I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1057 The Ghost’s Plan

The Garden of Destiny in the sixth dimension.

The Endless Clan was once again called to a family meeting by Big Brother Destiny.

They were all thinking about something in their minds and just tasted the red wine provided by the boss in silence. No one said anything, and they could even hear the sound of bees buzzing and flapping their wings around the roses in the garden outside the house.

Suddenly, the buzzing stopped abruptly, and I turned to look out the window. The dust floating in the air under the sunlight solidified into a colloid state, and everything in motion in the world stopped.

"Zero hour is here, time is at this moment. No, there is no 'now', time has disappeared." The second sister said.

The fate of the leader subconsciously glanced at Morpheus.

Morpheus also happened to look up, and the two brothers' eyes collided.

"There's no need for you to trap me here. Harry doesn't expect me to help at all."

Destiny said lightly: "The Endless Clan is the servant of the multiverse. We can have our own interests and lives, but we cannot interfere with its normal operation.

Last time, you indirectly affected the restart of the universe, and you may not be innocent this time. "

"Brother, I don't agree with your statement." Morpheus looked at his brother and said: "I am a dream. Unless the multiverse is completely destroyed, the dream should not disappear.

Harley Quinn is just living her dream.

Every death in the multiverse is related to the second sister.

Every time a crisis occurs, someone dies. Could it be that the second sister is also interfering with the normal operation of the universe?

There is also destiny, desire, fanaticism, despair, and destruction. None of us can escape from the world, because this is our responsibility. "

"We are different from you. We don't have a position, but you do." Destiny said.

"Okay, zero hour has arrived, why don't you enjoy watching the show?" The second sister said impatiently: "Even if you want to quarrel, you can wait until we end the meeting, and you can find a corner to quarrel quietly."

"Second sister, do you think Witch Harley can survive this time? Will you go to 'meet' her?"

The desire of the hermaphrodite is transformed into a charming woman at this time. Any mortal who takes one look at her will be unable to help but feel desire.

Death rested his elbow on his left side and held his cheek in his palm. He frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "That guy is very cunning. I guess I will never see her in this life."

"What trump card has she prepared to deal with the Time Demon?" Desire asked curiously.

Death shook his head and said: "I don't know, but I'm looking forward to it. She can always surprise me."

"I'm also looking forward to it. The Time Demon is very strong. Now he has at least 60% of my father's strength." Desire said with a smile: "If Witch Harley can beat up the Time Demon, does that mean that she can also defeat that one?" A bad old man who eats apples every day? Hehehe."

The expression under the hood of destiny was not very good, "Desire, that is our father!"

"I love him, so I care about him." Desire said.

Morpheus glanced at it. It loved him before, so it plotted against him and asked him to kill his relatives. Then the parricide supreme would lose a certain "person", and could also be parricide and murdered by others.

"Harley Quinn is no match for the Time Demon." Destiny said indifferently.

"Did you see it in the book?" The second sister curiously looked at the "Book of Destiny" in his arms, "I remember you complained to me last time that the fate of Witch Harley is vague, and I'll never After receiving the gift of "taking the initiative to meet each other", the trajectory of destiny becomes more difficult to grasp."

"I cannot see through her fate, but I know the fate of the universe. During the last Crisis on Infinite Earths, all individual universes were cleansed, and their rivers of time were also recycled, waiting to be reshaped.

Only the mother river of time remains unchanged.

This zero-hour crisis seems to be a crisis for the people on earth, but in fact it is the fate of the mother river that has been reshaped by the hands of the time demon. "

She was as fat as a 45-year-old American aunt and said with a grumpy face: "Why do you have to do this? It's so troublesome."

The face of destiny is hidden under the hood, and his brothers and sisters cannot even see the movement of his lips.

“The only constant thing in the world is that everything is changing, the multiverse is changing, the laws are changing, and the energy structure is changing.

We are representatives of fundamental laws and should be more sensitive to changes in the universe than ordinary people.

Even if an old house is renovated, the original furniture and furnishings must be dismantled, not to mention that our universe is not renovated, but rebuilt. "

The second sister's expression changed slightly, "The Crisis of Infinite Earths has transformed the four-dimensional material universe. This time, we will rebuild the Mother River. Then what happens next -"

Destiny interrupted her and said: "What happens next has nothing to do with us, we are just the defenders of the laws of the universe."

"The current changes are only on the 'first floor', but we are also part of the universe. Will we be 'updated' sooner or later?" The second sister insisted on finishing her worries.

Destiny sighed: "The person you are today is not the person you were yesterday, so why should you care about this?"

"Hey, what are you afraid of? The most you can do is to be taken away by the second sister. The second brother has been taken away by you several times, but I still like the second brother and think he is no different from before." Desire looked at the Sandman with a smile.

Morpheus lowered his eyes and remained silent.

"Wow, the Time Demon is here, he's coming from the end of time! The Witch Harley also appeared, and she came riding a dog!" Despair screamed.

She had not attended the "tea party" of the Endless family before, and had been staring at the earth in the material world and the Justice League, waiting for the Witch Harley to use her "killer".

Zero hour has arrived, the mother river of time has disappeared, and the DC multiverse has lost time.

However, the absence of time does not mean that time stands still.

There is no time left, so how can time stop?

All things in the universe have indeed stopped moving, but the cessation of movement does not mean that time has stopped. They just have no time.

Many gods are not affected by time and are not affected by lost time.

There are also gods who can provide "time" for their own divine realm, just like the living system provides oxygen to a closed spaceship.

In addition to the power of miracles, technology can also be self-sufficient in time.

