I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1061 Everyone has a share in restarting the world

The battle between Ghost and Hal is completely invisible to ordinary people, and the heroes on Earth cannot observe it with their naked eyes.

Although they couldn't see anything, the heroes still clenched their fists and looked up at the sky nervously.

The dark sky suddenly lit up, emerald green, like a green nuclear bomb exploding outside the solar system.

It was also mixed with the ghost's loud scream, "Ouch, no!"

The green light does not last long. After appearing for an instant, it slowly fades and disappears.

The ghost's cry didn't last long, as if it was quickly moving away from the earth.

"What's going on?" Dachao asked nervously.

Harley glanced at Dr. Fate. The mask covered his face, but his body was shaking slightly, obviously shocked by the result.

"What else could it be like? The ghost is just having diarrhea every day." She chuckled.

"Hal won?" Dachao was happy at first, and then asked doubtfully: "The ghost shoulders the mission of God and comes to the world to deal with the 'time demon'. If he can't defeat the time demon, why did God arrange it like this?"

God is all-knowing and all-powerful and can never make mistakes.

Since God has put the ghost in charge of dealing with the Zero Time Crisis, it means that he has the power to fight the Time Demon head-on. Even if the ghost himself lacks strength, God will give him enough God's power.

"If God expects the ghost to solve the zero-hour crisis alone, why should the ghost hide in the Tower of Destiny, waiting for the 'critical moment'?" Harley said.

Dachao was doubtful, "You mean, Silver City's plan is to let ghosts cooperate with us?"

——If the ghost secretly resolves the crisis alone, how will the DC plot unfold?

Harley complained in her heart, but did not respond to Da Chao. First of all, she couldn't give an answer to his question. She didn't know what God was thinking.

Besides, what comes next is more important than this boring question, and Hal is back.

"Harry, I sensed a lot of malicious looks. Let's end the 'zero hour' status immediately."

With Hal's current attitude, tone, and anxious expression, people who didn't know better thought he was the "captain of the zero-hour crisis management team" rather than the time demon who created the zero-hour.

Dr. Fate looked at him in confusion. Why was his "faith" so firm?

No, if he had a firm belief, he would not be defeated by Halle's chorus. No, anyone in Hal's position would not be able to stand facing Halle's chorus.

Hal was persuaded (heart-breaking), cried bitterly, changed his past, and was heartbroken, which is very logical.

But since his faith was wavering, why did he immediately become firm as iron when facing the ghost?

This transformation, too.

Under normal circumstances, he should have been persuaded by Harley, and then became extreme again under the pressure of the ghost. No one believed it. In the end, Harley tried her best to make him turn around again.

Not only was Dr. Fate surprised by Hal's attitude, but the giants of Zhenglian felt that they no longer recognized their old friends.

They were worried before, worried that Hal, who had defeated the ghost, would fall into a demonic barrier again, but now he was eager to get rid of the zero-hour state, more anxious than they were, and did not need their persuasion at all.

"What are you going to do?" Harley asked.

She didn't find it strange.

In fact, Hal's behavior is reasonable at this time.

Because when you gain experience with the second cheeky defense specialty, it will not only break Hal's "old shame", but also help him firm up his new "perception" and new stance.

This effect can even make an evil spirit who has fallen into hell realize the Holy Spirit. How could a ghost's will be swayed by just a few words?

"I'll give you the energy, and you can arrange everything." Hal said.

"Actually, I don't quite know what to do." Harley was a little embarrassed.

Last time, she relied on Yebi's perception to vaguely complete the restart of the universe by writing a novel. This time she won't write "The Continuation of the King of Martial Gods", right?

"Same as the last time you borrowed Yebi's perception, this time you use my perception to control the restart process." Hal said.

He plans to create a perfect world without regrets, and of course he knows how to restart the universe and the river of time.

However, handing over the power of restart to Harley represents an attitude and is the first step to turn around.

Just like a robber who robs a bank and surrenders, he will hand over the stolen money to the police and let the police deal with it impartially.

Harley thought for a while and said: "Although time has returned to zero, our universe still exists. In other words, this restart is not a restart of the universe, but mainly a restart of the river of time.

Return the energy of the river of time and re-create a mother river of time. "

Hal nodded slightly, "This process will be much easier than your last time."

Harley's eyes swept across the superhero's face and said slowly: "Before today, many of you purchased 'restart insurance' through the Watchdog to ensure that in the zero-hour crisis, when the universe unfortunately restarts, you can Make sure your life is not changed.

Now, the river of time is about to restart.

And I have a talent for protecting my own timeline.

If we do not restart the world this time, but only reshape the river of time, I can generally ensure that the timeline of our universe remains unchanged.

As long as the present remains unchanged, it doesn't matter whether the future or the past remains unchanged.

But this time is also a rare opportunity, a chance to make up for regrets.

I persuaded Hal to face the reality, and I did not intend to change the reality that had already happened.

However, your reality may not be the real reality. It may have been modified, and now there is an opportunity to change it back to the original state. "

The heroes were a little confused when they heard this. One moment they said they would not change reality, and the next moment they said it was an opportunity to change it back to the original state. What did you mean?

