I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1197 DC Zhang Cuishan

Harley opened a small stove for her third apprentice Cassandra on the playground, and Selina gathered her daughter around.

There was a flash of red light in the sky, and Dachao carried Louise like a princess and landed in front of Harry with a "swish".

"The murderer is targeting Louise." There was not only impatience but also vague fear on his face, but after saying these words to Harley, his expression relaxed obviously.

"Louise was attacked?" Harley was a little surprised, and there was a bit of regret in her voice that was hard to hear: If she had discovered Jane Rowling's true identity a few days later, would Louise have been killed by her?

She didn't want Louise to die. Seeing how eager Dachao was, he even took Louise in work clothes to the manor. Even if Jane Rowling was full of murderous intentions and insisted on chasing her to Quinn Manor, she would not be able to succeed. .

But it would be interesting to let Louise experience a "bestie battle royale".

Louise was calm, jumped off her husband's arms, and said calmly: "I received a courier, and there was only a card in the box with one line written on it, 'I know who your husband is, and you will be next.' .

Among them, the 's' in 'husband' is capitalized in red font, and there is an inverted triangle framing the S. It is exactly the same as the symbol on Superman's chest, and the meaning is obvious. "

"Oh, it's just a threatening letter." Harley was deep in thought, using the murderer's harsh approach to dealing with Sue. The threatening letter was unnecessary and amateurish, unless she didn't want to kill Louise at all.

Selena said with a complicated expression: "I didn't expect her to be so cruel. Killing Su is not the end of the world. She doesn't even intend to let Louise go. Could it be that the friendship and laughter we once had were all fake?"

"What are you talking about?" Louise asked confused.

Harry smiled lightly and said: "A group of heroic detectives spent several days but couldn't find any useful clues. I went out personally last night and solved the case in a few hours.

If my guess is correct, Bateman will come over soon, bringing with him ironclad evidence. "

"Do you know who the murderer is? When did you know it?" Dachao asked in surprise.

"Looking at Selena's tone, could it be that she is an acquaintance of mine?" Louise asked eagerly.

"Wait until Bateman brings the evidence that completely closes the case. No matter how brilliant I say now, you may still be suspicious," said Harley.

Da Chao pressed the communication earbud and called Bateman directly.

"I'll be there soon."

Bateman did not announce the answer in advance until a few minutes later, when he walked out of the sonic boom tunnel with Mr. Miracle.

Both of them looked very serious.

They all looked at Harry deeply, a complex look that mixed admiration, bitterness, worry and a little confusion.

"You're right." Bateman sighed, then lowered his head and remained silent.

Mr. Miracle took out his mother box and played a video in front of everyone: Jane Rowling was writing at the table, and then put the paper into the box. With a "bang", she and the box disappeared together.

"I bought it!" The content of the video was very short and simple, but Louise didn't even finish it, she covered her mouth and exclaimed, "That box, that card, it's Jane, her, why is she?"

"Jian is the murderer? How is this possible?" Dachao said in a harsh voice.

Mr. Miracle said bitterly: "I don't believe it either, even if Bateman repeated Harley's reasoning process last night, I still don't want to believe it.

But I didn't refuse his request. I cooperated with him in lurking in the hospital and have been monitoring Jane until now. Now the evidence is so solid that I have to believe it.

Harley is so amazing. It was the first time she went to a crime scene as a detective and she immediately discovered the flaw. With some reasoning, she solved the case that had troubled us for many days. "

Harley smiled triumphantly, and then disappeared, forcing herself to have the same serious expression as them.

Dachao couldn't understand, "Why would Jane do this?"

Mister Miracle and Bateman both looked at Harley.

Harley thought for a moment and asked, "Where did Jane go after delivering the express to the Daily Planet?"

"She left for about ten minutes, and then returned to the ward and continued to work as a patient. When we left, she was talking on the phone with Lei," Bateman said.

Harry said slowly: "I'm afraid that in those ten minutes when she disappeared, she did more than deliver express to scare Louise."

Bateman's eyes flashed, "Do you think Louise's threatening letter is just to create a focus, attract our attention, and serve as a cover for her real goal?"

Selina's pupils shrank and she shouted in disbelief: "It can't be me, right? She and I -"

She couldn't talk anymore. In terms of friendship, Jian's relationship with her was far less close than that with Su. In the end, Jian even killed Su, let alone her?

But when she was with Jane, Sue, Louise, and Iris, she really felt happy. She was sincere and could feel everyone's sincerity. Why was this?

"I think she wanted to find a scapegoat and end the case immediately because she already got what she wanted," Hallie pondered.

However, Jane's happiness, like her mental state, is very unstable. If her and Lei's relationship fluctuates slightly in the future, I'm afraid there will be another bloody storm.

Therefore, let's stop talking nonsense, find Lei immediately, and completely close this case before the scapegoat gets into trouble. "

"Would it be too cruel to tell Lei directly?" Mr. Miracle asked worriedly.

"Then you'll handle it?"

