I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1060 The daily routine of ghosts...

Chapter 1060 Ghost Daily

The DC Universe has been rebooted more than once, and it seems to be creating the impression that rebooting is very easy.

In fact, this is an illusion.

All miraculous power has a price. This is the first law of magic, and it is still valid in the context of the multiverse.

Restarting also requires paying a price, and the most common and basic "price" is energy.

The price for Dr. Manhattan's fusion and restart of the universe is to trap himself in the DC multiverse.

In order to restart the universe, the Anti-Monitor King swallowed up all the individual universes in Wantianyi. If it weren't for Harley's troubles and countless heroes desperately trying to stop him, he wouldn't have to go to the origin of time and could directly create a new multiverse composed of antimatter energy.

He went to the place where time originated because the cost of restarting the multiverse was the lowest there, and he could stand on the cusp of the storm, ride the wind and tide, and take advantage of the situation.

Time Demon Hal Jordan also needs a huge amount of energy to restart the timeline and restart the multiverse.

The cracks of entropy he created with the power of time swallowed up the entire river of time from the beginning to the end. That energy was his confidence to restart the "perfect world without regrets."

Now, his will was broken by Harley again, causing Harley's cheeky defense expertise to increase by half a level, a full 55% to level 8!

Counting before that, he alone helped Harley improve by nearly two levels. To advance two levels from advanced stages 7 to 9, only supreme beings such as Lucifer and Dr. Manhattan have done this.

The thick-skinned experience, while important, is not the point.

The point is that after Hal's will changed, he decided to give the power to restart the world to Harley.

"Harley, you have experience in restarting the world. You restarted this world now. I will give you all my energy and you can restore the multiverse to its original state."

Hal wiped away the tears on his face, wiped away his previous persistence, and decided to turn back and make the most complete decision.

"My dear, does this mean the zero-hour crisis is over?"

"I thought there would be a shocking battle that could be recorded in history, surpassing the last anti-supervisory annihilation battle. Unexpectedly. I never expected this result!"

"Isn't it true? Harley alone used words to convince the 'most terrifying and cruel' Time Demon. It's so dreamy."

"Hundreds of heroes stood ready and made the determination to fight to the death. As a result, Harley led a group of undead in a chorus, and the world became peaceful? It feels like a dream."

"Although this result is beyond our expectations, judging from Harley's calm and composed attitude before, she is obviously confident."

"Yes, it was a surprise to us, but for Halle, everything was under control. She had been leisurely watching movies at home before."

Hal's statement made the heroes who were waiting for him feel mixed emotions and whisper.

On the whole, they are mostly happy.

But Earth's heroes aren't the only ones paying attention to Zero Hour Crisis.

"Well" the second sister held her chin with her right hand, as if trying hard not to let it drop, "Although it suits her style very well, the result is still too magical."

"Don't you feel embarrassed? When I led a group of undead to sing, I had goosebumps on the floor." Desire said with a grin.

"This is the reason why I have long wanted to find her as the favored one. She is the real spokesperson for madness!" said Madly excitedly.

Morpheus's pale horse face turned slightly red, embarrassed for Harley.

The Endless clan was just watching the fun and had no prejudice against Harley. Although they were shocked, they didn't have much emotion.

Others got excited.

"No way, that's ridiculous."

On Apokolips, a group of dark elites shouted unbearably, "It's obviously a multiverse-level crisis, how could it end in such a ridiculous way?"

"The majestic Time Demon, swallowing the river of time, slaughtering time trappers and all time creatures, how heroic Qianyun!

Countless future worlds are destroyed when asked. When faced with Neptune, they are killed at any time without a trace of emotion or nostalgia. How ruthless and vicious.

Faced with our attempts to win over him, he directly killed the envoy without saying a word of nonsense. He was so straightforward and domineering.

Why did he give up at the critical moment when facing the witch Harley who had been stabbed a thousand times?

What's more, he cried and shed tears, giving up the energy that was enough to restart the universe, and even lost his face. "

They were all waiting and looking forward to Harley being beaten until she screamed.

When the time demon's attack caused Harley to vomit blood, they were like the Liverpool fans in the bar who raised their glasses and cheered loudly when they saw Manchester United being beaten four times by their own team. They were happier than the holidays.

"Your Majesty, something bad has happened! Witch Harley has succeeded again. Falk, that guy is too treacherous. He neither kills nor fights. He only kills time demons in his heart. He was so painful that he cried bitterly and his will collapsed. He instantly fell from a peerless evil demon. Become a useless person.

The key is that he still wants to give the energy to restart the universe to the Witch Harley. What should we do now? "Dissade said anxiously.

The Black Stone Hall above the magma energy pool did not respond for a long time.

"Your Majesty, are you still there? Did you hear what I just said? Witch Harley again-"

"I know."

The Dark Lord seems to be gnashing his teeth?

Disad was not sure, but he was certain that his boss was also shocked, so he did not respond to him immediately.

"How are we going to stop her? When she didn't have much power before, she used intrigues and tricks to stir up trouble and trouble in the multiverse. Now if she gets the power of the Time Demon, the multiverse will not explode?"

"Hmph, that power is not something she can possess. Look, although she will make a fortune this time, but -" Darkseid sighed dejectedly, unable to deceive himself any longer.

"Alas, Time Demon still has strong superhero bad habits. No matter how depraved he is, he is not as pure in evil as our new dark god.

If I could move freely now, I might be able to use the Anti-Life Equation to plot against him, but forget it now. Let the Witch Harley be proud today, but she cannot be proud forever. "

Heaven, Hell, Apocalypse, Creation and other gods and demons reacted differently, but none of them had any intention of intervening.

