I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1284 The anti-supervision king causing trouble

This is a barely considered crisis that affects the multiverse.

It is not actually a crisis for Harley, and the impact on other superheroes is indirect.

Much of what they suffered was their own fault, and if they worked together, secret societies wouldn't be a problem at all.

However, the impact of this event was indeed far-reaching and its impact was wide. It happened in the material universe, but people in the material universe only knew the truth at the last moment.

The more powerful the existence, the closer the connection with the universe, and the more sensitive it is to changes in the universe.

Many supreme beings have even "predicted" today's arrival.

And almost all the supreme and powerful gods and demons have their sights set on the tuning fork battlefield.

Even the anti-monitor king of the antimatter universe is no exception.

Well, he was fully resurrected by Metron in the "Zero Hour Crisis" caused by Hal Jordan.

Metron's chair came from him, and he was in some ways the creditor of the god of knowledge.

In the process of returning time to zero and then restarting it, Harley involved everyone present, guiding the restarting process and fine-tuning her life.

That time, the Flash's wife changed from pregnant White Iris to Black Iris, who was not even considered his official girlfriend. At that time, Metron also participated in it and took the opportunity to fish part of the origin of the Anti-Monitor King from the river of time - Infinite Earth. When the crisis universe restarts, the source of anti-monitoring energy left in the mother river of time.

Relying on that origin, the Anti-Monitor King was officially resurrected in the core of the planet Kovad, the center of the antimatter universe.

Even though his strength is far less than before, he still belongs to the "cosmic administrator" of the sixth dimension and can be regarded as a "secondary" creator.

He sensed the changes in the sixth dimension brought about by the old Superman smashing the crystal wall of Heroes' Paradise.

Before Alexander Kent left the Hero's Paradise, he had a premonition of the destiny to restart the multiverse.

However, He is still in a state of conserving strength, and originally planned to just watch and not interfere with this incident.

But as he watched, He began to have ups and downs in his mood, he couldn't calm down, and his heart became angry. Finally, he decided in his heart: He wanted to give the Witch Harley a comeuppance!

Well, it was Harley who disturbed his mood and made him change his mind.

She is stronger and can penetrate Superman without using any tricks. This makes the anti-supervision king who has lost 99% of his strength and most of it stolen by her feel very unbalanced.

She was too proud and arrogant. One moment she was dominating the Lann-Senagon battlefield, the other moment she was fighting ghosts, the next moment she was cleverly plotting to find the tuning fork, and now even Superman (Superboy) was beaten to tears by her, watching a war spread across the multiverse. The turmoil was about to be calmed down by her.

But what about Himself?

Even though it has been some days since He was resurrected, He still has to remain anonymous, just like the tiger lying on the barren hills, having to endure with its minions hidden.

Comparing the two, He began to feel uncomfortable.

"I'm going to kill Witch Harley."

On the planet Kovad, behind the video wall observing the material universe, the Anti-Monitor King said to the red-skinned and golden energy-uniformed Sinestro next to him.

By the way, Sinestro's experience over the years has been rough and legendary.

In Crisis on Infinite Earths, he was forced to cooperate with Harley to destroy the "antimatter energy cannon that can destroy a universe", triggering a big explosion in space and time. Harley stole nearly half of the anti-monitoring king's energy, and fed and drank enough to prepare for the future. A solid foundation was laid for the restart of the universe, but unfortunately he got stuck in the turbulence of time and space.

After the universe was completely restarted, he escaped from the turbulence of time and space and landed on the Kovad Star in the newly restarted antimatter universe.

He then forced the "weapon bearers" on Kovad to forge a yellow light ring.

The Armed Ones are an engineering organization of the Kwad people, and the Kwad people are similar to the little blue men of the antimatter universe, with extremely high IQ and civilization. So they can create sets of yellow light rings and yellow light central energy batteries just like the little blue men create green light rings and green light furnaces.

After the initial establishment of the Yellow Lantern Corps, Sinestro did not quietly cultivate and develop, but immediately went to the material universe.

First, he wanted to recruit Yellow Lantern members in the material universe; secondly, he wanted to return to his hometown to see if the reboot had changed the planet Koruga; finally, he did not participate in the complete reboot process of the universe and had to figure out what happened afterwards. , and the answer can only be found in the material universe.

As a result, as soon as the yellow lantern beast Parallax on him appeared in the material universe, it immediately attracted the attention of the little blue man.

In the end, he was arrested by the little blue men and imprisoned in the Central Energy Battery, where he was treated the same as Harley in her early years.

