I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1166: Becoming a Saint with a Cut

"The Kryptonian's mouth was bleeding when he was hit by the ghost's full blow, but Harley Quinn didn't even have any skin injuries. It's really abnormal." Gunther said slowly.

"Her defensive divinity has been raised to another level," Heavenly Father frowned.

"In other words, she is now a mid-level god? A medium-thick-skinned martial god?" Old Shazan said in a voice.

He has been practicing for thousands of years, and he was lucky enough to become the middle god of thunder through an adventure like a pig's foot in a novel. How many years has the witch Harley only been practicing?

"She is indeed very diligent, I have seen it with my own eyes. When she stayed on the Genesis Star, she would either work out her body without sleep, or constantly compete with the New God warriors to hone her martial arts skills." Admiration appeared in the eyes of Heavenly Father.

"Which human god is not diligent?" Old Shazan said.

"Today we are not discussing Harley Quinn's training speed and realm. Even when faced with Witch Harley's invincible Hot Wheels, Ghost did not show any defeat. Do we want to intervene?" Ganser asked.

"We discussed this issue last time," Old Shazam said halfway before he couldn't continue.

Last time when the ghosts took over, they noticed changes in the universe and gathered together to discuss how to deal with it.

But the ghosts were no ordinary people, and their observation of him immediately alarmed him.

Before the discussion came to a conclusion, the ghost chased him and slapped the whole audience.

If it weren't for the hatred of the witch Hari La this time, there would be many supreme beings, gods and demons paying attention to the earth, and they would not dare to blatantly peek into the battlefield again.

"Where is Zeus?" Ganser said: "He is also a member of the Essence Society. We had an agreement at the beginning to protect the balance of the universe together.

When a member of the Essence Club breaks the balance, the other members must punish him in unison. "

There are five and a half members of the Essence Society, including Old Shazam, who represents the human wizard (pushed to the stage by Naboo), Zeus, who represents the old god, Heavenly Father, who represents the new god, Gunther, who represents the technological civilization of the four-dimensional material universe, The stranger who represents heaven (God).

Ghost is a reserve member and counts as half.

So they are particularly active this time. They did not respond to the previous anti-monitoring and destruction of the multiverse. Well, they did not dare to react.

This time something happened to the members of the Essence Club, they had to get together at least once and come up with a plan.

"I have contacted His Majesty Zeus."

The person who answered Gunther's question was old Shazam, who had the closest relationship with Zeus.

"The crisis of the Sun-Eating Beast and the disappearance of Asgard are all foreshadowing the coming Ragnarok, and Zeus has no spare time to deal with the affairs of the Essence Society.

However, he also promised that the Olympus Gods would never give up their responsibilities. If he was too busy in the future, he would arrange for Queen Hera to temporarily take his place in the Essence Society. "

"What does He think of this ghost change?" Heavenly Father asked.

"Let Stranger be responsible. Stranger is also a member of the Essence Society, and he can also represent God." Old Shazan said.

"But the stranger was hit by the ghost's magic and even lost his face." Ganser had a worried look on his face.

"Face is not important, life is important. If life is still there, there is hope." Old Shazam said quietly.

Both Gunther and Heavenly Father heard this obvious overtone and fell silent.

"Harry, your boning knife doesn't have much effect on ghosts." Da Chao said in his heart.

In the invincible Hot Wheels state, they naturally cannot speak.

It was Harley's ray of spiritual power that connected with Da Chao's consciousness, making the two mentally connected.

"Believe me, this short sword is already a rare weapon in the world. There is no one stronger than it."

Harley has an intermediate speed force defense expertise and can clearly see Barry running every day, so even if she is spinning at high speed, she is still not dazzled and can still adjust her movements to ensure that every sword blow causes maximum damage to the ghost.

Of course, the reality is exactly what Dachao said. The Invincible Hot Wheels has been on for ten minutes, and golden "blood marks" are cut out everywhere on the ghost's body.

The most terrifying wound was on the back, half a meter deep. Silver bones and golden "flesh" could be seen. There were stubble on the bones that had been chopped with a knife, but that was all.

Even though Harley opened a variety of defensive force fields to cover the ghost's wounds, she still couldn't easily cut off the bones. Harley discovered that her god force field could interfere with the operation of the divine power in the ghost's body, but it could not completely eliminate the miraculous effect.

She is completely immune to attacks falling on herself, but she cannot make the positive magic effects disappear on her enemies.

"Jon, the Green Lantern Team hasn't found the Spear of Destiny yet?" Harley asked through the telepathic connection.

Martian Manhunter said: "No, they even found them near the orbits of Mercury and Mars, but no spears were found."

"Setin is definitely not lying. The Spear of Destiny must have been thrown into outer space. Did alien tourists pick it up? In recent years, there have been a lot of alien spacecrafts wandering around the earth."

"How about we send out a news, broadcast to the galaxy, and ask the alien allies?" Jon said.

"Then our search for the Spear of Destiny will definitely alarm ghosts and demons." Bateman from the Watchtower interjected.

Harley muttered: "Send a message to Dr. Destiny and ask him to summon all the magic masters to go to outer space to find the Spear of Destiny.

With their cooperation, the efficiency of the Green Lantern Team can be doubled. "

"What if you still can't find it? How long can you hold on?" Bateman asked.

