Scarface has a slim figure of 1.85 meters, slutty purple hair, and his top hat, suit, and trousers are also bright purple.

However, the scarface who appeared in front of all the Taoist bosses at this time did not have a very good image.

The suit was dirty, stained with blood and mud, the hair was messy, the cheeks were bruised, and the corners of the mouth were bleeding.

It was obvious that he had just experienced an intense exercise.

"Sorry, Fat Dragon." Scarface walked up to the big fat man with a smile, bent down and kissed his bald head, "Thank you for arranging this banquet for me. I'm sorry that I'm late."

"And everyone, thank you for being here, and I'm sorry for keeping you waiting for so long."

He walked to the opposite side of the big fat man, picked up a big lobster and began to chew on it.

"Scarface, are you being targeted by Bateman?" Little Maroni nervously glanced at the door and window. "Could he be fishing, let you go on purpose, and then chase us here and catch us all?" ?”

"Hahaha, he is still 'fishing' in the Hudson River right now!" Scarface laughed with a cracked mouth. The laughter was not very loud, but it was filled with weird madness.

"What are you talking about? Bateman is not that easy to deal with. His martial arts level ranks among the top three in Gotham, and he is especially good at sneaking and tracking." Hawke said seriously.

Scarface smiled and pointed to his temple, "Dealing with Bateman is actually very simple, just use your brain more.

For example, when he is chasing you on a motorcycle, don't attack him, just shout "My grenade is delayed for 20 seconds", and then run the melon in your hand onto the road, and he will definitely turn around and get rid of it.

If he has Robin next to him, throw a melon east and west.

If he uses the Bat Fighter to track you, he will blow up a section of the bridge and let the cars on the bridge fall down in a row, and Bateman will jump into the river to fish. "

"Where did you get the injury?" Feilong asked.

"Hey, being chased by Bateman is such a thrilling thing. Of course I want to find a chance to be intimate with him." Scarface's expression was exaggerated, he danced, and suddenly pulled the wound on his body. He grinned in pain and at the same time, Keep making faces at the people around you.

"If you are still worried, you can watch the live news. Bateman must still be in the camera. He has no clone skills and will not chase me here."

Eagle Hawk subconsciously went to get the crystal ball projector and planned to change the channel. Scarface saw it and quickly stopped him: "No, I have been waiting for this program on the way here. You can use your mobile phones to watch Gotham." news."

"You also like Miss Tesla?" the Russian chuckled.

"Which Tesla?" Scarface asked, staring at the screen.

"The president's daughter is the one you are looking at with squinting eyes."

"Oh, President Tesla of the United States." Scarface nodded casually, "I'm looking at Lois Lane."

"Well, she has good taste. She is also very beautiful and sexy, especially her cool and dignified temperament, which is so charming!"

Scarface glanced at him, "I was just watching her show. The peace agreement between Apokolips and the Earth is a major event that affects the present and future of the Earth. It has a much greater impact on you than a few pairs of Naoko.

However, your performance at this time also illustrates one thing - your vision and abilities are very limited, your development has also encountered bottlenecks, and you need a wise leader to lead you to reach new heights. "

"What do you mean? You are mocking me, and you still want to be our boss?" The Russian suddenly stood up, like a brown bear's tall body, giving others a great sense of oppression.

In fact, his nickname on the streets of Gotham is "Brown Bear."

"Scarface, 'Gotham Huimin Bank' is our industry. Ninety percent of those beautiful knives you stole are our deposits." Feilong stared at the scarfaced man opposite who was still smiling and mean, "I allow you Entering this house, coming to the table, and sharing dinner with us does not make you our guest.

Before you explain clearly the Huimin Bank robbery, you were our enemy, our mortal enemy. "

Scarface seemed not to hear the fat dragon’s threat, pointing at the screen and continuing to grin: “Recently, I have been paying attention to Lois Lane’s ‘Apocalypse Peace Talks’ series.

It has to be said that her becoming a famous person in the universe is not in vain.

The theme of the show is clear: Apokolips is powerful and is the most terrifying evil organization in the multiverse. Darkseid is the 'supreme existence' that is invincible to mortals. It is the glory and luck of the earth to sign a peace contract with Apokolips. The heroes are great. , the galactic admiral is great, the people of the earth are glorious, the alien friends have returned to the earth, and they are envious of our permanent peace agreement with Apokolips balabala

It is obviously a compromise with evil, but it is packaged as a great glory of justice defeating evil. "

"Fat Dragon is asking you, what are you talking about?" Little Maroni frowned.

“In order to promote this theme, there are a lot of plots in the show that directly show the power of Apokolips and the New God of Darkness.

For example, an interview with the kidnapped president’s family.

Look, Miss Tesla’s crying and frightened narration makes all viewers feel the horror of Apokolips?

Another example is the biological weapon processing factory on Apokolips that produces demon-like weapons.

Tsk, tsk, they are connected into one piece, just like our oil refinery, with a mass production of millions a day, and a total of tens of billions of demon-like soldiers.

An ordinary demon-like soldier is theoretically as powerful as an A-class superhero.

Another example is the ‘Hell Spore’ known as the Apokolips torpedo. Only one of it can blast through the earth’s crust——”

Feilong slammed the table, interrupting Scarface's rambling speech, and said angrily: "If you say another nonsense, you don't have to speak."

"If we master a hell spore and bury it underground in Gotham, then we won't have to worry about Harley Quinn?" Scarface said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, the banquet venue seemed to be frozen instantly. Various expressions of anger, impatience, and murderous intent froze on the faces of the big bosses, and cold air rose from the depths of their souls.

The stiff movements lasted for a long time, and then one after another, everyone changed to a unified expression: panic.

