I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1009 The shortest-lived Mr. President in history

United States, Office of the Speaker of Congress.

Luther sat on the leather sofa with his legs crossed, his posture more leisurely than the speaker opposite.

"Mr. Speaker, I have nothing against Senator Quinn, but is her punishment of Steve Trevor too childish?"

"Isn't it harsh enough to change from president to deputy? I think Senator Quinn handled it very appropriately." Mr. Speaker said calmly.

Luther frowned, dropped his right leg from his left knee, placed his feet on the ground, and leaned forward, bringing an inexplicable pressure to the opponent.

"A mere colonel was supposed to be a dog of the Parliament, responsible for monitoring and checking the Justice League. But now this dog dares to bark at its owner and completely sides with the heroes of the Justice League. How can you tolerate this kind of behavior?"


"Please call me Mr. President." Luther raised his hand to interrupt him.

It’s not yet 17 years.

Mr. Speaker muttered in his heart, but he still followed suit and changed his words: "Mr. President, do you understand the operating mechanism of the Sky Eye Society?"

Luther nodded and said in a dissatisfied tone: "It's very unreasonable. The president does not have direct power to appoint and remove personnel."

Mr. Speaker frowned and said: "Managing superheroes requires very 'super' abilities, just like top students who graduated from law school and have rich judicial experience before they can be nominated as justices.

Just like top students in science and engineering are suitable for the director of NASA's technical department.

The president has never been a superhero and doesn’t know a few heroes. How can he choose a supervisor for heroes? "

"I have been a superhero, and I know every hero and criminal." Luther said proudly.

"With all due respect, in the circle of heroes, you are not considered a hero."

The appointment and removal of the Speaker has nothing to do with the President, and there is no need to flatter the President.

Seeing Luther's expression change slightly, the Speaker continued: "Let me put it bluntly, the Sky Eye Society's responsibility is to supervise superheroes, but it must not stand completely opposite to heroes.

Just like Colonel Trevor said in the last congressional report, superheroes have the ability to bring down the current social order.

The corruption of any one of them can affect the survival of human civilization.

Our relationship with them is one of supervision, not control.

Can't control it.

This is the result of countless experts, psychologists, and sociologists after decades of research. It is also the current consensus of both the military and the government, and even social elites.

Steve Trevor is my choice to lead the Sky Eyes, and I'm very happy with him, and we're all very happy with him.

Even for his performance in the congressional report, I want to give him a thumbs up and say "well done."

Because he is fulfilling the mission we entrusted to him - exchanging sincerity for sincerity, gaining the trust of superheroes, so that the Sky Eye will become a bridge between Zhenglian and the government, rather than a flash point of conflicts. "

Luther said solemnly: "Your idea is too cowardly. The fate of mankind should be in the hands of mankind itself, instead of humblely placing its hopes on some alien or mutant."

Mr. Speaker waved his hand, "Mr. President, I will be honest with you, and you should not fool me with such false and empty words to fool voters."

"This is the truth." Luther said coldly.

Mr. Speaker smiled and said: "You said that fate and hope should be in the hands of mankind, so who can represent mankind?

You immediately put aliens and mutants outside the scope of ‘humanity’ because you are not aliens or superpowers.

If you were not a rich man, would you continue to say that humans should not place their hopes on the powerful and rich until the remaining 'human groups' can only choose you as their representative? "

"Are you mocking me?" Luther stood up suddenly, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

Mr. Speaker frowned and said, "No, we are all the same people. Isn't ridiculing you the same as ridiculing myself?"

I just hope you don't take me for a fool.

In addition, the chairman of the Sky Eye Society is Councilor Quinn. No matter what you want to do, you can't bypass her. "

Half a month later in mid-December.

In the Justice League Hall, the Big Eight gathered.

Well, Kyle Rayner filled Hal Jordan's spot.

Bateman said solemnly: "On November 16th, Luther persuaded Congressman Vincent to launch an inquiry into the Justice League. On the night of November 16th, Luther personally called Congressman Quinn, suspected of putting pressure on her——"

"Are you sure it's pressure?" Neptune interrupted him.

Bateman pondered for a moment and said: "Cyborg did not monitor this communication, but Steve Trevor was dismissed from his post later. So I said 'suspected pressure', or should I change it to 'complaint'?"

"Complaining sounds much more reasonable. Who dares to put pressure on Harley Quinn?" Wonder Woman nodded.

Bateman coughed a few times and continued to report: "On the morning of the 17th, Colonel Trevor was demoted and fined half a year's bonus.

But Luther was not satisfied yet and went to the Speaker's office again at noon on the 18th. The conversation between them was as follows."

A record document that was so detailed that even the tone and expression were described appeared on the big screen.

"On the 20th, Luther went to the Red Room Laboratory. Dr. Stone received the new president. Luther asked to visit the alien weapons display room and was allowed. He wanted to query the database but was refused, but Luther's bodyguard quietly left a message in the database. Next 'coin'.

Coin-sized data transmitter and receiver.

Its technology is extremely advanced and is suspected to be related to the digitization of brain waves.

