I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1248 People who have left want to come back

So far, Crisis on Infinite Earths is still the most widespread crisis in DC history.

In that incident, the DC multiverse collapsed from a parallel universe composed of countless individual universes into a single main universe.

Countless universes, only one remains in the end.

The survivors in the multiverse are also gathered in the main universe.

At the end of the crisis, the remaining survivors can be divided into four major categories: The first category is those who originally belonged to the main universe and were remembered by Harley. They retain their memories and are least affected.

Well, just because the impact on me was small does not mean that his life has not changed.

For example, Harley remembers her mother Tracey in this life, but Tracey lost a daughter in the reboot of the universe, and her life changed drastically.

The second category is people who belong to the main universe but are not remembered by Harley.

These people are divided into two categories - 1. The self remains unchanged, only the life in memory has changed; 2. The memory and people have been restarted, such as The Flash's lover Iris, who changed from a black girl to a blonde. Baimei.

The last category is people from the underworld.

Except for the superheroes who participated in the "War of the Origin of Time", all those who survived and were immigrated to the main universe were affected by the restart, and their memories and lives were all changed.

Although these four types of people are all survivors, the endings of survivors are different.

There are roughly three types: one is to stay in the new universe, and the other is "intolerable" and disappears without a trace.

For example, Helena Wayne from the Hades universe and the middle-aged uncle version of Nightwing lived until the birth of the only universe, but did not disappear in the finale of Crisis on Infinite Earths.

After the birth of the only universe, Harley and a group of heroes went to the anti-matter universe to conquer the anti-surveillance king.

Helena in the Hades universe was a mortal and was not qualified to join the expeditionary force. She stayed in the safe new universe, but the new universe couldn't accommodate her and made her disappear.

This type of hero is the most pathetic.

There is also the last category. In fact, it’s not really a category, just four people: old Superman and his wife, the gray-haired old Lois, Superman’s cheap adopted son Alexander Kent, and the guy from the “Supreme Universe” little Superman.

The "Heroes' Paradise" they went to was a very special dimension, rooted in the sixth dimension and seemingly transcending time and space.

The eve of the official meeting of heroes.

The dimension of heaven, before the crystal wall.

"How's it going?" Looking at Alexander Kent who was walking slowly, Superboy asked expectantly.

Little Alexander shook his head and sighed: "Superman still disagrees."

"Don't he want to save Louise? Louise's condition is getting worse day by day. If she doesn't leave this hellish place, she will die soon!" Superboy said excitedly.

"He is a superman. No matter how much he loves Louise, he will never do anything that harms the world for his own selfish gain." Little Alexander said calmly.

"Harm the world? No, no, I have no interest in Earth 0, which is like a cesspool." Superboy shook his head repeatedly, "I just want to return to my 'Supreme Earth'. This is the promise you gave me.

Because of this promise, I agreed—"

Looking around, Superboy had a look of disgust on his face, "Of course, I also want to leave this prison.

You lied to us. This place is empty, dull, monotonous, lifeless, and not a paradise at all. "

When Alexander Kent announced to the heroes that he was about to take Old Superman to the "Heroes' Paradise", everyone subconsciously imagined that the Heroes' Paradise was God's paradise: the holy light illuminated every corner, and the saints' songs echoed in the air. The golden floor is under my feet, surrounded by angels

But after arriving at Heroes' Paradise, Old Superman and Little Superman discovered that the so-called paradise is like a diamond.

That's the literal meaning.

A diamond larger than the earth is hollowed out inside. The sky is made of crystal, and the ground under your feet is also made of crystal. There is also a transparent crystal wall that separates "heaven" from the DC universe.

There is no divine light, no music that brings joy and satisfaction to the heart, not even a tree or a weed.

The four of them were like bugs sealed in amber.

The only fun is to stand behind the crystal wall and watch the evolution of the material world - similar to Eastern mythology, standing in heaven and watching the mortal world.

