I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1022 Death of Meng Ge

In the United States, being a senator is a very magical position.

First of all, each state only elects two senators. The number is small and their power status is very high.

Secondly, senators have a longer term of six years and can be re-elected indefinitely, which provides a guarantee for senators to consolidate their power.

Finally, different people may have different identities and statuses if they are both senators. In the U.S. Senate, there are many committees with different functions.

For example, the Military Commission is responsible for many aspects including the Ministry of National Defense, weapons research and development, national security, military welfare, and personnel appointments and removals.

It is almost equivalent to a "small cabinet" in military terms.

The head of the committee is also a senator, equivalent to the chief minister of the small cabinet.

After the advent of the superhero era, Congress formed a new committee-the Superpower Management Committee.

What Harley was fighting for at the beginning was the power of the committee elder.

At that time she was not a senator, just a New York State congressman, but her status could be appointed by the president and Congress.

Now that she has become a senator, the Superpower Management Committee has also been officially established. She is the chief assistant in superpower affairs. Many "casual" members have joined her and become the committee's "cabinet elder".

If nothing else happens, Halle will work in this position until she gives up on her own initiative. The president will come and go, but she will remain unmoved.

At this time, in the American metropolis, the Pentagon, there was an underground conference room wrapped in a thick layer of lead.

General Minos frowned and said, "Why didn't Senator Quinn come?"

Today's meeting is a four-party meeting between the Pentagon, the Armed Services Committee, the Superpower Committee, and the White House.

General Minos was once the defense minister of the horse gang, and now he has become the big boss of the military committee. The new defense minister is "Iron-legged Lao Peng" - a man who had one of his legs chewed off by a demon while excavating a Kryptonian spaceship in northern Canada. The unlucky guy Peng Ao later got a mechanical leg.

As for the White House, Mr. President was present in person.

The president, the secretary of defense, the committee heads, they are all giants.

Facing these giants, Harvey Dent is neither humble nor overbearing, and his attitude is gentle and polite.

"Congressman Quinn is busy with the 'time crisis' matter. But she said that she trusts the general's judgment. She has no objection to whatever you say."

He followed Harley when she was at her lowest, so naturally he wouldn't become a tragic Two-Face after Harley became rich.

When Harley was mayor, he entered the Gotham Prosecutor's Office; when Harley became General of the Five Rings, he entered the Metropolitan Supreme Court; when Harley became a senator and was promoted to Lord of Heaven, he also successfully entered Congress

It was like there was a rope between him and Hallie. As Hallie got higher and higher, she also pulled him higher and higher.

However, he is currently only a member of the New York State House of Representatives.

Each state has only two senators, but it can have many representatives.

Senators are selected from the states, two from each state; representatives are also selected from the states, but according to the number of people, they are selected in proportion.

For example, New York State has a large population and a developed economy, with 150 members of the House of Representatives; Utah has a smaller population, with only 75 members. But it’s the same for both states, there are only two senators.

"Time crisis. Alas, what happened in recent years, one crisis after another? It feels like the earth more than ten years ago is a different world than it is now."

General Minos rubbed his brows and asked, "What's the latest progress?"

"I'm not a superpower, I don't know about those things." Harvey Dent said.

"Today's issue is not a time crisis." Iron-legged Lao Peng reminded.

"The Justice League already knows that we want to assassinate Mongo." Minos glanced at Harvey, "Congressman Quinn told them and asked them to be on guard."

Harvey Dent looks at the nose and the mind.

General Lane also glanced at Harvey and said: "Harley is not targeting us, she is taking revenge on the Justice League.

She is forcing them to make a choice, but there is no absolutely correct answer among the options. No matter how Zhenglian chooses, their ideas will be broken and their hearts will be painful. "

Iron-legged Lao Peng said: "Then should we do it? Meng Ge's life or death is not important. What is important is that the war fortress must not have any accidents!"

"If you want to be absolutely safe, you can only kill Mongo. Even Cyborg is not sure whether to completely delete his authority." General Minos said.

"Then do it. I have supported Congressman Quinn from the beginning and execute the alien devils directly. It is clean, legal and reasonable.

It's okay now. You are obviously doing the right thing, but you still have to hide it and don't dare to make it public. If it is made public, it will become a scandal. President Abao complained.

"We must do it. The key is how to get past the Justice League." General Minos looked at Ryan, "Can Wade handle it?"

"He is so confident that he can start even now." General Lane said.

The giants were surprised and asked: "So confident? What's your plan?"

"He said it should be kept secret."

"Then let him try it. Try it now. Anyway, he will take the blame if something goes wrong." Abao Tesla urged.

Ryan didn't listen to him and looked at his old boss.

Seeing General Minos gently nodding, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message.

Half an hour later, the cell phone rang in General Lane's pocket.

"What, done?" He himself was shocked.

"So fast? I remember that before the end of the 'Prison Break Case', Firestorm and Mr. Excellence would take personal care of Mongo." Abao wondered.

Iron-legged Lao Peng said: "Not only Firestorm and Mr. Excellence, but also the giants of Zhenglian are working in three shifts to guard Stryker Island."

Mongo's escape from prison is a new case, and he has to go to the Metropolitan Court for trial again.

Slab Island Prison was destroyed, and Stryker Island Prison, under the care of Ripman, became the most suitable place for imprisonment.

General Lane put down his cell phone and said with a strange expression: "Wade used a little trick to avoid the surveillance of the Justice League."

"What's the plan?" Everyone looked at him curiously, including Harvey Dent.

General Lane said: "He arranged for people from the Procuratorate to go to Stryker Island to pick up Mongo and prepare to send him to the Supreme Court for trial.

There is no problem with the person who arranged it, and there is no problem with the procedures. Meng Ge will indeed be tried publicly again in two days.

However, he hid a wooden board with a sacrificial circle inside the board of the armored vehicle transporting Mongo.

The escort in the car did not know about this and did not reveal any flaws.

When the transport convoy arrived at the outskirts of the metropolis, the mage hiding in another truck on the roadside - Dr. Mist, immediately activated the magic circle from the air, taking away the souls of Meng Ge and the eight escorting soldiers in the car. "

"Hey, that's so arrogant. All the people in the car died? How can we explain this to the people? We originally planned to let Meng Ge die of illness, but now so many people have died, it's impossible for them all to be infected, right?" Abao was frightened and worried.

Iron-legged Lao Peng said skillfully: "Meng Ge continued to contract the disease, and the death of the soldiers was postponed for a period of time. Their families were notified on the grounds that they were 'sacrificially killed in secret missions,' and the Pentagon did not issue a press release."

"Wade Allin, very good. Arrange for him to go to Afghanistan for gold plating and be promoted to major general at the end of the year."

General Minos's face was full of approval and joy, and he didn't pay attention to the dead sergeant at all.

"Is the Sacrifice Array so powerful? Meng Ge is one of the strongest men in the universe." Harvey Dent asked puzzled.

"Whether the sacrificial circle is strong or not depends not on the strength of the wizard, but on who the demon he summons is. This time Dr. Mist summoned the Demon King's Inner Dragon!"

A trace of fear flashed in General Lane's eyes, and he kept Dr. Mist's name firmly in his mind.

"The 'Rigoletto' inner dragon in the New Bible, the 'butt-cracking' inner dragon? How strong can he be?" Abao exclaimed with a twisted face.

General Lane glanced at him contemptuously, without explaining Neilong's true strength.

Well, he was originally influenced by the media and thought that Neilong was just the jester and male favorite of "Lucifer Desire".

Later, his son-in-law seriously warned him not to say such words on any occasion, especially not to call him by the name 'Neilong'.

Because he is extremely powerful and can be ranked among the top three in hell. If he is sent a telepathy and targeted by him, even Harley may not be able to save his life.

Two days later, the public trial of Meng Ge's prison escape case was supposed to be held.

Metropolitan Prosecutor's Office Auditorium.

Mr. President himself acts as press officer.

Under the podium, hundreds of domestic and foreign media, as well as eight alien reporters, gathered.

"Unfortunately, Mr. Mongo's resuscitation failed and he died of heart failure at 2:30 a.m. last night. Multiple forensic doctors examined his body and found no toxins or fatal internal or external injuries.

It can basically be determined that his death was an accident. "

"Mr. President, as far as I know, Mongo has no history of heart disease. How could he suddenly have heart failure?" Alien reporter Saruman first asked.

"Perhaps it has something to do with his recent experience. He was defeated several times in a row, suffered serious injuries, suffered a double blow to his mind and body, and was not accustomed to the climate." Abao Tesla looked calm and looked serious.

"Mr. Judge, I received a tip that this was not an accident, but a murder." A reporter holding a BBC news badge raised his hand and shouted.

"Mr. Reporter, you said it was murder. Do you have any evidence?" The president's eyes were as bright as lightning and his voice was stern.

"I talked to Copperhead and he said it's not a secret among super criminals, almost all heroes and super criminals know about it."

As soon as he finished speaking, a reporter immediately responded: "Yes, I also heard him say this when I was interviewing Kite Man."

"There is also Bomb Girl, who accuses the government of evil intentions on social media."

Mr. President looks ugly, mmp, are the super criminals revolting collectively? They are all taking the initiative to expose this matter.

"This is fake news! Don't trust the words of super criminals."

This was not the isolated act of two or three super criminals.

In the following days, more than 30 supercriminals bluntly stated through social media or news interviews that the Pentagon assassinated Mongo.

However, the government press officer insisted that there was no assassination plan and severely denounced such rumor-mongering. He also banned all people who talked about this matter from speech, not just super criminals.

"There must be a conspiracy behind this matter!"

When notifying Harley to block those people's Puppy Video Hero Forum accounts, General Lane said with a stern expression: "How can super criminals have such sharp nerves? And we haven't killed super criminals on a large scale at all. They probably haven't yet." Just react."

Stryker Island Prison.

Luthor's luxurious single room.

"How?" He asked lazily while lying on the bed, holding Tianshan 8p in his hand.

"I plan to end the operation immediately. The military has noticed it." The voice on the other side was a bit muffled.

"Deathstroke, are you still afraid of the Pentagon?" Luther laughed.

The man opposite was silent for a moment and said: "I'm not afraid of anyone, but I need to purchase my equipment from them. I can still receive jobs worth several million from them every year."

"It's only a few million. I'll give it to you. I also have better equipment." Luther said calmly.


"Huh, three reasons. First, I want to take revenge on them. Don't ask who they are, everyone.

Secondly, I am also protecting myself, and I feel that my value is no lower than Mongo’s war fortress.

Today they attacked Mongo for the war fortress. Will they attack me tomorrow? Will he kill you or others the day after tomorrow?

I am protecting all my companions, I am your savior.

Finally, I am so free now and want to find something meaningful to do. "

Sanu, a star 20,000 light years away from Earth.

"Father, I swear that I will cut off the heads of the American generals and presidents to avenge you!"

A tall woman with mango-colored skin looked at the news footage projected on her watch, with tears in her eyes and hatred on her face.

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