I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1051: Starting today as a milk brother with the Holy Son

The Atom was restored by time to his true original state: a pot of hot oil cooked by his father, topped with black fish fillets, just like boiled fish.

Being able to live until now without drying up into a hard scab is thanks to the characteristics of the river of time that are different from the material universe.

There is no air, no evaporation, and no drastic changes in temperature.

However, because Neptune drank for half an hour at Neon, then took the Wonder Woman plane, and even talked to everyone, he wasted too much time, and the "boiled fish" soup was almost dry.

Also thanks to the local neon people, when they rescued Aquaman, they folded up the Flash uniform and put it in a plastic bag.

"It must be sent to the culture tank immediately to replenish water, otherwise the Atom will be really doomed." Cyborg said with a serious expression after scanning for a while.

He can look serious, but many heroes can't control their expressions and keep their cheeks from twisting.

"Cyborg, take out the fertilized eggs immediately and cultivate them properly." Dachao said with an awkward tone, his mouth twitching.

"Wait!" Bateman stopped Cyborg and said seriously: "What we want to save is the Atom, not a fertilized egg!

Using scientific methods to slowly cultivate it into an embryo and then raising it to grow up is the last resort and the second worst result after death. "

"What do you think?" the heroine asked.

Bateman glanced at Harley and Zatanna, then landed on the Flash, and said: "The effects caused by magic are best treated with magic."

"It's not magic." Zatanna looked hesitant, "At least it's not pure magic. The time torrent encountered by the Atom is more like a natural phenomenon.

Remember my previous diagnosis of several old heroes of the Justice Society?

There is no way to dispel magic, and it would be extremely costly to force them to use magic to restore them to their original state.

On the Atom's side, the price will be even greater."

"Flash, can you help the Atom speed up?" Bateman asked.

"Why do you ask? How can I speed up?" Barry asked confused.

Bateman was silent for a moment and then said in a low voice: "Theoretically, you can take away a person's time, that is, by running, making him age quickly."

"I never knew I had this ability." Barry was surprised.

Bateman was silent again. This ability may not have been used by "The Flash" yet, but he has simulated it in the "Flash Defense Plan" and formulated corresponding countermeasures.

"Harry, what about you?"

Harley thought for a while and said, "I'm not sure. I have to go back and ask."

Everyone was refreshed, there was hope!

"Ask who?"

"Wait a minute." Harley left the Hall of Justice without explaining, went to summon Yebi outside the door, and said, "Bring your mother here."

"What?" Yebi was confused.

"Have you even forgotten who your mother is?"

"Of course I know, but you suddenly called me over and asked me to call it. I don't understand what you want to do." Yebi shouted.

"You don't need to understand."

Yebi had no choice but to go to Quinn Manor first and then send Duoduo over.

"Harry, what do you want from me?" Duoduo asked curiously.

"You are the Virgin Dog. I remember that you also have special talents and abilities, right?"

Duoduo tilted her head and thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "I'm not sure, I haven't tried it."

"You are the Holy Mother, who can protect pregnant women from giving birth smoothly and children to be smart and healthy."

This ability was not something Duoduo told Harley.

She herself has the Seal of the Holy Mother and is very familiar with the ministry and divinity of the Holy Mother.

Duoduo looked stupid, "I'm not sure."

Harry reminded: "There should be the mark of the Holy Mother in the depths of your consciousness. Contact it and feel it."

"I can't." Duoduo said blankly.

Harley turned to Yebby and said, "Help your mother."

"How to help?"

Yebi doesn't want to help at all, not because he is unfilial, but because he suspects that Master Harley wants to use his mother to do bad things.

"The mental power guides Duoduo to become familiar with his abilities. Hurry up, you must know how to do it." Harley shouted.

Yebi still wanted to resist, but Duoduo on the side raised her leg and touched its waist.

"Didn't you hear what Harley said? Come on."

Yebi looked at his mother and could only sigh helplessly.

Five minutes later, Harley walked into the hall with a strange look on her face, facing the expectant or curious eyes of the heroes, her eyes flickered and said: "There may be a way, but, but"

"Are the side effects too great?" Da Chao asked nervously.

Harley shook her head, "It probably won't have any side effects."

Da Chao's eyes lit up, and then he worried: "Did it take too long?"

Harley shook her head again, "The time is short, and you can get a mature Atom on the same day."

"There are no side effects, and it takes a short time. Why are you hesitating?" Bateman said solemnly.

"The process was too... disharmonious." Harley's eyes wandered.

"Compared to saving the Atom, nothing else is important." Wonder Woman said.

"That's right, save Atom, he's almost done." Many heroes shouted.

Cyborg was holding the Flash uniform in his hands, looking embarrassed.

He also wanted to take out the Atom and put it into a culture tank as soon as possible, but Harley said to wait.

"Harry, stop inking." He also joined in the persuasion.

Harley turned away and waved to the door, "Duoduo, come here."

"Here it comes!" Duoduo was very excited, bumping and jumping, "I can finally help Harley, I'm so happy."

Behind it, Yebi's face was twisted and he hesitated to speak.

"Duoduo? What can it do?" The heroes were shocked and confused.

