"What are you talking about?" The villain giants looked at him in confusion.

"Harley Quinn has touched the hand of creation." Luther turned to the calculator and quickly ordered: "Let the villains in the society move, and I will plunge the United States into complete chaos.

Regardless of the law, the police, the US government, or the casualties of ordinary people, the more casualties, the better.

The villains can be unscrupulous and do whatever they want. Even if they don't want to do it, they have to complete the task of destroying at least one neighborhood or street. "

"BOSS, this is a time like this." The mathematician looked troubled, "Everyone has just come down from the Tuning Fork Battlefield. We are all panicked after an unexpected incident. We are in urgent need of comfort and win over. It is not suitable to arrange tasks again, especially when it is so obvious."

——A cannon fodder mission that obviously doesn’t care about the life and death of the villains.

The villains are just evil, not stupid.

"You do what I say, no nonsense." Luther shouted.

The computerist had no choice but to do as he was told, imitating Harley's "Hero Order" and issuing "Crime Orders" to villains around the world.

Several villain giants looked at each other, wondering what kind of troublesome problem Luther had encountered, and why he exploited the secret society so recklessly.

"I hope you will also take action immediately and set an example as a leader." Luther turned to them and said.

Thalia sneered in her heart and asked curiously: "At least give us a reason to convince us?"

Luther hesitated for a moment and said: "The Hand of Creation appeared in the Arctic Galaxy, and it is the main hub of restart.

Whether the single universe turned into a multiverse tens of billions of years ago, or whether the multiverse collapsed into the single main universe a few years ago, its leaders, Maltus and Harley Quinn, have all observed the hand of creation.

Because the universe was born from that hand.

Just now, the hand of creation was touched by Harley Quinn. I guess she probably wants to lead the subsequent restart of the multiverse. "

"How do you know what happened in the Arctic Galaxy?" Leopard Girl asked strangely.

"I have my own instruments to observe the state of the universe." Luther explained simply.

It was just a video conference at the moment, and no one knew what equipment Luther had there, but considering his "most intelligent brain in the universe" and his alliance with Alexander Kent, they didn't doubt it.

"Hey, BOSS, Harley Quinn has issued a hero order again. She calls on all heroes with powers and magic to go to the Arctic galaxy to save the world." The calculator suddenly said.

"Superpowers and magic," Luther said thoughtfully, "'Observing' the hand of creation requires a lot of energy. Is it possible that she has to absorb everyone's power to control the restart process?"

"You asked us to create chaos in the United States so that she would not have the energy to 'observe' the hand of creation?" Faust asked.

Luther nodded gloomily.

He asked Superboy to destroy Oa and detonate the main universe for the same purpose: he did not want Harley to continue the unfinished work of "Alexander Kent".

Unexpectedly, she did not expect what she was afraid of, but she still extended her black hand to the hand of creation.

"Why?" Thalia asked confused.

"We were just talking about the history of the God of War. Where did it come from? Now that Harley Quinn is once again in control of the restarting process of the universe, what new history do you think she will use her power to create? Or directly distort reality?"

The giants were shocked and understood the seriousness of the matter.

"Do we still need to create unrest now?" the calculator asked, and then explained hesitantly: "After I conveyed your order to the super villains, there was very little response.

Many people plan to go abroad and hide from the limelight for a while.

Well, avoid Witch Harley's 'Day of Reckoning' and don't dare to cause trouble again. "

Anger flashed in Luthor's eyes, "A group of idiots who can't hold up the wall. They don't even have the courage and insight. They deserve to have their will twisted by the Justice League and be captured by Amanda Waller and used as cannon fodder."

"Well, you have to prove that Harley Quinn's anger is just a 'minor setback', otherwise" Thalia smiled bitterly and shook her head, "I said I'm not afraid of your jokes. Today's Shadow Warriors Alliance, from my father to the most basic Shadow Warriors, all treat Witch Harley's biggest nightmare.

That is to say, Luther, you had a good relationship with her in the past, and she has never used any cruel methods against you, otherwise."

Speaking of this, she suddenly felt a little strange. Based on the friendship between the two of them, first of all, Luther shouldn't show his hatred for the Witch Harley so straightforwardly.

As far as she knew, she had helped him several times.

Secondly, Luther should not belittle the Witch Harley mentally or verbally.

As her friend, he knew her well and expressed his admiration for her abilities in public on many occasions.

Finally, Thalia thought of a strange thing: on the tuning fork battlefield, Witch Harley said with great certainty that this was an imposter.