However, Superboy is the only one who is dissatisfied with the environment in Heroes' Paradise.

Little Alexander had no interest in pleasure, and his energy was mainly used in observing and interfering with the main universe.

As long as Louise and Old Superman hug each other, it is equivalent to owning the whole world and living contentedly and happily in the hero's paradise.

"This is paradise, a paradise for heroes, but it's not complete, if"

Little Alexander shook his head. After they left, they would definitely not come back. Even if the Heroes' Paradise becomes better than the God's Paradise in the future, it would mean nothing to them.

"Don't worry, my plan has been going smoothly. Superman will be convinced by reality soon." Little Alexander looked at the picture of Omac plundering the earth on the crystal wall, and said with a proud smile: "Look, such a depraved and ugly world, Which one is worthy of Superman’s protection?”

"Boom~~" Superboy punched the crystal wall. The crystal wall had no cracks and no shaking. It was as stable as a big tree pushed by an earthworm.

"Why does it have to be Superman to break the crystal wall? My strength is not weaker than his." He wondered.

Little Alexander gently stroked the crystal wall and said in a complex tone: "This is a paradise for heroes. The crystal wall that traps us looks like crystal, but it is actually a 'wall of faith' composed of the belief in justice in the universe and the concept of heroes."

What is needed to break it is not the strength of a body of steel, but heroic belief.

The greater the hero, the easier it is to open it. "

Superboy looks ugly. He can't break the crystal wall. Is it because he's not great enough? Not a great hero?

So what does his dedication and sacrifice in Crisis on Infinite Earths count?

An evil fire arose in his heart, he retreated a hundred meters, his body turned into a red light, and hit the crystal wall at the fastest speed.


The huge sonic boom shook the hero's paradise for hundreds of miles, and the violent airflow even knocked the nearby little Alexander staggering.

But the crystal wall is still as transparent as new, without a single crack.

"What are you doing?"

Just when Superboy slapped the crystal wall unwillingly, an old man with gray temples flew over.

He looked like Da Chao who was thirty years older.

"Seeing some things made Superboy so angry that he lost control of his emotions." Alexander Kent Jr. said.

"What happened?" Old Superman asked in confusion.

"Alas, today's Justice League has completely fallen, you can see for yourself"

At this time, the Heroes Conference has begun, and Harley is asking Dachao if he knows about the actions of the six people.

"Yes." Seeing the crystal mural, Da Chao nodded shyly, while the old Superman frowned and his face turned dark.

Afterwards, as one hero after another "confessed his crime", his expression became more and more solemn.

Little Alexander Kent approached the old Superman and asked in a low voice: "Has this ever happened to the Justice League on Earth 2?"

The old Superman shook his head slightly, "Each of us adheres to the concept of justice unwaveringly. We have never been close to the bottom line, so we will never cross it."

The smile on Little Alexander's face faded in a flash, and he was full of sorrow, "The righteous giant is the benchmark for the world's heroes. Even they have fallen to this point. You can imagine what a dirty and corrupt era the new universe has now entered."

The old Superman murmured: "At least Wonder Woman sticks to the bottom line, and she will bring them new hope."

Little Alexander's heart moved, and an instruction was transmitted to the earth through "the way of the Creator."

Earth, America, the scene of the Heroes Conference.

After asking all the heroes "Have they known about the actions of the six people earlier?" and receiving the answers, Harley sighed: "There is no doubt that according to the current legal and moral standards, not only did the six people cross the line, but everyone who knew it did not The heroic giants who did nothing have crossed the line.

By the standards of the past, none of you deserve to be called a hero.

But as I said before, the new era of superheroes has turned the world upside down. Even the concept of how to define a superhero is changing.

When superheroes first appeared, people thought that a uniform and a hood covering the face were enough to protect the hero's identity from outsiders.

