I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1153 The clown ghost gets upper body

"Are you threatening us? We can kill you now to avoid future troubles." Hawke said coldly.

Scarface tore off his clothes again and dangled bunches of melons in front of everyone, "At least I'm not killing you now. You guys don't have the courage to fight me, and it's not worth it.

In fact, you all understand that even if I don't come to you today, a new king will appear in the grassland that has lost its lion king sooner or later.

Or do you naively think that when the new Lion King appears, he will turn a blind eye to you jackals?

Lions will only ignore marmots, not wolves!

If it weren't for me, you would end up with only two endings - being coerced into joining a new family, and becoming the new underground emperor of Gotham. Well, the emperor will always be her, and we can only be regarded as governors.

Being squeezed out and annexed by the new governor.

Of course, you can also form a new family to compete for the position of governor.

The problem is that the family’s strength and upper limit are determined by the parents. Ask yourself, are you qualified?

In Harley Quinn's era, you were the ninth-rate people, and in the Copperfield era, you were third-rate people.

Now ho ho ho! "

The contemptuous laughter made everyone angry and helpless. Their own family members knew their own affairs, and they were now barely second-rate and couldn't get up.

Scarface continued: “You can’t even convince your companions because your strength and abilities are almost the same.

Therefore, if you want to survive and live better, you must choose a truly talented person.

I am ‘the first of Gotham’s new generation of super criminals’! "

He pointed at himself with his thumb proudly, "This is not me bragging, there is a consensus among Gotham's gangsters - whoever gets Batman's most attention is the best criminal.

In the past month, I have been the popular fried chicken on the streets of Gotham! "

"If any of you are not convinced, you can compete with me. Let's stand in front of Bateman and run in the opposite direction to see who he chooses."

"This matter" Fei Long was somewhat convinced.

He glanced at the group of companions with different expressions and said hesitantly: "It happened too suddenly. Scarface, give us a few days and let us discuss it. Well, let's talk about your development plan first."

"The key to the plan is not development." Scarface shook his head.

"How can we become Gotham's number one crime family without development?" Hawke said.

"Whose Gotham is Gotham?" Scarface asked.

All the Dao bosses were immediately enlightened, "The first step is to get Harley Quinn's approval! At least Colbert's approval."

"It's harder to meet Harley Quinn than to buy a house on Arkham Island. It's hard for us, the mayor of Gotham, and the president of the United States to meet her in person, let alone us.

Half a month after the signing of the "Earth Apokolips Peace Agreement", countless alien messengers swarmed in again. Some people wanted to see her, and some civilizations had whimsical ideas and wanted to achieve the purpose of being protected by the "Peace Agreement" by deeply binding to the earth. .

After all, the people of the universe know that once Darkseid returns to health, Apokolips will soon invade the material universe on a large scale again.

Except for our earth, no alien civilization has ever blocked the invasion of Apokolips!

But no one wants to become a destroyed civilization.

So, they want to get close to us.

There are rumors claiming that many civilizations even want our earth to form a galactic alliance, with the earth as the leader.

However, Mr. President was extremely enthusiastic to help with the matchmaking and wanted to introduce the alien envoys to the galactic admiral, but none of them succeeded. "Fei Long sighed.

Hawke said in awe: "I heard that she went to work in heaven. The young master of heaven has many things to do every day. Ten years ago, I could compete with her on the same stage and only lost slightly. Now I am still me, but she has changed Become a god"

"The topic has gone too far." Scarface clasped his hands and put them on his chin, saying confidently: "We don't need to see her, we just need to find the right position and let herself be needed by her."

"She needs us? Are you kidding me? Now facing the world crisis, she doesn't even recruit super criminals as teammates. There are countless S-class superheroes at her disposal." Feilong said with a slightly sour tone.

Once upon a time, he also dreamed that the phone rang, and when he opened it, it turned out to be a recruitment order for the Galaxy Admiral. This was also the dream of many boys and girls on the earth.

"She needs a stable Gotham where the world revolves around her. To put it simply, we just need to defeat our competitors and rule Gotham in name only.

Then find out her preferences, and do everything according to her preferences whenever there is a big deal.

In this way, our rule is almost secure. "Scarface said.

"Ruling Gotham is so difficult, but it's just a prerequisite?" the man in a suit and glasses muttered.

"As long as you join the 'Scarface Family', it will be easy to rule Gotham." Scarface said.

Three hours later, in the basement of the backyard of a nightclub on Orange Street in Brooklyn.

Scarface sat opposite a slim and fit black-haired woman.

"Done?" the black-haired woman asked.

"A bunch of third-rate bastards, not even qualified as super criminals." Scarface's face was full of contempt.

"Since you are Yakuza, why do you attach so much importance to them? With the Shadow Warriors supporting you behind your back, it will be easy for you to become the new Emperor of Hedao. No one in Gotham can compete with you." The black-haired woman said.

Scarface stared at her for a while, and the scar from the split corner of his mouth to the base of his ear pulled upwards, making a terrifying smile.

"We have known each other for half a year. In the past six months, we have met a total of five times. Each time you have brought me great help, including martial arts secrets, magic books, and even personally guided me in training. But I don't even know your name now."

"You called me dozens of times." The black-haired woman asked doubtfully.

"'Anna' is not your real name, and you can never be just an ordinary shadow warrior. You know too many secrets that I find unbelievable." Scarface shook his head and said: "If you don't tell me the truth, I can't tell you the truth." I’ll tell you my true purpose.”

