I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1092 Disappeared people, disappeared stories, disappeared memories

After receiving the news from old Shazam that the Sun-Eating Beast was indeed related to Ragnarok, Harley quickly thought of her "Brother Odin". After all, the legend of Ragnarok comes from Nordic mythology.

"Strange, I seemed to have forgotten him before?" She was a little confused about her slow reaction.

"Hello, Brother Odin, hello?"

When Harley tried to send a "short message" to Asgard, the heavenly realm, she found that she could not contact the other party through magical transmission.

"Lost contact? Technical failure, or running away early?"

Harley dialed Kent's phone again, "Can you help me go to Asgard? Even if you can't move yourself, help me find a messenger who can speak well and is not afraid of death."

"Asgard?" Kent was strangely stunned for a moment, and then said as if he had woken up from a dream: "It is rare for a mage to be called 'eloquent' in front of you, and there are almost none who are not afraid of death."

"There are so many mages, but you can't find a warrior who is not afraid of sacrifice?"

"Definitely, but many people can't die for you. You know how popular you are," Kent said.

"It's not for me, it's for the peace of the universe and the safety of the earth. Moreover, just to see the God King Odin, the chance of sacrifice is extremely small." Harley said.

"Why don't you find Constantine?" Kent asked.

Then you have to find someone.

Harley hasn't seen Zha Kang for a long time since she last asked him to go on a mission to Apokolips.

Of course, there was a high chance that she would be able to find it if she had to look for it, but this time she was clearly just looking for Odin for information, but there was a vague uneasiness in her spiritual sense.

Although Harley had cheated Zaccon, she was just happy to see him suffer misfortune.

She would not push her friend into a pit that could really kill someone.

"He is not familiar with the heavenly realm. I need an envoy who understands the affairs of the gods very well."

"Sage Aoqi?" Kent said immediately.

Harry thought for a while and said: "Phoenix Faust, this gentleman is famous, has high morals and prestige, and has a wide network of friends. He is worthy of a great responsibility."

Kent was speechless and very surprised at the same time, "What on earth do you want to do? If you just send a message, there is no need to choose Phoenix Faust, right? When I went to see Darkseid, he was only in 'Constantine level' danger."

"It's not dangerous, really." Harley said seriously.

Intellectually, she didn't feel the danger.

But the reaction of her spiritual sense and the lack of response when she contacted Odin made her very uncertain about the situation in Asgard.

The prelude to Ragnarok is the winter of Fimbul: the world loses sunlight and warmth, and strong winds and snow freeze the earth.

In the galaxy visited by the sun-devouring beast, the ancient legend is almost perfectly fulfilled.

So, will Asgard, which was destroyed by the python in the legend, be now occupied by monsters similar to the Sun-Eating Beast?

Sage Aoqi is a good old man. She rejected him last time, and now she lets him take risks again, which makes Harley feel uncomfortable.

A moment later, it was hidden in an observatory in an alternate dimension.

With his heart turned to the sky, Faustus sat meditating among five candles. Suddenly, a beam of golden light passed through the dome with a starry sky pattern and fell on top of his head.

"Dr. Fate?"

Kent nodded and said directly: "Harley Quinn is investigating the Sun-Eating Beast, you know, right? She wants you to go to Heaven and ask Odin about the secrets of Ragnarok and how to deal with the Sun-Eating Beast."

"God King Odin." Phoenix was stunned for a while and asked in confusion: "Why me?"

"She said that you are highly respected and have a wide network of contacts, and that you are worthy of a great responsibility."

"Really?" Faust's yellow and thin cheeks revealed a look of disbelieving surprise.

"I'm not lying. Although this trip is just for questioning, you know, the Sun-Eating Beast has been causing a lot of trouble recently, and the world is not at peace."

"Well, no wonder Witch Harley recommended me to be the messenger." Faust fell silent.

Kent sighed inwardly, no one is a fool, and no one is willing to do dangerous things.

——Toast without eating, all I can do is relay Harley’s threats.


"She is very discerning." As soon as Kent spoke, Faust sighed with emotion: "In today's magic world, the only people who are qualified to represent the earth's mages and earth's civilization to meet God King Odin are the ancient wizards and gods, that is, me. ”

"Uh, you agree?" Kent was stunned.

A gleam flashed in Faust's eyes, "I can agree, but Admiral Galaxy must agree to me a condition."

"If you ask too much, not only will she not agree, but she will also hate you." Kent reminded.

"It's not too much. I just want her to promise that in the future, as long as I don't take the initiative or directly threaten her safety, she can't take action against me." Faust said.

"What do you want to do?" Kent frowned.

Faust sighed: “I have been stuck on the threshold of a divine wizard for hundreds of years.

It was okay before, there was little pressure to survive, and there was no heavy psychological burden.

But in recent years, the world has become increasingly chaotic, and I have gradually become unable to do what I want. "

"You want to break through the divine wizard? What does this have to do with her?" Kent asked strangely.

"Two months ago, the Demon Governor's secret vault suddenly appeared in Peru. Many mages went there to hunt for treasures. Did you know?"

Kent nodded slightly, "'Magic Governor' is known as the most powerful magician in human history. Which magician is not curious about his magical secret room?"

"In the secret room at the heart of the mountain, I relied on my rich knowledge and ancient wisdom to solve the puzzle with difficulty and found a crystal ball that sealed a massive amount of pure magic power. Constantine suddenly burst out and snatched the crystal ball while I was weak. Walk.

