I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1127 Another basic force is discovered

"How can you say that I just lost my soul!?"

At first, Sebastian looked stunned, a little touched by his father's words.

At least he understood that not being cared for by his father when he was a child was not because his father didn't love him, but because he didn't dare to love or couldn't love.

The indifference towards him was more like a different kind of care.

But the last sentence made the tenderness that had just arisen in his heart instantly vanish into thin air.

"Although you have lost your soul, it does not affect your perception of the world, your ability to scold me, your ability to live an honest mortal life, and even marry a wife and have children - if you are willing." Old Faust said.

"You deserve to go to hell just because you are so heartless." Little Faust said coldly: "You said that you lost traces of your existence and fell into oblivion, which is more uncomfortable than death.

But my soul was played with and tortured by the devil. The emptiness, coldness and pain tortured me all the time. It was more painful than being forgotten. "

Old Faust waved his hand and said with the arrogance of someone who had come before: "Boy, stop talking, you have never been forgotten at all, but I have lost my soul.

Losing one's soul is painful, but it is not unbearable. "

"Can you bear it?" Little Faust scolded angrily: "You just handed over my soul to Nebiros in order not to lose your soul because your magic debt has expired.

Now you are afraid of being despised by the heroes, so you are just talking nonsense and giving all kinds of excuses, bah!"

"I am a black magician, what am I afraid of?" Old Faust puffed up his chest, looked around, and said in a loud voice, "I play black magic, I sacrifice my soul, and I make deals with the devil, but I am still a man who serves human civilization. A heroic wizard who serves! Just like a galactic admiral.”

Harley was deeply offended and said unhappily: "Unlike you, I will not use my son's soul to pay off the debt."

——That’s because you have no son.

Faust affirmed: "The greatest curse is for a master of magic to have children.

Only a brainless master would take the initiative to have a child. I can keep Sebas, let him grow up, and still live in the world after losing his soul. I am already a rare kind father. "

Zatanna, who had been patient at first, finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Her father is also a master of magic. Is he a brainless idiot?

"You can make excuses for your own selfishness, but don't insult others."

Faust was stunned for a moment before he realized that the father of this female mage was also a master.

"That means Zatara dies early, otherwise I would be happy to see your fate."

"What do you mean?" Zatanna was angry.

Faust was not afraid of the anti-grammar, and said calmly: "For you now, it is really not good to think too deeply about some things."

"Are you insinuating my father?!" Magic power surged throughout Zatanna's body.

"That's right, I'm talking about your father. When the magic debt comes, what should he do with you, his beloved?"

"My father has proven his choice with practical actions. He protected me with his life." Zatanna pointed at him and swore: "If you dare to slander him again, we will be enemies."

"Faust, you have indeed gone too far. You were also present when Zatara died. In order to defend yourself and smear a great father and former friend, aren't you ashamed?" Madam Xanadu reprimanded.

Faust's expression changed, "I hope you are all right, and Zatara really sacrificed for his daughter. Otherwise, one day in the future."

"There is something in your words, what exactly do you want to say?" Harley frowned.

"I don't mean anything else, it's just that Zatara and I were together." He sighed and shook his head: "I always felt that it was not easy."

Glancing at Zatanna, whose beautiful eyes were filled with tears, Faust turned to Sage Ochi, "Can you tell me something fair, how do I treat Sebas?"

"It's cruel." Sage Aoqi said.

"Then why don't you have children? You obviously have a lover and you are still with her."

Sage Aoqi's expression changed several times and he remained silent.

"And you, Xanadu, you have so many lovers, why don't you—well, no, you have a son—"

"Shut up!" Shandu's pretty face turned pale and he shouted in a high-pitched voice.

"Hehehehe" Faust smiled sarcastically, but did not expose Xanadu's scar again, "Forget it for ordinary people who don't understand magic. If any mage wants to rebuke me, you must first prove that you can do better than me. .”

"Boy, you are also a mage. One day, when you have experienced enough, you will come back to me and call me 'Dad' sincerely!" He looked at Sebas and said with certainty.

It was like reading a prophecy.

"That day will never come," Sebas said with certainty.

Dr. Fate's eyes radiated golden light, his body exuded a majestic aura, and the majestic voice of King Naboo rumbled.

"Faust, I'm not interested in your bloody family ethics drama. How did you come back? What's in the realm of oblivion?"

"King Naboo?" Faust calmed down his emotions and said seriously: "The Forgotten Realm is just a name I gave based on my own feelings. I don't know the specific situation.

My ability to come back depends entirely on everyone remembering me.

Even without Sebastian's slander against me, as the news of 'Faust in Goethe's Poems' was circulated and discussed on the earth, sooner or later I would accumulate enough 'memory power' and return to reality. "

"Have you seen Odin?" asked Nab.

"No, even the traces of my existence have disappeared. How can I still 'see'? The environment I am in is empty, void, empty, cold, and silent."

Nabu suddenly turned around, looked at Harry and said, "Before, you had already made guesses; now, you have few questions. Do you know the truth?"

"I don't know." Harley shook her head.

"You lied, you must know something."

