I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1196 Wei Zheng Slays the Dragon Continues

"Harry, the results are in." The midnight doctor held a 12-inch "lex wisdom" tablet in his hand and showed it with a serious expression: "Look, this is Su's midbrain medulla oblongata. To be more precise, it is the blue medulla oblongata." Spot nucleus.”

As he spoke, he used his hand to enlarge the size of the photo on the tablet.

"What is the locus coeruleus?" Selina listened in a daze. Looking at the tablet photo, she could only see a blurry flesh-red color, with at most a small dark red dot in the center of the flesh-red color.

Bruce looked solemnly and said: "You think of the medulla oblongata as the life center of the brain. It is one of the most important critical points of the human body. Once damaged, it can quickly cause death.

Moreover, before death, the deceased would have weakness in his limbs, hemiplegia, difficulty breathing, being unable to speak, and confusion."

"Oh, my symptoms are exactly the same as Su's." Selina exclaimed.

Harry rolled his eyes at her, "This is Su's autopsy report. There is a problem if it is different from hers."

"So, it's certain that Jane is the murderer?" Selena looked pale and asked in a trembling voice.

"Jane, Jane Rowling, the wife of the Atom?" Suddenly hearing this breaking news, Midnight Doctor was shocked, his hand shook, and the tablet fell to the ground with a clang.

Harley said: "It's just suspicion at the moment, don't get excited. By the way, why are you excited?"

"How can you not be excited? If Jane is the murderer, then Su Lei, Ralph, and everyone else." The Midnight Miracle Doctor's cheeks were twisted, and his facial features were almost squeezed into a ball. "Oh my God, it's too scary. What should we do in the future!" "

Bruce asked: "Can the evidence you found prove that the murderer is 'Atomic Man'?"

He was so excited, and he obviously had no expectation that the murderer was Jane Rowling; but when he heard that the murderer was suspected to be Jane Rowling, he didn't question it at all, and immediately believed it. The two reactions were very contradictory.

The Midnight Miracle Doctor bent down, picked up the tablet, and continued to enlarge the picture, turning the red spots into erythema, with a few more black spots around the erythema.

"The blood leading to the medulla oblongata of Su's brain is blocked, which means the blood supply to the brain is cut off. These black spots are the trauma to the medulla oblongata. Then you can see."

He enlarged the image again, and two small depressions appeared near the black spots.

"It looks a bit like footprints." Selena directly expressed her feelings.

"Yes, they look very much like a pair of footprints. Someone once stood here, causing blood clots in the blood supply to Su's brain." Miracle Doctor Midnight sighed.

"Like a footprint, it is not necessarily a footprint. It is too small and can only be perceived by the naked eye and cannot be measured with scientific methods." Bateman said solemnly.

The Midnight Miracle Doctor said in a low voice: "It is true that it cannot be used as evidence, but it is enough to be used as a clue to find the suspect.

Combined with Harley's reasoning——"

He turned to Harley, "Do you have a complete case analysis?"

"She does. It's very perfect and very logical." Selina said quickly.

"Then" he looked hesitant, "What should we do next? Tell Lei, or"

Bateman said slowly: "If it was a normal super criminal, we should arrest her immediately, but she is Jane Rowling. What if we make a mistake? Even if Harley is right, I don't think this should be done. We handle it.

Of course, we'd better get more direct evidence.

Then give the evidence to Ray. What do you think? "

Selina and Doctor Midnight both looked at Harley.

Harley stood up and said, "You can do whatever you want. This case is almost over for me."

Bateman said solemnly: "I'm going back to Ivy City now."

Selina was shocked, "Is it too dangerous? What if Jane notices?"

"I'm not worse than Death Knell." Bateman's voice was very soft, but full of confidence.

—— Even Deathstroke defeated the Atom, and Bateman had no problem dealing with a "copycat Atom".

"Halley." Selena looked at Harley with questioning eyes.

"If he can't figure it out mentally or not, if even the new criminal Jane Rowling can't figure it out, he doesn't have to wear this uniform anymore. He can take it off and go home to take care of the kids." Harley's attitude was casual and teasing.

Bateman glanced at her and said, "Thank you very much for your trust in me."

Selina looked at him, then at Harley, and fell silent.

Bateman returned to Ivy City and stayed up late to monitor Jane Rowling, while Harley and Selina returned home directly.

A good sister and best friend turned into a demon who killed her best friends. Selena was depressed. She wanted to call Louise, Iris and other sisters several times to "complain to each other", but she was afraid of alerting the snake and causing an accident, so she could only Pulling Ivy to express her worries.

Harley was not completely unaffected by this case. After having dinner, taking a bath, and meditating in the black magic meditation room until midnight, she began to summon her God's spokesperson.

If Gordon is still alive and has a mortal body, Harley can turn into a "divine light" and come to him in his dreams to show off.

Now that he is dead, he has used his meager faith and magic power to create a "divine body". He can now control his thoughts and no longer needs sleep.

If he doesn't sleep, he won't fall asleep either. Harley can't continue to send messages in her sleep.

She made a phone call, called him from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain, and quietly entered the meditation room as a ghost.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

"You didn't sleep?"


Gordon had no magical talent while alive.

