I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1158 The Rise of Xanadu

Harley originally thought she would see the scene of Young and Dangerous killing people on the street: Chen Haonan exposed his naked upper body and played with a lighter. He was surrounded by brothers such as Pheasant and Rubber, and behind him was the little brother who spread from the street to the end of the street. .

But when Harry came to the exit of the gate of hell with a solemn expression, he was greeted by only two people, the hundred-meter-tall green-skinned ghost, and Etrigan flying on his shoulder.

Behind them, there is a crowd of demons in the sky, but there is not even a demon king among them. No, not even a demon king.

However, she was alone here.

On the surface, Harley was the only one standing at the gate of hell.

"Witch Harley!"

As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet, and the ghost's dark green eyes were really red.

"Stop, I have something to say!" Seeing the ghost charging towards him without saying a word, Harry quickly raised his hand and shouted: "We are all dignitaries, we should be dignified and recuperate, and even if we start a war, we should speak clearly first. "

The ghost stopped five hundred meters in front of her and said coldly: "Except for unconditionally surrendering and begging for mercy, and kneeling down to confess to me, I don't want to hear anything from your mouth."

Harry's thoughts came together and he carefully looked at the ghost in front of him.

Previously, the ghost was wearing a green hooded cloak, green briefs, and green boots, with his chest and thighs exposed, covered in white.

It's not the white skin of white people, it's porcelain white, the kind that exudes a touch of holy glory.

Although he is dressed in a vulgar way - if someone else was dressed like him, it would be extremely vulgar, but when ordinary people see the ghost, they will be infected by the aura emanating from him, and they only feel that he is sacred and noble, and even a little bit beautiful.

Well, the ghost has appeared in front of everyone many times over the years. Except for Harley who complained about his weird appearance, no one else called him a pervert.

At this time, even the ghost's skin turned green, and his upper body was no longer exposed naked, but instead was covered with a layer of green plate armor.

But the holy breath.

It cannot be said that it disappeared completely, but it was obviously suppressed by an extremely corrupt force.

As before, Harley is unable to mentally sense the power within the ghost.

"Why did it take so long?" Harley asked curiously.

Nearly two hours passed from the time Yebi reported the news to the time when the ghosts attacked.

"I destroyed the Essence Society that spied on me secretly." The ghost said proudly.

"The Essence Club is still spying on you?" Harley was very doubtful. "Are you sure? If Heavenly Father and Zeus are destroyed, the universe will inevitably collapse."

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you." Ghost said coldly.

He did destroy the Essence Society.

Due to some special reasons, the Essence Society was alerted as soon as the ghost's power was stolen, and then several members gathered together to discuss countermeasures and monitor the movements of the "Satan Ghost".

However, the new ghost was too strong and sensed their prying eyes, so he chased after them and beat them up one by one, thus wasting some time.

However, it was only the projection that was blown up.

"Where's the Demon Lord, why are you and Etrigan the only two?" Harley asked again.

"These are not words of mercy. I have no patience to talk nonsense with you."

The ghost raised his right hand, vast power brewing in his palm, and the next moment it would tilt down like the Milky Way bursting its banks.

"I'm begging you for mercy in a different way." Harley's words made him pause.

She continued: “If you can prove that you have the strength to crush me, of course I am willing to surrender.

Surrender is better than death.

The way to prove your strength is very simple, there are only two points, either you have strength in numbers, or you are so powerful that it surpasses heaven and God. "

"Where is your Demon King's army? Where is your Demon Lord's vanguard? Without them, you-"


The ghost suddenly slapped it down, and the ten-meter-thick energy beam was like a sword of the gods, striking the shadow world below, directly beating the projection of the human world in hell into nothingness.

Even the boundary between the material world and Limbo was almost torn apart.

But Harley, who was the first to bear the brunt, was still talking and laughing: "Are you angry? Is it possible that the devil and the devil are ignoring you? The ghost of Satan has become a joke."

The energy light dissipated, and Harley was indeed not dead.

Not only was he not dead, his clothes and hair were not messed up either.

"Witch Harley, I know you. You are eloquent and good at setting traps in language, so I won't talk nonsense with you. Go to hell!"

The ghost gave up the magic attack, jumped directly in front of Harley, and punched her.