But the "numerous crimes" of the six people tell us that this is nonsense. "

Dachao frowned and said, "You mean to lower the standards of heroes and make the actions of the Six, Bateman, and us 'accomplices' legal and rational?"

Harley shook her head and said: "I suggest that you redefine superheroes and redraw the rules and bottom lines. This is true, but I have no intention of exonerating you from your crimes.

In fact, what happened to the Six People makes me very disappointed in you.

I am not disappointed with what you have done, but I am disappointed with your inaction.

The theme of today's Heroes Conference is review, but review should have taken place within Zhenglian long ago.

After discovering the Six's behavior, the Justice League should immediately adjust the rules of superhero behavior to make it more realistic.

If the problem had been solved earlier, there wouldn't have been today's Omac crisis, and there wouldn't have been supervillains in danger for everyone. "

In the seat of government representatives in the audience, Mr. President touched the Secretary of State next to him, Lame Peng.

Lame Peng looked around, and after making eye contact with several military and political leaders around him, he stood up and said: "Admiral Galaxy, the matter of the six people twisting people's will cannot be solved by simple self-examination. Bar?"

"Oh, what does the government think?" Harley asked.

"I agree with Bateman's original intention of creating Brother Eyes. People with super powers need to be supervised to prevent incidents like the Six from happening again.

But superheroes cannot supervise themselves. There is no such thing in the world.

This job must be left to a third party, such as the White House and the Pentagon-"

Before Lame Peng finished his suggestion, there were hundreds of superheroes in the audience either ridiculing or speaking out against it.

"Tch~~ Bateman is certainly at fault, but isn't the person who stole his satellite a member of your government?"

"If you want to talk nonsense at the Heroes Conference, at least wipe your ass clean first."

"In the Omac crisis, the biggest culprit is the Shogi Club, Maxwell Lord, this is your man, your secret service organization."

"Just because the Shogi Club has been monitoring Bateman, Laud had the opportunity to steal the Brother Eye. Now that you are unrepentant, do you still want to increase surveillance and treat us as fools?"

"Baitman has now lost 99.9% of his credibility, but if I have to choose between you and him, I can only choose him holding my nose."

"We were elected by the people, represent the people, and we are responsible to the people for supervising you. As for the Shogi Club, it belongs to the League of Nations and has nothing to do with the United States. We don't even know Maxwell Lauder." Lame Peng shouted excitedly.

"Nonsense! The US government contributed 75% of the fiscal budget announced by the Shogi Club last year, and Maxwell Lord was born in the Pentagon and has appeared at White House banquets many times." A hero said.

"The United States also contributes the most money to a series of international organizations such as the World Health Organization and UNESCO. Are they government departments of the United States?" Lao Peng retorted.

"If one day they don't want to be a department of the United States and don't want to listen to your command, you will probably stop paying your dues." The heroine complained.

"Stab la la -" There was a quarrel in the venue, and the big screen behind the rostrum suddenly lit up. First, a huge eye - the brother's eye - appeared, and then a video began to play automatically and repeatedly.

The 10-second shot records the process of Wonder Woman breaking Maxwell Lord's neck with no expression on her face.

"Click - click - click." The only sound was the snap of a broken neck.

The scene was quiet, with reporters, celebrities, and government representatives looking horrified.

As the sound of broken necks continued to be repeated, a chill gradually rose from their hearts, and cold sweat soaked their backs.

"Farke, don't superheroes not kill people? If you kill Lauder today, then tomorrow."

The heroes were also stunned.

"Oh my god, Wonder Woman killed someone, and it was when the other person had no power to fight back."

In the hero's paradise, Alexander Kent Jr. whispered in the ear of the old Superman: "The Flash and Green Lantern distorted the will of teammates and villains. Bateman used brotherly eyes to monitor superheroes, tearing apart Man, Aquaman, and Cyborg knowing that the six people But she pretended to be deaf and dumb, and now Wonder Woman has also crossed the line of not killing people and is joining the Big Seven, and everyone has fallen."

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