I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1024 The starting point of the last expedition and the end of this expedition

In the garden, Harley is playing "hide and seek" with Helena.

Four-year-old Helena holds the artifact "Entusa's Infinitely Extendable Chain" and chases Harley who is running quickly among the flowers.

Under the control of Helena's eyes and thoughts, the dark golden chain as thick as a chopstick tracked Harry like a thin snake, swimming quickly among the flowers and trees.

This chain is somewhat similar to the Golden Rope, but also very different. It can bind people, but the Golden Rope can even catch gods, but Enlusa's chain can only deal with weak ordinary people - it's Yajia. My mother-in-law used it to catch animals and children.

However, the infinitely extending chain is more intimidating than the golden rope.

It can be extended indefinitely, the scene is grand, and it looks extremely scary - scaring ordinary people.

In addition, because the magical power is weak, the threshold for using it is also low, which is just suitable for Helena to exercise her mental power.

Harley stepped left and right among the flowers, her feet seemed to be stepping on the waves, her body was elegant and agile, her skirts were flying, and her posture was as graceful as a fairy.

Helena's chubby face was flushed, with a few drops of sweat on her face, and she shouted excitedly, 'Ah, we're about to catch her.' ’

When Da Chao fell from the sky, he happened to see such a cheerful and beautiful picture.

He was stunned for a while in mid-air. At this time, Harley was gentle, sweet, full of spirit, like an elf in a flower, and she was completely different from the recently sharp, harsh, cruel, and tough 'witch'.

"Hey, Tearman, why did you come to my house? Did you go to the wrong door? I haven't seen you in the Hall of Justice these days. Aren't you hiding from me? Or, you finally understand your heart and want to find Ha Aunt Li repented?"

As soon as Harley opened her mouth, she immediately brought Da Chao back to reality: no matter how charming she looked, she was still the witch Harley on the inside who had no moral integrity, spoke viciously, and didn't even let her friends go.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"The hide-and-seek mental training method. The process of controlling the chain can make Helena's mental power more concentrated."

Dachao felt an inexplicable sense of oppression in his heart. Helena, who was the same age, began to exercise her mental strength and practice how to use the magic weapon. His Jonathan also had a snot bubble hanging from his nose, wearing crotchless pants, and playing in the mud in the park all day long.

"Harry, Metron is here. He said that the 'Zero Time Crisis' has spread to 60,000 years ago and the 60th century."

Harley didn't feel shocked or otherwise intensely emotional.

She nodded calmly, "I've sensed it too. It's unlikely that a superpower from another time and space will escape into the present world in a while."

After hearing her words, Dachao was shocked. Her judgment was exactly the same as Metron's personal observation.

"You have been monitoring the 'Zero Hour Crisis'? Why didn't you tell us before?"

"The time crisis is related to the safety of countless lives in the multiverse. How could I not pay attention? However, I cannot enter the river of time, my senses are a bit blurry, and the warning line in my heart is lower than Metrotron." Harley said.

"Since your sense is vague, how can you determine the warning line? The superhero legion in the 31st century is preparing for a decisive battle. Have you sensed it?" Da Chao frowned.

Harley shook her head and said: "I don't know what happened in the 31st century, nor do I know where the 'time candle' has burned. I only know that the crisis sense has not been touched yet, which means that the current situation is not urgent."

"Sigh, spiritual sense can be deceptive and have errors. After all, it is not as reliable as what Metron saw with his own eyes." Dachao sighed.

"What you're saying is just a layman's statement. In the magical world, seeing may not necessarily be true. Only the spiritual sense will not deceive oneself."

"Forget it, there's no point in arguing about this, just follow me to see Metron." Dachao said.

Harry raised his eyebrows, "Why doesn't he come to see me in person?"

Dachao frowned and said, "Now is the time to care about this? He is not aloof and bossing us around. He came to the Hall of Justice in person, discussed with us, and had a gentle and polite attitude."

Harley said: "Why did you come to me?"

"For such an important matter, of course I have to come to you."

Harley sighed: "You came to me because I am the 'big boss' of Earth's crisis management affairs. Doesn't Metron know this? He knows that convincing me is equivalent to convincing you."

"Not necessarily, we also have our own thoughts, we are not your soldiers." Da Chao said.

Harley sarcastically said: "Yes, of course you have ideas. How can people without ideas chant, 'For the people and for justice, we will give everything' while protecting Meng Ge who slaughters people and threatens the security of the earth?

How could an unthinking person hear that the military planned to use black magic to assassinate Mongo, while continuing to shout for justice and law, while deliberately not sending magic heroes to protect the defendant.

While condemning the illegal behavior of the military, I was secretly satisfied that my hands were clean and the hands of the military were full of blood. "

"Hey, can you please stop mentioning this? We are not as evil and hypocritical as you think. We want to embrace the light, but the warm and bright morning glow and sunset are also bloody. We are helpless, painful and depressed." Dachao sighed bitterly.

"You don't have to talk about this until I find the next material to ridicule you."

Harley looked happy and smiled heartlessly.

"Why bother? Super criminals run away in fear when they see you, and superheroes are afraid to avoid you when they see you now. Why do you have to do this?" Dachao sighed.

Harley happily added: "There are also demons and gods. No matter where I stand, I can't use the sacrificial circle because the demons don't dare to respond or get close.

