I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1099 The shocking truth

“These superheroes, who may have strange talents, or have infinite strength and amazing speed, are the gods of our time and the embodiment of faith.

They are the beliefs of ordinary people, and justice, light, kindness and hope are their beliefs.

Their bright uniforms are beacons of hope in the darkness, and they symbolize the best in humanity.

But they are not the same as gods.

They have the power of gods, but they do not have the indifference and selfishness of gods.

Behind the mask, under the cloak, within the god-like body, there are emotions that are no different from those of mortals. "

After the stranger finished speaking, the two of them had returned to their souls and returned to the lounge on the fourth floor of the Metropolitan Airport.

"Stranger." Bo Mu was silent for a while and said slowly: "I believe everything you let me see, but you only showed the beautiful side of human beings, but what I experienced was the ugliest side."

"Deng Deng Deng" rapid footsteps sounded outside the door, as well as the crowd's shouts, "They are here, it's her, Wuxing is here!"

The bruises on Mu Mu's body seemed to start to hurt again.

She looked wary and glanced around the room, but only found a mop.

It's better to have a mop pole to protect yourself than to face those human thugs with bare hands!

With this thought in her mind, she prepared to pick up the mop.

"God, it's so cold here. There's no air conditioning or heating. Are you guys freezing?"

"Sorry, Ms. Dusk, it was our fault to let those marchers rush into the airport. We underestimated how crazy they were."

"Ms. Twilight, I am 'Red Arrow'. Everyone is worried about you. Come with me to the Justice League headquarters."

"Miss Dusk, I am Metropolitan Police Chief Gomez. I am really sorry that something like this happened. Mr. President has already made a public speech to explain to the public that the Sun-Eating Beast has nothing to do with you.

In addition, if you are free, he would like you to go to the White House."

People outside had already rushed in, twenty or thirty of them, including police, security guards and heroes in uniform. They did not beat her, but instead gathered around her to greet her and apologized repeatedly.

Ten minutes later, Dusk returned to the Hall of Justice and was taken to the medical room by a hero who was proficient in medical skills to treat his injuries.

Harley looked at the stranger and asked curiously: "Why?"

The Stranger was silent for a moment and said, "I don't want her to be disappointed in humans."

"Why?" Harley became more and more curious.

The stranger hesitated and said: "There is indeed a big secret in Bo Mu, but it is best not to let outsiders know this secret."

Harley nodded, "Well, just tell me one person."

The stranger said blankly, "I mean, it's best not for you to know."

"Do you think it's possible?" Harley sneered, "I knew there was a big secret in Twilight without you having to tell me. Now that you, 'God's little black hand', are going to do it yourself, and you're still hiding half of what you say, how can I give up?"

"You don't need to know, knowing it will do no good to anyone. I swear, you can't benefit from the big secret of Mu Mu." The stranger said sincerely.

Harley shook her head and said: "Friendly advice from a friend - don't swear, be careful when your vows come true.

Now I have guessed that Dusk is related to the Sun Eater, and I have discovered that the Sun Eater is related to Ragnarok, and Ragnarok is the day of final settlement of magic debts, and magic debts are related to Hecate

Are you here to tell me that knowing the secret of Dusk is useless? "

"It's not that it's useless, it's that it's not beneficial." The stranger said.

Harley stared into his eyes, "Raphael just used the power of God to take away the magic source I extracted from the Sun-Eating Beast."

The stranger didn't know why, and there was a look of confusion on his face.

Harley chuckled and said, "With my God brother's rank, naturally I won't stare at that mindless sun-eating beast.

At least, Brother God has the idea of ​​​​plotting Hecate.

Male mages and female mages have different debtors.

The debtor of the female mage is Hecate, while the male mage is a more terrifying existence.

In other words, there may be a 'magic family' behind Hecate.

Brother God has a forward-thinking vision. Thousands of years ago, through you and Marco Polo, he blocked everyone from getting the Heart of the Star, brought Kublai Khan's Emerald Magic Pot to the West, planned the birth of Alan Scott, and then interfered with the Justice Society, ultimately affecting the Justice League.

This time you are targeting Dusk, which means she is at least related to Hecate. "

The stranger remained silent.

"Sister Gaia!" Harley stamped her feet, "What did Stranger take Dusk to do just now? What did they say?"

"Bang!" A cloud of yellow smoke rose from the floor, turning into a vague image of a woman. He glanced back and forth at the faces of Harley and Stranger, and said hesitantly: "Harry, I know him. He is Stranger. He often Do God’s favor and I can’t interfere with God’s plans.”

"God is my brother, and we are a family. He will not be angry. Besides, I just saved you, and I don't have any responsibility at all. Isn't that too unloyal?" Harley said angrily.

Gaia pondered for a while and said, "Harley, can I always be your favored one?"

This was a bit off topic. Harry was stunned and said strangely: "You were very resistant to being my favored one before."

"Even now, I still feel uncomfortable when I think about being a descendant of the gods. You know, nowadays, when the god kings of the major gods in the heaven see me, they will respectfully call me 'Earth Mother Goddess' .

It was I who, in ancient times, gave birth to these innate beings. Gaia said proudly.

"Then why did you change your mind?" Harley asked.

"Your divine power is so useful. As long as I maintain the 'Hallelujah' state, I can sleep peacefully forever, and no crisis will threaten me." Gaia murmured.

