I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1058 People are right and wrong

"Witch Harley finally appears."

The many gods and demons of the Yuan Universe who paid attention to the Zero Hour Crisis were excited and devoted all their energy to the great cause of eating melons.

"Hehehe, the Time Demon is so powerful, let's see how Witch Harley dies this time."

Except for a few neutrals and Harley's friends, most of the gods and demons were secretly trying to see her suffer.

"Stop talking nonsense and show your true identity." Harley didn't say hello to the hero, but shouted directly to the dark green face in the sky: "It's now like this, what's the point of hiding your identity anymore? Do you think you don't have to show up this time? , just beat us all down?"

The dark green man said calmly: "Witch Harley, I know that you are scheming, and I also know that you have obtained the power of Manhattan and have special time abilities.

But by giving away your divine power everywhere, you have already left yourself with huge hidden dangers. "

"Hidden danger." Neptune's expression changed, and he exclaimed: "It's the Karate Kid! At that time, the demon wanted to steal the power of Harley in my body, but I escaped.

When the Crack of Entropy destroyed the 31st century, the fact that the Karate Kid did not die must have caught his attention.

Damn it, he has studied the divine power in Val, Harley, be careful. "

Da Chao subconsciously looked at Harley. She looked calm, without panic or worry.

He remembered what she said before: It was abnormal for Val to return from the 31st century to the 21st century alive.

At that time, he thought she was hinting that Val was a spy, but now it seemed that she had long understood that the divine power in Val's body had been studied.

"Yes, the reaction was very quick." The huge dark green face focused its probing eyes on Neptune. "I'm curious, how did you escape from the river of time? What did you experience at the 'point of non-existence'?"

"I don't talk to people who hide their heads and hide their tails. Time Demon, come out and let us have a look."

"Your provoking methods are useless against me. You can't even see me, so how can you resist me?" Shi Mo's voice was like thunder, resounding throughout the countryside, "Yours is no match for me, and I have thoroughly studied Witch Harley.

But I am not your enemy.

Something is terribly wrong with the workings of the universe, and it needs to be corrected.

Every human tragedy should be corrected, but the Supreme Power of God will not have mercy on us.

They are aloof and would rather use their power to show their majesty and inviolability than do the right thing.

Now that I have captured the power beyond God, I am willing to share that power with all of you.

Tearing Man, your father died in front of you. You wanted to save him but were afraid of revealing your identity. This is a regret that you will remember for the rest of your life, right?

Now you have a chance to start over.

Kyle Rayner, your girlfriend died because of you and you can hug her again if you stand by my side.

Martian Manhunter, your people, your wife and daughters were all burned to ashes in that fire, leaving you alone. Don't you want to do something for them?

Don't you want to hug your daughter Ganda again?

Bateman, you will never forget that night, the two gunshots, and—"

"I almost forgot." Batman interrupted him loudly, holding up the necklace around his neck and shouted: "This is a gift they gave me. Their thoughts and love have always been with me, and I am very satisfied. "

The demon of time stagnated, and he didn't play according to the routine.

"Actually, I don't feel sorry anymore." Dachao coughed a few times and said, "My father personally helped my son deliver the baby. Although I didn't see it, I feel warm when I think about it.

My dad also said that I should forget the past and look forward. I think I should listen to him. "

Shi Mo almost became angry and cursed.

"Okay, you two are satisfied with your happy lives, what about the others? For example, you, Green Arrow, your father has no chance to go to heaven, he died by suicide, for you!

Your yacht encountered a shipwreck, and there was not enough food on board for everyone to survive. He first killed the crew and then committed suicide, just to leave you with a chance of survival. "

"This" Green Arrow stiffened and his expression was dull, "You——"

"I stand at the end of time and can see through all of your lives."

Shi Mo seemed to be pleased by his reaction, his tone became more proud and less angry than before.

Green Arrow shook his head repeatedly and said anxiously: "No, I mean, you are trying to persuade me. You observe my life and want me to give up my position and stand on your side?"

Time Demon was a little confused. He didn't need to specifically observe Green Arrow's timeline at the end of time, because they were best friends before, and Green Arrow had confided all his regrets and pain to him.

"That's right, I can help you make up for your regrets. I control time and can create a parallel universe that perfectly suits your wishes in a single thought. Join me!

I am not the devil who destroys the world, I am the hope of all of you.

No matter how many of you there are, I will fulfill your wishes.

Even if there are countless people, there can be countless parallel universes, and the world will have no regrets. "

Shi Mo's voice was passionate and powerful, full of sincere emotions. Many heroes' eyes flickered and their expressions became hesitant.

"No!" Green Arrow waved his hands vigorously and shouted: "I have no interest in your 'Perfect World' plan."

"Then what you just did."

Why are you so excited and trembling with excitement?

Shi Mo was confused.

Green Arrow said excitedly: "I didn't expect you to take me so seriously. There are so many super-S heroes here, but you don't try to persuade them, but you specifically stare at my life and observe it carefully.

You analyzed my character, found the biggest regret in my life, and tempted me to betray the earth.

Time Demon, even if I am your enemy, I have to admit that you have done a good job in your homework.