Until the "Hal Jordan Massacre of Oa Incident" on the eve of Zero Hour Crisis, the Little Blue Man gave him a chance to regain his freedom: kill Hal Jordan as the greatest Green Lantern in history, and they allowed him to return to the Green Lantern Corps. .

At least he could leave the central energy battery. Sinestro had no reason to disagree.

But he would not really sacrifice his life for the little blue man. After discovering that he could not defeat the crazy Hal, he decisively chose to pretend to be dead.

After pretending to be dead and escaping, he began to cultivate Huang and other legions in the antimatter universe.

Not long after, the Anti-Monitor King woke up on the planet Kovad.

As long as there are enough interests, even if something bad happened before, it will not affect the alliance between the two.

Of course, nominally Sinestro is still a subordinate of the Anti-Supervisory King.

"Your Majesty, I also feel that Witch Harley is unhappy, but the Yellow Legion has not yet been formed, and your strength has not been fully restored, so you should wait." Sinestro advised rationally.

"We don't need to go to the end personally." The anti-supervision king pointed at the ferocious expression and cruel eyes of Superboy on the screen with a metal finger as thick as a white radish, and said with a smile: "This kid has the talent to become the overlord of the universe, so he should work for me. "

"This 'Superman' is strong and strong, but now he is beaten by Witch Harley and is crying." Sinestro frowned slightly, "It seems that he can't change the situation of the battle, let alone help you kill Witch Harley."

"All it takes to change the situation of the battle is a suit." The Anti-Monitor King looked down at the metal carapace on his body and sneered: "The reason why Witch Harley restrained Superboy is for two reasons.

She is thick-skinned, and her martial arts skills are so extraordinary that she can even block Superman's attacks. "

He was inspired by these words. During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, He was beaten to pieces by Superman and Supergirl many times, and he personally experienced the "Superman level" invincible Iron Fist.

"Another reason is that her Black Vortex of Thorns, which is a counter-injury magic at a cost, is a mental attack and is particularly lethal to 'Superman' who has low magic resistance."

Sinestro thought thoughtfully, "So, your armor can make up for Superboy's shortcomings in these two aspects?"

"Kacha kacha." The blue metal shell of the Anti-Monitor King fell off his body in sequence, suspended in mid-air and melted into a dark blue liquid ball.

"Give it to Superboy."

Sinestro glanced at the anti-monitoring king in a pure energy state and asked, "How to use it? What are its functions and precautions?"

"It can provide sufficient energy of the same attribute at all times based on the wearer's energy attribute. If the wearer is a superman, it can provide an unlimited amount of yellow sunlight to keep him at his peak.

Secondly, it is also completely immune to all magic and supernatural damage below the highest level.

Well, mind control and soul attacks are also free.

As for ensuring that the wearer can survive in any environment and have near-invincible physical defense, Superboy is left to explore these details on his own. "The anti-supervision king said calmly.

Sinestro wished he could put it on himself immediately.

After that, it was simple. When the tuning fork exploded, Sinestro, who had been guarding the edge of the battlefield for a long time, pulled Superboy into the space crack and entered the equally deserted Earth-1, and handed Superboy the offer from the Anti-Surveillance King. .

"Okay, as long as the armor really has the effects you said, I will help you kill Witch Harley." Facing the artifact armor falling from the sky, Superboy didn't hesitate at all.

Now, Tuning Fork Battlefield.

"Hahaha, Witch Harley, are you at the end of your rope? But the price you pay will not hurt me at all."

Superboy punched Old Superboy, kicked Superboy, and pushed Wonder Woman away with her head. Ignoring the attacks of other heroes, he teleported to Harley and punched out an afterimage that even the Flash couldn't see clearly.

He was unscrupulous and hearty, and the counterattacks of the thorns and black vortices fell on him like raindrops, but they were also as harmless as the raindrops.

"Gudong, Gudong." The punch speed was too fast. In just a moment, the experience tank surged by a large amount, and then the experience stopped growing and stayed at 35% of level 108. Superboy alone provided Harley with more than one level of experience!

"Mother Fake, I remembered. This is the anti-matter armor. Could it be that the old anti-supervision thief has been resurrected? Is this the armor it gave you? Is it plotting against me behind the scenes?"

Harley was beaten tens of thousands of times, and was injured tens of thousands of times. She intuitively felt the power of the dark blue armor. Finally, she recalled its origin through its antimatter original aura.