Not to mention taking away the secret treasure, that bastard still had a mean smile on his face and said that he took the secret treasure for my own good, Fake! "Faust cursed through gritted teeth.

"What does this have to do with Harley Quinn?" Kent didn't know what he meant.

"I want to use the cruelest means to retaliate against Constantine, but he is a good friend of Witch Harley. Even if I have great power, do I have to trade with Constantine and trade his life for me to be chased by Witch Harley? Kill to death?"

Kent understood, "OK, she agreed to your terms."

"Are you lying to me? You didn't even ask her for her opinion." Phoenix said dissatisfied.

"I only have one projection at this time, and the main body is talking to her."

Phoenix Faust went to Heaven to visit the God-King of Asgard as a messenger to the galaxy.

Three days passed, and he didn't come back, and no news about him came back.

Harley was surprised and called Kent again, "Faust didn't come back, or what happened?"

"Faust?" Kent's reaction was a little strange, as if he was recalling the name. He was stunned for a while and then said: "I haven't received any news from him. It's really strange. Has something really happened to Asgard?"

Harley thought there was something strange about him.

After thinking for a while, she said: "Kent, it's not convenient to talk on the phone. Come to Quinn Manor. Don't use the projection. Come in person."

Kent was confused, but he didn't ask any more questions or refuse.

Five minutes later, Dr. Fate, wearing a golden helmet and golden cloak, slowly descended from the sky.

His legs were stretched out together, his arms were spread horizontally, and his armpits were at a straight 90-degree angle, making his whole body look like a cross.

Harry activated all nine of his defensive specialties, and at the same time all his thoughts were focused on him, staring at him carefully.

"What do you see me doing?" He noticed her concentration on him.

"There has been no news from Faust for several days, why are you not in a hurry?"

"I" Kent subconsciously wanted to say that he was not insensitive, but when he opened his mouth, he suddenly realized that he was really not in a hurry before.

"I've been too busy lately and have too many things going on." He said this in a very uncertain tone.

Harley stared at him for a while and invited, "Come in and talk. What would you like to drink?"

"Coffee will do."

"Ivy, give Kent a cup of coffee."

Harley shouted, then looked at Kent with a raised eyebrow and said, "There's something wrong with your situation. Are you cursed by someone else?"

Kent hesitated and said, "You mean, I forgot to help you keep an eye on Faust? That's nothing, right? I've been really busy recently, and you asked me to keep an eye on the Sun-Eating Beast to prevent it from targeting the Earth."

"How many days have you stayed up late without taking a break?" Harley asked.

"No sleep, but meditation."

Ivy came over with a tray and placed a cup of steaming coffee in front of Dr. Destiny.

"Thank you." Kent thanked him.

"So, you are not tired, but you were slow to respond when I asked about Faust and seemed to have forgotten him. This is very inappropriate. At this time, you should forget that no one should forget Phoenix Faust."

"Who is Phoenix Faust?" Ivy asked subconsciously, then a look of surprise appeared on her face, "Oh, it's the stargazer. What did he do?"

"You-" Harley turned back and looked at Ivy in shock.

"What's wrong?" Ivy touched her face in confusion.

Harley looked solemn, took out her mobile phone and dialed Xanadu's mobile phone, "Video call, point your face towards the camera."

Shangdu subconsciously moved back half a meter, away from the camera and said cautiously: "What do you want to do again?"

"What did I do before?" Harley was speechless.

"I just left the hospital last month, why do you think so?" Xanadu gritted his teeth.

"When you were in the hospital, I often visited you. Why do you have to blame me?"

"Didn't you instigate Bateman to ask me to divine Cunmo's identity? But you clearly knew that the Time Demon was Hal Jordan, and it didn't matter who Cunmo was. As a result, my head was split in two by the blade of time."

Harley sighed: "You turn on the camera first, I need to ask you a question face to face."

Shangdu Moji opened the video communication.

"Do you know Phoenix Faust?" Harley asked, staring at the screen.

Kent's expression changed slightly.

On the screen, Shangdu looked confused for a moment, and then said strangely: "Of course we know each other, we are old friends for hundreds of years. What happened to you today? It's weird."

"Why is this happening?" Harley looked at Dr. Fate in surprise, "Let Naboo come out."

"What's wrong?" Xanadu on the opposite side and Ivy on the side both looked confused.

"Buzz~~~" The golden light of the destiny helmet is generous, and the vast sacred pressure descends on the living room.

Nab replaced Kent.

"The magic power melts!" He said in a gloomy tone.

The dissolution of magic power is a type of transformation at the end of life. It does not mean that the magic power disappears, but that the whole person dissolves into the magic power.

In terms of external manifestations, one day a certain mage's body suddenly dissolved into magic power, and his soul also turned into magic power. Even his name and traces of his existence were dissolved into magic power.

The physical existence disappears from the material world, others' memories of him are forgotten, and he degenerates into a spirit demon full of resentment and madness, attacking and devouring the souls of his friends who have forgotten him.

In the list of the most terrifying deathbed transformations, magic dissolution ranks in the top three. The first is the "nightmare demonization" that Harley is experiencing, and the second is "the arrival of the spirit world".

"It's not that the magic power is melting. It can't be such a coincidence." Harley shook her head.

"Then how do you explain this symptom of being forgotten? Even me is affected, which shows that traces of Faust's existence are disappearing from the source." Nabu said solemnly.

Harry's heart moved and asked: "Do you still remember Odin?"

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