I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1194 Harley’s Little Reasoning Classroom

"Why are you sensitive?"

Harley did not explain that there was a big difference between mental influence and memory distortion, but was surprised by the profound meaning behind his words.

Could it be that someone had distorted his memory? Otherwise, why would he be sensitive to memory distortion?

Bateman didn't answer and asked: "Why do you doubt Jane?"

"Let's talk about it after we get on the airship." Glancing at Selina beside him, Harley didn't go into details.

After entering the shadow world again, she said: "Jane Rowling is probably a severe mental patient."

"Impossible." Selena shouted first.

Harley pointed at herself with her thumb, "I am an expert and I have personally diagnosed patients for half an hour."

"I also got a doctorate in psychology last year. I saw all your conversations. She is normal." Bruce said.

"Really?" Harley asked in surprise.

"What's real? You mean a doctorate? Of course it's true. The defending teacher is still your supervisor. Moreover, the PhD in psychology is only one of my 48 doctorates. At the end of this year, I will get two more in architecture and law. A degree, and also a doctorate.”

Bruce became more and more proud as he spoke, and by the end, his butt drum and chin were almost parallel to the horizontal line.

Selina also said with pride: "I have kept his bachelor's degree certificate, master's certificate, and doctorate certificate for him. It's a big box. If you want to see it, I'll show it to you when I go back."

"It's a pity that box of diplomas only proves one thing, academic qualifications do not equal ability." Harley took out her mobile phone and opened her mailbox.

Wo Pang is very efficient. He not only has documents and clips of relevant news reports, but also videos of the trial, as well as media comments on the matter after the case is over.

Harley imported the data into the airship's main brain, and then projected it onto a 40-inch large screen, divided into several screens.

Several screens were pulled down quickly at the same time, and her eyes were like Barry's feet while running, turning so fast that it was almost impossible to see the pupils clearly.

No matter which way you look at it, she is no longer a mortal.

About ten minutes later, Harley breathed a sigh of relief, looked away and sighed: "Before, I was only 80% sure that Jane Rowling was mentally ill, but now the probability has increased to 90%."

"What's the reason?" Bateman said solemnly.

"To put it into context with Jane Rowling's own murder case, first of all, I came to a conclusion at the crime scene: the murderer was either a different person or had an abnormal mind.

I think you should have similar thoughts, but it turns out that you, a group of famous detectives, performed there one by one, "not worthy of the name". "

"All inferences are based on reality." Bateman said solemnly.

"Wait a moment, let's take care of the urgent matters before continuing with the small class."


The Archimedes airship has once again jumped out of the shadow realm, this time back to Gotham, and hovering over the Morningside Heights neighborhood just north of Central Park.

"This is -" Before Bateman could finish his words, the airship had already quickly landed on a red brick building in the community.

During the Zero Hour Crisis, several veterans of the Justice Society were pulled into the time vortex by Cunmo, losing decades in an instant and turning into decrepit old men. Not long after, they collectively went to Heaven Mountain and became lively grass-headed gods.

Among them is Sandman Wesley (who luckily absorbed part of the dream essence that escaped from the Dream Kingdom when Morpheus was imprisoned).

He was a real estate tycoon, and after his death he left his inheritance to the Second Generation Justice Society.

An old brick house covering an area of ​​2,000 square meters in the center of Manhattan was spotted by young second-generation heroes. After greeting Bateman, their families moved here.

Just like the Hall of Justice to the Justice League, members of the Justice Society work as "city guardians" in their own cities on weekdays, and only gather at the headquarters in Gotham when major events occur.

It was already late at night, and there was only a man with an ordinary appearance and an ordinary figure in the huge house. After hearing the noise, he came out to greet the three guests.

"Midnight Doctor, where are the others?"

Da Beitou looked at the trio strangely and said: "On weekdays, there are very few people stationed here. If everyone wants to be on duty, they will go to the watchtower.

And because of Su and Jane's incident these days, almost everyone has gone out to arrest relevant suspects. "

"You are responsible for Su's autopsy, right? Have you determined the cause of death?" Harley asked.

She felt that the title of this guy's "miracle doctor" was a bit undeserved. It had been three days and Su's real cause of death had not yet been determined. No, the initial judgment given was that he died of a fire, but he had just denied it last night.

The suspicion and contempt in her heart showed slightly on her face, and she was immediately noticed by the miracle doctor opposite. His expression suddenly became extremely serious: "Autopsy is a very complicated technical job. I have to do it one by one from the inside out. Rule out possible murder methods.

For example, today, I spent almost 13 hours during the day to make sure that her internal organs did not contain any toxins and that she did not die from radiation. "

The corner of Harry's mouth twitched, "Hasn't anyone told you how Su felt when she died? She only felt a dullness in her head and she lost consciousness, so she didn't even need to see the internal organs, skin, and muscles, she just opened her head directly. By the way, Did you operate on her brain?"

"I plan not to sleep tonight and stay up late to check my brain." The Midnight Miracle Doctor pursed his lips and emphasized again: "Autopsy is very serious and cannot be affected by subjective judgment. If your head feels dull, does it mean there is something wrong with your brain?

I can now name at least 50 ways to make someone lose consciousness without touching their head. "

"Give me a slightly more complicated example." Harley smiled.

The miracle doctor immediately said: "I use a silver needle to insert into the sole of the person's foot. He will not feel like being stabbed, and then his head will feel stuffy and he will faint."

Harley said: "Then let me ask you again, if you were the murderer, would you choose to attack the brain directly, or tickle Su's soles?"

The Midnight Doctor said stubbornly: "It depends on what he is best at. If he can turn into a slipper, it will be more convenient to attack the soles of his feet."

"Hahaha, Cross, you are so funny."

The miracle doctor looked down at his watch and asked, "What do you want from me?"

"I have a guess about the suspect, and I want you to check Su's brain immediately. Well, think of the murderer as the Atom, and work backwards to figure out the location and method of the injury."

The miracle doctor's expression changed drastically, "It's impossible——"

Harley stretched out her hand to hold his shoulders and said seriously: "I just assume that the murderer has the ability of the Atom. Of course Ray is not the murderer."

The miracle doctor glanced at Batman. His face was serious, but he did not object.

After calming down a little, the miracle doctor asked: "What evidence is there?"

"Aren't I just waiting for you to find evidence?"

"I understand. If the identity and abilities of the murderer are confirmed, the autopsy will indeed be much simpler."

"No rush, take your time."

After the miracle doctor left in a hurry, Harley and Bruce found a sofa in the hall and sat down to continue discussing the reasoning process of "Detective Harley".

“Jane’s murder was part of a series of cases, and when studying her case it is important to compare it with Sue’s.

Even if the real cause of Su's death is not yet clear, we can be sure that her murderer was extremely cautious and very professional. Professionalism not only means experience, but also ability.

If you are very capable, even if you have less experience, you can still make others think you are professional through your skillful performance.

like me."

As she talked, Harley acted pretentiously again.

She pointed at herself and raised her chin slightly, "This is my first time as a detective and I have little experience. However, I am so capable that I stand out from the competition with all of you famous detectives.

When the news reports come out tomorrow, who won’t say, ‘The Galaxy Admiral is still professional enough’? "

"There are no outsiders here, you don't need to be like this." Selina said with a dull face.

Although both of them refused to respond, Harley was still very proud.

"In Su's case, let us characterize the murderer carefully and professionally. Then when we get to Jane, he actually gives Jane a chance to struggle - pay attention!"

Harry raised his index finger and said seriously: "Su heard a noise downstairs and called out 'Oliver' several times, which showed that she was already alert.

But his head still felt stuffy and he fainted quickly.

This is the first time the murderer has committed a crime against the hero's wife. Let's consider him a junior killer.

Jane was holding the coffee cup while calling her ex-husband.

The idea of ​​a second person in the room was completely out of her mind.

It can be said that she is in the most defenseless state.

As a result, she performed better than Su. Instead of being depressed, she struggled fiercely, breaking the legs of the chair, knocking over the bookshelf, and dropping the mobile phone. What's even more ridiculous is that she also saw the murderer's work shoes.

We’ll talk about work shoes later, they have more than one bug.

In the end guess what?

The murderer did not handle the call that was connected to Atom's cell phone, even if it was beeping. We have all heard that sound and may ignore it on weekdays, but at that time, it is absolutely impossible for a 'cautious and professional' murderer to detect it. arrive.

Even if he walked over and crushed it with his foot, it wouldn't waste much time.

As a result, Jane was still able to cry out, "Husband, help me." "

Harley spread her hands, "Tell me, what happened to the murderer?"

"The group committed the crime and the executor was changed. That's what I thought at the time." Bateman said.

Selina glanced at him and said, "What Harley said is proving her previous point - the murderer is either someone else or has an abnormal mind."

"Well, at this stage of analysis, I still don't doubt Jane Rowling, because I never doubt the weirdness of super criminals."

Harry nodded and continued: "Jane Rowling has a row of photo frames hanging on the wall. There are graduation photos when she got her degree, photos of her competition after winning her first lawsuit, and photos of her winning various awards. Photos of awards.

This is normal. We all have the same mentality as her - record the most proud and memorable moments for ourselves to remember and show them to others.

Bateman, you must be deeply touched.

There are many glass counters erected in the Batcave, and inside are the trophies you get after defeating super criminals.

Among them, the mechanical dinosaur is particularly conspicuous. You are very proud of the "big case of solving the dinosaur island case".

The problem is, the biggest picture frame in Jane Rowling's house contains a divorce poster."

She smiled and looked at Bruce, "Doctor, tell me, what kind of psychology is that?"

"I thought it was strange at the time, but I thought." Bruce struggled for a moment and sighed helplessly: "Well, I ignored its specialness."

"What kind of psychology is that?" Selina asked curiously.

"It's also about being proud and showing off."

"Well, you're divorced. Why show off?"

Harley shook her head and said: "You only noticed Divorce. There is a line of words on the poster that is bigger than Divorce. It is the main title."

"Mrs. Atom," Bruce blurted out, then thought thoughtfully.

"For Jane Rowling, this title is as cherished and cherished as 'Empress of the Empire'. It not only represents her identity as a hero's wife, but also represents her possession of the Atom - he is her husband, hers!

So, it was hung on the wall in the biggest, most ornate frame. " Harley said.

"But she was the one who initiated the divorce," Selena said blankly.

"That's why I said she is a psychopath."

Bruce said: "Mental illness is just an inference at the back. There is no evidence in the front. Why does Jane like the title 'Mrs. Atom'?"

"Because she is crazy about her husband." Harley sighed.

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