I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1025 The identity of the black hand

Harley asked: "How to resist 'entropy'?"

Metron shook his head, "Probably irresistible."

Harley said calmly: "You don't know who is behind the scenes, you don't understand his methods, and you can't guide us in dealing with the entropy of time.

But you suggest that we send out the entire army to join the superhero army in the 31st world to jointly deal with the 'Entropy Crack' that is about to spread from the 60th century, and the black hands that will follow it. Is this what you mean? "

Metron raised his eyebrows, "Just because I don't know who Black Hand is doesn't mean I don't understand his power.

He can freely travel through the river of time, swallow the origin of time at the end of time, and can even control 'entropy'. This is his main ability. "

Harley nodded and asked: "How do you deal with this? The Justice League can rush and fight, but dealing with time and entropy is a technical job."

"The Möbius Chair not only has the power of omniscience, it also ensures that the people protected by it can walk on the river of time." Metron said.

Harley grinned and said: "You mean, you will use the Mobius Chair to build a platform in the river of time for heroes to stand and output, with the goal of irresistible entropy?"

Metron frowned again, her meaning was correct, but why did the words coming out of her mouth always have a sense of ridicule?

"I will fight with everyone. There will definitely be dangers, but for the safety of the multiverse and to protect the people of at least two universes in the 31st century and the 21st century, we must take some risks." He said lightly.

Harley felt more and more strange, or in other words, the familiar smell was back.

The same leader jumped out of nowhere, the same journey in the river of time, the same many unknowns, the same battle cry. Could it be that the "director" used the same script for the two crises?

Or, the same director?

Harley mused.

"Should we set off immediately, or wait for a few days?" Bateman felt the same as Harley, "Can we discuss it in private?"

"The sooner the better, it's best to leave today. If you can't do it today, you have to make a decision before tomorrow morning." Metron said seriously.

Fake, the situation is urgent again and he doesn't give them time to use their brains.

After Metron left, Harley directly expressed the familiar feeling and said: "I'm not afraid that the process will be the same, but I'm afraid that the ending will be the same.

The thing is, I feel like it will probably end the same way, what about you? "

"Let me tell you, why does it sound familiar? It turns out it's not just my imagination." Atom shouted.

"Metron is not trustworthy. We don't know him at all, and we don't understand his character." Green Arrow said solemnly.

"To be honest, I don't trust him very much, but we have to carefully consider what he said. If the 31st century is destroyed, not only will countless billions of people die tragically, but we will also lose a powerful allied force." Old Green Lantern Alan Si Kurt said slowly.

Afterwards, all the heroes expressed their opinions. They were generally skeptical about Metron's person and purpose, but they expressed that they must take his words seriously.

"Harley, tell me what you think." Da Chao said.

Everyone fell silent, looking at her with half expectancy and half mixed feelings.

Although she is retaliatory, has a narrow-mindedness that cannot fit into the head of a needle, and is particularly fond of sarcastic remarks, she seems to be very trustworthy when faced with a crisis.

Harley pondered: "The main problem now is insufficient intelligence. What Metron said is what it is, and we cannot verify whether it is true or false.

Therefore, first select people who can travel the river of time to get the news.

Didn't Metron say that the 31st century is still safe? At least go to the 31st century. "

At this point, she turned to Barry, "Flash, didn't you say you were going to time travel? Did you get any results?"

Barry shook his head in embarrassment, "I ran around the 21st century for a thousand years, once a day, without entering the world, and I didn't find anything unusual."

Neptune frowned and said: "Harry, you have never done intelligence work before? It has been several months since the time crisis was first discovered. How has such a long time been wasted?"

Harley sighed: "If I hadn't been wanted by the Lord of Time, I would have jumped into the river a long time ago.

I couldn't get in, so I could only peek by the river and judge the situation and intensity of the crisis based on my feelings.

Isn’t the concept of ‘zero hour’ what I told you?

I use my spiritual sense to judge that the crisis is not serious, and there is no need to be nervous or worried now, but you don’t believe my spiritual sense. "

"Are you saying that you think Metron is exaggerating the crisis?" Bateman asked.

Harley thought for a while and said: "It's probably the same as 'Pony Crossing the River', I am the elephant and he is the pony.

What is a big crisis for a foal may not be so for an elephant. "

Wonder Woman said: "So spiritual sense is unreliable. Your spiritual sense only warns about your own safety, not the world.

It’s impossible to say that the ‘Crack of Entropy’ will eventually destroy the world, so you can just give up and continue to go to Heaven Mountain to be a young king. "

"Don't regard my 'cognitive sense' as your combat sense." Harley rolled her eyes at her, "My criterion for assessing the intensity of a crisis is my own strength.

I didn’t feel any danger, which only meant that the world was really not dangerous. "

Dachao frowned and said: "In any case, go to the 31st century and see for yourself before you feel at ease. Either the Flash goes far away, or he asks Doctor Fate and the Wizards Council for help."

"I would like to be a spy." Barry immediately raised his hand to invite him.

The old Flash Joey patted his shoulder and said gently: "Let me go this time. You are still young, and you have just married Iris. She also has a child. If it is the same as last time. Alas, last time Fortunately, Harley was here and you managed to turn the situation around."

"Qiao~~" Barry was moved in his heart and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by the old Flash raising his hand, "This is a mission and an honor!"

Barry became more and more moved, but kept his mouth shut.

Harley frowned and said, "You all stay on Earth."

"Didn't you say you were going to send someone to find out the news?"

Not only the Flash, but all the heroes looked confused.