Harley couldn't hide at all, because the ghost's punch directly shattered the nearby space and time for several kilometers.

The majestic force fell on her body, and the defensive golden film on her body exploded into pieces of golden glow. The blood vessels and meridians in the skin formed a second layer of defensive golden net. The golden net was fully activated, covering every layer of skin on her body.

Hallie became a golden man radiating golden light, exuding an immortal and divine aura.


Ghost Satan looked at her in shock. She crossed her arms in front of her body, only her hair was dancing wildly, and there was no scar on her body.

He was shocked not only by her performance, but also by her aura.

The breath of the middle god is fully revealed.

"Your realm has improved to another level, and now you have incorporated the laws into the law network? But you have only understood the laws for only two years," the ghost said sternly.

If the ghost doesn't use his strength, Harley won't be able to tell how strong he is; if Harley doesn't use his strength, others won't be able to tell the strength of her strength.

At this time, when they met, both sides roughly understood each other's details.

Harley breathed a sigh of relief. The ghost was probably considered a "magical warrior", and pure physical attacks were not his strongest point.

His iron fist was a blunt blow, relying on the defense network formed by blood vessels and meridians to disperse the damage, so she could barely withstand it.

The ghost was shocked, and Etrigan beside him also looked shocked.

It was shocking that Harley's strength improved too quickly.

As the son of the Demon King, he lived for more than two thousand years. His strength has been increasing with age, but his level has hardly improved.

He was even more shocked that Harley, who was just a middle god, actually received an angry blow from the ghost.

Ghosts are supreme!

He is still the supreme being of the heavenly camp, inherently more powerful and noble than other supreme beings in the universe.

"Etrigan, please stay away, I don't want to accidentally hurt you." Harley said.

Etrigan wanted to say something tough, but seeing that her expression was serious and not joking, he actually stepped back a few kilometers.

"Whoosh!" Harley ran quickly with her feet, triggering quantum displacement one after another. Her body pulled out multiple afterimages, and she arrived in front of the ghost in the blink of an eye.

The ghost smiled coldly, immediately took two steps back, distanced himself, and punched him again.

He knew that she was in the state of "God descended to earth" and his mixed magic power of hell and heaven was ineffective on her, so he simply gave up magic and only used physical attacks.

Just like the repetition of the previous punch, time and space were shattered, and a golden defense network appeared on Harley's skin, blocking the attack forcefully.

He was definitely injured, but he didn't vomit blood or bleed, so outsiders didn't see it.

"Gudong, Gudong." The experience jar skyrocketed wildly, reaching almost 2% level experience.

The result this time was different from last time.

The last time Harley raised her arms to block, this time she had the confidence to resist directly with her body - as early as level 80, she had become the same internally and externally, and her arms and internal organs had similar defensive strength. The reason why she still used her arms to block was, I am worried about the damage caused by breaking the defense.

A broken arm would definitely have a different impact on Harley than a broken body.


In Harry's senses, it felt like the world was being crushed by a giant.

Dizziness in the eyes, ringing in the ears, swelling of the head, and severe pain in the body.

But she continued to step forward with both feet and charged forward.

When her body hit something as hard as a city wall, she opened her mouth and bit into it.

The fragments of time and space blurred Harley's vision, and she couldn't see clearly what she was biting, but the ghost perceived everything with a higher-dimensional vision.

"Want to bite my hand? To me, you are just a little mosquito." The ghost sneered.

Harley was biting the knuckle of his left fist, bigger than a mosquito, like a gadfly.

"Chi~~~" The next moment, a ray of coldness spread from the knuckles to the entire arm.

The ghost felt in a daze that his arm had been cut off at the elbow.

I looked down and saw that my arm was frozen with a thick layer of ice.

"What is this?" he asked in surprise.

The "ghost power" inside his body boiled, spinning around in his arm, and the ice dissipated.

"You are actually immune to the wind of nothingness?" Harley was also surprised.

Then, she took another bite, and the thick black smoke spread, and the ghost's right hand became illusory and hazy, and there were faint ghosts and gods howling in her ears——

"Buzz buzz!" The golden holy light suddenly erupted and dispersed the black smoke.

