I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1098 The strange behavior of the stranger

In the end, Harley fulfilled the old God's wish and exchanged the 200 points of the Sun-Eating Beast's original magic power into 200 points of God's power.

300 plus ten thousand, plus two hundred, she has a total of 1500 magic points, 10 points for Wonder Woman, 5 points for Aquaman, one point for each of the four second-rate Harleys from another world, and 3000 points for Gaia!

To her, there is almost no difference between the magic power obtained from ordinary mages and the magic power purified from the body of a sun-devouring beast.

For many mages and gods, there is no difference.

But there are definitely differences between them. Only God's realm is high enough to feel the differences, analyze the secrets of the origin, and gain a lot of benefits.

If the benefits of God's little black hand are not considered, the practicality and energy level of God's power are better than the source of the Sun-Eating Beast.

It is equivalent to Raphael exchanging 200 kilograms of gold for Halle's 200 kilograms of silver.

After repairing the sun and getting two hundred points of God's power integrated into his blood, Harley was quite satisfied.

When she returned to Earth, she was ready to continue her pursuit of the Sun-Eating Beast. It would be very cost-effective to extract the original magic power from that wronged creature, and either sell it to God to make money, or store it in Gordon's body for future use.

"We have to wait a while, Bo Mu was taken away by a stranger." Dachao said.

"Stranger? When did he come here? Did he say what he was taking Twilight to do?" Harley asked in surprise.

The Stranger hasn't shown up for a long time, and once he takes the initiative, there is a high probability that there will be a fluffy dog ​​paw behind him.

"Thanks to Stranger, otherwise Bo Mu would probably have encountered misfortune, or at least get hurt." Da Chao sighed.

"Who hurt her?" Harley asked curiously.

"The people marching, the thugs who took advantage of the chaos to start shopping for zero dollars."

From the time General Zod led the Kryptonians to invade Earth to the present, humans are quickly becoming familiar with and adapting to alien-related matters.

To use the words often spoken by American elites in recent years: Earth's civilization is gradually becoming interstellar.

Last year alone, there were nearly 10 alien spacecrafts sending aliens to visit the earth, almost once a month.

There are more than 20 news and economic and trade organizations based on the earth.

They travel between the earth and their home planet by spacecraft.

But the earth has not yet established a formal space port, and alien spacecraft are parked at airports in big cities.

This time Dusk came to Earth to warn mankind that "winter night is coming" and he also took a Tamaran Explorer spacecraft, which was almost the same size as a Boeing 737 passenger plane.

Although Harley vowed that "everything is under control" and the Justice League also had full confidence in her, Twilight herself was depressed and very pessimistic when the earth fell into darkness.

She made a request to the Justice League to add fuel and survival supplies to her spacecraft. If the earth could not be saved, she had to leave as soon as possible and continue her journey.

Dachao can't find any reason to object. The earth is really unsustainable, and he still has to be buried with him?

Of course, he didn't believe that the earth could be saved at all, and thought that Dusk was just worried.

He arranged for two female heroes, Black Canary and Moon Girl, to accompany her to torment the Tamaran reconnaissance ship.

This is not in vain. No matter when the Sun-Eating Beast crisis is resolved, Dusk will always leave the earth, and the fuel and living supplies prepared in advance will not be wasted.

But not long after the three women arrived at Metropolitan International Airport, news that "the ice witch is about to escape and the sun is about to explode" spread on the Internet.

Well, because of the trip to the Fluorescent Star by three reporters from Planet Daily more than a month ago, the people of Earth already know about the Sun-Eating Beast and the Last Night.

Know the whole process of the fluorescent star disappearing from the sunlight, then snowing and freezing for thousands of miles, and finally the star explodes and the fluorescent people lose their home galaxy.

They even directly saw the video of the elders of the Fluorescent Star Council wailing and crying after losing the sun.

Therefore, when they saw the airport lights brightening and Mu Mu commanding the load-bearing robot to carry supplies to the spacecraft, they immediately thought of the plot of "Mu Mu leaves, the sun explodes, and the planet is destroyed."

The United States has always been a weird country.

When Harley publicly opposed the non-immortality clause for alien criminals in the "Alien Crimes Act", a group of Americans came to the White House to show off their threats.

At this time the earth was plunged into icy darkness, and the crowds were even larger.

Only 30% of them are against everyone who caused the current situation, including superheroes, the US government, gods, God, and the "culprit" Dusk is naturally among them.

The other 20% habitually take advantage of major global crises to carry out zero-dollar shopping activities.

In the end, nearly half of the people couldn't stand it anymore because it was too cold at home. They ran out holding torches and shouted slogans and jumped around the brazier to stay warm.

"It's this alien, her name is Dusk, the prelude to the end of the night, she is the one who brought the Sun-Eating Beast to the earth."

A huge queue of torches gathered outside the Metropolitan Airport.

Some were holding old ancestral "The End Is Coming" signs, some were carrying wine bottles, and some were holding baseball bats or iron drills. They punched down the airport security guards, jumped over the fence, and rushed directly under the dusk spacecraft, kicking them. , beating with various weapons in hand, and using various violent language

"Winter Witch!"

"Ice Demon."

"The Daughter of Eternal Night!"

"She wanted to escape, she wanted to freeze us and burn her to death."

"Don't get excited, everyone. Dusk is not the initiator of the crisis, she is here to help us." Black Canary stood on the top of the spacecraft and shouted loudly.

"The news has already spread. Dusk wants to run away. As soon as she runs away, the sun will explode and the earth will be destroyed."

