I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1093 It’s finally Earth’s turn

"God King Odin?" Nabu nodded, "Of course you remember."

"I also remember Odin." Ivy and Xanadu said.

Harley asked again: "Do you still remember what Odin looks like?"

"I have never seen Odin." Ivy said.

Xanadu hesitated and said: "Many years ago, I met Odin from afar, but now my memory is a little blurry."

Neb was silent.

The image of God King Odin in his memory was also a little blurry.

"How much of my story with Odin do you remember?" Harley asked again.

"This" Ivy was at a loss for a moment and exclaimed: "Oh my god, if Harley hadn't reminded me, I almost didn't notice it.

Yes, I remember that there is Odin in the world, but I almost forgot about him buying Lucifer's wings from Harley and lending Hall of Valor to Harley.

Even with Harley's reminder, I thought about it for a while, as if I was recalling the past 10,000 years ago.

Did Odin also experience magic melting? "

"Me too." Xanadu said with a solemn expression.

"There's something big going on in Asgard." Nabu looked at Harley, who was also looking at him at the moment.

The two of them spoke almost at the same time, "How about you go and take a look?"

Harry was dumb, Naboo was dumb.

Xanadu's mouth twitched.

For a long time, Ivy coughed twice uncomfortably and wondered: "Why is there such a large-scale magic dissolution phenomenon?"

"It must be related to a series of bad things like Ragnarok, Sun-Eating Beasts, Magic Debt, Magic Debt Collectors, etc." Harley said.

Then she sighed: "As expected of the 'Magic Debt Crisis' that even the King of Gods was devastated by, directly destroying a divine system without alarming anyone. How evil!"

"Why aren't you affected?" Neb asked, staring at her.

Harley looked solemn, looking up "in the direction of Silver City" with a pious face, and made the sign of the cross on her chest with her right hand.

Nabu was suddenly enlightened and said in a complex tone: "It is indeed a god descending to earth."

"If you think about it carefully, I've actually been affected too." Harley's expression became solemn as she recalled her experiences these days, "On the planet Tamalan, the first time I heard the Sun-Eating Beast making a wolf-dog cry, I immediately Think of Ragnarok.

At that time, I should have thought of my old friend Odin first.

As a result, I went to find you first, and then you directed me to find Shazam.

It was only after old Shazam almost made it clear about the relationship between Suneater and Ragnarok that I had a 'sudden realization' and wanted to contact Odin.

And Phoenix Faust.

He is my messenger, and I should always pay attention to him. If he hasn't returned for half a day, I should be confused. If he hasn't returned for a day, I feel uneasy. As a result, I waited for three full days before I thought of calling you to ask. "

Among her current nine major defensive specialties, the Sixth Annotation, Emotional Spectrum, Speed ​​Force, and Life Force Connection are all basic powers of the universe.

She has obtained four of the seven basic powers of the universe. Together with the core connection power defense, the five-layer defense expertise forms the "DC Miracle Power Defense Network". Any type of power in the universe can produce a certain degree of resistance.

No matter who the black hand of Ragnarok is, and what the black hand's power and methods are, he can't escape the category of "DC multiverse".

Therefore, she will be affected, but not completely affected like others.

"Whoosh -" A red light flashed outside the window, and Da Chao appeared at the door.

Without knocking or saying hello, he rushed directly into the living room and shouted excitedly to Harley: "We found Dusk, she, she came to the solar system!"

"What?" Harley was stunned for a moment before reacting, and said with a strange expression: "It's really here. As expected, the earth did not escape this night crisis."

Da Chao said anxiously: "Yes, you guessed it right, it's very powerful, but the focus now is Mu Mu!

Her spacecraft was stopped near the orbit of Saturn and had not yet approached the earth.

Should we let her enter the earth? Or, take her out of the solar system immediately to prevent the Sun-Eating Beast from locking the coordinates? "

Harley asked strangely: "Who told you that Dusk is the coordinates of the Sun-Eating Beast?"

"Didn't you always insist that there was something wrong with Bo Mu?"

"I only said she had problems, not that she was a bad person. Why are you so unsteady in your position? You have always defended her before." Harley smiled.

"Harry, I won't joke with you. The situation is urgent and the stakes are very important, so you can't joke." Dachao said seriously.

Harley stood up and sighed: "Take Dusk to the front hall, I want to see her."

Dusk is not black, so being called "darkskin" by the Tamarans is a bit unfair.

Her skin is a healthy dark brown, not only not ugly, but also a bit beautiful.

It is her slightly pointed ears that distinguish her from the people on Earth.

He has long flowing dark purple hair, a "simple" oval face, a medium build, and is wearing a Tamaran space suit.

"Hello, Du Mu, we should have known each other since we were on the Fluorescent Star, but we fell in love due to various coincidences.

Although your arrival is ominous for the earth, I am still very grateful that you traveled thousands of miles to give us an early warning. "

Harley smiled and extended her right hand to her in a friendly manner.

Bo Mu hesitated for a moment and stretched out her right hand.

While shaking hands, Harley's new "Language Assimilation" was activated.

Surprisingly, there are only two foreign languages.

"The end of the night is coming soon." Mu Mu said nervously.

She spoke an alien language, but she wore a translator the size of a Walkman on her waist.

Even though she had already guessed it, when she said it directly, the faces of the surrounding heroes and White House officials immediately changed.

"How long?" Harley asked calmly.

"Soon, no more than an hour, I'm just one step ahead of it."

"What suggestions do you have?" Harley asked.

"I don't know. Otherwise, just run away and take whatever you can get away with."

Mu Mu's expression was painful, "I hope I can stop it, but I seem to have been doing useless work. I can't stop it, and the civilization I warned will not escape the fate of destruction."

"That's not necessarily true. Tamaran is not destroyed, do you know that?" Harley said.

"Could it be that you have been to Tamaran and stopped Zhong Ye?" Huo Mu asked in surprise.

Harley nodded slightly and told what happened on Tamaran after Dusk left.

"How did you severely injure the Sun-Eating Beast?" Bo Mu said in shock.

With a solemn expression, Harley looked up "in the direction of Silver City" and made the sign of the cross on her chest with her right hand.

Bo Mu looked at her blankly, not realizing it like the others.

Harley was helpless.

"Ahem, God bless."

Bo Mu still looked at her blankly, "What?"

——I asked you how you severely damaged the Sun-Eating Beast. What do you mean when you say God bless you?

Harley seemed to be able to hear what the other person was thinking, and her expression became a little tense.

Dachao interjected: "Miss Mu Mu, you are an alien and may not understand the greatness of God. He is omniscient and omnipotent. It is normal for him to hurt the Sun-Eating Beast. Don't be surprised."

Harley forced herself to look calm and gave Da Chao an appreciative look without turning her head.

"Why can you predict the movements of the Sun-Eating Beast?" Bateman went straight to the core.

"It's not a prophecy. I can feel its location and I'm tracking it." Bo Mu said.

Bateman stared into her eyes and continued to ask: "Why can you sense its location?"

Bo Mu looked natural, shook her head and said, "I don't know the reason."

"How many civilizations have you been to? How many suns have the Sun Eaters swallowed?" Harley asked.

"There are too many, I can't remember them clearly." Bo Mu said with a painful expression.

"Too many is tens, a hundred, a thousand, or more?"

"It should be more than a thousand. Not all civilizations have the ability to send out distress signals. Many of the civilizations I have been to have not left the planet, and are even just primitive tribes." Bo Mu said.

Harry's eyes flashed, "You were mistaken for a Pluto when you were on the Fluorescent Star, and you were mistaken for a Noldoran when you were on the Tamaran Star. Why didn't you explain to them what you said to us?"

Bo Mu's expression remained unchanged, still looking very sincere and simple, "I have been to countless civilizations, I will explain it at the beginning.

I explained countless times, and found that my explanations were not only useless, but also aroused the other party's suspicion that I was the one who brought the Sun-Eating Beast.

I won't explain anymore. My origins and experiences will not help in solving the problem of the Sun-Eating Beast.

If you don't ask, I won't explain. But no matter who asks me, I will explain. "

"Is your home planet the first civilization to experience a terminal crisis?" Harley asked.

"I guess so."

"When is that?" Harley asked, turning on her phone and counting down one minute in front of the other party, "Estimate using Earth time."

Bo Mu thought for a moment, "About three and a half months ago."

"Three and a half months." More than half of the surrounding heroes looked surprised. "Didn't the winter night crisis break out just after zero hour?"

"Three and a half months, can it swallow thousands of stars? The fluorescent star lasted for 32 hours, and Tamaran lasted at least 5 hours." Harley frowned.

"You don't understand how scary it is at all. Most of the time, it won't stick to the star like a leech to absorb energy." Huo Du looked horrified and said in a trembling voice: "It is like a broom, sweeping across the star system. In just a few hours, it only Within tens of seconds, the star's energy is drained and the planet is completely frozen."

"Tens of seconds? Why is the difference so big? A fluorescent star that lasted for 32 hours is not too big. It is even a 'little sun' in the universe." Kyle said in surprise.

Harley mused, "Absorbing sunlight is just an appearance."

"Ah!" Huo Mu screamed in fear, looked up at the sky and said nervously: "It's coming soon. If you can do anything, you'd better start now."

Harley also looked up, then turned to Cyborg.

Cyborg shook his head and said: "No trace of ice has been found inside or outside the solar system."

"Miss Twilight, this is Mr. Excellence, this is Atom, and this Rip Man, you have met before." After introducing the three heroes in turn, Harley said: "They are all superheroes and the embodiment of justice. , the representative of kindness and kindness, the defender of peace in the universe, and the fearless spirit of sacrificing for the people."

Mr. Excellence's dark face turned red, and his eyes were a little shy.

The Atom also turned his head away naturally.

Dachao felt embarrassed, but stared at Harley closely. She must be setting the stage for the next words by saying this.

"They are also top scientists. I want to ask you to do a favor and let them do a comprehensive test on your body. I want to understand the reason why you sense the Sun-Eating Beast.

This is of great significance to completely solving the cosmic crisis and saving hundreds of millions of planets. "Harry said seriously.


Da Chao felt devastated, Harley didn't plan anything bad this time.

Dusk's face was tense, and it was obvious that she was not happy, but Harley's previous introduction to the three people - the embodiment of justice, the representative of kindness, and the defender of peace... seemed very trustworthy.

"All right."

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