Superboy was stunned for a moment, then continued to punch, beating Harley, who was protected by the gold film, like dough, "No matter what you say, what you do, or what you guess, it can't change your outcome. You are dead today. "

Harley quickly calmed down from the shock of discovering the resurrection of the Anti-Monitor King, and mentally transmitted: "Diana, Aquaman, you and I will block Superboy's frontal impact.

Hal, Stewart, you use the green light energy device to embody the yellow sun and ensure that Superboy, Superboy, Superboy, and Supergirl are all operating at full power.

Superboy, Old Superboy, you hug Superboy's arms from both sides, Superboy, you hug his legs, and Supergirl strangles his neck from behind.

Firestorm, be prepared, wait for Superboy to be subdued, and immediately approach the superpower that uses material transformation to try to see if you can change the metal elements of his armor and turn his invincible armor into scrap metal. "

"I'm not sure, his armor is not the material of this universe." Firestorm said.

"So let's give it a try and get started."

Following Harley's order, several heroes named by her immediately took action.

Green Lantern turns this battlefield into a world of golden light. Superboy, Old Superman, and Supergirl all enter their strongest state. At least they no longer lose to Superboy in strength and speed.

Almost instantly, the originally arrogant and domineering Superboy was locked in mid-air.

"Let me go, ah ah ah, let me go quickly!" He struggled and shouted, but he still couldn't break free from the shackles of the four "supermen".

"Want to kill me?" Harley sneered and flew in front of him, with a flash of green light in her hand and a kryptonite dagger inserted into his eye socket.

"Crack, click!" The dagger broke inch by inch, leaving Superboy unscathed.

"Hey, why is kryptonite ineffective on this kid?" Harley asked in surprise.

Kryptonite is definitely not as hard as Superman's Man of Steel, but under normal circumstances, when kryptonite gets close to Superman's skin, he will first lose the superpowers of his Man of Steel.

So a kryptonite weapon can kill Superman.

"Don't kill him, he is just a child, temporarily blinded by anger." The two supermen hurriedly advised.

Firestorm was next to Superboy, holding the golden conduit above Superboy's shoulder armor with his right hand, activating his power, trying to turn it into scrap metal.

The surface of the "buzzing" golden conduit flashes with colorful light, but its essence has never been distorted.

"Harley, it has a slight effect. It will turn it into bronze in about 130 hours." Firestorm said with difficulty.

Although she thought he was inefficient, Harley still encouraged him: "Very good, as long as it works, we can fight for days and nights without rest."

Firestorm said awkwardly: "But I can only hold on for ten minutes, and then I have to rest for at least two hours. It takes too much energy."

Harley's expression was dull, "That's okay, he can't escape anyway."

By saying this, she had given up hope on him.

Opening her mouth, golden gastric acid mist floated out in strands, condensing into a golden knife in her right hand.

"Tsk~~" The knife stabbed Superboy's chest, and "click, click, click" a layer of metal armor formed on his chest, blocking the blade of stomach acid.

"Chichichi!" The knife pressed hard against the metal breastplate.

It's effective, but it's also very ineffective.

During Crisis on Infinite Earths, she used gastric acid mist against the Anti-Monitor King, and the efficiency was barely better than Firestorm.

"No one can hurt me. I have infinite power. How long can you trap me? Hahaha!" Superboy laughed proudly and struggled hard. The two supermen almost let him break free.

"Stab-" The golden light flashed, and a gash was cut on his cheek. The wound was like a baby's open mouth, and blood was flowing gurglingly.

It was Harley's stomach acid blade, which happened to trigger a quantum critical strike.

The gastric acid mist cannot deal with the Anti-Monitor King's "Sixth Dimension Armor", but Superboy is only a flesh and blood body of the four-dimensional material universe - the eighth-level food defense specialty can digest all matter and energy in a single universe.

He couldn't defend himself.

"Ahhh, it hurts!" Superboy screamed miserably.

"Hey, don't kill him, we can persuade him to turn around and make peace." Old Superman shouted.

"He can't turn back." Harley slashed Superboy's face with her backhand.

"Ouch, it hurts, it hurts so much, like sulfuric acid corroding flesh, it hurts so much!" Superboy shouted.


"Superboy, calm down." Just as Superman and Harley were arguing, a voice came into Superboy's sea of ​​consciousness through the power of creation.

"Alexander? You're not dead?" Superboy almost shouted Alexander's name.

"I faked my death and escaped, you know, as Luther. Now I want to tell you something. The universe restart has been interrupted, but it can be started again, and only you can start it."

"How to do it?"

"Blast Oua!"

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