I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1297 respective ambitions

In this restart of the multiverse, Harley not only did not modify the reality of the main universe, but also activated two major defense specialties, the power of connection and the mother river of time, to ensure that the reality would not be significantly modified by others.

Theoretically, when the multiverse is restarted, only 51 parallel universes will be born. The main universe will not change, but at this time, the main universe is "bleeding" crazily.

The outflow of a large amount of source will definitely have a serious impact on the structure and state of the universe.

Just like a fat man, he remains the same, but loses a lot of "nutrition" and becomes a thin man. His weight, body shape, health status, and mood all change.

The main universe will lose more than 90% of its origin to restart the multiverse, which will be a greater change than the change from fat man to thin man.

These changes are called “micro-restarts”.

All those who sent energy to her were barely indirectly involved in the restart.

If they secretly make a wish, it is possible to change reality.

Harley is not a bad person, and she does not allow the state officials to set fires but not the people to turn on the lights.

She has already conquered the multiverse with "Crazy Harley", so how can she have the nerve to forbid others from fine-tuning their lives in the main universe?

But she also insisted: If you want to change your life, you can pay the price yourself.

Well, the cost of "Crazy Harley" comes from everyone involved. She pays part of it and the rest of the people pay another part.

But Harley also had something to say: The "little hand of creation" came from her. It was she who prevented the destruction of the galaxy, shouldn't she get more benefits?

In short, Harley herself only changed the parallel universe, but it did not eliminate the hope of others to fine-tune the lives of the main universe.

And her first "wish" to change the parallel universe is to use the four Harleys as a model to copy one Harley in each universe. Each Harley has a part of the thick-skinned power in her body. As long as they shout "Harley" Luya" can become a "God's Favored Person Copy".

The second wish is to prohibit time travel between multiverses.

There are two reasons, one is for the stability of the multiverse, and the other is for her own safety.

Those who control the universe's restart process can determine the structure and state of the new universe to a certain extent.

Well, this is just like the person who cooks the food can decide the taste of the food. It seems to be nonsense.

In Crisis on Infinite Earths, the Anti-Monitor King hopes to lead the restart of the multiverse and turn the positive matter multiverse into an antimatter multiverse.

The purpose of the ghost. Harley was not clear at the time, but judging from the final result, the ghost mainly wanted to turn the multiverse into a single universe. At that time, Harley was at a low level and relied on Yerby to sense the restart process. In the final analysis, Yerby was directly responsible. Control is restored, and Jerbi seems to be controlled by God again, and the ghost takes God's mission again. The ghost and Jerbi are almost God's vests, and God will definitely not control himself.

In this restart of the multiverse, Harley's realm has improved a lot compared to a few years ago. It is enough to withstand the impact of information during the restart, and it is also enough to decide what "flavor" the next multiverse will be based on her understanding of the rules of the universe. .

Going back to the "nonsense" sentence before, the skill of the cook determines the taste of the dish.

The dishes cooked by Sichuan cuisine chefs are generally inseparable from spicy and numbing properties; the universe relaunched by "Defense God" Harley must be particularly particular about the defense strength of the universe.

In the process of restarting the multiverse, Harley keenly discovered that traveling to another world is particularly traumatic to the universe (ps).

The only difference between parallel universes is frequency.

They are actually in the same position on the three-dimensional structure, but vibrate at different frequencies.

The universe has a frequency, and people in the universe also have the same frequency. People with frequency a in universe a go to universe b that vibrates at frequency b. The frequency of people in universe a will move closer to universe b.

The influence is mutual, and the vibration frequency of universe b will also move closer to that of universe a to a certain extent.

When the frequencies of the two universes a and a are similar, an irreversible collision will occur.

The destruction of the two universes may change the structure of the Wan Tian Yi, leading to a large-scale cosmic collision phenomenon and ultimately the end of the life of the multiverse.

Therefore, every time you travel to another world, it is a harm to the multiverse.

Harley has optimized the defense power of the universe according to her understanding. The cosmic law "those who travel through time must be cleaned up" is part of the optimization.

This is an objective reason to protect the health of the universe.

Prohibiting travel between parallel universes is also a protection for Crazy Harleys.

Lest some ruthless and ruthless person who can't offend Harley in the main universe would run to the parallel universe and kill all the Harleys who have her power.

Now the "no time travel" law was set by her. Even if a strong person breaks this law, it will definitely touch Harley in the main universe.

She will focus on "Crazy Harley" who has been transported across the world. If the traveler dares to harm her little sister, she can kill him immediately.

Well, others cannot violate the "no crossing" rule, but when she made this rule, she regarded herself as the last firewall.

Firewalls should check for “bugs” as a matter of course.

The first wish is "Crazy Harley takes over the multiverse", which is her private matter; the second wish is "no cross-border travel", which is mainly to protect the multiverse and is a business matter; the third wish is "a friend's matter ", looking for old Superman's wife, old Louise.

After the official and private matters were done, Harley remembered her promise to the old Superman.

The result was somewhat beyond her expectation. Old Louise's soul actually went to the Heroes' Paradise.

To explain Louise's state in layman's terms: she has become a tool spirit in the Heroes' Paradise.

But if the hero's paradise is destroyed, or the core is tainted and damaged beyond repair, won't the weapon spirit also be destroyed immediately?

Will old Louise be completely wiped out?

"Shit, it turns out I was the one who was wrong."

After carefully perceiving the destruction process of Heroes' Paradise, Harley was both shocked and confused.