"Ah ah ah~~~~" the hymn sounded loud and clear, as if returning to the Silver City and arriving at the City of Holy Sound (the residence of the Holy Spirit), the dark and sneaky sounds suddenly disappeared.

Harley swallowed, "Even the Tears of Destruction are ineffective?"

"Is this your method, the Tears of Death and the Wind of Nothingness?" The ghost reacted and raised his head and laughed, "Witch Harley, witch Harley, it's in vain that you are known for your cleverness and cunning, but you have such stupid ideas.

You are just a "god descending to earth" who is immune to these negative basic forces. Now I am the wrath of God, equivalent to God himself! "

"I made an mistake, I'm sorry." Harley stood up with a sneer and said to the ghost's smiling face: "How about we discuss the terms of surrender? Whoosh -"

A beam of golden light spurted out from her mouth, with a little red light mixed in the golden light.

"How dare you show your ugliness in front of others with your little skills!" The ghost shouted, looking directly at the golden light shooting towards him. Wherever he looked, the wrinkles in the space were instantly smoothed out, while the originally flat space was squeezed out into wavy shapes. folds.

The distance between him and the golden light stretched from several kilometers to dozens of kilometers, and squeezed from dozens of kilometers to several meters. Dachao in the golden light could not adapt to the rapid changes in the laws of space. He was dizzy and swallowed the dinner in his belly with a loud sound. Spit it out.

Just like normal people get carsick.

Harley's God's force field is only ten meters in radius, and even if it is gathered into a bunch, it does not exceed two kilometers.

Therefore, Dachao had already broken out of the protective range of God's force field at this time.

Although the distance between Harley and the ghost's face was less than a hundred meters, the ghost changed this space. He did not affect Dachao, who was protected by the God's force field, but only changed the surrounding environment.

Obviously, Harley's trick of "spitting fragrance" has been thoroughly studied by the ghost.

"Do you have a body of steel?" The ghost smiled coldly, Dachao froze in an uncomfortable vomiting posture, and his body instantly turned into a gray-white stone statue.

Fortunately, Harley discovered the abnormality early and had already quantum shifted, and came under Da Chao, preventing him from being crushed easily.

With a sullen face, she opened her mouth and swallowed the stone sculpture Da Chao.

"Satan Ghost, you are so powerful -" Henhen left a sentence, and she turned around and ran away.

"Hahaha, Witch Harley, you are at the end of your rope, you are finished!"

The ghost laughed and chased after her, punching her in the back.


Harley groaned and continued to run wildly.

The two of them escaped and chased each other, leaving the scope of hell in the blink of an eye and completely entering Limbo.

"Ghost, stop being so arrogant!" Just as Harley was punched seven or eight times like a sandbag, a faint blue space door appeared next to her, and the Stranger took Madam Xanadu, Sage Aoqi and others. The mage walked out of it.

Harry secretly cursed "Cao Dan" in his heart, and could only brake and stop, shouting anxiously: "You are seeking death, that guy is possessed by God, the forbidden curse is instantaneous, and he is completely immune to the power of miracles."

"Don't be afraid Harry, we have our own plans." Xanadu comforted her.

——I'm just afraid that you will be trampled to death by his feet like cockroaches!

Halli just complained in her heart, Shandu held the crystal ball and chanted a spell loudly: "Nimue, the ancient people, summons the god of wind, the god of rain, the god of thunder, the god of fire, and the god of life. , the God of Death. All gods, please pray with me and shout together - Supreme Lord of Light, open your divine eyes!"

The spell was long, but the ghost wouldn't wait for her to recite it. Although Harley didn't know what they wanted to do, she knew that she could at least let Xanadu release his "ultimate move".

Therefore, Harley turned around and got entangled with the ghost again. The Stranger and other mages were assisting her, but it was just soy sauce. Magic attacks were useless against the ghost.

The ghost paid no attention to Xanadu.

But when the spell ended, it seemed that a divine eye really opened between heaven and earth. The divine eye radiated endless golden light, and even Harley's vision was blurred and she couldn't see anything.

But the sound was not blocked.

"Ahhhh~~" The ghost roared in disbelief, "Woman, what have you done?"

"Just taking something that doesn't belong to you in the first place." Xanadu said proudly.

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