Harley looked hesitant and did not agree immediately.

First of all, Gaia wants too much, three thousand points of divine power, which is equivalent to three hundred times Wonder Woman!

Secondly, Gaia is not a good "Thick-skinned God's Favorite".

Harley has three conditions for choosing God's Favorite: 1. Talented in martial arts and defense; 2. Act chivalrously and righteously in her own way, which means practicing her concepts of good and evil; 3. Hard-working, don't stay at home, Make more trouble.

Gaia knows nothing about hammer martial arts, but her talent is rubbish; Gaia squats at home, doesn't cause trouble, only sleeps, and never acts chivalrously.

Finally, Gaia must always maintain the "Hallelujah" state, which means that Halle's divine power is always flowing in her body. Even if Halle wants to regret it one day, or is in urgent need of divine power to save her life, Gaia cannot be forced to hand over her divine power.

Gaia saw her hesitation and persuaded meaningfully: "Harley, believe me, let me be your favored one, and the benefits you will get will be beyond imagination."

"What's the benefit?"

Gaia thought for a while and said: "In this way, we sign a 10-year Shazam contract. This year 2017, if by the end of 2027, I have not given you a huge reward that changes your destiny, you can choose to terminate the contract. Otherwise, the right to terminate the contract will always belong to me.”

This contract seems to imply that within ten years, she will definitely ask Gaia for help?

"Okay, deal."

Harley is most afraid that Gaia's longevity will not return her divine power for billions of years, causing a huge problem.

But if Gaia could really help her, it wouldn't matter if she borrowed his divine power for billions of years.

Gaia smiled slightly, stretched out her index finger and tapped her forehead, then turned into smoke and dust, melting on the floor, disappearing without leaving any trace.


A firework of information exploded in Harry's sea of ​​consciousness, and every bit of fire was the memory of Stranger and Dusk getting along.

"You are showing the beautiful side of human beings to Dusk, and you also emphasize that superheroes represent truth, goodness, beauty and hope?"

Harley stared at the stranger's expressionless face and wondered: "On the other hand, you are worried about her despair of humanity, worried that - no, what you emphasize is not the beauty of superheroes."

"You are comparing superheroes to gods. Your intention is to tell Dusk that the bad ones are not the 'human gods', but the old gods of the past, shit!"

"Sun-eating beast, twilight, magic debt, the old gods who owe a lot of debt, Hecate, the pure and kind Hecate who was just a fledgling, Hecate who was deceived, hated, played and betrayed by the gods, burdened with utter hatred, Ragnarok, the three-phase goddess who vows revenge on all magic owners, the beginning of magic debt, the harbinger of Hecate's return, only Ragnarok can track the Sun-Eating Beast."

Harry's pupils shrank and she said in disbelief: "Wu Du, who looks kind-hearted and looks like a simple and good person at first glance, is actually the incarnation of Hecate?

Or the embodiment of kindness?

You don't want her to be disillusioned with humans, especially 'contemporary gods' who wield supernatural powers.

Is it because if her good thoughts die, she will die with them? And then only the vicious Furies remain?

The Sun Devourer swallows the sun. It is not a random act, but it is recovering the magic power that was once dispersed by Hecate?

Because magic is the power of miracles, allowing the stars to transform from a state of chaos into gods with independent consciousness, are they naturally Hecate's debtors?

Recovering magic power at this time is just the beginning. Will the recovered magic power be used to unlock the seal of the Three Phase Goddess?

Only then does Ragnarok really begin? "

The stranger's expression was complicated, and his tone was also very complicated, "She is indeed a witty and cunning witch."

"Oh my god~~" Harley put her hand on her forehead, not feeling proud at all. She only felt that things had become more complicated and worse. "So, destroying the Sun-Eating Beast is not the solution to the crisis. The only way to solve the crisis is to treat Twilight as a princess." Coaxing, supporting, encouraging, letting the world revolve around her, men and women all over the world love her, tolerate her, and inspire her - Oops, I don't want to be the supporting actress in Super Mario Bros.!"

She even had the idea of ​​killing Twilight.

Kill Dusk first, regardless of whether Hecate turns black or not, and then kill him after she breaks through the seal.

Anyone who refuses to obey or causes trouble will be dealt with.

Even if the enemy is as powerful as Darkseid, at least he can do it cleanly.

If she wants her to learn from strangers and accompany Huo Mu to experience the truth, goodness and beauty of the world, she's afraid that she won't be able to help but get bored and stab Huo Mu to death halfway.

Just use the Lucifer Bone Chop Knife.

"This is what the world owes her. She treats the world with enthusiasm and selflessness, and the world repays her with jealousy, greed, and evil." Stranger sighed.

“I don’t owe her a dime, and the way I treat my creditors is never to flatter her or please her.

The 'money' I borrowed based on my ability, she must take it back from me based on her ability. If she is not able, she will endure it. " Harley said.

"Obviously, Hecate has that ability." Stranger said.

"Just the Sun-Eating Beast? Once a sound information network is established, it will be my magic cash machine." Harley said arrogantly.

The stranger glanced at her and said calmly: "You don't even know what a sun-eating beast is.

In the legend of Ragnarok, the giant wolf devoured the moon and the sun, plunging the world into darkness and ice—did you mistakenly think that the Sun-Eater was that wolf?

Actually no, the Sun-Eating Beast does not exist at all. "

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