But he has practiced black magic for more than ten years and has used devil horns to summon souls countless times. He is a proper old black magic apprentice.

After his death, Harley asked Yebi to imbue his soul with magic power. He is now equivalent to a "third generation owner of the power of God."

The Dog God belongs to the first generation, Jebi is the second generation, and he counts as the third generation.

"Do you still remember the 'Wei Zheng Slays the Dragon' last time?" Harley asked.

Gordon's heart skipped a beat, "Who is it this time and why?"

"Dr. Light! Let me tell you a story." Harley told the story of "Sue on the Watchtower".

"Tell me, should this kind of dog be exonerated?" Even if she repeated it, she still gritted her teeth.

But Gordon was calm, "I have been a police officer for decades. I have seen too many similar things and dealt with them too many times. Compared with the rich guys on the Upper East Side, Dr. Guang is just an ordinary character."

"Do I have a different regard for rich people?"

——Yes, you treat rich people differently. Only one of the super criminals will die if they are targeted, and everyone will not be surprised if the tycoon is targeted by you.

Gordon said: "I just want to say that based on his behavior, his crime will not lead to death."

"Let me ask you, what is the basis for you to sentence him to death?" Harley asked.

"Law." After a moment's pause, he added: "The same goes for morals and ethics."

Harley asked again: "Does Dr. Guang respect the law? Does he recognize the rules of the game?"

Gordon shook his head hesitantly and said, "He doesn't take the law seriously at all."

"Yes, in that case, not only did he not repent or be afraid, but he even shouted proudly - look for Su again, and then look for other heroes' wives.

He knew that he was about to be tried by the law and sent to prison, but he didn't care at all.

He doesn't care about the law himself, so you still want to use the law to judge him? "

"He is a bastard, so he doesn't care. We are not bastards, so we care." Gordon said seriously.

Harley really wanted to give this bastard a slutty punch.

"Then what kind of punishment do you think he should receive?"

Gordon frowned and said, "We must take action, not leave it to the superheroes?"

A look of disdain appeared on Harry's face, "When Dr. Guang was still suspected of murdering Su, they all gnashed their teeth and wished they could eat him.

After it was confirmed that Su's death had nothing to do with him, the superheroes began to feel guilty, remorseful, and entangled for distorting his mind. Now that they meet him again, they want to make amends.

So, only you can do this. "

"Dr. Guang's mind was twisted and he was an idiot who was ridiculed for several years. He should have paid a high price, right?" Gordon said tentatively.

Harry said coldly: "Are you showing off your mind? Now that he has regained his consciousness, he is filled with resentment and needs to be vented. He is far more dangerous and vicious than before his consciousness was distorted. Do you still want me to teach you this?"

If the superhero doesn't care about him, and you don't care whether you believe it or not, how long will it take before that guy will play something big? "

Gordon thought for a moment and said, "What do you think? I will find him and observe his behavior and thoughts in the following days. Once there is a tendency to commit crimes, I will take action against him before any harm occurs."

"What's wrong with you? Where's your decisiveness in killing?" Harley asked curiously.

Gordon sighed: "I have recently been undergoing 'Special Ghost Training' to learn ghost thoughts and strive to improve my ideological realm. I must abstain from killing and violence, be strict with myself, and be lenient with others."

You also encouraged me, saying that as your realm improves, my strength will increase, and I should indeed improve myself accordingly. "

Harley had a disgusted look on her face. She did praise the old God's brilliant idea of ​​selecting ghosts in front of Gordon, and also encouraged him to study hard, but

"OK, go ahead."

Gordon did not leave immediately, "I don't know where Dr. Light is, but I need to find him immediately.

To be honest, based on your analysis of his character, I also think that the possibility of him committing another crime is extremely high.

Maybe he is already ready to take action and is looking for a target.

My unwillingness to kill him now does not mean that I have given up on the idea of ​​"God exorcises demons," but that he has not yet committed a mortal sin. If he had the intention of committing a capital crime, I would send him to death immediately. "

Harley was slightly satisfied, "Do you know anything about the super criminal circle?"

"I know the criminal circles in Gotham very well, but Dr. Guang is not from Gotham." Gordon said.

"Similar to the way superheroes join organizations such as the Justice League and Justice Society, super criminals also have several big names and have established a basic information network. Did you know that?" Harley asked again.

Gordon shook his head and said: "I heard it from the super criminals in Gotham, but I don't care and I haven't taken the initiative to find out about it."

"Then you go and find out. Dr. Guang will treat it as a training exercise." Harley said.

"Should we let the 'God exorcism concept' be normalized among super criminals?" Gordon frowned.

"As long as they don't mess with me, I don't care about them."

"Dr. Guang doesn't seem to have messed with you either." Gordon said doubtfully.

"What he did disgusted me and made me have trouble thinking and sleeping for several days. So he committed a heinous crime and deserves to be punished!" Harley said with a look of disgust.

If he hadn't been disgusted by what happened to Dr. Guang, Gordon would have wanted to accuse him.

Su's case was solved and Dr. Guang's case was handed over to Gordon. Harley felt much better.

When she woke up early the next morning, she resumed her usual high-intensity workout.

But she didn't rest for long. Before lunch, Dachao and Batman came over one after another.

One is for Louise and the other is for Jane Rowling.

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