I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1247 Everyone knows

Like Mr. Excellence, there are many heroes who look forward to Harley's immediate answer.

But Harley didn't grant their wishes.

After Green Arrow finished recounting "The Night on the Watchtower," she gave everyone ten minutes to digest the news before moving on to the next target.

"Tearman, what do you want to say about what the Six and Bateman did?"

Dachao thought for a while and said: "Green Arrow, Green Lantern, The Flash, Black Canary, Hawkman, and Zatanna have made huge sacrifices for the Justice League. They are all great, at least for all superheroes. They are great heroes who protect our identity and our families."

His words were immediately approved by all the heroes.

"Yes, they are our guardians, heroes of heroes."

The six people still had solemn expressions, but their eyes were brighter.

"But I don't advocate or agree with their method of protecting the identity of heroes." Dachao continued: "I agree with Bateman's insistence that superheroes must maintain the bottom line of justice.

In any case, twisting people's will has no chance of justice.

As for Bateman, I appreciate his persistence in the watchtower that day and firmly oppose his idea and behavior of monitoring his teammates in private.

I appreciate him because he kept the bottom line.

I opposed him because he failed to hold the bottom line. "

Harley raised her eyebrows, "Are you done?"

Da Chao smiled bitterly and said: "Although I don't agree with their behavior, I am completely in no position to criticize them. That's all I can say."

Harley said calmly: "The theme of this hero conference is self-examination. I never think you are qualified to criticize them. I let you express your opinion because I hope you will self-examination.

To put it simply, after Bateman and the Six People, it’s your turn to explain your ‘own fault’. "

"My fault?" Dachao was stunned.

Harley nodded slightly and prompted: "When the six people went deep into the darkness to eliminate the identity crisis for the superheroes, did you notice it?"

"Yes." Dachao sighed.

"Oh my God, this -" The heroes were in an uproar again.

"Tearman knew, but he didn't stop him. What does this mean?" Magical Mary was in a state of confusion. It seemed that the world of superheroes was far less simple than she had imagined.

"After knowing that the six people twisted the will of super villains, as the head of the Zhenglian Alliance and the recognized leader of the heroic alliance, what did you do?"

Dachao has two official positions, the first is the leader of the Justice League.

Next is the "Hero Leader" who appeared after the Beach City incident.

Before the incident in Beach City, superheroes adhered to the unspoken rule of "one person defends one city" and the organizational structure was extremely loose. "One person fights while the crowd watches" was almost the norm for superheroes in non-universe crises.

That is to say, when Mongo came to Beach City, only the Green Lantern who guarded Beach City stepped forward to fight. The other heroes respected Green Lantern's "heroic sovereignty" and did not interfere or disturb his fierce battle with Mongo. Watching from a distance.

Or even just ignore it and just do your own thing in your own city.

Harley mocked them countless times for this, and the superheroes were so stimulated that they learned from the experience and chose a "Hero Leader" to be responsible for commanding the heroes in times of crisis.

Da Chao is the "number one superhero" that everyone expects.

Now the leader of the Hero League is a big disappointment. He said sadly: "I haven't done anything, I don't know what to do."

"Wonder Woman, as the number one female giant in Zhenglian, what did you do in the Six People Incident?" Harley did not chase Chao to death. This was not the purpose of today's meeting.

The purpose of the second Heroes Conference is only one: to discover and solve problems through review.

"I didn't notice what they did," Diana said awkwardly.

"Arthur. Forget it, I understand." After just one glance, Harley turned her head to the one with the lowest status among the Seven Giants, "Cyborg, do you know?"

Just as Cyborg was about to answer, Aquaman Arthur shouted regardless of the occasion, "Wait, Harley, you understand something, please speak clearly."

"I understand something, don't you understand?" Harley asked strangely.

——Of course I understand, you just look down on me!

Neptune said with a serious expression: "Actually, I have already discovered what Green Lantern and Green Arrow have done."

——So, don’t look down on me!

"How did you find out? Or, you just pretended to have discovered it earlier, so as not to be looked down upon by me and everyone? Anyway, no one can prove that you didn't discover it earlier."

At this moment, they were being stared at by thousands of heroes, and the scene and atmosphere were extremely solemn. She did not speak, but teased through the spiritual connection.

Neptune was so angry that he almost jumped up, "Am I so vain? Besides, finding out about the six people is not an honor."

"Oh, so you have always chosen to be deaf and mute and have done nothing?" These words were spoken by Harley, after all, she was speaking on the stage at the moment.

——Tell me how you discovered this secret.

She telepathically communicated at the same time.

——In the past few years, I have been practicing my life connection skills hard. Now I have completed the training of verbally commanding humans within 100 meters. Then I seem to have super hearing like Tear Man. The hearing range in the sea is hundreds of kilometers, up to Once on land, I could only hear the sounds I wanted to hear within ten kilometers. I accidentally heard Oliver and the others whispering.

Neptune Arthur was communicating with Harley in his mind, while facing everyone in the audience, hesitantly said, "I don't know what to do."

The hesitation on his face was strange. If you don't know, you don't know. He's not the first one anyway.

When Harry was so confused, he connected with his mind and said something hesitantly: "It's not that I didn't do anything. After understanding the behavior of the six people, I often followed them to monitor whether they did anything that crossed the line.