"Crisis on Infinite Earths, the world has been restarted and reality has been distorted." Harley reminded.

Then she gave another example: "For example, before Crisis on Infinite Earths, The Flash had a friend named 'Rose'. Because the multiverse became a single universe, she disappeared in the reboot.

This kind of disappearance is the 'unnatural reality', and we can take this opportunity to correct it and bring 'Rose' back.

But if Rose died before Crisis on Infinite Earths, bringing her back would be tampering with reality.

Correction is different from tampering, understand? "

"It's you and Hal who restarted the river of time. Even if we wanted to tamper with reality, we wouldn't have a chance. Why are you telling us this?" Bateman asked.

There was a smile in Harley's eyes, "This time it's not Hal and I restarting the timeline, it's all of us together."

"Hey, alien friends over there, come here too, and you'll have a chance to meet us." She waved to the alien allies who were looking around.

Everyone was in an uproar.

"Is this possible? We never rebooted the universe?"

"Restart the universe, it sounds so sacred and great, why did it become a wholesale product?"

"It feels so magical, but anything that happens to Harley becomes magical."

Hal wondered: "Harry, there are too many people and their thoughts are too complicated to control."

Harley patted Yebby's dog's head and said, "There is also a 'processor' here."

"Me?" Yebi was a little shocked. Last time he took the initiative to help, but she complained for a long time afterwards.

Complaining about it is God’s little black hand, stumbling upon us secretly.

She didn't expect that she would take the initiative to invite it this time. Could it be that she believed that it was innocent and not a dirty trick on Abba's father?

No, that's not right. With the habit of an unscrupulous master, as long as she doesn't want to believe it, she will remain suspicious even if she sees it with her own eyes.

"Why?" it asked quietly.

"I'll give you a chance to be your father's little villain."

Sure enough, she still didn't believe it was clean.

"Why?" it continued to ask.

"We're not afraid of thieves stealing, we're afraid thieves will miss us. Just do whatever God wants. Anyway, the current earth is not affected by Zero Hour."

Yebidog's face twitched a few times and he said: "Master Harley, I can be a mindless 'CPU', but I want to declare that my father did not let me be a gangster."

The process of restarting the river of time is indeed simpler than restarting the universe.

Including alien allies, American soldiers and American generals in interstellar uniforms, all of them were holding hands, closing their eyes, and preparing to enter the "Creation Point".

Harley rode a dog and floated above their heads. A "rope" of holy light extended from the dog's body and fell on the leader, Da Chao. Then Da Chao's hands lit up, and Wonder Woman behind Da Chao also lit up. Light up the hands. Spread one by one, and eventually everyone is connected in series and connected to the "Tool Dog CPU".

"How do you feel?" they heard Harley's voice.

"It's not bad. It's like the soul is leaving the body and entering a huge spiritual space."

Said the hero who had the experience of being pulled into the psychic space by Martian Manhunter.

"I emphasize again, you can only correct the reality that was distorted last time, and do not tamper with the normal reality. All miraculous powers have a price.

Believe me, the water here is too deep and you cannot grasp it. "

With a warning, Harley informed Hal, who was floating in the "zero hour", "Okay, give me your power."

"Boom!" A pillar of energy as thick as a bowl fell on Harry's door.

The energy was majestic, but it didn't put much pressure on her.

Last time she stole half of the Anti-Monitor's antimatter energy from the multiverse.

"It is indeed the pure power of the mother river."

Harry felt happy and immediately opened the experience jar of Mother River Defense Specialty.

During the last Crisis on Infinite Earths, she had no chance to "drink water" from the mother river, and her defense expertise was stuck at 21% at level 8. It was not until today, several years later, that she absorbed the power of the mother river again.

One-thousandth of it went to the jar, and the rest of Harley was thrown into the 'zero hour' - the river of time began to devour it from the starting point and the end point, until 3:12:49 in the morning on March 28, 2017.

From the time Hal arrived until now, the time has been 3:12:49.

Even if the tuning fork of the universe is guarding the earth, people on earth will continue to carry out activities as usual, such as watching movies, playing short videos, and sleeping, and the time has not changed.

It's equivalent to them being out for a while.

Except for this point on the river of time, everything else has disappeared.


It's like feeling the entire explosion process of a nuclear bomb at the very center.

However, what exploded was not a fire wave of high temperature and strong radiation, but a torrent of cosmic data composed of countless pictures and sounds. At 3:12:49 in the morning on March 28, 2017, all the information in the universe flowed into "Creation" "God of the World" in Harley's mind.

It was also from this point that she began to reshape the river of time.

"Um~~~" Her head almost exploded.

"Eh~~~" The "Creators" connected to her were all screaming.

However, the barking only lasted for a short while. When the data was imported into the "Tool Dog CPU", the creator's pressure disappeared.

“Now, find your own timeline in the river of time, imagine the distorted people or things, and imagine their original appearance.

Just like writing a novel, organize the plot into a logical and smooth line. This line is your new life.

Let me emphasize one last time, everything has a price, nothing is perfect, don’t create ‘contradictions’ – that is to say, if your life is like a storybook, there should be no bugs in the plot of the book! "


"I understand." Everyone said in unison.

"Then let's begin!"

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