I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1283 The “Devil Boy” Arrives

The cosmic tuning fork was originally in a huge crystal pit, but now it was broken into two parts in the middle. The base remained in place, and the upper part flew to the crystal wall several hundred meters away.

Golden and red energy arcs jumped at the fracture, and the sky above cracked into dark gaps as dense as a spider web.

Even part of the "sky" and the entire space disappeared, revealing the dark nothingness within, but in the nothingness one could vaguely see blue earths.

As long as your eyes are on a certain earth, its relevant information will immediately appear in your consciousness.

"Earth-2, it's Earth-2, I saw it, it's Earth-2, my hometown."

The old Flash Jay pointed to an earth on the other side of the space rift, with tears in his eyes and his whole body shaking with excitement.

"I feel it too, Earth-10! Alexander Kent succeeded, he really restarted the universe." The "Doll Girl" of the freedom fighters trembled.

Superheroes and supervillains stopped fighting at the same time, and a series of exclamations of claiming their hometowns sounded on the battlefield.

"Fuck, who broke the tuning fork in two? The multiverse has just been restarted halfway." Harley's curse resounded throughout the audience, and silenced the noisy battlefield.

"Just now I saw Superman being pushed down and beaten by Old Superman. I didn't mean it. Old Superman's fist was too heavy and I was knocked away. I couldn't control it and so I hit him."

Superboy said hesitantly as he crawled out of a hole in the crystal wall.

"Didn't I ask you to help me fight the battle? What do you care about Superman?" Harley said, and quickly turned back to look for Superboy, and sure enough, he was nowhere to be found, "Shit, where is Superboy?"

Leaving you to stare at Superboy, you neglected your duty, let him go, destroyed the tuning fork, and did nothing else. "

Superboy explained: "You asked me to watch Superboy to prevent him from escaping, but I waited for a long time. Even though he burst into tears in pain, there was still no sign of escaping, so I put my eyes on him. Another battlefield.

And I wasn't derelict in my duties. I asked Supergirl to watch Superboy for me. "

Supergirl quickly said: "I was fighting Chemical Man at the time, and I didn't agree to Superboy's request."

"Old Superman is also gone. I saw him holding someone in his arms and rushing into the rift in space." Diana said.

Not only the old Superman, but also Superboy was nowhere to be seen.

One hero said he was chasing the old Superman, but his tone was very uncertain.

"So, Superboy also escaped into the parallel universe?" Harley looked at the remains of the tuning fork. The red-haired Alexander Kent was also missing.

"Alexander Kent, who among you saw this?" she asked.

"He seemed to be dead." Superboy said: "When I hit the tuning fork, he let out a shrill scream, and then his body radiated bright light and exploded on the spot.

Well, the previous explosion came from him. I just broke the tuning fork, and there was no energy explosion at the break. "

"Dead." Harley was suspicious, but couldn't provide any evidence.

Glancing at the super villains who were still in the same place, she sent a message to the heroes: "I'll leave the job of cleaning up the battlefield to you. I'll go to Earth-2 to find Rip Man. Maybe Superboy is there too."

"Wait a minute!" Zatanna stopped her and said with a serious expression: "You are right, the universe restart was abandoned halfway, and our universe is undergoing a drastic change that I am not sure about but can sense."

"Oh, of course I can detect it, but I can't do anything about it at the moment. Let's wait for the giants to find a way to end it." Harley sighed.

She even sensed that the center of the upheaval was at the Lann-Senagon battlefield, in the Arctic system.

However, the three major elements for restarting the universe, energy, opportunity, and the wishes of all living beings, are now obviously lacking in energy. If she wants to be responsible, she must contribute a lot of energy.

She has no energy and is not willing to give of herself.

Earth-2, Metropolis.

"Louise, we are back, home."

The old Superman's old face showed an innocent smile like a child.

"It's really Metropolis, we're really back." Looking at the familiar Daily Planet building, Louise felt so excited that she suddenly broke away from the old Superman's arms and stood on the ground with her own strength.

"Lois, are you in good health?" Seeing that his wife was in good spirits, the old Superman was doubly surprised and danced with joy, "Yes, when we return to Earth-2, your body will recover immediately."

"Well, I feel better." Louise frowned, with a gentle smile on her face.

She did feel a lot better now, but she had an ominous premonition about fully recovering. But seeing her husband's cheerful look, she just wanted this moment to last forever.

If it can't last forever, then accompany him until he can't walk anymore.

"Hey, why is there no one on the street?" Old Superman was excited for a while, and immediately discovered the disharmony. The whole world was exactly the same as in their memories. Even the parking spots and burger food trucks on the street were exactly the same, but there was no one. It seemed like there were only the two of them in the world, as quiet as a tomb.

Obviously this is one of the most prosperous cities in the United States.

"Let's fly to the sky and take a look."

He pulled Louise and jumped into the sky, but still saw no sign of life.

In fact, there is no need to fly into the sky. He has super vision and super hearing, but he doesn't want to see or hear things he doesn't want to see or hear.

"How could this happen—ah, Louise, Louise, what's wrong with you?"

Something worse happened. Louise, who was originally "in high spirits", was like a car that had run out of fuel. Suddenly her head tilted and there was no movement.

Dachao tremblingly put his hand to her nose, not breathing.

In fact, there is no need to test her breath. He has super hearing and super vision. He can hear her heartbeat and see through her life status, but he doesn't want to

"Old Superman, what's wrong with Lois?" At this moment, another red figure flew in front of the Superman couple, and it was Superman who was following them, "I heard your cry."

