I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1052 A great dispatch of divine power?

After a moment of silence, Dachao looked at Harley and said hesitantly: "Can you -"

"No!" Harley immediately waved her hand and sternly refused: "My divine power is limited, and the two gods' favored ones are already a bit overwhelmed at the moment, so I can no longer lend you my power."

As soon as these words came out, many heroes who were still struggling looked disappointed.

Dachao saw everyone's reaction in his eyes and explained with some embarrassment: "No, I didn't ask you to lend your power to everyone, I mean can you handle the 'Time Demon'?

Simply eliminating the cracks in entropy cannot fundamentally solve the problem. "

"I asked the time master, but I still can't enter the river of time." Harley sighed: "We can only wait for zero hour to come, and the crack of entropy will push to our 'now'.

At that time, the boundaries between time and space were blurred, and the river of time almost completely disappeared, so there was no "entering" the river of time. "

"The Isentropic Crack reaches the 21st century. What will we do in the 31st century?" Brainiac 5 frowned.

Harley said helplessly: "I didn't say give up on the 31st century. I just explained my own situation. You can continue to form the Super Dimension Team to support the future world that is approached by the Crack of Entropy."

Dachao's super intelligence told him that Harley was secretly taunting them again at this moment.

Even Aquaman, who had the ability to kill Cun Mo, narrowly escaped death, even the Flash disappeared without a trace, the Atom became a dog brother, and the Wave Treader was captured and killed. With such a luxurious group in decline, who dares to do it again? Anal entropy crack?

And the crack is not the key, the key is the time demon!

"No more heroes can be sent to the future world. Not only are they useless, they are also very dangerous. There is no return." Bateman said seriously.

"Don't care about the 31st century?" The legion hero looked ugly.

Neptune had been silent before, but now he said in a deep voice: "I just talked about the battle between me and Cunmo, and I didn't have time to talk about the time demon. The queen of the time demon came here."

His exchanges with the Archon and Speaker of the 58th Century were not mentioned.

But the power of Tokima is described in detail, as well as Tokima's attitude towards him.

"He has very strong control over the River of Time, and he has the intention to kill me. Therefore, I very much agree with Batman's suggestion. No hero in the 21st century should enter the River of Time again. Entering is equivalent to death." .

It’s not whether we want to help the 31st century or other future worlds.

But our situation in the 21st century is inherently more dangerous than other worlds. "

The expressions of the heroes were all different. The legion heroes looked ugly, and some of them had resentment in their eyes.

Dachao frowned and said, "Can you confirm the identity of the Time Demon?"

Neptune smiled bitterly and shook his head, "I heard Harley say that Hal was the mastermind, and I believed it. When people from the 58th century came up with solid evidence that Hal was killed in battle, I believed it again.

When the Black Hand comes and talks to me, I expect it to be Hal.

When he shows no mercy, kills me and wants my life, I really don’t want him to be Hal, otherwise it would be too bad.

If someone kills me, I can accept it, but if Hal treats me like that, I... Well, I guess he is not Hal, and Hal is not so heartless. "

Dachao looked at Harley, "What do you think?"

Harley waved her hands, "I don't want to think that I don't want to talk about anything related to Hal right now."

"How important is the true identity of Time Demon, why not talk about it?" Dachao asked strangely.

"I said, I don't want to talk, don't ask why."

Bateman's eyes flashed, he patted Dachao's shoulder, who was in high spirits, and asked: "Arthur, how did you return to the 21st century? Why did you end up in Neon?"

"I don't know. I suffered a devastating blow from the Time Demon, and I lost consciousness. I even lost Cunmo's body. I don't know which bastard picked it up, or was chased back by the Time Demon?"

"Harry, do you know?" Bateman asked again.

Harley also looked puzzled, "It's not strange to land in Neon. It's the first time to travel through time and you can't accurately lock the direction. It's possible to land in any corner of the universe.

Being able to appear on Earth shows that Arthur is lucky.

However, he is in a coma and theoretically cannot leave the river of time.

Even if he wakes up, he doesn't know how to return to the material world.

Crossing the river of time required skills that he had no chance to learn, and he never thought of running back on his own at first. Because the four people traveling with him, except him, are all time travel experts. "

"Could it be Arthur's instinctive reaction after approaching the 21st century? He was confused, like a hangover. He did do something, but he can't remember it?" Green Arrow expressed his guess.

"At present, it seems that this possibility is very high." Harley nodded.

"Everyone, now that you have made a decision, it is time for the Legion of Heroes to return to the 31st century." Brainiac 5 stood up and left.

Bateman frowned and said, "I suggest you give up the 'Space Cannon Plan', use your resources on the evacuation, use the time bubble to transfer the population to the 21st century, and leave as many as you can."

"Impossible, the space cannon project is the hope of the people of the entire universe, and we cannot betray their trust." The Karate Kid said loudly.

"We came to the 21st century to form an alliance with you and jointly deal with the crisis." Boy Cosmic looked around the crowd, his eyes especially staying on the faces of Zhenglian Giant and Harley for a moment, "The Legion of Super Heroes will not give up on their responsibilities. .”

Harley's expression was calm, Dachao was hesitant and confused, and the other heroes also frowned, unable to make a decision.

Bateman said firmly: "We will not support you because we are unable to support you."

Dachao was shocked, so direct, and

He wanted to say something, but when he turned to meet Batman's eyes, the expression on his face turned into helplessness.