The black-haired woman was silent for a while and said: "You are very smart. I am the daughter of Lei Xiaogu, the current ruler of the Shadow Warrior Alliance.

You can continue to call me 'Anna', the name 'Thalia' will attract the attention of those who care. "

"Lei Xiaogu" had a strange expression on his scar face.

In this time and space, because of Harley's appearance, Lei Xiaogu did not cause a bloody storm in Gotham, but he is still famous among the older generation of Gotham gangsters - those who have stayed in Arkham Asylum, All have used Leixiao ancient toilets.

Thalia knew what he was thinking just by looking at his expression, and her pretty, exotic face couldn't help but show shame and anger.

"I can tell you another secret. My father has been resurrected long ago."

"Oh, that urinal was switched." Scarface was stunned for a moment, not too surprised.

"What is your real purpose? Since you are the daughter of Lei Xiaogu, you will never just want to secretly control Gotham." He asked again.

Thalia looked into his eyes and said, "If I say I want to destroy Gotham, will you stop me?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"

Scarface threw his head back and let out a series of crazy laughs.

Thalia just looked at him quietly and smiled.

Scarface laughed for a full half minute before gasping: "That's great, my dear, we are honest with each other and have the same purpose. We are simply natural partners."

"You haven't confessed to me yet," Thalia said.

"Oh, those third-rate criminals, they are my protection talismans." Scarface raised two fingers, "In Gotham, there are two types of criminals. One is performance artists like the Riddler, Mr. Freeze, and Bane. ’, they stared at Bateman, with the purpose of competing with Bateman.

The other type is very boring and mediocre, and runs criminal activities like a business.

The first type of person will never be able to become the Emperor of Hedao.

First of all, they themselves are not interested in giving him the rule, they only care about Bateman.

Secondly, the real rulers of Gotham, such as Harley Quinn, big businessmen, and politicians, will not allow Gotham to fall into chaos.

They want stability, but criminal artists create and enjoy chaos. "

Thalia asked with interest: "Which category do you belong to?"

"I belong to the third category. There are three kinds of people in this world, interesting people, mediocre people, me."

"Who is Harley Quinn or Batman?" Thalia asked again.

"Harley Quinn is very boring and mediocre." Scarface had a touch of disdain on his face, "People who purely pursue interests are mediocre people.

Her interests are her own strength and perhaps status.

In essence, they are no different from businessmen pursuing money or politicians pursuing power.

At best, she is considered high-level vulgarity. "

"Batman is different." Scarface's expression became extremely excited, "He has a very clear understanding of the world, and at the same time he has very surreal expectations for the world. It's so interesting."

Thalia said seriously: "Mediocre Harley Quinn only needs one sentence to end your interesting life."

Scarface smiled and said: "I know, so I have to hide my true nature and disguise myself as a mediocre criminal who is greedy for money and status.

I recruited those third-rate mediocre people to form the "Scarface Family" just to make myself the "Second Cobbler". I am ambitious, know how to advance and retreat, understand current affairs, have a good mind, worship the Emperor of Gotham wholeheartedly, and love money and money. Status is aspirational. "

Thalia smiled with satisfaction, "Then what? How do you achieve your real purpose - to destroy Gotham?"

"Hehehehe, Emperor Hedao who maintains the order of Gotham's underground world, isn't it just a thought to destroy Gotham?

Thalia, you can give me a few ways to destroy Gotham, and I'll pick the most interesting one. Scarface said with a proud smile.

"Bah, bang, bang!" Thalia clapped softly, "Very good, very good, Scarface, you are the second man I admire. You really have a good chance of defeating the Witch Harley, and by then you will be a sensation in the multiverse. "

Scarface was not interested in asking her who her "most admired man" was. He was just curious: "How did you choose me in the first place?"

"I didn't pick you, it was your talent that made you stand out from hundreds of seeds." Thalia said meaningfully.

"It turns out that you have secretly funded many people in Gotham," Scarface suddenly said, "Do they know?"

"Everyone who knows is dead."

"I'm very lucky, hahaha-ahhhh~~"

Scarface was letting out his signature laugh when suddenly his eyes popped out, with multiple layers of overlapping pupils appearing under his eyes. It was as if someone had cut open his head, which made him hold his head and howl in pain.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Thalia's expression changed drastically. Not only did she not step forward to help Scarface, she also took seven or eight steps back like a cat.

"Ahhhh, the door of hell. The door of hell is open. I, I am...Scarface?" Scarface knelt on the ground, scratching his hair and face frantically, and let out a piercing cry.

It was like two voices superimposed, one belonging to Scarface and the other belonging to another person.

"Could it be a curse, the curse that Witch Harley placed on the people who plotted against her?"

Thalia's expressions changed one after another, and she hesitated in her heart, should she run away immediately?

"Scarface? Destroy Gotham? Let Harley Quinn become——Ouch, no!!!" Scarface grabbed the ground with his head, "No, Harley Quinn is a devil, no, she is more terrifying than the devil of hell. , must not be provoked or disobeyed - get out, who are you and why are you occupying my body?"

Scarface suddenly straightened his body again, twitchingly stretched out his hands with bloody nails towards Thalia, twisted his face and shouted: "Help me, I am possessed by an evil spirit, please help me exorcise the evil spirit."

"Gudong." Thalia swallowed, "Try using the meditation method I teach and call the great Three Palace Demon in your heart."

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