I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1157 Facing the Ghost (Happy Dragon Boat Festival everyone!)


Like a sudden earthquake, deep cracks opened in the city's cement roads, as if the earth had opened its mouth. Dark red light shone from the ground, along with the smell of burnt sulfur and thick black smoke.

Then came the sound of flapping wings, getting closer and closer to the ground.

"Hahaha, here I am again in the human world!"

Whoosh whoosh!

Black shadows of bat wings rushed out of the cracks.

The dark red scales, triangular wings, fin-shaped ears, sharp teeth and claws are exactly the same as the demons described in the Bible.

They are demons.

Hell has been lifted, and demons are wreaking havoc on the world.


Suddenly, there was a muffled thunder-like sound in the air, and a circle of transparent ripples visible to the naked eye appeared in the air.

Wherever the ripples pass, the demons noisy in the sky move stiffly, like drones that are powered off, falling vertically to the ground.

But while they were still in the air, there was a flash of red light and they all disappeared without a trace.

If it weren't for the cracked pavement on the street, the red light and the smell of sulfur, and the people around, the street would be very quiet, with not a single passerby.

"Hey, where has everyone gone?"

The next batch of demons flew out of the cracks in the ground, and when they saw the empty night sky, they couldn't help but wonder.

"Whoosh!" Red light flashed across the night sky like lightning, "BOOOM!"

There was another thunderous sound, and transparent ripples appeared in the air. The ripples swept across, making the demons dizzy. They fell to the ground like dumplings, and were swept away by the red light before they hit the ground.

"Tear Man! Satan is above, tear Man away and take them away!" Deep in the cracks of the ground, there was a demon who was one step behind and managed to escape.

Red Lightning is fast, but it's also a titled demon.

Not only did he see Hong Guang's identity clearly, but he also saw Tearman's actions: hitting each other with both palms and slapping him in mid-air.

The sound wave of just one slap can stun dozens or hundreds of demons.

"Whoosh!" Its cry alerted Tranpo Man, who had super hearing, and the red light refracted back, "Boom!"

This time, he was not afraid of the slap and stepped down directly. The Demon Viscount's head felt stuffy and he lost consciousness.

"Whoosh!" Tearman turned into red light and disappeared on the spot. At the same time, the "corpse" of the Demon Viscount also disappeared.

Quinn Manor, the small playground in the backyard.

"Whoosh!" A red light flashed, and Tearman appeared in mid-air carrying a "mountain of corpses".

"Whoosh!" Without a word of nonsense, Tearman turned into red lightning again and disappeared without a trace. Dozens of demon "corpses" fell freely from mid-air to the ground.

"Crash!" fell on the playground.

Harley was floating cross-legged on the edge of the playground. With a thought, the Lucifer Eviscerating Knife was held by the energy of the yellow light. It was like a flying sword controlled by a sword fairy, jumping and flying among the demon "corpses" in the playground.

"Chichichi!" As he breathed, the unconscious demon's "corpse" really became a corpse.

The great director Fat Tou used a green light energy tool to create hundreds of shots, quickly disemboweled the demon's body and took out the heart, then threw the body into the man-eating forest in the back mountain.

"Ding ding dong dong, 598 points of Heavenly Merit have been received from Tiantangshan Financial Management, and have been transferred to Tearman's account!"

A mechanical female voice came from the Paradise Mountain mobile phone in Harley's hand.

"Harley, this is Neptune's product."

His voice is heard but his face is not seen, it is the Flash Barry.

Outsiders couldn't even see his running golden and red lightning, and even Harley could only see a blurry shadow.

Then on the other side of the playground, one demon "corpse" appeared out of thin air, stacked on top of one another.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of corpses piled up into a hill.

"Chi chi chi!" The sword energy was like silk, splitting their heads into two pieces.

"Ding ding dong dong, 1442 points of Heavenly Merit have been received from Paradise Mountain Financial Management, and have been transferred to the account of Neptune Arthur."

Before the beeping of the phone stopped, Barry's voice was heard again: "Harry, this time it's Diana's goods."

"Harley, this is Cyborg's."

"Harry, this is Alan's goods."

"Harley, this is Young Watcher's stuff."

Barry, the courier, is very busy.

At the same time, the watchtower, the console.

Dozens of heroes headed by Bateman are busy.

"This is Star City, I am Green Arrow, Star needs Category 1 B support." Green Arrow's voice came from the earphones.

Bateman said in a deep voice: "Jay, go to Star City."

"I am the mayor of Madrid, Spain. We need support." A cry for help came from Robin's earphones nearby.

"What type of support?" Robin imitated Bateman and spoke in a low, hoarse voice.

Well, the Teen Titans and Bateman came to the watchtower to work as operators.

"What type?" the man opposite asked blankly.

“An hour ago, General Galaxy pushed the ‘Hell’s Natural Disaster Defense Regulations’ to all countries.

In addition to the distress call from the watchtower command station, there is also a grade classification guide.

You are the mayor, there is no way you didn’t receive it, right?

And every person on earth with a mobile phone has a text message reminder. "Robin asked doubtfully.

"Uh, I" the mayor covered the phone.

But Robin still heard the mayor scolding the secretary.

After a while, the mayor said: "Category 1 is large in number, category 2 is powerful single entity, category 3 is weird magic, category 4 -"

"Aren't you in a hurry? Just tell me the type and we will provide immediate support." Robin interrupted him impatiently.

He then heard the mayor asking his secretary what type of voice he had.

"Probably Category 3 S-class." The mayor said.

"Are you sure you are S-level? S-level means that the devil has the strength of an S-level hero and can destroy cities and countries." Robin said seriously.