When the tuning fork exploded, many superheroes didn't understand the state of the two supermen, but Superboy was responsible for fighting the old Superman. Even though the old Superman's reaction and speed were too fast for people to react, Superhero still saw his actions: He first broke the crystal wall, rushed into a hidden room, took away old Louise inside, and returned directly to Earth-2.

Dachao saw with his own eyes that Louise's hair was gray and her breath was dying, and he was worried, so he chased after her.

"It's you, it's all your fault, you destroyed the tuning fork, Earth-2 failed to restart, Louise, Louise!"

The old Superman was extremely sad and angry. He placed Lois' body on the rooftop of the Daily Planet Building, roared, and rushed towards Superboy.

The multiverse is a work in progress right now, and crossing different universes is much less difficult than normal.

Harley locked the direction of Earth-2, smashed a mirror-like "dimensional membrane", and came to an empty Gotham City.

Earth-0 Gotham's most prosperous residential area "Leshan Island" is still Arkham Island with salt marshes and mass graves.

She doesn't have super hearing, so it took her a while to find the two supermen.

They were fighting each other like two crazed beasts, letting go of their hands and feet with impunity, and most of the metropolis was reduced to ruins.

Old Superman only knew how to vent his anger, while Da Chao kept persuading him.

Harley stood beside Louise's body and waited for about two minutes. The old Superman noticed her, gradually regained his senses, stopped fighting on his own initiative, and lay slumped on the ground, covering his face and crying.

"Sorry, I. The one who really doesn't qualify to be called a superhero is me. Oh, God, what have I done!" He pulled his hair, his expression desperate and painful.

Superman explained to Harley who landed next to him: "Lois was seriously ill before and was about to die. Old Superman thought that she was not suitable for the environment in the paradise dimension and that she would recover naturally as long as she returned to Earth-2, so..."

"Alexander Kent told you that you can recover by returning to Earth-2?" Harley asked.

The old Superman still lowered his head and covered his face, but he still nodded his head subtly to answer her question.

"Can you send Louise's soul to Heaven Mountain?" Dachao asked expectantly.

When the old Superman heard this, he was shocked. He quickly let go of his hands, moistened his wrinkled face with tears, and looked at Harley with hope and anxiety.

Harley shook her head and said, "Her soul was not found."

"Goed to hell?" Dachao thought of his Louise, who had sinned hundreds of thousands, could this Louise be the same?

"No, the soul is gone, neither in Limbo nor in heaven and hell."

"Louise should believe in God, right?" Da Chao said.

"I didn't go to other divine realms, I just disappeared. It's very strange."

"Why is this happening?" Old Superman murmured.

"If you had explained Louise's situation to me earlier, at least her soul would not have been lost, and the worst outcome would have been for you to go to Paradise Mountain to accompany her, like the Telescopic Man Ralph. Now that it's happening like this, ugh .”

The old Superman's gray hair, wrinkled face, and miserable look made Harley couldn't bear to ridicule him.

"Leave here first. The universe here has not been truly completed, and the laws and space are very unstable. Return to the main universe and slowly think of a solution.

Louise's soul will definitely not really disappear. It can only be said that the place she went to is beyond my knowledge. Perhaps it is related to the Heroes' Paradise? "

"If the tuning fork had not been destroyed, and if Earth-2 had restarted perfectly, Lois would not have died." Old Superman said sadly, wiping away tears.

"Huh, super intelligence is really wasted on you 'Superman'." Harley sneered: "You have never thought about why you are also a remnant of Earth-2, and dozens of heroes of the Justice Association are all It’s okay, but something happened to Louise, or is she in a place called ‘Heaven’?”

"Why?" Old Superman muttered.

"There must be a problem here, but I have to wait until I study it before I know the answer." Harley said.

"You are seeking death!"

As soon as Harley broke through the "dimensional barrier" and returned to the main universe, she heard Superboy's violent roar.

Then she saw Superboy retract his fist, and in the bloody mist, a headless corpse fell from the air.

Through her uniform, Harley recognized her as "Crazy Jane" from Doom Patrol.

There are more than a dozen corpses beside Superboy. Some were burned to coke by thermonuclear rays, some were frozen into lumps of ice by the ice breath, and a hero named "Guardian" had his arms torn off. The scene It was very bloody and brutal, and the fighting was fierce.

There is no trace of the kindness, light and hope that belongs to Superman in Superboy.

It was like a layer of demonic shadow shrouded him, especially the scarlet eyes that radiated heat rays, which looked more ferocious than the people of his motherland.

Like a demon.

At this time, it’s no longer the Three Heroes fighting Lu Bu, it’s Diana, Aquaman, Superboy, Supergirl, the two Flashes, Zatanna, Hal Jordan. There are magic, superpowers, physiques, skills, all kinds of There are more than twenty superheroes, fighting around Superboy, like a tornado. No, Superboy has the absolute upper hand. He is more like a tornado. The superheroes swirling around him are at most caught in it. Big trees and small trees.

"This guy seems to have become much stronger in a short period of time. Is it because of the armor on his body?" Harley asked in surprise.

Compared with half an hour ago, Superboy now has an extra set of dark blue metal armor.

It is not a full-body armor, only cylindrical arm guards, shoulder armor, leg guards, and boots. The upper and lower body are still in the Superman uniform.

The strange thing is that the metal armor is connected to tubes that flow golden energy.

Harry felt a little familiar, but couldn't remember where he had seen it before.

"Stop!" When Superboy knocked Diana dozens of kilometers away with one punch, and then reached out to grab the running old Flash's neck, preparing to twist it hard, Superboy rushed over with anger.


Superboy was knocked away unexpectedly, his nose and mouth were bleeding, but Superboy stood proudly on the spot with a cruel smile, "None of you are my opponent now - Hey, Witch Harley, just stand still and don't run away, let me Kill you!"

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