"That's fake news. Dusk will never leave, the sun will not explode, and the earth will not be destroyed! I am the moon girl of Young Watcher, don't you believe me?"

"Fake you!"

"Burn the Daughter of the Night!"

The mob just wanted to vent, and they didn't want to think at all, and they didn't have the ability to think.

"Bang bang bang!" Someone also shot at the two heroines.

And the sound of a gunshot is like throwing a lit match on a firewood pile sprinkled with gasoline.

The emotions of the mob were instantly triggered.

A chaotic fight began.

If they let their hands and feet go, either Black Canary or Moon Girl can easily deal with them, but when facing ordinary people, they can only restrain their hands because they don't want to hurt them.

"Twilight, stay in the spaceship and don't come out. Moon Girl and I can protect you." Black Canary made an immediate decision.

"You don't have to worry about me. Ever since I made tracking the Sun-Eating Beast my mission, I quickly learned the skills to protect myself."

Mu Mu jumped off the spaceship and rushed into the crowd, "Hey, hey, hey." Five strong men fell down in just a few strokes, looking like a kung fu master. Then thirty or fifty strong men came and drowned her without a trace.


It was at this time that the stranger suddenly arrived and appeared directly next to Bo Mu, who was being beaten and kicked by the mob.

The dazzling light forced the nearby Americans to retreat, and also made them wake up a little.

Stranger bent down and pulled up Mu Mu, who was bruised and swollen and covered in mud. He turned to the two heroines and said, "I'll take her away first."

"Whoa!" The blue space door flashed, and he and Mu Mu left the scene.

They didn't go far, and the two of them appeared in the rest room on the third floor of the airport.

"Are you okay?" Stranger asked with concern.

"I have never seen such a vicious race. Your evil has penetrated deep into your bones and is irredeemable."

At this time, Huo Mu's state was very unusual, his eyes radiated a faint silver light, and his tone was full of hatred and resentment.

Her expression was distorted and ferocious, no longer her previous image of "a simple and good person at first glance".

"You all deserve this. If you have no hope, you don't deserve any hope either!"

The stranger looked at her quietly, with gentle eyes, as if looking at an old friend.

After she finished venting her emotions, he said softly: "Humans often make mistakes, but that is part of their charm.

No matter how many mistakes they make, they have been trying to move towards light and beauty, even if the process is very difficult. "

Mu Mu's face was full of disdain.

The stranger stretched out his hand to her, "Come, I'll take you to see it."

When she held his hand, their bodies remained where they were, but their souls traveled dozens of miles in an instant to a small town on the outskirts of the metropolis.

There were many people holding torches on the street, but they did not riot.

A gray-haired old woman, wrapped in a thick down jacket, held a loudspeaker and shouted: "Don't be afraid, don't worry, this winter night, like countless crises in the past, is only temporary.

The Galactic Admirals and the Justice League are working hard to resolve the crisis, give them credit.

Now, everyone is lining up. Fuel, food, quilts, and down jackets are all available here. If you need anything, just ask Clark to register. "

Next to her, there is a middle-aged couple. One is moving things from a large truck, and the other is distributing supplies to people in line.

Stranger pulled Mu Mu to the front of the team and watched them take away what they needed in an orderly manner.

No one caused trouble, no one cursed, and no one took too much.

"We are spirits, they can't see us, and you can understand any words without a translator now." Stranger explained, then pointed at the old woman and said: "She used to be a superhero, many years ago He retired, but when faced with people in need, he still brought his daughter and son-in-law out to contribute.

She bought these things with her pension.

At this time, it is not easy to convince the owners of gas stations and Wal-Mart supermarkets to sell goods at a fair price.

She also used some shameless but useful tricks. "

Most of the resentment on Bo Mu's face dissipated.

The stranger glanced at her, then traveled thousands of miles to another small town.

A man in uniform was lying on the bed, unconscious, and the people around him bowed their heads, chanted the Bible, and prayed for him.

"He is codenamed 'Ray' and is a superhero with the ability to store and release light energy and radiation energy. Just now, he used all his power to create a small sun for the people of the town.

He lost a lot of his strength and was now on the verge of death.

Listen, the people's prayers have never been so pious as they are now. "The stranger sighed.

Looking around at dusk, there was a small sun floating in the sky, the snow on the streets and houses was melting, and the temperature was higher than elsewhere.

"Will the rays kill you?" she asked worriedly.

The stranger looked up at the northwest sky, shook his head and said, "No, because his friends will not give up on him."

A beam of green light cut through the sky, and a woman covered in green flames fell down. She knelt beside the beam, leaned over and kissed his lips. Green energy flowed into his body visibly with the naked eye.

The Stranger said: “Her name is ‘Fire’, and she is also a hero with a not-so-famous reputation, and she was not even able to join the Justice League.

She is passing on the fire of her life to the ray.

Just before today, the two of them had never even met each other. "

Dusk looked moved.

Afterwards, Stranger took her to dozens of cities.

They saw Bateman leading Robin in a fierce battle with Mr. Freeze who was playing tricks on him.

Wildcat Man and Green Arrow were seen holding shovels and leading people to shovel snow on the streets.

I saw two Flashes transforming into courier boys to deliver needed items to every resident who called for help.

Superman was seen carrying dozens of stacked containers, transporting food to people affected by the snowstorm.

"We are not just standing around waiting for victory. Harley Quinn is trying to defeat the Sun Eater, and other heroes are doing their best to help everyone." The Stranger looked at Dusk, with the light of faith shining in his eyes, "They are justice The incarnation brings hope to the world, and the world will be full of hope and beauty."

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