Mr. Miracle fell silent with a troubled expression.

Louise said anxiously: "Stop playing riddles and speak clearly! I am the victim and the client."

Harley explained simply: "Jane is the murderer of Sue. The purpose is to create anxiety among superheroes that 'the hero's wife is in danger', and stimulate Lei to return to her and care for her."

"This is ridiculous." Louise said blankly.

"I didn't tell you, but you clamored to know. I told you, and you said it was ridiculous. It's better to let Jane tell you in person."

Harley originally thought that even outsiders would not believe that Jane Rowling was a psychotic murderer. After hearing the truth about the case, the Atom would break down and shout "No way, absolutely impossible."

But his reaction was somewhat beyond everyone's expectations.

He was stunned for only a moment, and he slumped down on the sofa in the Hall of Justice as if his spine had been taken away. He covered his face with his hands and fell into a long silence.

"Thunder" Dachao looked worried and hesitated to speak.

At this time, they only told Lei about Jian Rowling. The news had not spread yet, and there was no circle of people around the hall.

"I'm sorry." Lei put down his hand and looked at Da Chao without avoiding it, and everyone looked at him.

The pain and self-blame in his eyes were even unbearable for a "hard-hearted" person like Harley.

This is a poor honest man.

It's really both honest and pitiful.

"Lei, you don't have to say sorry to us. This is a tragedy. No one benefits. Everyone is a victim. You are a victim, and so is Jane Rowling." Harley said seriously.

She was comforting the Atom, but it wasn't entirely perfunctory.

Jane Rowling is indeed guilty, but she is mentally ill. Mental illness is certainly not a free ticket from death. The question is, why did she become mentally ill?

Harley felt that Jane Rowling's disease was worth studying.

"I don't know why this is happening. Why does Jane want me to love her so much? If she wants my love, she has already got it."

Lei finally shed tears, streaming down his face.

In a moment, two shiny wet marks appeared on the elegant and handsome cheeks.

"We also want to know the specific reasons, so it is imperative to communicate with Jane. We believe you, she is yours, and you handle the next thing.

Brace yourself and act now, she's probably planning a new crime. " Harley said.

"Thank you, I will give everyone an explanation." Lei glanced at everyone, turned into atoms, and disappeared.

"Is it appropriate to let Lei handle Jian Luolin's matter?" Dachao asked hesitantly.

"Don't you trust him?" Harley asked.

"I believe it, but I'm afraid he won't be able to bear it and will collapse halfway."

"Ray doesn't seem very shocked that Jane is the murderer?" Louise was a little skeptical.

"The shock you are talking about is just jumping to your feet and shouting 'oh no, god please, no——', and then twisting your face and making various emoticons?" Harley said, half sarcastically and half sighing: "He is already heartbroken. , the pain and confusion in my heart overwhelmed the shock, so that I didn’t even have the energy or energy to make the exaggerated expressions you mentioned."

Louise said nonchalantly: "I don't mean anything else, I'm just worried that Lei won't be able to bear it. As you said, his pain is too obvious and I can definitely see it."

Harley glanced at her and said calmly: "The reason why Ray didn't scream was because he had a vague premonition. He himself is the Atom, and he may have thought about what would happen if the murderer wore an atomic suit."

So after hearing the truth, he quickly accepted his fate.

Bateman said: "Jane is a mentally ill person. If we go to find her, we may push her to extremes and cause a greater tragedy. And this is Ray's responsibility and he cannot escape."

"Now that Lei knows the truth, should we inform others? They are still arresting people according to the suspect list, causing great turmoil in society and killing many people." Mr. Miracle said with a solemn expression.

"Did you kill the super criminal?" Harley frowned.

Da Chao sighed: "Super criminals never restrain themselves. There are hundreds of people on the suspect list. They are all resisting, and many of them also call their friends. So far, four heroes have been sacrificed and have been affected by the battle. There are more than 30 people."

"How many super criminals died?" Harley asked.

"Not one."

Harley started to have trouble with her thoughts again, "Ray left for a while, and he didn't come back in a hurry to say, 'That's wrong, Jane is not the murderer.' This means that the 'Hero Family Case' can be closed."

Call back all the superheroes outside, call to the Hall of Justice, announce the identity of Jane Rowling's murderer in public, and end the farce of the suspect search. "

The fact that Jane Rowling killed Su shocked all the heroes.

But they didn't discuss the issue much that day. Harley said: "Our mission is over, and Ray will do the rest."

Then they all listened to her, disbanded the team with depressed faces, and went back to their homes.

Ray didn't go to see them the next day.

On the third day, Bateman once again summoned the heroes to the Hall of Justice and announced with a strange expression: "The case is closed. Last night, Ray sent Jane to Arkham Asylum."

"Where's Thunder?" Green Arrow asked worriedly.

Bateman shook his head and said: "I don't know where he went. I called him through various methods, but there was no response.

In addition, he donated all his property to Arkham Asylum and told the director to take good care of Jane.

I guess we probably won't see him for a long time. "

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