"We don't need your support, we will accompany the 31st century to the end." Steven Universe said seriously.

"Yes, we are not afraid of death." The karate boy looked determined.

Bateman softened his tone and said: "Letting you retreat now does not mean that we completely give up on the 31st century.

The universe can be annihilated and restarted.

Restarting is certainly not the best option. After restarting, you will still face the philosophical problem of 'can the other side of me represent me now', but compared with other options, restarting is at least the second best result. "

"Restart." Several members of the Legion of Super Heroes looked at each other with a little hesitation on their faces.

After a while, Steven Universe said firmly: "I will go back to the 31st century. If there is a possibility of a restart, I hope to experience a restart with my hometown.

Instead of lingering in the new world with the guilt of betraying the people.

At that time, I couldn't face the person who still smiled warmly at me even though my life had restarted. "

Bateman was startled and nodded slightly.

If it were him, he would rather restart the world together.

If he retains the memory of "being a deserter" and lives in the new world after the restart, he will be worse off than dead.

"I'm not opposed to reboots, and I won't be bothered by 'whether my other side is the same as me now'." Brainiac 5 smiled easily, "The Justice League doesn't have to go to the 31st century, you can keep all your power until Zero Hour , make sure the river of time restarts again."

After hearing this, the other legion heroes also showed free and easy smiles. There was no longer any dissatisfaction or resentment on their faces, and their eyes were calm but firm.

"Well, the Justice League conserves its strength and fights for our last hope."

Seeing them like this, the 21st century superhero felt a touch of sadness and strong shame in his heart.

Today we say goodbye, but when we meet again it will be his "other side".

The Legion of Super-Heroes left that day.

Watching their time disappear in the white light, Diana was a little excited, "Arthur failed, but it doesn't mean that we will fail together. If all S-class heroes unite their powers, can they defeat the Time Demon?"

"We can't even survive in the river of time." Bateman sighed.


Harley waved her hand, "I don't have that much power to lend you."

"I'll borrow it temporarily for use, and I'll return it to you when the crisis is over," Wonder Woman said.

Harley shook her head and said: "The Shazam spell has its limitations. Many gods have lent their power to the gods' favored ones, but which god do you think found a group of gods' favored ones?

For example, your father Zeus, as far as I know, has only lent his divine power to two people, one is you, and the other has not yet debuted. "

Wonder Woman explained: "I know that lending divine power will cause a double burden on the soul and body of the god.

What I mean is that within your limits, you can create a few more heroes who can fight in the river of time. "

Harley looked at Dachao, "I said I would lend my divine power to tear apart Man, but he insisted on not wanting it. And Bateman, he didn't want it either."

Dachao said with an unnatural expression: "You give it to Jon or Kyle."

Harry said calmly: "What do you think the 'God's Favorite' is? The quota can be transferred at will?"

Wonder Woman looked around at the heroes and said: "You are the Thick-skinned Martial God. Of course you have the final say on the conditions for becoming the Thousand-skinned Martial God's favored one. You tell me the conditions. There are so many people here, maybe some of them meet the requirements?"

Harley thought about it seriously and suddenly felt that this might be an opportunity.

Old Shazam has worked hard to find his successor, but with little success. Does he want all the heroes in the world to come to the Eternal Castle to apply for the job of "Thunder Shazam"?

Now the opportunity to "gather heroes from all over the world and choose them" is before her.

There is no doubt that gods will never engage in loss-making business, and borrowing divine power is not a "good deed by a good person."

After the divine power is loaned out, the divine power will not disappear, but will reap a lot of dividends from those favored by the gods.

The problem lies in the dividends. Usury loans are definitely more profitable than interest-free loans.

Harley was originally disgusted with lending power to this group of heroes because she felt it was unprofitable, and lending divine power to them was like a low-interest or even interest-free loan.

But what if she is allowed to choose who to lend to?

"Well, I will draw up a detailed charter when I return, and then push the conditions for becoming a 'Favourite of the Martial God' to each hero through the guardian dog."

As long as she can find a "Cunmo" among this group of heroes, she will make a fortune.

Cunmo, Hank Hall, a former war eagle, a mortal.

It seems that he was chosen by the God of Chaos and War. Is he making a lot of money?

But can a mortal become Cunmo?

Can he kill the linear clan and become a multiverse-level bully?

I don’t know how much the God of War has made from Hank Hall, but Harley really envies His method of selecting God’s favored ones, it’s so accurate.

When Harley rode the dog away, Wonder Woman asked strangely: "Ripman, why don't you want her power?"

"I think my strength is enough. After these days of special training, I can survive in the river of time like old Superman." Da Chao said.

"But her divine power is not only for surviving the River of Time, but with her divine protection, you have a greater chance of defeating the Time Demon." The female hero said.

Dachao hesitated for a moment and said: "All miraculous power has a price. If I become Harley's favored one, both I and the earth will lose a lot."

"What to lose?"

Dachao sighed: "My philosophy is to bring hope to the people. When I use Harley's power to do this, my philosophy will be very weak.

Because Harley is not a supreme, illusory god, but a person living on earth, she will show her actions, words and thoughts to the people.

If you think about it from the perspective of an ordinary person - even Superman himself is borrowing Harley Quinn's power to be her favored one. What nonsense am I listening to him talking about? Might as well learn directly from his ‘god’ – Harley Quinn. "

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