The reason why the Heroes' Paradise is tarnished is really related to the depraved behavior of the superheroes in the main universe.

Harley feels that heroes are still ordinary people under their uniforms. Since they are ordinary people, they should not be held to the standards of saints. As long as they are actually working hard to save people when they put on their uniforms, it's okay to take them off to shoot commercials or participate in TV shows.

The behavior of the Seven is a kind of righteous act to protect their companions and sacrifice themselves. She has always stated that she will not comment on the "Seven Incident", but at the same time she supports the Seven openly and secretly.

But the DC universe has its own standards of justice. It doesn't care what Harley thinks, it only wants what it thinks.

And its standard is purity.

Pure justice without any impurities.

Hal, who was corrupted in the Beach City incident, the Seven who twisted the will of the villains, the murderous Wonder Woman, the Zhenglian giants who shielded and connived the Seven, and even several protagonists in the identity crisis, all tainted "pure justice" ".

Tarnishing justice will also tarnish the paradise of heroes based on justice.

It was only old Louise who was the tool spirit of Heroes' Paradise who was sick and dying.

However, although the heroes of the main universe have "fallen", it is not they who really destroy the Hall of Heroes, but the heroes in the Heroes' Paradise.

The desires of Alexander, Superboy, and Old Superboy are the source of pollution in heaven.

For their own desires, they abandoned the path of justice and even took the evil path beyond super villains - Alexander began to plan the main universe very early, and the sight of "malicious surveillance" Luther came from him, and he began to fall at that time .

This is especially serious for killing and tarnishing "justice" because they live in the hero's paradise.

These righteous heroes who live in the Heroes' Paradise are the pillars of the Heroes' Paradise.

As long as they remain pure, Heroes' Paradise will not only not be affected by the outside world, but will also be able to "purify" the corrupt and fallen real world outside.

At this point, Harley became even more unable to understand the information obtained from the origin of the universe.

How did "justice" change from a concept and a spirit to a concrete object?

If justice is a physical object, can it be eaten?

Can it be digested by her food defense feat?

Harley only got partial information in the reboot and didn't really get to know "Justice."

If she could sense it herself, she would suddenly realize: isn't this the counter-energy of the "Year of the Villain"?

Well, the DC universe has seven basic cosmic forces, one of which is the positive and negative combination of "Year of the Villain" and "Absolute Justice".

They are truly energy and one of the seven foundations that make up the universe.

When she first heard from Zha Kang that one of the basic powers Papetua needed was "Year of the Villain", Harley was confused.

What is the Year of the Villain?

Even though she had sensed the complete seven basic powers in the hand of creation at the place where time originated, she still had no specific concept of the Year of the Villain.

The concept of it is too fantasy.

The Arctic Galaxy, now.

"Ahhhh~~~" It seemed like she had been shouting for a long time, and it seemed that it only took a moment. The flow of information that exploded in her head and the flow of energy that exploded in her body suddenly disappeared from Harley.

The reboot is over.

But the pain continues.

"Uh," she moaned softly, covering her forehead. Her body could no longer feel the pain, but her head still hurt like there were several cracks in it.

She had stolen Lucifer's magic power, robbed the Anti-Monitor King's origins, and taken away 10,000 points of God's power from the Voice of Heaven. Her body and soul had long been accustomed to the rush of violent energy.

But unless her realm is raised to God King (level 120), or even higher, she will never be able to fully control the information flow of the world's restart.

The minimum standard for restarting the universe is the God King.

"Ah, father, what's wrong with you?"

While she was shaking her head to relieve the pain, the exclamations of Adam Qixia and his wife rang out first.

"My dear, chief scientist, why have you become like this?"

Several Earth heroes also shouted, "Harley, look at it quickly."

"Shit, what's wrong with him?"

Harry was also shocked when he saw a strong middle-aged man in his forties or fifties turned into a chicken-skinned old man in his eighties or nineties.

"What's wrong with me?"

Old Sadas looked blankly at his old, shriveled, trembling and weak hands, panicked and frightened.

"I saw the whole process."

Bateman quickly told the story of how the old man grew old.

He had no energy to transmit to Harley and kept watching nearby.

"Everyone was screaming in pain and seemed very uncomfortable, but Mr. Sardas changed even more."

Harley looked at Chief Scientist Lan thoughtfully, "What wish did you make in the reboot?"

"I -" Sadasi's dim old eyes caught a glimpse of the representatives of various civilizations around him, and he swallowed his words again.

Harley didn't ask any questions, and just guessed: "Maybe your wish was too strong and touched the origin of the universe. It responded to your wish, so you paid the price of your life for it."

Sadas immediately became ecstatic, "Now that the planet Rann has been resurrected, including the dead people? And it has also annexed Senagon, promoted to a god-level civilization, dominated the entire universe, and surpassed the Martus civilization?"

"Uh, you made so many, such grand wishes?" Harley was stunned at first, and then felt speechless.

"You Sadas, you are so ambitious and try to annex our Senagang. The most I want is to win the battlefield of Lann-Senagan." Speaker of Senagang cursed.

"What's the point of annexing Senagon? Didn't you hear? He wants to dominate the universe, Falk. The best I can hope is to become more handsome and charming, and all the handsome men and beauties I fall in love with will fall in love with me."

"Martus is a little blue man, right? Beyond the little blue men, the Lann people want to be gods? I just made a wish to become a god, but he would be better and want the whole nation to ascend."

"He deserves to lose his vitality. This bad old man is very bad."

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