously,

Xanadu smiled bitterly and shook his head, "I have indeed been a forest fairy for hundreds of years, but fairies are not necessarily gods.

The vast majority of fairies are just alien creatures who understand magic.

I am an ancient ancestor, a human being, but I know more ancient knowledge than ordinary people, that's all. "

"Your sister, Vivian, the Lake Fairy, is she a god?" Harley asked.

"She" Xanadu looked complicated and sighed: "Probably so, but the most powerful and famous human mage gods are Shazam and Naboo."

"Shazam?" Harley was surprised, "Are you talking about the old wizard who lives in the Fortress of Eternity?"

If old Shazam was a god, how could he be so decrepit?

"Have you been to the Eternal Castle? Have you been selected by the searching magic to select magic warriors?" Xanadu asked strangely.

Harry glanced at the expressions of the surrounding witches. They all looked calm, and nodded: "I have been there, but I didn't choose. The old wizard seems to be dying. Will the gods also die of old age?"

The Stranger told her right then and there that she wasn't the only Shazam candidate to enter the Fortress.

Even if you don't watch the movie "Thunderbolt", no stranger will tell you.

In the real world, in the fantasy section of online forums, many netizens posted stories about how they suddenly came to a stone castle and met a strange old man holding a lightning staff.

There are many people commenting.

"Death?" Xanadu shook his head and said, "His body may die, but Thunder Shazam will never die, at least not from old age."

Harley frowned in thought.

If old Shazam doesn't die, what's the purpose of passing his power to Thunder Shazam?

Protect the world?

Seems a bit nonsense

If he really cared about the people of the world, he shouldn't have picked here and there and failed to select a Shazam for decades or centuries.

Let's assume that Billy Batson in the future has the "greatest" heroic character. There are so many DC superheroes, aren't they great?

Bruce is 18 years old now. If you ask him to be Shazam, he will definitely not be a fool.

There are also Mr. Shadow and Black Man before, and now Jim Gordon, who is at least qualified to become a temporary worker.

Wouldn't it be more reasonable to let them save the world first, wait until Billy reaches adulthood, and then replace them? The world will always be protected by magic warriors?

If old Shazam is really going to die of old age, it would still make sense to wait hundreds of years to find a "perfect" successor.

But he won't die at all.

The power of thunder passed from him to the Thunder Sculpture must still be under his control, which is very problematic.

Harley started to feel lucky that she didn't become Thunder Shazam.

The Thunder Sand Sculpture is probably a sinkhole!


She suddenly remembered something: Mrs. Xanadu, the "fake fairy", knew that old Shazam was an immortal god. It was impossible for a stranger who walked in the world before the birth of mankind not to know this.

Since he knew, why did he take her to choose Shazam?

Harley was distraught.

While he was thinking wildly, he heard Mrs. Du say: "Going back to the previous topic, humans can become gods, just like Dr. Fate Naboo and God of Thunder Shazam.

And human beings are infinitely far away from gods, both in body and soul.

So how to achieve this process step by step? "

The witches thought thoughtfully, dying transformation is the only way for mortals to evolve into gods!

"How can I enter the state of terminal transformation?" Rebecca asked with great anticipation, her eyes shining.

Mrs. Xanadu sighed: "I don't know either, it's not as straightforward as upgrading and changing jobs in online games.

It often comes suddenly, without any warning, and in an uncertain way.

No one even knows how many types of deathbed metamorphosis there are.

It is just a change that changes your body or a certain part of your body. It may also change your mind, or your thinking, or even your personality or habits.

How many changes can a person have?

Incalculable and unpredictable.

Therefore, the transformation at the end of life is immeasurable and unpredictable. "

All the little witches were confused after hearing this.

"However, the old wizard of the wizarding group could tell at a glance that Harley was undergoing transformation, and even guessed the symptoms." Rebecca frowned.

Mrs. Xanadu picked up the wine glass, took a sip, and said with a smile: "You asked me how to enter the deathbed transformation before, before the transformation.

Harley Quinn is undergoing a transformation, and the way of transformation has been determined and can be observed.

The two are not the same. "

The horned witch glanced at Harley and asked, "What's her way?".

"The most common form of physical alienation can produce magic power from ordinary blood."

"It's just magic." The witches all laughed.

If they can come to the Forgotten Bar, they must at least have the magic power of an intermediate mage.

Ordinary people - awakening magic power - apprentice - formal mage - archmage. Between the formal mage and the archmage, there are artificially divided into intermediate and advanced levels.