When the gods see me, they are either afraid or worried, or they have evil plans and want to kill me. "

"You are so proud of people who are so afraid of ghosts?" Dachao glared.

"Alas, you don't understand my realm. I have saints and sages who come and go, and I talk to them all. I don't care at all about those trash with no moral character and ants with low strength. I even wish they would stay away from me and let me be quiet. ."

Dachao actually saw seriousness and a touch of pride on her face. Does that mean she was telling the truth? Still very proud?

Harley bent down, picked up the sweating Helena and held her in her arms. While wiping her face, she said: "No nonsense, Metron knows that I am the boss and wants to cooperate with the people on earth, but I am not the first." What does it mean that when you see me for a while, you come to see me instead?

Because I am smart and clever, and you are stupid and dull.

If someone comes to do business with you, and instead of looking for a wise and shrewd big boss, he looks for the big boss’s prodigal son, what do you think he is thinking? "

Dachao understood what she meant - there was something wrong with Metron and he couldn't be trusted.

But the way she made him understand was so jarring.

"Can you please stop insulting the Justice League with words? You are not the big boss, and we are not prodigal either."

Harley smiled and said, "I love you like my own children, isn't it good?"

"Let's go, Metron is waiting for you in the Hall of Justice, we are all waiting for you."

"Metron, if you don't accompany Heavenly Father to find weapons to deal with Darkseid, why are you bothering Barra to get involved in the bad things of Time Crisis? If it is for the safety of the multiverse, I have never seen you so active before. "

When she saw the God of Knowledge floating in the air and sitting on a gaming chair in the Hall of Justice, Harley asked him very directly and a little impolitely.

"Why do you doubt me? I provide you with the latest and most accurate information without asking for anything in return." Metron said lightly.

His face was expressionless, and he leaned on the back of the chair in an attitude of looking down on all living beings. He placed his hands on the armrests, spread his legs widely, and used his crotch to face the hero who was looking up below.

Harley was very dissatisfied with his attitude, and secretly blamed the heroes of Earth for being calm and not being dissatisfied with his attitude.

"You are coming to us now. What suggestions do you have?"

She did not directly answer the reason for doubting him, but asked another question.

Metron remained expressionless and said indifferently: "You'd better set off immediately, dispatch the entire army, and expedition to the end of the river of time."

"Sounds familiar?" Harley looked around at the heroes.

"The last Crisis on Infinite Earths was the starting point of our expedition across the river of time." Bateman said solemnly.

Harley smiled strangely, "What a coincidence! I wonder if the ending will be the same."

When the heroes heard this, they all showed strange expressions.

Metron glanced around at the heroes below and frowned for the first time.

"Do you know the chair I'm sitting on? It's called the Möbius Chair." He said slowly: "The name of the anti-monitor is Möbius.

This is an artifact he created to explore the limits of knowledge in the universe and make the user nearly omniscient. "

"Why is the anti-monitor's artifact here with you?" Dachao asked in surprise.

"He abandoned it, and I got it." Metron hesitated: "Maybe he didn't have any use for it? I'm not sure.

You have dealt with the Anti-Monitor. His personal strength is not particularly strong, but his wisdom and knowledge are extremely profound. He can even be said to be the most genius scientist in the multiverse. "

"Is the Anti-Monitor strong?"

Diana, who was beaten into mud by an anti-matter energy blast from the Anti-Monitor King, frowned.

Metron said: "You have defeated him head-on several times, but you have never been able to defeat Darkseid in his normal state. The Anti-Monitor is theoretically higher than the Supreme Being and is a six-dimensional life."

Some heroes were disapproving, while others were thoughtful.

"What does the Mobius Chair have to do with your interference in the time crisis?" Bateman asked.

"I am a new god, and a new god must do things that are consistent with his divinity. With his divinity and this chair, I have the added responsibility of ending this crisis." Metron said vaguely.

Bateman didn't understand, but saw that he didn't want to say more, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Tearman couldn't understand, so he asked directly: "What does divinity mean? Why does the Mobius Chair bring you responsibility?"

Metron was silent for a moment and said: "As the God of Knowledge, my allegiance is to knowledge and the balance of all things.

This crisis destroyed the stability of time, which is an important cornerstone of the universe. The balance was broken, and I had to correct my mistakes.

In addition, the Möbius Chair carries part of the responsibilities of the Anti-Monitor. Since he has not been resurrected, it can only be fulfilled by me who has obtained the chair.

Perhaps when he abandoned the chair, he also meant to give up responsibility. "

Everyone understood this time, but Harley wasn't sure if he was lying.

After all, the last Crisis on Infinite Earths also destroyed the balance of the universe, but he hid with the New Gods.

"Do you know who is destroying the river of time and how?" Harley asked.

Metron said: "I have heard your description of the crisis. It is indeed very vivid to use candles lit at both ends to describe the state of the river of time at this time.

But not accurate enough.

In fact, it is more like a long sausage, eaten from the front and back by two mouths at the same time.

That mouth is the 'Crack of Entropy'.

The cracks formed by entropy are swallowing the river of time.

But I can't see things outside the river of time through the huge 'mouth of the crack of entropy'. "

"What is entropy?" Dachao asked confused.

Metron thought for a moment and said: "You can use the definition of entropy in physics to describe it, but its essence far exceeds what physical constants can represent.

All I know for sure is that entropy is the most powerful attack on the multiverse.

It can destroy all matter and energy and 'chew' them to pieces. "

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