She looked at Luther with a slightly strange look, "Luthor, now that things have come to a point, we may really have to consider the possibility of transferring to the parallel universe.

It would be best for us to meet immediately and you demonstrate the instrument for traveling to the parallel universe in public to enhance our confidence, what do you think? "

Luther waved his hand perfunctorily, "I have something urgent to do, so let's break up the meeting first. When the multiverse is restarted, I will discuss the retreat with you."

After speaking, the video communication was closed directly without waiting for the reaction of several giants.

"Stab it."

His holographic projection flickered and disappeared without a trace, leaving the other criminal giants looking at each other in shock.

"So, that's it for today? BOSS must be studying countermeasures. We have to believe in him. He is the smartest person in the universe." Luthor's loyal younger brother and the chief executive of the secret society, Calculator, smiled at everyone. road.

"Hey, Faust, it's me, Thalia."

As soon as Thalia went offline, she immediately took out her mobile phone from China and contacted Faust.

"What's the matter?" Faust asked doubtfully.

"Are you still using a magic circle to simulate an electronic communicator?" Thalia asked.

"An excellent magic master can use magic to solve all problems in life." Faust said proudly.

Thalia calmed down and said, "That's good. What I'm about to tell you can't be known to the calculator. That bastard has been helping Luther monitor all of us!"

"What you are talking about has something to do with Luther?" Faust asked curiously.

Thalia said directly: "Have you ever doubted that Luther is not the real Luther? His attitude towards Harley Quinn is not like Luther himself, and Harley Quinn firmly denies his identity as Luther.

Witch Harley, such a smart and cunning person, will never make a mistake without aim. "

"Identity disguise can deceive you mortals, but it will never deceive an excellent magic master." Faust said with a touch of pride and contempt in his tone, "You who are mortal in the flesh can only see his appearance, but I can't deceive him." Read his soul and he is Luther.

As for Witch Harley, I know her better than you do.

It is her real talent to be able to tell lies that are beneficial to her in any situation, and she is even more skilled than Thorns and Black Vortex. "

Thalia wanted to spit at him and hang up.

But her plan requires the other party's master-level magic, and there is no more suitable ally among the villain giants - he also has a little friendship with Harley Quinn.

"Faust, as an outstanding old master who has lived for hundreds of years, you should have a clear understanding of the current situation, right?"

Faust thought thoughtfully, "Your father and I are four hundred years old friends, and our relationship with Luther is purely based on interests. So if you want to say anything, don't worry, just say it."

Thalia didn't really think of him as a reliable old uncle whom she had known for four hundred years.

There was no connection of interest between him and her father. In the early years, there was a conflict between the two parties because of the incident of LS Luquanshui.

"I'm not afraid of old uncle's jokes. You know the biggest shame in my father's life happened in Gotham, to the Witch Harley.

That time he had no chance of defeat, at least he could escape unscathed, but his allies betrayed him because of a word and a promise from the Witch Harley. "

Faust's mind raced and he soon understood what she meant: learn from Lei Xiaogu's Gotham villain allies and sell Luther in exchange for the amnesty of the Witch Harley.

"We still have to give Luther a chance, just keep an eye on him without taking action and see if he can turn the tide."

Faust said in a complicated and sincere tone: "For so many years, our super villain has been bullied by all parties. It was the secret society he established that made us feel proud and live like human beings.

It was also his clever tactics that led us to defeat the Justice Society, the Freedom Fighters, the Justice League, and almost all the invincible superheroes in the world.

If we don't encounter the accident of restarting the universe, we can continue to win.

Alas, what difference does it make if he is really Luther or not?

What we need is victory and profit. Whoever can bring us great benefits can be called 'Dad', not to mention 'Boss Luther'. "

"Do you think I'm willing to compromise with Witch Harley?" Thalia said bitterly: "If I can keep winning, I will definitely always be loyal to Luther, more loyal than my father."

Gotham, Arkham Island, "Galactic God of War Hotel" owned by the big real estate developer Cobot, presidential suite on the third floor.

"Creator, Watcher? Answer me!"

Luther is sitting in an office chair, wearing a strange metal helmet with many colorful "little light bulbs" on his head.

Waves of spiritual will spread to the newly born DC multiverse.

If Dachao or Bateman saw his "cerebroscope", they would immediately think of the "energy transfer device" used by Alexander Kent on the Monitor satellite.