In this way, there are several levels between awakening magic power and intermediate mage!

Mrs. Xanadu frowned and said: "You are indeed gifted, and you naturally awakened your magic power at a young age.

But your magic power is different from the magic power produced by your dying transformation.

To be able to awaken magic power, your bloodline must be good enough.

The problem is, bloodline is inborn, it is fixed.

Naturally, the magic power you awaken is also limited in its attributes.

Just like Rebecca, two balls of fire on your shoulders are very handsome, but why don't you try to make two balls of lightning or water balloons come out? "

"I'm just a beginner now and don't know what to do. When I learn the magic skills, I should be able to do it." Rebecca hesitated.

"At least you won't be able to do it until you get deep into the root of magic. Your best path from now on is almost certain, to become a fire mage." Mrs. Shandu said.

Harley also shook off her reverie at this time and said, "Zatanna seems to be able to control all elements."

"Magic attributes are not equal to elemental attributes."

Madam Xanadu said with a complex expression: "She inherited the irony magic from Zatara. By speaking backwards, she can arbitrarily distort the rules of physics and achieve miracles. This is the attribute of her magic power."

"This attribute is too powerful." The witches exclaimed.

Mrs. Xanadu pointed at Harley and said, "She now has hope of possessing such powerful magical properties."

The witches looked at Harry with more suspicion than envy.

"Can I also learn irony magic?" Harley asked in surprise.

Xanadu shook his head and said: "You may have high-level magical properties, but you may not be suitable for irony magic.

Natural awakening, magic attributes are fixed.

When you transform at the end of your life, you can choose the direction of evolution.

Just like Darwin's theory of natural evolution, fish and birds may have the same ancestor, but chose different living environments, and they became different species.

Zatala is also a descendant of the ancestors, and his bloodline talent is already very powerful, but he has also undergone many deathbed transformations, which further strengthened his magical properties.

In this way, when his daughter was born, her starting point was higher than that of most mages. "

"I don't know how to choose magic power. Will I make a mistake, choose rubbish, and waste this opportunity?" Harley worried.

Xanadu had a natural expression and a casual tone, and said: "Didn't you join the wizard group? You can use the magic power of the giant beast to infiltrate your body and make your magic power converge with the giant beast.

Although I don't know the specific power of the giant beast, it certainly surpasses all the demons in hell and is a supreme existence. "

Harry turned around and looked around, and found that the witches around her were looking at her with strange expressions, and quickly defended: "Madam, you misunderstood. I was a lost little lamb before, but now I have changed my ways and left the evil witch group!"

"That's it." Mrs. Xanadu thought for a while and suggested: "Magic is a profound knowledge, and there is definitely no future in exploring it alone. You'd better find a mentor early and let him guide you through the process of developing magic.

If he stays like this, this terminal transformation may really be wasted.

You know, the reason why deathbed transformation is called "dying" is because every transformation is a dance at the door of death.

Either succeed or die.

The success rate of each transformation is no more than one-seventh. "

"One in seven, so scary? If you transform twice, that's a survival rate of one in forty-nine, three times." Rebecca's face turned pale with fright.

She was eager to try it out before, wanting to imitate Master Zatara and evolve her magic power!

Mrs. Xanadu sighed: "It transforms at the end of its life. Just by hearing its name, you can understand how dangerous it is.

In fact, it is difficult for ordinary people to have a success rate of 1/7, and 1/7 is the average.

For example, for someone like Zatanna, a gifted child with great talent and the support of a magic master father, her first transformation would be almost risk-free.

In this way, the average is pulled up. "

"It seems that teachers and organizations are really important." Harley frowned.

"Compared with studying at home or going to an Ivy League school, which one do you think is easier to become a talent?" Mrs. Xanadu sighed.

"Madam, will you accept a disciple? I want to learn from you." Rebecca begged eagerly.

"Madam, I also want to be your apprentice."

About one-third of the little witches were wild people like Rebecca, and they were looking at the woman in green robes with longing.

The DC universe has official magician levels, which are very rough. They are roughly: magic apprentice - formal mage - great magician - magic master - spiritual mage.

But the comics did not clearly explain the definition of each stage, so I made my own explanation based on the plot of DC Magic, which will appear later.

Well, Harley's official teacher will teach her.

Harley's teacher is a god, not Xanadu.

You can be a novice NPC on the internet, but being a teacher is a bit tricky.

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