It’s not that it’s crossing the line by twisting the super villain’s memory and will, but by attacking other people, or the villain doesn’t know the hero’s identity but still erases his memory and twists his will. In addition,”

He struggled for a while, and then said with some shame: "After they take action against a certain super villain, I will also use the life connection power to deepen Zatanna's oblivion spell.

If a memory is forcibly erased with magic, his brain, soul, and body will not adapt to the current state, just like an apple being bitten and losing its integrity.

This disharmony between physical and mental power will erupt when he encounters external stimuli, thus restoring his memory.

I don't know the magic of deleting memories, but I can control his body with the power of life connection and command the body cells to adapt to the distorted changes in will and memory.

In this way, the physical discomfort disappeared, as if he had never had that memory.

Those villains whose life genes have been tamed by me, even today when the Dr. Light incident was exposed, even if they specifically asked a mage to check their souls, they are still not sure whether their memories have been tampered with. "

——I’ll make a big deal out of you!

None of the six people put together could shock Harry as much as this moment.

"Falke, are you the Justice League or a secret service organization?"

After saying the words, Aquaman lost his psychological burden and his tone became more relaxed and natural, "The bottom line of Superman and Batman is just their bottom line.

Just because I remain silent and don't speak out against it doesn't mean that I will definitely comply.

They have a great psychological burden on killing people, but they have no qualms about killing a whale or a sea monster.

But to me, whales and humans are both living beings, equal in status and level of life.

A person can talk to me and show me his emotions and personality.

The whale can also talk to me and let me feel its mood and personality.

If I can give orders to a whale without any mental burden, why can't I do the same thing to a villain in the same way? "

Harley was speechless.

"Cyborg, do you know?"

She did not disclose the "evil deeds" of the "King of the Deep Sea", she only asked one question and then turned to the next person with a calm expression.

"I know. Not only do I know the actions of the six people, but I also know that they deleted Bateman's memory."

"Shit!" Cyborg shocked her again.

"Cyborg, you-" His regular teammates, especially Bateman and the Six People, were particularly shocked.

The shock of the six people was relatively simple, and Bateman's shock was also a little bit reproachful: I didn't expect that even you would betray me!

"What are you doing?" The Magic Family was confused, and the absurdity in their hearts was even greater than the shock. "Why do you feel that the Justice League is more complicated than the secret service organization?"

"Why does everyone know it?" The world's third smartest man was shocked but began to self-examine: Everyone else knows it, but I don't know it. I definitely have nothing to do with wisdom. I am too negligent.

Harley resisted the urge to complain and asked, "How did you know?"

“I am responsible for all data from the watchtower system, including alarms and video surveillance of public areas.

I browse the watchtower database at least 30 times a day to ensure that the vast satellite system does not malfunction.

Then I discovered that the surveillance video from the night Dr. Light invaded the watchtower had signs of modification.

Although the person who modified it has very high authority, the watchtower system was built jointly by Baxterman and I, so..."

Cyborg tilted his head and glanced at Bateman with a complicated expression, "I know that Green Arrow and Hawkman's actions are against the principles of heroes, but super villains are clamoring to harm heroes' families."

He sighed dejectedly, holding his head, with frustration and dejection in his voice, "Not only do I know what they are doing, but I also quietly help them finish the information.

For example, I delete the video and audio records of the scene, and paralyze the signals of some electronic devices with video recording functions. In short, I do my best to provide them with secret information services.

To a certain extent, I'm on the same page as them. "

"Oh my god!" Everyone was exclaiming, but the meanings of the exclaims were different.

Neptune opened his mouth wide, and his expression became hesitant again: Since Cyborg is so brave and fully confessed, should I "surrender" too?

The six people were a little excited: It turns out that we have a like-minded comrade.

Bateman's expression was solemn: Maybe I shouldn't regret the Brother Eye Project or just regret that it failed. I regret that I didn't do it well, not that I did it.

Wonder Woman is a little restless: It seems that I am the only one who is kept in the dark about the seven giants.

Harley pressed her temples and asked, "You haven't told anyone about this?"

Cyborg shook his head and said bitterly: "I want to find someone to talk to, but I don't know who to talk to. Looking for Tearman? What should I do if he sternly objects?

What if the six people's actions to protect the secret of the hero's identity stop because of his opposition, causing Su's incident to happen again?

I still wanted to find Bateman, but he made his attitude clear that night and even had that memory deleted."

"You can come to me." Wonder Woman couldn't help but said.

Cyborg glanced at her and said strangely: "I hinted at you, but you didn't respond at all."

"When and how did you hint?" Diana asked doubtfully.

"Just a week after Dr. Guang violated Su, the six people took the initiative to brainwash another super villain for the first time. Let me tell you, Su is not in the right mood. You should have a good chat with her."

"Uh, me" Diana looked embarrassed.

She remembered that Cyborg was weird at the time, which made her confused.

"Just tell me directly." She complained.

She talked to Sue and found nothing.

"If you can't discover Su's abnormality, when you know the truth, it will be easy for others to discover your abnormal behavior." Cyborg said.

Diana opened her mouth to refute, but was interrupted by Harley raising her hand, "This is a review meeting, private matters will be discussed in private."

She looked around, "Which other superhero knows about the Six?"

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