I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1128 Chapter 1129 Mission or Conspiracy

In addition to Earth, Harley now has two major experience pools: Genesis Star and Silver City.

Because visiting one place would arouse suspicion, and because she needed to maintain connections and status in both realms, Harley usually went to the Genesis Star to be a martial arts instructor in the first half of the month, and went to Silver City to do city defense in the second half of the month.

If she were to be a wooden stake and let others attack together, she would of course be able to level up the fastest, but that would be too strange and inconsistent with her status as a coach and leader.

Every time he gains experience, Harley teaches his opponents combat skills.

He not only learns combat techniques from the other party and improves his God of War experience, but also imparts his own experience to the other party without reservation and points out the other party's mistakes.

This was time-consuming and inefficient, so she had been in "upgrade mode" for more than half a year, but she still hadn't reached level 100.

But her dedicated efforts can earn the trust and respect of the new gods and angels.

Neither the new gods nor the angels are stupid.

In fact, they are all gods with extremely high levels of brain development.

If she stood there and let them take turns attacking and harvesting experience wildly, but they themselves would make no progress, it would be strange not to be suspicious.

Moreover, this kind of person who does not teach them martial arts and only pretends to be pretentious - being considered to be pretentious is the best outcome. It is more likely to be doubted by people with the mentality of "Witch Harley, the thief never escapes" and doubts that she can be beaten. Obtain the benefits from the new god warriors and angel warriors, are you willing to accompany her to toss?

Therefore, although it was slower, Harley still fulfilled her duties as a trainer and leader.

The new angel gods who were taught a lesson by her and gained experience from her were also full of praise for her business abilities.

Because fighting her can indeed improve your own shortcomings.

Now, she no longer has to find excuses to organize competitions. Whenever Coach Harley goes to work, a group of "apprentices" come to her door.

Harley has turned masturbation experience into a long-term, mutually beneficial and win-win business.

Just when she thought she could safely reach level 100, a person who hadn't appeared for a long time disrupted her rhythm.

"Harley, I'm back." Kyle Rayner said with emotion.

In the final moments of "Sun-Eater Crisis", Hal Jordan's power was unleashed.

Harley secretly purchased his "Maserati" - the power of the Time Trap.

The Sun Eater swallowed his life force, soul force, and demonized green light energy.

But after Hal's power was absorbed by the Sun-Eating Beast, a mass of invisible and qualityless life essence remained.

The Sun-Eating Beast almost sucked Hal to dryness, and Hal even lost his willpower "equivalent to the sum of all other life forms in the universe." However, in fact, the Sun-Eating Beast did not absorb all the energy.

To put it simply, the sun-eating beast ate up Hal like a sugar cane, but it also spit out the bagasse.

Harley didn't find the bagasse at the time, so she immediately picked up Hal's mummy and went to hell.

Well, the corpse just lost all its extraordinary energy and did not really turn into "firewood" that lost its water content.

At the entrance to Hell, Harley intercepts Hal's soul and stuffs it into his corpse.

In order to repair the damage to Hal's soul caused when his magic and life force were drained, Harley also spent millions of meritorious deeds to eliminate the side effects.

During the time when she was resurrecting Hal, another thing was happening at the place where Hal was sacrificed: the "bagasse" spit out by the Sun-Eating Beast actively poured into Kyle Rayner's body.

When Harley returned to the material world with the resurrected Hal, Kyle had become a "Green and White Lantern". There was a vast white light energy in his body, and his uniform turned almost white.

Only the green stripes symbolizing "Green Lantern" are left on the chest and crotch.

After absorbing Hal's "bagasse", Kyle was immediately taken away by Gunther, the little blue man, and has disappeared for several months.

"Where have you been these past few months? Not even a single message has been sent back. If it weren't for Stranger's assurance that Gunther didn't kill the donkey. Oh, no, it meant killing the donkey for Hal.

You haven't had time to sacrifice yourself, so for you at this time, you should kill the goose and lay the eggs. "Harry said with a smile.

As she spoke, she focused all her thoughts and carefully sensed the physical condition of the lantern across from her.

No sense at all.

Her spiritual perception was blocked by the energy on Kyle's body.

And it also alarmed the other party.

Kyle looked up at her and said meaningfully: "I feel like I am stronger than the 'Time Demon' Hal back then."

"Oh, with such expansion, where does it come from?" Harley asked with interest.

She never believed that Kyle at this time could be stronger than the "Time Demon" of that day.

Kyle may have benefited greatly from Hal's "bagasse", but the power of the Time Trapper belongs to her 100%, and the magic of the Star Heart containing the energy of the Green Lantern returns to the Sun Eater.

Why is he stronger than the Time Demon who has more power?

Kyle tilted his head and stared into her big blue eyes, and there seemed to be a white light flickering in them.

"What are you looking at?" Harley said calmly.

"Strange, I can't read your mind." Kyle said confused.

Harry sneered and said, "Even the Time Demon wouldn't dare to do that. You are so pretentious that you think you are better than the Time Demon.

Xiaokai, I'll teach you to be a good boy and don't use mind-reading skills on mages.

Mages who have survived the magic change can unify all their thoughts. Their thoughts are shrunk to one place. Not only are there no stray mental waves for you to read, but they can also send out powerful psychic shock waves. "

If Kyle were a stranger and dared to read her mind in person, Harley would blow his head off immediately - even if the psychic shock couldn't blow her head off, she still had physical means.

Kyle smiled awkwardly, "I'm not arrogant, I've really changed a lot now. I'm not bragging, I think there's nothing I can't do now.