“The task of finding out information is left to professional ‘time masters’, such as Metron or the God King of Naboo.

You can only travel through it, but you don't understand the river of time.

In addition, I also need you to be a human battery. One Flash cannot carry a cosmic tuning fork. " Harley said.

"Tuning fork?" Everyone was stunned for a moment before they realized that during the last Crisis on Infinite Earths, there was something awesome left on the earth.

"The cosmic tuning fork can stabilize the structure of the universe and prevent reality from being invaded by abnormal energy. It cannot be said that it can really stop the 'crack of entropy'. Why didn't I think of it before!" Dachao said excitedly.

"After the crisis is over, where did the tuning fork go?" Uncle Sam asked curiously.

"Buried under Quinn Manor." Da Chao said.

It was still a hole dug by him and the Black Warrior together.

At midnight, Darth Vader lifted the manor and set it aside, and they dug a hole together.

It only took five minutes to dig out a huge pit 500 meters deep. The heat rays burned the surface of the pit into crystallized glass. Then a warning circle was drawn, the tuning fork was put in, filled with soil, and another protective method was used. The array is sealed.

Finally, the manor was put back without anyone noticing.

Even if all ghosts and gods knew about it, they would not dare to come to Quinn Manor to steal things.

"Need the Flash to drive the tuning fork? Last time it was positive matter energy." Neptune asked.

Cyborg said: "After we returned from the origin of time, we had a big battle with the Anti-Monitor.

That time, the Anti-Monitor drove the endless shadow demons to form a black membrane surrounding the earth. In order to block them, the tuning fork energy was almost exhausted.

After that day, Hallie kept me in charge of new energy projects. "

At this point, his expression became weird, "Originally, I thought it would be an extremely difficult job, but I didn't want to go through just one test - I used electric energy to test, and it succeeded.

The only thing is that the voltage and current of the electrical energy must be very strong.

Even if the entire universe, countless civilizations, and countless power stations concentrated electrical energy in one place, I'm not sure it would be possible to move the tuning fork.

At least all the power stations on the planet combined are less than one billionth of what is needed to tune a tuning fork.

The Flash's cosmic treadmill is the most powerful 'power source' in the multiverse. Its power is nearly unlimited, and it can even transport hundreds of us to the origin of time.

Perfect for driving tuning forks. "

"Does it have to be two Flashes?" Barry asked.

"Maybe one is enough?" Cyborg looked at Harley.

Harley said: "At least two Flashes are needed, because he is not a robot and needs to rest and take shifts.

In fact, I feel like neither is enough.

If there were six Flashes, working in teams of two and working in three shifts, we probably wouldn't have to worry about any kind of universe-collapse crisis anymore. "

"There are not six Flashes, but we have three." Bateman said solemnly.

Harley's eyes lit up, "You mean Professor Zoom? He's not completely dead?"

Professor Speed ​​had received his lunch box a few years ago, otherwise Harley would have drained his Speed ​​Force and upgraded his Speed ​​Force expertise to an advanced level.

Bateman looked at Barry Allen.

Barry looked surprised and said: "A few months ago, my wife's brother also gained the Speed ​​Force and became the Flash, but he is not a superhero yet.

He was just an ordinary guy before, not even an adult yet, not ready to be a hero.

Bateman, how do you know he exists? "

"Satellite saw it," Bateman said simply.

"He didn't go on TV. He wore the same uniform as me. In fact, everyone thought he was me." Barry doubted.

Bateman shrugged, "You guys are different after all."

"How did he get the Speed ​​Force?" Harley asked curiously.

"The process is similar to mine." Barry didn't want to go into details.

——Why does The Flash show up at your house? Your wife's brother is not even related to you by blood.

Is it possible that the Speed ​​Force is your family's property?

Harley complained in her heart and said: "You don't need a hero to start the cosmic treadmill, you only need the owner of the Speed ​​Force. Let your brother-in-law run.

You don't have to go to the battlefield to fight with the enemy. You can stay in the rear, safe and relaxed. "

Barry thought for a while, nodded in agreement, and asked: "With 'Flash Kid', is there an extra Flash who can go explore the situation in the 31st century?"

"You take Kid Flash for a run, and I'll go." The old Flash said immediately.

Harry frowned and said, "What I mean is that if the three of you stay, it happens to be three shifts and let Nabu go to find out the news. That guy also has the ability to time roam."

"Is he willing?" Dachao asked.

"You go and persuade him to put the overall situation first. He probably won't object. It's just to find out the news, and you're not going to die." Harley said.

If she really died, then she would be happy.

"Exploring the news is only the first step, what should we do next?" Bateman asked.

Harley's eyes flashed and she said, "Wait!"

"Wait?" The heroes were stunned, "If you don't do anything, then what's the point of exploring the news?"

“Exploring the message is to understand the strength of the rift of entropy, its pattern of swallowing the river of time, and its impact on the physical world.

After understanding this, we don’t need to do anything. We will wait until the crack reaches the present moment in the 21st century, and then”

Harry's eyes flashed and he said strangely: "Perhaps we don't have to fight and this crisis will end easily."

Hearing her say "just wait", regardless of the life or death of countless people in the 31st century, the blood pressure of some heroes such as Superman and Wonder Woman began to soar.

When they heard the inexplicable words behind them, they suppressed their explosive mood and asked in confusion: "Why?"

"I have some guesses about the identity of the person behind the scenes."


"Our old friend and comrade-in-arms, a poor man whose thoughts are occupied by paranoid thoughts."

The heroes looked confused, Bateman and Aquaman said in unison, "Hal Jordan?!"

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