"Son of a bitch, are you crazy? If you are going crazy, don't drag us into the water."

As soon as Fei Long cursed in anger, Scarface's eyes flashed, he waved his hands and said with a smile: "Sorry, I was just joking. Admiral Galaxy has nothing to do with us at all. We are businessmen and just want to make money, right? "

"Your joke is not funny. You can continue to make such jokes in the future, but please change the place." Fei Long said coldly.

The Russian brown bear gritted his teeth and said: "Scarface, I can tolerate you until now because you didn't provoke me before, and you also restricted Batman's energy and time to a certain extent. The number of times I was disrupted by him in business was greatly reduced.

But my tolerance has its limits. If your next sentence is still meaningless nonsense, then I don’t want the $40 million in Huimin Bank. "

Scarface leaned forward and said in a hoarse voice: "I have brought the money, and it is in White's truck outside the door.

The money bag has your name on it and you can pick it up when you leave.

The money is not the point.

The point is that through this incident, you should understand that your money is not safe.

In the past, there were the Maroney family, the Falco family, the Quinn family, and the Cobot family in Gotham. Now I sincerely invite you to join the 'Scarface family'. "

"Why?" Fei Long said coldly.

Scarface's scarred face cracked into an ugly smile, "I've just given the reason. In the same news, you only see the female anchor's nagging and butt drums, but I can find an opportunity for all of us to soar into the sky. "

"Threaten Harley Quinn with hell spores?" Hawke sneered: "Yes, you can put a bomb in your butt and fly into the sky."

"That's just a joke. There really are hell spores. Wouldn't it be a waste to blow up the earth? Take them out and sell them to alien arms dealers for at least tens of billions of dollars.

Selling it to the Pentagon can be exchanged for dozens of presidential pardons.

Assemble a group of super criminals who understand technology to do their own research, and with a little bit of results, we can re-walk the glorious path of Harley Quinn and Cobblepot - from black to white, and enter the real circle of power. "

Feilong's eyes flashed with excitement, but there was a touch of sarcasm on his face, "That sounds nice, but do you have hell spores?"

"It may not be possible." Scarface smiled confidently: "Dakseid is the dark evil god, and evil gods can be worshiped by mortals."

"Sacrifice to Darkseid?" Hawke was surprised, "Do you know his exclusive sacrifice circle?"

Scarface, the "second-generation clown", talks about sacrificial magic with a bunch of Gotham gangsters. It seems a bit fantasy, but this is a universe where Harley is involved.

Even advanced magic secrets such as deathbed transformation and magic price have become commonplace, and sacrificial magic has become common knowledge among those who know the "Kalifa family history".

Well, today's Gotham is indeed very magical. The new generation of Taoist bosses are all kung fu masters. The theory of magic is at least "at the level of outstanding high school students", and quietly practicing black magic has become the norm.

There is no way, the power of role models is too powerful.

Scarface pushed the dinner plate in front of him, dipped his hands in the sauce, and quickly drew a crooked five-pointed star formation on the table tennis table.

"This is a set of magic circles for summoning gods. If you silently recite the great existence you want to communicate with in your heart, you will have a certain chance of being sensed by him."

"The magic circle is complete. I have it in mind. You seem to be of no use to us anymore?" the African-American man sitting on Feilong's right hand said sadly.

Scarface smiled and pulled open his suit, revealing several melon grenades around his waist. "It only takes one to blast a big hole in the concrete bridge deck. What effect do you think ten of them will have if they explode together?"

"If you confidently put on a posture and wanted to beat ten of us one by one, you might even be able to convince us with your martial arts. But now you are bringing out the most shameful hot weapon for us martial artists. Well, you are just trying to save your life. Why should we obey you? ?" Fei Long sneered.

Scarface said: "I'm not sure if I can defeat ten of you, but I'm more than enough to challenge any one of you alone.

In fact, you can change your mind, why reject me as the boss?

The benefits of choosing a good boss, Harley Quinn sets a good example for everyone.

Those bastards in the Quinn family are not as hard-working as us, and they are not as talented as us, but we hide in the dock warehouse and use the ping-pong table to make do with partying.

However, they scattered across major cities in the United States and became celebrities in political and business circles, enjoying the benefits of money and power openly. "

"Can you compare with Harley Quinn?" Hawke said.

"Maybe it can't be compared, but in Gotham at this stage, who can compare with me?" Scarface said lazily: "A year ago, I was just an ordinary worker. In order to earn medical expenses for my pregnant wife, I was raped by the Red Hood. As a scapegoat.

A year later, I was the most successful criminal mastermind in Gotham and had accumulated enough wealth to buy half a house on Arkham Island. "

"It's the full payment, not just the down payment. Harley Quinn's first two years are nothing more than that."

Scarface raised his chin proudly and successfully received the complex looks of envy and admiration from all the big guys.

They really admire it.

Everyone here has been working hard in Gotham for more than ten years, but their current annual income is not enough to buy a bathroom on Arkham Island.

"We are living well now and don't need a boss." The Russian Brown Bear said.

"You need it!" Scarface affirmed: "You are different from the Riddler, Mad Hatter, Dr. Destiny, and Mr. Freeze.

They commit crimes for the purpose of committing crimes, you and I, they commit crimes just for business, to make a lot of money.

So you formed Gotham Huimin Bank and formed a loose alliance to help each other to a certain extent and jointly defend against foreign enemies. "

After a pause, he looked around at everyone and said meaningfully: "You can refuse, but there will definitely be someone willing to join.

There will always be a Scarface family.

Either become a member of a big family and become tycoons together, or become the next target of the 'Scarface Family'. "

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