Harley said calmly: "If you want to know anything, go to Asgard and find out for yourself. I've been on Earth all the time, and my information channels are not as good as yours. What can I know that you don't know?"

——Even though the information is the same, you are more cunning and cunning!

The King of Naboo was very angry, but Witch Harley was not Faust. If she dared to yell at her, she would yell back, and even slap him with a stick if she didn't dare. And Tranpoman was right next to her, and he was definitely helping her but not helping her.

"Hmph!" He snorted coldly and turned into golden light and disappeared into the cemetery.

Xanadu and Sage Aoqi looked gloomily, said hello casually, opened the portal and left.

Sebastian is also leaving, and Zatanna sees him off.

Faust looked around and saw that the heroes around him looked at him unfriendly, so he wanted to leave.

"Admiral Galaxy, I narrowly escaped death this time. Do my previous promises still count?"

"I will never get involved in your and Constantine's bad affairs from now on."

"Farewell, and thank you." He bent down and picked up the astrological disk that had been placed in the coffin from the ground, handed it to Louise and said: "Reporter Ryan, I owe you a favor. If you need help in the future, you can put it in Under the moonlight, call my name."

"Oh." Louise did not refuse.

After Faust also disappeared, Chao asked: "Harry, they are all gone. Can we tell you the secret of Faust's resurrection?"

"How do you know I know the secret?" Haliqi asked.

"Hehe, you are the witch Harley."

Harley pondered for a moment, shook her head and said, "I do guess the reason why Faust disappeared, and I don't mind telling you.

But I don’t recommend that you search for the truth.

If you don't know, you are absolutely safe.

That thing only works on magic and gods, it has miraculous effects!

But it can't hurt mortals.

But once you know what it is, it may have an effect on you. I am not an alarmist. When Faust returned, he brought that thing with him.

It's not an entity, it's probably just a projection. The shadow falls on everyone, extracting your memories, and even Naboo doesn't notice. "

"So weird?" Everyone was frightened.

Although shocked, they believed Harley's words.

"We'd better not know." Louise smiled bitterly: "What happened today once again made me see the horror and danger of magic.

They are obviously father and son, but... Harley, do you think Faust is telling the truth? He was already very nice to Sebastian. God, selling his son's soul to the devil is still considered a loving father? ! "

"About one-third of the truth was told. Faust should pay a heavy price for Sebastian to stay in the world. But he still loves himself the most and only loves himself. He is a selfish bastard." Harley road.

"Mrs. Xanadu's reaction was very intense just now." Dachao said hesitantly.

"Oh, I didn't know she had a child before."

They looked so excited that they knew it was a terrible past.

Harry sighed: "Let's just pretend we don't know anything from now on, magic is really a scam."

Louise was convinced, "Now even a layman like me is afraid. Deathly transformation and the price of magic power, any of them can easily kill me.

Moreover, according to the law of "paying back the most cherished thing" for the price of magic power, the mage cannot have the closest relatives or loved ones, otherwise it will inevitably end in tragedy.

It would kill a normal person! "

When she first interviewed Harley for "Quinn", she even thought about learning two-hand magic.

Thinking about her husband and son, such a happy and harmonious family. Even if she was given the power of a god or wizard, she would not exchange it.

It's a good thing she has no magical talent.

"Actually, as long as you find a good boss, a mage can still live happily." Harley said.

"Looking for you?" Wonder Woman said.

Harley pointed to the sky and made the sign of the cross on her chest, "Amen!"

Barry asked curiously: "Sebas has no soul, how can he still live like a normal person, even get married and have children?"

Harley thought for a while and said: "It's probably similar to a cloud computer. Sebastian's 'soul host' is in hell, and his body remains in the human world and belongs to him.

The action instructions and thought perceptions that control his body come from the host of hell. "

"Is this okay?" Barry and the heroes around him were dumbfounded.

Harley pointed at herself and then at Louise, "As long as I am willing, I can come up with an idea to 'haunt' you.

Of course, Sebastian can also practice magic, which shows that his 'cloud computing technology' is more advanced.

That's why I say that Faust paid a high price. "

After the Faust incident, Harley increased the frequency of going to heaven and the Genesis Star.

She is now at level 99, 82%, and is about to reach level 100.

She wasn't too anxious at first, after all, even Gaia was earning experience for her recently - almost a thousand-level experience per day.

The total experience value of a thousand ordinary people.

All those who attack Earth with hostility can provide Harley with experience.

First of all, there are very few situations that can generate hatred for the earth. For example, stumbling over a stone, breaking a knee, crawling over, cursing and stamping on the earth with your feet, can provide experience; secondly, ordinary people's damage to the earth is too low, ordinary people You have to step on the earth very hard to provide some experience.

Experience = malice * attack.

Before level 30, the experience of a thousand people would make Harley go crazy with joy; before level 50, Harley would roll on the spot laughing; before level 80, Harley would be happy every day.

But now that he is almost level 100, Harley can only smile cheerfully without being rude.

A little will add up, so you can wait slowly.

But now she was anxious, eager to go to Asgard.

She did guess the reason why Faust and the Norse pantheon disappeared.

The wind of nothingness!

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