"Hey, I don't know if that monster can destroy a city or a country, but our 'football baby' in Made City was killed!" the mayor said excitedly.

Robin checked on the console and realized the identity of Football Baby. He was a B-class city hero with the superpower of controlling lights. He had once been a football baby.

Robin hesitated for a moment, but still did not argue that the demon that killed the B-level hero might not be S-level.

"Wonder Woman, when will the battle over there end?"

On the console screen, the icon representing Wonder Woman is still red - there is no time to spare, but the third type of crisis represents the magic of magic. The key is still S level, and Wonder Woman is the most suitable.

"Wait at least ten more minutes." The heroine gasped.

"Have you turned on 'Hallelujah'?" Robin asked.


Robin patted Bateman's arm and explained the situation in a low voice.

Bateman immediately said: "Wonder Woman, enter your strongest state and fight quickly."

Robin has a decision in his heart, but does not have the power to make it. Only the giant hero can "advise" the giant.

Then, Bateman added: "Joey (old Flash), take the time to go to Philadelphia and tell Thunder Shazam that he is now being recruited by the Galaxy Admiral. You take him to Madrid."

"Is he okay?" Robin asked worriedly.

"He is a magic warrior and is immune to magic damage."

Demons are cruel and greedy, but not stupid.

Relying on Jebi's message, Harley had almost an hour to prepare for the release of hell.

Facing the Earth, which was well prepared and went all out, the demonic tide surged forward, but it hit the iron plate head-on, breaking its head and bleeding, and then the demonic tide gradually extinguished.

The Gao Chao section only lasted for more than half an hour.

Of course, not all demons have disappeared, but there have been no large-scale invasions.

At this time, the earth has almost entered a state of "dynamic clearing".

"Phew, it's finally over." Dachao breathed a long sigh of relief, "Harry, how much merit did I earn tonight?"

"450,000, No. 1 in the world, congratulations."

"Hahaha, over three hundred thousand, Louise finally doesn't have to go to hell." His laughter was full of relief.

Harley couldn't bear to tell him: Your wife has sinned more than 600,000 because she regarded God as an alien.

"Tear Man, the demon disaster is not over yet. They just gave up the group invasion, and there are still small groups of demons appearing in inaccessible places." Bateman said.

"I understand, I'm on my way to the next rescue point." Dachao said.

The superheroes are still scattered around doing tasks, but they all carry communicators, and the giant heroes are still on the same communication channel.

"The demonic disaster is just the appetizer and dessert, Lucifer Desire, who has gained the power of ghosts, is the real dish." Neptune said in a solemn tone.

"Harley, where is he now?" Wonder Woman asked.

"I asked Yebi to keep an eye on him. Yebi hasn't come to report yet, which means he is still in hell at this time. It's strange, why hasn't he come yet?" Harley was a little confused.

"Have you prepared a battle plan?" Dachao asked.

Harley mused: "I do have an idea. Bateman, you don't need to arrange tasks for Ripman, and Kyle.

My plan is to form a special emergency team and wait for the ghost to leave hell and intercept him halfway.

He cannot be allowed to enter the material world, especially not close to the earth. "

"Well, it's good to keep the enemy away from the country." Dachao praised.

"I would like to join the emergency team." Wonder Woman said immediately.

"Harley, I'm also wearing a light ring now." Hal Jordan said.

"You can all join. The more heroes the better, but we must ensure that the earth is not short of manpower." Harley said.

Bateman said in a solemn tone: "Can the emergency team deal with the ghost? He is the wrath of God. The battlefield is still in Limbo. He can increase the frequency infinitely, which is extremely detrimental to us.

Moreover, Zatanna told me that since the ghost was possessed by Lucifer's desire, the spread of the aftermath of the power has caused the magical elements in the material world to fall into violent chaos.

Even as powerful as a magic master, it would be difficult for him to cast magic smoothly. "

"The strength shown by Ghost now is a bit strange. I have to see him in person before I can judge." Harley said.

"What if we can't beat him?" Bateman asked worriedly.

"My plan is not to have anal sex, even if it is anal sex, I have a set of tactics specially prepared for ghosts - Invincible Hot Wheels.

Don't ask what the 'Invincible Hot Wheels' is. If you tell me, you might be alerted by ghosts.

I assure you, once that thing is used, almost no one in the world can stop it. "

Bateman felt a little relieved.

Zatanna interjected: "If the Fallen Angels truly control the power of God's wrath, it will be almost impossible for us to completely defeat the Ghost.

Just like no one can defeat God.

But Lucifer Desire and Ghost are not the same person, they are forcibly fused together, and we should find a way to separate them. "

Harley hesitated: "Do you know how to divide it?"

Zaulie had warned her back then that the soul stuck to the burning ashes of angel feathers could never be separated.

"You ask me? You are the young king of heaven, the one favored by God." Zatanna said speechlessly.

"I'll ask the Voice of Heaven."

The reason why she didn't ask for the voice of heaven before was because Zaulie's words made her think in a certain way.

"Go find the stranger." Tian Zhi's answer was somewhat beyond her expectation.

"If you want me to know, tell me why you are looking for a stranger?" Harley asked strangely.

"Stranger is the answer."

"Master Harley, the ghost is out!"

Harley was taking out her mobile phone and preparing to call the stranger when a golden light suddenly shone in front of her eyes, and Yibi jumped out and issued an urgent warning.

"Dachao, come quickly, come here if you can."

"Whoosh~~" The red light flashed, and the huge body of the red cloak appeared in the sky above Quinn Manor.

"BOOOM!" The detonation tunnel opened, and heroes such as Wonder Woman and Kyle Rayner walked out of it.

Harley opened her mouth and swallowed them into her belly. She rode Yebi and jumped into the shadow world to the exit of hell.

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