"Duoduo is Yebi's mother. Maybe she knows the special holy light magic?" Bateman thought thoughtfully.

I saw Duoduo walking up to Harley, turning around, pointing her butt at everyone, and raising her tail.

"Buzz!" Like a peacock opening its tail, its butt suddenly lit up with a vortex of holy light, dazzling the eyes of the hero who was staring attentively.

"I'm ready, come on!" it said excitedly.

"What is this?" Everyone was confused.

Harley walked over to Cyborg, took the Flash uniform, and threw it directly into the circle of light behind Dodo's butt drum.

"Whoosh!" The uniform disappeared, as if it had been dropped into a drum washing machine.

Everyone was even more shocked and confused.

Duoduo barked, "I'm going to start!"

"Wait, let me add insurance!" Harley narrowed her eyes and chanted a strange spell quickly, and a colorful thread turned from virtual to real, floating up and down in front of her.

A hero stared at the colorful thread carefully, and saw multiple phantoms appearing in front of his eyes, as if the thread was the condensation of countless images.

It's the Atom's dream book.

"Go!" Like adding laundry detergent to the washing machine, Harley stretched out her hand and pointed at Duoduo's butt drum, and the colorful dotted line flew into the circle of light.

"That's it."

"Okay!" Duoduo responded, and heard a "buzzing" sound coming from its belly.

The heroes were inexplicably reminded of the drum washing machine whose switch was pressed, and Duoduo's belly bulged out in an arc that was visible to the naked eye.

"Oh my god, Atom was stuffed into Duoduo——"

Now they finally understood what Harley had done.

"I bought it!"

"Holy shit!"

Even Bateman, who had always had a deep personality and expressionless face, was so shocked that his jaw almost dislocated.

After finally regaining control of their expressions and regaining their sanity, when they were about to say something, Duoduo shouted: "Ah, it's coming out, catch it quickly!"

"Whoosh!" The vortex of holy light behind its butt drum stopped rotating, and a black shadow spurted out from the center. The black shadow quickly expanded and grew while still flying in the air.

"Oh my god, it, it's flying over!" Green Arrow had grabbed a good seat before, just in front of Duoduo's leather drum, when his vision went dark, he couldn't help but flew several meters away, until he was hit by the black thunderbolt behind him. Hold his body.

"Oh God, the Atom!" Black Bolt exclaimed, and the person who bumped into Green Arrow was the Atom in the atomic suit.

"Oh my God, it's really the Atom. The Atom has been reborn!"

The heroes' heads were dizzy and they felt like they were dreaming.

"Um~~~" Atom Man groaned, struggled to get up, and looked around blankly, "What happened?"

"Oh, No——"

Everyone stared at him blankly, as if they were looking at a unique wonder, when suddenly the screams of Firestorm were heard from the side.

They turned around and saw that Firestorm's face was covered with a sticky red piece of clothing - the Flash uniform.

The uniform was also sprayed out, landing right in his face.


After struggling for nearly half an hour, Atom finally understood what happened, and everyone barely regained their composure.

"The principle is very simple. The Atom is not under a curse, but his abnormal experience can be regarded as a 'miraculous event'. It can be seen as Cunmo using a time curse on him.

Due to Duoduo's special identity, it... ahem, in short, it has the ability to trace back to its origins and reverse its innate nature, okay, that's a bit exaggerated. It uses its special holy power to break the curse and save the Atom. It's that simple. "

Harley's explanation was somewhat incoherent.

Some things are difficult to elaborate on.

She promised Heavenly Voice that she would not mention or hint about Duoduo and God on any occasion in the future.

Because of that incident, Duoduo received divine blessings, but it couldn't use it and had never developed it. It could only rely on instinct: its sacred source is the womb, so...

"No matter what, thank you." Atom was ashamed and embarrassed, wishing he could shrink into an atom and run away immediately.

Fortunately, both Yebi and Dodo had left at this time, otherwise he really wouldn't know how to face the new dog mother.

Well, he wants to call Duoduo "Mom", but Yebi may not be willing to do so yet!

Bateman saw his embarrassment and took the initiative to change the topic: "After Atom is rescued, this matter is over. There are too many urgent matters waiting for us to deal with now, Neptune, you continue.

How did you break the rift and kill Cunmo? "

As soon as these words came out, the density of oxygen in the hall seemed to be half lighter.

Neptune didn't hesitate and just told him that he had Harley's supernatural power.

It was because he was considering the current situation that he took the initiative to confess on Diana's plane.

“So that’s how it is”

"I didn't expect the divine power to be so strong."

While the heroes were suddenly enlightened, they were also shocked and felt a little uncomfortable in their hearts.

Their power to shock Harley was so powerful.

The rift of entropy, which was enough to destroy the river of time and countless worlds, was "easily" solved by a mere God's favored person without her taking any action personally.

At the same time, they recalled their attitude towards "Harley's Power"

When I first learned that Wonder Woman shouted "Hallelujah, praise Harley" in public, I still felt very low, vaguely dissing the heroine's "shameless" behavior, and secretly swore that even if Harley Quinn He offered his divine power with a shy face, but refused to accept it.

Now, what should I do if I feel some envy and desire?

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