The red and blue blades were like flies, flickering irregularly around the eight-meter-tall ghost, attacking from all angles.

The ghost is also like a mosquito swatter, roaring and cursing, and flapping its hands wildly.

This state lasted for almost 10 minutes.

"I can fight for thirty years." Harley said confidently.

"I'll probably be fine for three days and three nights." Da Chao said unconfidently.

"The ghost will definitely not spend three days and three nights with you. Do you have a backup plan?" Bateman asked.

"Witch Harley, wait for me!"

Probably aware of their spiritual communication, the ghost suddenly stopped moving, roared hatefully, jumped up, and disappeared into the material world.

"Fake! The last thing we wanted to see happened." Harley scolded.

"It's good for him to leave temporarily, so we can have more time to find the Spear of Destiny and discuss other plans." Batman breathed a sigh of relief, "I've been worried that he would suddenly change direction and slap Gotham. "

"What's good, the ghost has gone to Limbo right now. The frequency of his body has been raised to the fifth-dimensional level, and his injuries have healed immediately."

Harley released the Hot Wheels state and landed next to Yebi. She looked at it with burning eyes and asked, "The Spear of Destiny comes from your brother Jesus, who is also the Son of God. Should you also forge a 'Harley's Spear'?" sword'?"

"Harley's Sword?" Yebi looked at the Lucifer bone chopping knife in her hand. Her hair stood on end. She barked twice and jumped a few steps away. "Master Harley, don't go crazy. I and I Brother Jesus’ situation is different!”

The Roman soldier who stabbed Jesus was named Longelus. His spear was originally a Roman standard weapon, but it became the spear of destiny because it was stained with the blood of Jesus.

If Harley wants to build the "Harley's Sword", the meaning is obvious: the dog saint Zibi will stand there obediently and let her stab him with the sword.

“First, Brother Jesus needed to be killed, and then through the miracle of his resurrection from the dead, he would prove to the world that he was the Son and that his words were the gospel of the Lord.

After his death and resurrection, the Bible became the holy book of Christ, and people believed in the Lord and the existence of salvation.

That’s why the Spear of Longelus is called the ‘Spear of Destiny’. It’s an arrangement of fate.

In addition, Brother Jesus was born as a human being, and humans are born with sin. His sinful body cannot ascend to heaven. He needs to die once and become a holy spirit before he can complete his final mission-ascend in public. "

Harley said: "First of all, the ghost is going to destroy the world, but the Spear of Destiny happens to be missing. It can be said that the 'Harley's Sword' came into being at the right time; secondly, you were born as a dog, don't you have a sin? Maybe, you also If you owe me a knife, you can fly to heaven after just one knife."

"I am not guilty. My mother is a pure and innocent soul in heaven. I was born without any original sin." Yebigou said with a serious face.

What Harry said before was still in a joking nature.

But after listening to Yebi's defense, she suddenly realized that this bastard Yebi really deserves a knife!

It is guilty, a huge crime!

Because it was born out of blasphemy against God.

This sin is much greater than Brother Jesus’ “birth as a human being”.

Even Brother Jesus couldn't escape a blow, so why was Jebedi safe and sound?

"Yebi, calm down and carefully perceive the trajectory of fate." Harley said seriously: "Have you noticed something faintly with your spiritual sense?"

"No." Yebi shook his head firmly, "Stop thinking nonsense. I can't die. If I die, I will really die. There will never be a miracle of resurrection from the dead."

"Can you just smear the blade with Yebi's blood? It won't cost much to give it a try." Dachao suggested.

Yebi shook his head and said: "Brother Jesus lived to be several decades older before he died. Didn't he shed any blood in the past few decades? Why didn't that blood create any famous holy artifacts? The birth of the Spear of Destiny was more derived from A ritual.”

"Just give it a try." Duoduo advised.

The fat head also said: "According to the Bible, the spear of Longelus stabbed Jesus in the lower abdomen, which was not a fatal injury."

Harry glanced at Duoduo, then at the fat man eating melon next to him, and suddenly remembered something in his mind, and asked: "Yabi, do you think I'm pretty?"

This question was so unexpected that, not to mention Yebi, even Dachao and others beside him were stunned.

"Master Harley, you are extremely graceful and extremely beautiful." Yebi was confused in his heart, but he answered smoothly, almost without thinking.

Harry said calmly: "But I heard people say that you said I am ugly behind my back."

Yebi was startled, and then looked at the fat head subconsciously.

The fat-headed shark took two steps back, lowered his head and said nothing.

"Master, if someone slanders me, please make a distinction between right and wrong. I am a loyal dog, how could I slander my master behind his back?" Yebi said sternly.

Harry was noncommittal and continued to say expressionlessly: "I also heard someone say that you think Harry's little flower is very beautiful and can be called a beauty."

Angela was a friend that Harley made when she was in the orphanage. She worked as a housekeeper for Quinn Manor for more than ten years. Her son, who was pregnant out of wedlock, was named "Harry" after Harley.

He and his mother lived at the foot of Indian Mountain, and their family raised a female husky named Xiaohua.

"Master Harley, the ghost is recovering from his injuries in Limbo and will soon enter the material world. What else do you think you are doing with all these things?" Yebi did not directly answer Harley's question, but instead changed the subject anxiously. .

"I think I found the spot where you should cut." Harley said quietly.

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