For example, at this time in the Mojave Desert, zero hour has arrived for a few minutes. The heroes feel nothing. The wind continues to blow, the sand and dust continue to fly, and the city hundreds of kilometers away is still full of entertainment, singing and dancing.

The entire earth was stable, without any changes. It was not that there were no changes. On the circular cosmic treadmill under the cosmic tuning fork, the two Flashes began to sweat.

"Harley is right, we need six Flashes working in three shifts. We really can't last long." The old Flash still took the time to sigh.

"Cyborg, is Harley here?" Barry asked breathlessly.

"Not yet." This was not Cyborg's voice, but Harley's.

"Harley? Shit, where are you? Why haven't you come yet?" Neptune shouted.

Well, the Zhenglian giants are all on the same communication channel and can communicate with each other.

"I'm watching "The Legend of the King" at home. Fat Tou has completed post-production and asked me to review and correct him. I'm halfway through it."

Harley's voice was filled with leisure and contentment, and the passionate and epic background music could be heard from the microphone. It was indeed a home theater environment.

"——" The Zhenglian giant was speechless for a while.

"Harry, we're having a bit of a hard time here." Barry said.

"The Time Demon is listening now. You should say, 'Don't worry, we can run for at least three years.'" Harley said angrily.

"The pressure is really a bit high. I can't pretend to be relaxed." The old Flash said.

Harley's tone was still relaxed, "The cosmic tuning fork supports a defensive field that surrounds the entire material universe.

It means that you are protecting the universe, so of course there will be pressure.

But don't worry, the pressure on Shi Mo's side is even greater, it depends on who can't hold on first. "

"How do you say that?" Dachao asked in surprise.

"The river of time has not disappeared, but has been swallowed up. The time demon has swallowed the entire mother river of time at this moment. Not only is the huge energy going to burst him, but also

Well, imagine that the river of time is like a main load-bearing column of a building. Now that some idiot has removed the load-bearing column, who will bear the weight of supporting the house? "

"Oh, not only did the Time Demon swallow too much energy, and his stomach was full, but he also carried the pressure of the entire multiverse on his shoulders." The Flash laughed, "I know he is so painful and tired, but I am not tired or miserable anymore. .

Well, at least three years of running, what about you, Jay? "

"I'm old, and I'm not as strong as you young people. I can only last for about a year and a half." The old Flash sighed.

"Okay, as you wish, I'll be right over!" A voice of gnashing teeth appeared in everyone's ears.


Over the desert, it seemed like a golden sun was lighting up, and a hundred-meter-high white tower quickly turned from virtual reality to reality.

"Everyone, I'm here." Dr. Destiny's voice echoed through the sky.

"Okay, Dr. Destiny is here." Da Chao was in high spirits.

Doctor Fate left the White Tower, stood proudly in the void, and called out with his mind: "Ghost, the time demon is about to arrive, and the people of the whole universe are waiting for you to come out and turn the tide."

"It's not the last moment yet," the ghost said.

"But the Time Demon has arrived." Dr. Destiny emphasized.

"The Justice League hasn't fallen yet, and Harley hasn't even appeared." Ghost said calmly.

"Harley." Doctor Destiny turned around and looked around, "Tear Man, where is Harley?"

"Watching movies at home."

Doctor Fate

"Kent, where is the ghost? The Time Demon is here. The tuning fork feels great pressure, and the defensive force field is about to be torn apart by him." Dachao said with a solemn expression.


Doctor Fate had just opened his mouth and was about to say, "Don't worry, the ghosts are waiting for the critical moment to come." He heard the ghost quietly transmitting a voice, and said in a somewhat urgent tone: "Say that I am across the universe, with stars and rivers surrounding me, and I am taking a nap."

"But you are in the Tower of Destiny, recharging your energy for several months in advance. At this time, you have reached your best condition. The divine power in your body is boiling. You are fully prepared. You can always fight with your strongest posture. Why lie?" Dr. Destiny? Strangely.

"I can't be overpowered by Witch Harley." Ghost gritted his teeth and said, "Don't think I don't know, she did it on purpose!

She knew that I had to wait for the critical moment to appear, so she deliberately pretended to be calm and confident. When I jumped out in a hurry, she made a grand entrance, showing off her momentum, and finally used me as the background to show off her witch charm. . "

"Are you thinking too much?" Kent's mouth twitched.

"Then how do you explain that at such a critical moment, she is watching a movie at home with great fanfare?" Ghost sneered.


Doctor Fate couldn't help but blame Li in his heart for being so careless. The universe is about to be destroyed and she still wants to show off.

While blaming Harley, he was also blaming the ghost: You are the wrath of God, you are a bit cool, how can you pretend to be cool with others?

Just as he thought this, he suddenly remembered that Harley was also an extraordinary person. She was the King of Heaven Mountain and the "Young Lord" of Silver City.

The two "big men in heaven" are like a crouching dragon meeting a phoenix chick!

"My goal is not to destroy the universe."

While Dr. Destiny was making various complaints in his mind, the Time Demon came.

He turned into a huge energy projection and appeared in the night sky, covering the entire desert.

The face is composed of dark green light spots. The structure is very rough, and the true identity cannot be distinguished, but it is full of oppression.

"We are not enemies. In fact, we share the same ideal - to make the world a better place and life more perfect."

"Rumble!" A thunderous sound came from the sky, and a "god" with flying hair was seen riding a "fire unicorn", flying over like a shooting star with great momentum.

"Hehe, after all, she was the one who lost her composure first." The ghost smiled with satisfaction.

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