I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1008 The different situations of DC superheroes and Marvel heroes

In mid-November, a week after Luther was elected president.

United States Congress.

A report on the Justice League and Watchtower is taking place between several congressmen and Steve Trevor.

"Why didn't any hero from the Justice League come?" Councilor Vincent said displeased.

This is a semi-public inquiry report meeting. Not everyone can enter to observe, but many well-known journalists are allowed to enter.

Steve Trevor has a buzz cut, a clean shave on his chin, and no stubble. He looks much younger and energetic.

There are five members sitting on a long arc-shaped table. His seat is at the arc point, about the same distance from several members, and he is surrounded.

In the arc-shaped open space between him and the congressmen, more than 20 reporters were sitting or squatting with cameras in hand.

"This cannot be blamed on heroes. