I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1193 Bruce loses his temper

"What's the flaw?" Oliver's eyebrows knitted together.

He had an inexplicable bad feeling in his heart. It seemed that Harley was going to use a big move again, and the big move was also related to

"I want to see Jane and Ray." Harley said.

"They probably didn't want to be disturbed."

"I think they have just been frightened and need the care of their friends." Harley took out her mobile phone and dialed the number at Quinn Manor, "Rachel? Ask Selina to answer the phone and say her best friend, Jane Rowe. Something happened to Lin——"

Selena took the phone and said in a low tone: "Harry, I already know. I received the news as soon as the accident happened."

"That's good. To save me the trouble, you go to the garden and pick two kilograms of fruit, and we go to visit her together." Harley said.

"At this time?" Selena glanced out the window. It was dark outside and it was already night.

"It's not even eight o'clock yet."

"Okay, but isn't the fruit too shabby? Unless it's a Devil Fruit. Otherwise, give her a Devil Fruit. Although she only has the physical limit of an ordinary person, she can still deal with most ordinary super criminals."

Harley smiled meaningfully, "Why do people like to seek death?"


"Don't think about it, Devil Fruits are not given away. If you want to show off in front of the ladies, you can go to the wine cellar and get a bottle of 28-year-old Lafite, 1828, which is definitely tasteful."

Selena complained: "As long as you are a guest in our house, who has not drank 28-year-old Lafite like water?

There is no sense of taste now. It would be more practical to cut a few kilograms of smoked dragon meat to replenish Jian's body. "

In the early years when Richie was still alive, the Archimedes airship had to jump between Limbo and the material world, so it could not be controlled remotely and required manual operation by the pilot.

Later, Richie went to Heaven Mountain to become a grass-headed god, and also developed a watchdog system that could communicate across Limbo.

Even when flying in Limbo, the airship can be remotely controlled.

Now Harley traveling in an airship is as convenient as aliens driving a self-driving car.

After a few remote controls with a mobile phone, the airship jumped to Gotham and picked up Selina, who was carrying large and small bags.

"You are such a good sister."

"What's wrong with you today? I always feel like you're mocking me." Selina was keenly aware that her tone was wrong.

"Soon, you may feel that reality is even more ironic."

Selena felt a little uneasy in her heart, "Don't you think otherwise? This trip is not just to visit Jane. What do you want to do?"

"I don't want to say more, lest you think you are a bad guy."

Selena's inner uneasiness expanded three times.

"Wait, I'm with you." Before the spacecraft closed, Bateman jumped in at a trot.

"You noticed it too?" Harley asked curiously.

"Perceive what?"

"If you didn't notice something was wrong at the crime scene, why did you come after me?"

"I noticed something was wrong with you, and I was whispering to Oliver. It was obvious that he was trying to stir up trouble. I couldn't feel relieved, so I chased after you."

There were only three of them in the blimp, and Bruce spoke very directly.

"Thankfully you are still the 'Gotham Detective'."

In fact, not only is Bruce a detective, Oliver is also the great detective of Star City, The Flash is the great detective of Central City, Elongated Man has a detective agency in Opal City, and Superboy is also the "magic detective" of Metropolis.

Detective skills are the basic ability of the city guardian.

On the contrary, "Detective Harley" is setting foot in the field of "conventional" crime for the first time today.

Of course, if cracking the conspiracies of gods, demons, and supreme beings can also be considered solving crimes, then she is a veteran.

Ivy City, St. Paul's Hospital, outside the VIP ward on the fourth floor.

Harley stopped and said to the attentive dean beside her: "Mr. Buddy, please go back. I will wait here for a while. The Atom is having a private conversation with Jane."

The bald dean was stunned. Admiral Galaxy didn't need his company, so he lied deliberately?

Obviously the VIP ward is completely soundproofed.

"Okay, I'll be waiting at the front desk. If you need anything, just ask the nurse to call me." He promised with a smile on his face.

Harley really didn't lie to him. She, Bateman, and Selina didn't go in, they just stood by the door and waited quietly.

"What are they talking about?" Selina asked.

She knows that Harley has "super hearing that's not super super."

It's purely physical evolution. As your body strengthens, your five senses also become stronger.

"Of course they are words of love. Atom just got out of the phone. Jane was lying on the bed with a happy face, supporting her chin with her hand, looking at Ray lovingly, and said movedly——"

Harry imitated Jane Rowling's tone and said in a tone of voice: "Lei, you took me to the hospital, asked the doctor about my injury with concern, and even went thousands of miles away to buy the most authentic silver needle."

"Jane has really good taste. I also like silver needles." She changed to her own accent.

Bateman and Selina both had reproachful expressions on their faces, "You shouldn't eavesdrop on their conversation, and you shouldn't--"

Harley raised her hand to interrupt them, "You shouldn't criticize me here when you don't know anything."

"what do you know?"

Harley pressed the doorbell a few times, and a moment later, Ray Palmer, wearing a white shirt and trousers, opened the door himself.

"Hey, Harley, Selena, Bateman, why are you here?"

"Selena knows something happened to Jane, so she must come over and take a look." Harley smiled.

Selina glanced at her, she was obviously the one who called her over.