I have made sufficient preparations for today's battle.

I thought that since my hero level is low and my reputation is not great, I would be completely ignored by you, and then I could shoot you with a killing arrow (ps). I didn’t expect you to be so smart and pay close attention to me and analyze me thoroughly.

Oh, you are awesome! "

The dark green giant face that appeared from the magic tool was slightly distorted. Oliver, what exactly have you experienced in the superhero circle to have such a weird interpretation perspective?

Green Arrow's lover, Black Canary, blushed all over and wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

"Don't you want to resurrect your father?" Shi Mo asked.

Green Arrow sighed: "This is not a question of whether you want it or not. How can you not experience setbacks in life? How can you be satisfied without regrets? How can you know how to cherish happiness if you don't experience pain?

If you have ever lost something, a relative or friend, I suggest you take your eyes back and focus on the relatives and friends who are closer to you, and don’t lose them too. "

At this point, his expression became very complicated and his tone was very sad, "Hal, is it you? You are the Time Demon. I can feel it, it's you."

Time Demon said nothing, and the heroes around him looked shocked.

Green Arrow smiled bitterly: "If you were really a stranger, how could you say so many things to me, a third-rate hero without superpowers?

It can swallow the river of time. Do you need to care about my position?

Even if I'm on your side, I can't help you break through the tuning fork's defensive circle. "

The dark green face in the sky suddenly shrank into a point, and when it spread out again, a green man emerged.

It's Hal Jordan.

Compared with the previous Green Lantern, his face has obvious signs of aging, and his hair on the temples has also turned gray.

"It's me, old friend, long time no see."

"Oh my God, it's really him!"

"Didn't you say that he died in the 58th century?"

"How come Green Lantern is so strong?"

Even though there were many speculations before, seeing the real person now still shocked the heroes.

"It didn't take long, right? I keep @you and you don't reply to messages. I didn't expect you to become so awesome and become a big bastard that destroys the multiverse." Green Arrow was not shocked, there was only sadness in his eyes.

He understood that Hal, who was revealed at this time, was more terrifying and dangerous than the Green Goblin before. He has made up his mind to complete "Zero Hour" even if he kills all his old friends.

"For you, only a few months have passed, but for me it has been hundreds of millions of years."

There was unconcealable vicissitudes in Hal's bright eyes.

"Aeons? What have you done?" Green Arrow asked in shock.

"Where do you think my current strength comes from?" Hal lamented: "I first entered the river of time and practiced time magic in the river.

Later, I met linear people and time trappers, and gradually understood the division of forces, power levels of the river of time, and what the power of time can do.

By the time I found the place where time ends, by the time I killed the first time trapper and took away his power, it would have been tens of thousands of years since I first entered the river of time.

At least in my perception, I have spent tens of thousands of years.

So, you should understand by now that my determination will never change because of you.

Surrender, I will not destroy your lives, but will fulfill everyone's wishes. "

"Hal, since you have been practicing for hundreds of millions of years, why are you still so confused?" Harry sighed.

"Harry, I know you are insidious and cunning, but no matter what you say, I will not listen, let alone accept your words, or follow your wishes.

Your tricks of deception have no effect on me. Hal said calmly.

"These words are really chilling. I have deceived demons and deceived gods. I can even kill Lucifer."


Australia, Lux Piano Bar, Lucifer crushed the glass in his hand.

"Witch Harley——"

Now countless gods and demons are watching the "Zero Hour Crisis Live Program", and she is whipping his corpse in front of everyone!

"Hey, calm down, maybe she didn't tell you anything." Zha Kang on the other side waved his hand to him, "You will really fall into her trap only if you follow suit."

After listening to his words, Lao Lu became even more angry. There was indeed more than one Lucifer in the world, but what qualifications did that trash have to be called ‘Lucifer’? Witch Harley was still humiliating him.

On the other side, Harry suddenly felt that the night wind in the desert was a bit cold.

Her expression remained unchanged, and her eyes glanced left and right. Could it be that the old road suddenly jumped out?

"But I have never done anything to a friend, and I have never deceived a friend. Hal, no matter what you plan to do, you haven't had time to do it now. At least for now, you are still my friend, and I will not lie to you.

I just want to remind you, what was your original purpose? "

"I know exactly what I'm doing." The guard in Hal's eyes dissipated a bit.

"No, you forgot. You have forgotten Beach City, your family members who died in Beach City, your two brothers and nieces and nephews, your girlfriend and many ex-girlfriends."

Hal was so excited that he twisted his face and shouted, "Don't stop me, I will resurrect them right away."

(ps: In the "Zero Hour" comics, Oliver actually shot a "fatal" arrow at Hal. In addition, Green Arrow and Hal have a very good personal relationship.

There is a "give a ring" gag in DC comics, which generally refers to Superman giving a kryptonite ring to Batman to "help" him when he loses control.

In fact, Hal also gave a ring to Green Arrow, a Green Lantern ring.

Although Oliver doesn't have any superpowers, he actually has a green light ring, which Hal forged himself.

They were the only ones who knew about the ring.

As long as Green Arrow had the idea of ​​becoming Green Lantern, he would have become the second Green Lantern on Earth. )

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