On the 22nd, Luther visited the cutting-edge laboratory in Central City and went to Mercury Laboratory in the afternoon. Both laboratories have contracted part of the experimental projects of analyzing and deciphering alien technology.

Luther goes to Detroit on the 23rd.”

Bateman talked almost non-stop, talking for a full ten minutes before detailing Luther's experience during this period.

It is really very detailed. Most of the time, even the conversation content, toilet time, and secret little actions are directly displayed in front of the Zhenglian giant.

Obtaining such detailed information was obviously not the result of his own efforts.

For example, some of Luther's conversations were only recorded in text and not audio or video, indicating that he was monitored by human ears rather than technological devices.

The only one who can do this is Dachao.

The lead layer can block Da Chao's super vision and super hearing, but the lead layer is too easy to deal with.

Dachao's heat rays can even help cancer patients remove tumors through skin and flesh.

A hole was made in the mere layer of lead silently, but there was no damage to the wall.

Dachao cannot use his brain.

Once he uses his super intelligence, no difficulty in the world can stop him.

"Looking at his behavior, it seems that he wants to collect all the alien black technology on the earth today?" Wonder Woman hesitated.

Bateman said solemnly: "Obviously, that's it."

"Is he running for president mainly for alien technology?" Wonder Woman asked curiously.

"He is a mad scientist who calls himself 'the smartest man in the universe'. He has always wanted to build a suit that can defeat Superman. He has an extraordinary thirst for technology and knowledge.

Of course, he can definitely use the presidency to do more, such as suppressing the Justice League in terms of policy and public opinion. "

Bateman looked around the crowd and sighed: "Now that everyone understands what Luther did, should we kill him?"

"Kill?" Kyle asked in shock.

Bateman glanced at him and said calmly: "The Justice League doesn't kill people, that's the bottom line!"

Dachao frowned and said, "Baitman means to bring him down."

"He is the president now, can we bring him down?" Kyle asked doubtfully.

Bateman said: "It is actually very easy to make him accept legal sanctions. The key is whether we do it or not.

Superheroes removing a president from his throne and members of Congress impeaching a president are two different concepts.

Doing so is tantamount to crossing an invisible line - the bottom line of non-interference in each other's affairs formed by a tacit agreement between us and the government.

If he doesn't, President Luther has already crossed that line, and the future will only get worse.

He wants to control the Justice League. If he fails, he will crazily squeeze our living space.

If he passes several bills specifically targeting superheroes while in office, superheroes and the government will inevitably lose the basis of mutual trust, and the harmonious time of cooperating with each other and jointly responding to large crises will be gone forever. "

"This is not unfounded worry." Neptune sighed: "During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, we have been to other universes.

There, the heroes failed to form unified leadership and unified personnel arrangements.

The heroes, the government, and the military did not unify their forces and distribute tasks reasonably.

When the crisis comes, they turn into a mess, which is completely incomparable with the orderliness here.

Many heroes came to Earth 0 and were very surprised and found it incredible to see soldiers and heroes forming mixed formations and taking turns guarding the cosmic tuning fork. "

"If we take action against Luther, it will also affect the relationship between the heroes and the government." Dachao said helplessly.

Neptune shrugged, "That's the reason for today's meeting. Which option is the least harmful?"

Da Chao glanced at everyone and said, "Vote, Bateman, you go first."

Bateman said: "I suggest you do it! Luther is so blatantly attacking the Justice League. If we don't fight back and make him pay the price, sooner or later politicians and the military will pounce on him like evil wolves."

He glanced at Kyle Rayner and said softly: "Kyle's experience tells us that giving in will only lead to worse results. Fights with controllable intensity can actually promote peace."


"do it."

"Put Luther in jail."

Passed unanimously.

"I will try to minimize the impact." Bateman said.

The next day, the playboy Bruce Wayne appeared in Metropolis and had dinner with Mr. Speaker in person.

On the third day, he attended the current president's family dinner. After the meal, the two talked in the study until midnight.

On the fourth day, a reporter photographed Bruce chatting and laughing with seven Republican congressmen on the golf course.

Day five.

"Jingle bell jingle bell, Jingle all the way"

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed, and Christmas of 2016 came.

Today, thousands of families in the United States gather around the table to share turkey and eggnog.

Today, Quinn Manor held a small birthday party for Yebby.

An explosive news suddenly hit the world, shocking people around the world: Lex Luthor, the new president of the United States who has not yet officially taken office, was accused of stealing state secrets, stealing military secrets, stealing business secrets, as well as murder, kidnapping, He was arrested by the Metropolitan Prosecutor that night on multiple charges including extortion, endangering national security, conducting illegal experiments, trading with alien slave traders, manipulating presidential elections, and illegal dealings with super criminals.

The image of him with his hands shackled behind his back, struggling and roaring, but being held tightly by two police officers on his shoulders, appeared on the evening news of major TV stations.

(ps: The results of the US presidential election will be announced on November 10th. When the results come out, the candidate for the next president has been determined and cannot be changed. However, he will not officially enter the White House until mid-January of the following year.

There were a few months in between for the new president to be an intern. It was during this period that Luther caused trouble and was overthrown by Zhenglian. )

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