In other words, I can do too many things now, which makes me feel inflated and complacent. "

"Being able to say such things means that you are not too arrogant."

Harley nodded and asked curiously: "Tell me more specifically, what skills do you have?"

"The energy in my body is endless, and I can also see through the timeline. I can change the river of time through fine-tuning, change the past, and create a new timeline. I can even resurrect anyone who has died now!" Kyle exclaimed excitedly.

Harley narrowed her eyes and said, "Are you sure? How about you try changing the timeline now."

She had already obtained the power of Time Trap, so why should he change the timeline?

"How can the timeline be modified at will?" Kyle shook his head repeatedly.

"You try it, you don't really need to change it." Harley said.

"Change what?" Kyle asked.

"Just change the weather in Gotham," Harley looked out the window, "It's lightly raining outside now, you change it to heavy snow."

"It's almost April, why is it snowing?"

"Say this, it proves that you don't understand how to change the timeline." Harley looked at him and said calmly: "It is half past two in the afternoon, and the weather may change in any way in half an hour, even if it is only a hundred million. There is a 1 in 1 chance of hail, and as long as you select it, the chance of hail is 100%.

Now, you enter the river of time, go back five hours ago, and choose a future where rain turns to blizzard, and then Gotham is a scene full of snow. "

"Let me try"

Kyle's body surface flashed white and green light at the same time, and the breath of the river of time poured out around him.

His body became blurry and hazy, and the living room where he was located also had multiple superimposed images - images from the past, present, and future played out of order.


Harry's sea of ​​consciousness shook once, twice, or three times. It was like someone was knocking on the door of her soul.

Then, the scene in front of her began to become hazy, as if she was looking at the opposite side through a layer of frosted glass.

Harley seemed to see Kyle standing in the snowy Gotham with an anxious face?

Can't see clearly.

It took her a moment to realize that her timeline had been touched, but the intensity...

The river of time where Hal touched her that day started from the beginning of time and the end of time. It was tens of billions of years away from "Harley's present".

It's equivalent to Hal, an ordinary person, standing 100 meters away and blowing a breath into Harley's hair.

Just like that, it made her bear a burden as heavy as a mountain, and she almost spit out blood and died of exhaustion - if she chose to bear the burden.

What Kyle changed was the timeline of Gotham a few hours ago, which was only a few hours away from her.

It's the equivalent of Kyle punching Harley in the nose with an iron fist face to face.

But Harley only felt the breeze blowing on her face. She was embarrassed to call it "pressure".

Because there is really no pressure.

In addition to the timeline being touched, the power of time in her body was also activated, and the vague vision in front of her was related to it.

She probably saw the process of Kyle "choosing" the timeline.


As Harley "shaked her shoulders" - turning on the timeline protection, as relaxed and comfortable as shaking off the leaves on her shoulders - there was a crisp sound of a rubber band breaking in the living room.

"Pfft!" Then the aura of the River of Time around Kyle suddenly dissipated. His head fell back and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

"Uh!" Kyle screamed miserably, not only his mouth was bleeding, but his nostrils and eye sockets were also bleeding.

"Uh, sorry, I used too much force and hurt you."

There was a smile on Harry's lips, and his tone was very insincere.

But the next moment, white light seeped out of Kyle's body, and his injuries healed almost instantly.

"What did you do to me?" Kyle groaned, covering his forehead.

“It’s nothing, I’m just protecting my own timeline and ensuring the stability of the Earth’s timeline.

Facts have proven that you may be able to enter the river of time, and you may be able to transcend time to a certain extent and distort the flow of the river, but you are far inferior to the Time Demon. " Harley said.

Even if he was not as good as Hal, Kyle's performance was enough to surprise her.

"How did you learn this skill in the past few months?"

Kyle said: "After receiving part of the 'Time Demon Power' that day, Gunther thought that I needed to polish my mind to adapt to the surge in power.

Basically, it is to let me improve my spiritual and ideological realm, so as not to lose myself in the power and follow the old path of the time demon.

He took me to a strange and strange space connected to Oa."

Speaking of this, a complicated look appeared on his face, "It was a place dedicated to cultivating spiritual power, where I completed my spiritual transformation.

Harley, you know what?

The final hurdle in training is choice.

The ghost appeared and placed two choices before me.

Two options, two doors.

One of the doors leads to the alley where I got the lamp ring. Gunther was handing the ring to a down-and-out painter.

As long as I step through that door, I can stop him from stopping me from getting the light ring, which means changing my life.

In the end, I closed that door, chose to give up my knot, embraced the green light energy, and then I became what I am now. "

What he said was so sad, so emotional, so solemn, so sacred and full of ritual. Those who didn't know it thought that Darth Vader had finally made the decision to betray King Pa and return to the right path.

Harley was not affected by his emotions at all, and even wanted to complain, "Although I am surprised that Ghost participated in your training process, he is definitely deceiving you.

He can't help you change the timeline.

First of all, he doesn't have that ability, you just tried it yourself; secondly, if he dares to do that, the old God will kill him. "

Kyle glared at her with a dull face, "The point is not whether the ghost can modify the timeline, but in the final test of spiritual practice, I made a clear mind and made a choice.

Aren't you curious about why I have such strength in just a few months? "

"You chose the green light energy and became the 'Super Kyle' you are now?"

Harley is a little embarrassed, what's the reason?

"That's what it is."

"Okay, practice is very fantasy. Why are you looking for me this time?"

Kyle hesitated and said: “I roughly understand my mission as the ‘green light bearer’.

Rebuild the Green Lantern Corps and resurrect the dead Guardians. "

"Which little blue man was resurrected?"


"Shit, this is a game!"

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