After the death of the Watcher, Alexander used it to transfer the power of the prophet to the tuning fork in the multiverse, in order to take those universes away from the Ten Thousand Celestial Instrument and go to the underworld.

At this time, he rebuilt the "energy transfer device" and communicated with the origin of the newly born multiverse through it.

"Mar Nou, answer me, don't pretend to be dead! When I got all your memories, I naturally knew all your secrets.

When the multiverse is restarted, it will be the day of your resurrection.

Diversity has been restarted, and you will inevitably be resurrected, at least with the consciousness to talk to me.

Now I need your help.

You know better than I do what would happen if Harley Quinn took control of the multiverse.

You still need me. "

Marnou is the name of the monitor, just like the real name of the Anti-Monitor King is "Mobius", but their real names are even less well-known than that of the Hell Demon King.

Harley doesn't know.

"Mar Nowu is dead."

After a while, someone finally responded to Luther.

Not one person, but a group of people, many voices mixed together, including men and women, old and young, dozens of them.

Luther was stunned for a while and asked in surprise: "Are you all monitors?"

"We found that one monitor could not manage the entire Wan Tian Yi, so we split it into 51 when we resurrected, and each single universe has an administrator." The monitors said.

"51? Aren't there 52 universes now?" Luther asked strangely.

The 51 monitors fell into silence at the same time. After a while, a middle-aged man's voice said: "The time has not come yet, 'it' is not mature yet."

Luther was thinking about more important things, and did not delve into the issue of "timing". He said directly: "I need power to deal with Harley Quinn. I will help you seize the power of the multiverse and give me more power."

"You can't do it. When Harley Quinn holds the hand of creation, destiny has been determined. No one can compete with her." The monitors sighed.

"I started the multiverse. Before the cosmic tuning fork collapsed, the 51 universes of Wantianyi had been formed under my leadership. I have at least 50% of the authority. I am the real destiny." Luther said loudly.

"You once had destiny, but now you have lost it." The monitor said.

Luther was stunned and said excitedly: "Impossible, you told me personally on the Monitor Satellite that I was born with a body of destiny, and my body is the best 'destiny carrier' in the multiverse.

As long as I live, I will always be favored by fate, and I will always bear the mission of executing the will of the multiverse. "

"Alexander, accept the reality. I understand that your current situation is not very good. You can find a place to hide first, stay anonymous, and rest quietly. There may be a chance for you to rise again in the future." A female monitor comforted him. .

"I don't have to hide!" Luther yelled angrily, then immediately regained his composure and said, "In the newly born multiverse, I have authority over Harley Quinn.

As long as you give me enough positive material energy to drive it, Harley Quinn can't do anything to me. "

An old watcher said calmly: "You have no authority at all! The power of creation that you drive the tuning fork comes from the watcher, and all the authority you gain belongs to us.

Those authorities are our credentials for managing the multiverse in the future. "

Luther was stunned, "What do you mean? You took away my authority and didn't give me power."

"You will always be our child, and this will not change. It's just that now the overall situation has been decided, you can only wait patiently."

Luther's expression changed. "Then you send me back to the Heroes' Paradise. I want to leave the main universe."

"I'm afraid that won't work. Heroes' Paradise is already being targeted by Harley Quinn."

"Stop her."

"Comparing power to money, use it less and less. Heroes' Paradise is of no use to us. It is good for us to let her waste her power on unimportant things." The monitor said.

"Even if it's for me, that little bit of power isn't worth paying for?" Luther said with a gloomy expression.

"For the sake of the overall situation of the multiverse, please bear with me a little. Heroes' Paradise is not your only place to go?" the monitor said indifferently.

Luther gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, give me the power to travel through parallel universes at will, and I will go to other universes."

"No, time travel is prohibited in the new multiverse."


"For the stability of the universe, all interdimensional travelers are criminals pursued by the Monitor. This is the law of the multiverse, a rule, or a rule made by Harley Quinn who wasted most of her power."

"Why did she make this rule?" Luther asked in surprise.

"not sure."

"You can't just let me wait for death in the main universe, right?" Luther was angry and helpless.

If he had known this outcome, he would never have given the remaining "power of creation" in his body to Superboy.

That bastard Superboy said nothing and wasted his last trump card.

"The main universe is so big. With your intelligence, you will definitely be able to easily find a place to live, and even live more freely than in the Heroes' Paradise."

"Fake!" Luther looked out the window at the vast night scene, feeling confused.

He understood that he had been abandoned by the watcher.

——Farke, Farke, Farke!

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