Unless, as Darkseus secretly thought, he used the anti-life equation to plot against him.

As for hard anal, who has the confidence to face the combination of Time Demon, Harley Quinn, Rip Man, and all superheroes?

At this time, the earth is not afraid of external forces disrupting the situation.

This is why Harley is so confident that she still launches a general mobilization to summon all powerful heroes here.

They were prepared and ready to defend themselves, not against Hal, the Time Demon, but against possible spoilers.

"How could this happen? The Zero Hour Crisis is over before I even appear?" Inside the Tower of Destiny, the ghost Ma Claw, who had been "prepared" months in advance.

"This is not bad now. There is no fighting, no casualties, and a peaceful resolution of the crisis is the most perfect result."

Although Dr. Fate was also shocked by Harley's "Beach City Cantata" and shocked that the Time Demon was actually convinced, after the shock, he was actually in a good mood.

"No, this is not a perfect result, this is the worst result! I have a mission to save the world, but now the mission has not been completed at all. Moreover, we cannot let Witch Harley take away the energy of the River of Time!"

The ghost roared, rushed out of the Tower of Destiny, and flew straight towards Hal and Harley, "Time Demon, you can surrender, but you can't give your energy to the Witch Harley!"

"Ghost?" Hal wiped away his tears, stood up and asked warily: "What do you want to do?"

"Ghost, everything is settled now, don't you--" Dachao suppressed the word "making trouble" and said another way, "Ghost, the zero-hour crisis is over, you can go back to heaven."

——You are not needed here, you are of no use anyway.

"Rip Man, go away!" The ghost pushed the Super Chao away from him and roared: "The crisis is not over yet. Time Demon, Hal Jordan, hand over the energy of the River of Time!"

"Ghost, don't do this," Dr. Destiny, who was chasing after him from the Tower of Destiny, was worried and secretly said: "Hal was finally persuaded by Harley to put down the butcher knife and turn around. Don't drive him crazy again. "

"I'm afraid he'll go crazy?" The ghost didn't use mental transmission to hide his thoughts, and shouted directly to Hal, "Hal Jordan, I am the spirit of God's vengeance, hand over the stolen energy of the mother river, and accept my judgment. "

The heroes looked ugly and felt anxious, angry and angry. Mother Fake, this ghost is deliberately stirring up trouble and intensifying conflicts, right?

Even if you want to steal Mu He's power, you shouldn't use such an attitude of scolding.

Hal is a time demon. What if he becomes a demon again?


The Zhenglian giant looked at Hal worriedly, but unexpectedly found that the old god Harry was beside Hal, and he was not impatient at all.

Her plan to "kill people with words" was about to succeed, but she fell short at the critical moment. She should be the most angry. Why is she reacting like this?

"Harley?" Hal did not become black and possessed again as everyone feared, "What should we do now?"

Harley shrugged, "It's up to you."

"Ghost, what do you need energy for?" Hal asked, staring at the ghost.

"I will use it to recast the river of time and restore the multiverse to its original state. Hal Jordan, don't be stubborn and give the energy to me. This is God's arrangement and the choice of fate."

The ghost flew over Hal, its body expanded to a hundred meters tall, its voice was like thunder, full of the pressure of divine majesty.

"Sorry, Ghost, I don't trust you." Hal said directly: "First of all, I don't trust you as a person. Everyone knows what you did during the Crisis on Infinite Earths.

You have no credit.

In addition, I don’t believe in fate, because now I can twist fate at will.

As for God

I trust Harley. She is the God of War in Heaven and the Young Lord of Silver City. She has saved the world many times. It was she who convinced me that she represents God better than you and is more qualified to handle the energy of the mother river. "

"Hey, don't know what's good and what's good!" The ghost was filled with shame and anger, and slapped him away.

"Ghost, you've gone too far." Hal was furious. He raised his right hand, and a hundred-meter giant was materialized by him. He blocked the ghost's slap with one hand, made a fist with the other hand, and struck hard with an uppercut. At the ghost's chin.

"BOOOM!" The ghost screamed and was knocked several kilometers away.

"Time Demon, you dare to attack me!" God's Wrath was completely angry and shot two chains at Hal.

"Ghost, don't force me!" Hal soared into the sky, leaving the material world and returning to the time river that had lost its mother river.

"Where to run." The ghost chased after him.

"Damn, how could this happen?!" Dachao was angry and anxious. He turned around and found Dr. Destiny and asked, "What's going on? It's clear that the crisis is about to end, why does the ghost jump out and cause trouble?"

"Hey, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." Dr. Destiny was also anxious and embarrassed.

Although the ghost is not under his control, as the recognized "ghost spokesman", he has a responsibility that he cannot shirk when the ghost goes crazy.

"Harry, can you communicate with the voice of heaven, or God? Let heaven call the ghost back."

Harley sneered, "The bigger things get now, the more severe the punishment will be in the future. I wish God would send the ghost directly to hell this time."

Doctor Fate was stunned, "Aren't you worried that Hal will go crazy again?"

"Didn't I say that the bigger things get, the more serious the ghost's sin will be. Hal will go crazy and destroy the world again. This crime is enough for the ghost to fall into the abyss." Harley said with a smile.

Doctor Destiny said in disbelief: "In order to fight ghosts, you don't care about the overall situation collapsing?"

"Don't talk about the overall situation with me. Whoever cares least about the overall situation represents the overall situation."

"What about Hal, don't you care? What if he is killed by a ghost——"

"Ouch!" Before he finished speaking, the ghost's miserable howl spread in all directions.

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