"Hey Jane, how are you feeling?"

In fact, there is no need to ask at all. A blind person can see the rosiness on Jane's face and the happiness in her eyes. She looks like a passionate girl enjoying her boyfriend's pampering.

"Thank you, I'm fine. I'll be discharged from the hospital tomorrow after the doctor says."

Half an hour later, the four of them left Jane's hospital room together. Ray Palmer turned into an atom and continued the mission of hunting down the murderer.

The remaining three people entered the Archimedes airship together.

"What are you doing?" Selena asked.

"What am I doing?"

"With your personality, you're not very good at talking to Jane, let alone talking to her about her love affair with Lei. It's not normal for you to act like you are her best friend," Selina said.

Harley smiled and said, "Are you jealous? Do you think I have robbed your little sister, or your little sister has robbed me?"

Selena rolled her eyes, "I'm very serious now and don't want to joke."

"Why did Jane Rowling and Ray divorce? You are her best friend, do you know the reason?" Hallie asked.

"I asked, and she just said it was a matter between the two of them. The meaning was obvious, and she told me not to meddle in other people's business."

"Who filed for divorce first? How were their emotional lives after the divorce?" Hallie asked again.

"It's Jane, I'm sure of this. Ray loves her very much and doesn't want a divorce at all, but Jane insists on divorce. At first, I thought Jane fell in love with someone else. But she didn't seem to date anyone later."

"I saw a poster at Jane's house." Harley took out her phone and handed her the photo from People magazine. "Jane treated it like a wedding photo, bound it in a frame, and hung it on the The most visible place.”

"Maybe she can't let go of Lei?" Selena said unconfidently.

If Jane couldn't bear to let go of Lei, there was no need to hang this one as the two of them had countless beautiful moments recorded.

"Buzz~~" The spacecraft jumped suddenly and returned to the earth from the shadow world. Harley dialed the number at the headquarters of the Sky Eye Society, "Waller, send the information about the divorce lawsuit between Jane Rowling and the Atom to my mailbox."

"This is not Gotham," Bateman said, looking at the buildings outside the window.

"Well, we didn't leave Ivy City."

Harley opened the hatch and jumped onto the wooded hill.

Here you can overlook the brightly lit city center a few hundred meters away.

"Dong dong!" Harley made a few small pits on the ground with her feet and said with a serious expression: "Ivy City, City Spirit, come out here."

There were car horns coming from the road down the mountain, crickets chirping in the grass, and Selena letting out a low chuckle.

"Ivy City, the spirit of the city, I am Mother Lishan, come out and see me!"

Selina laughed even louder, and Bateman had a question mark on his face, "What are you doing?"

Harley called twice more, but there was still no response, and she couldn't help but feel embarrassed and ashamed.

"Spirit of the planet, Gaia, come out!"

"Bang~~" This time there was finally a reaction. A cloud of black smoke rolled twice on the grass in front of her, and a white man with glasses in a straight suit stood up.


"I'll fight!" Harley jumped in front of it, took out the bloody rod and knocked on it.

"Bang - ow~~~" The man with glasses wailed and exploded into a ball of black smoke.

Even though there was only black smoke left, there were still strong mental fluctuations coming from it, and Bruce and Selina heard bursts of screams ringing in their ears.

"Is this a demon?" The two of them were surprised.

"If you dare to pretend to be dead, I'll hit you again." Harley waved the stick and threatened.

A pair of scarlet eyes were barely exposed in the black smoke, and he begged: "Master Shaojun, please don't hit me. If you want to hit me, you have to tell me the reason!"

"I called you for a long time and you didn't respond. Shouldn't you be beaten?"

"You're from Chicago, how could you hear the sounds of Ivy City hundreds of kilometers away?" Heiyan said aggrievedly.

"Uh, you're Chicago? What about Ivy City?"

"There is no Ivy City. If there was, I wouldn't be able to come. I received an order from the Mother Goddess, saying that I was close and asked me to come over and entertain you."

Gaia's order is simple: Witch Harley doesn't know what she is doing, go and get rid of the troublemaker.

"There is a woman named Sudibuni in Ivy City. I want to know what she has been doing in the past few days."

Bateman's expression changed, and Selina's expression changed drastically after being stunned for a while.

"Well." The man with glasses in Chicago said hesitantly: "I wonder if Ms. Su is your enemy or your friend?

For people in Ivy City, there is no difference between the spirit of the city and the air and water, and they can be perfectly integrated.

But I'm not Ivy City. If I try to possess her consciousness, it's likely to damage her sanity. "

"Conscious possession?" Bateman's pupils shrank and he said excitedly: "No, Harley, you can't do that!"

His gaffe surprised Harry, "It's just possible."

"The soul is a person's last dignity. Distorting other people's thoughts at will is the biggest sin. What if you guessed wrong? How do you face Lei and Jane who treat you as friends? How do you face us?"

Bateman's voice was no longer hoarse and deep, almost roaring.

"What are you excited about? Those who didn't know better thought you were having an affair with her." Harley mumbled something and waved Chicago away.

"Harry, I'm sorry," Bateman pressed his temple and said bitterly, "I'm too sensitive to the memory distortion and I overreacted. I'm sorry."

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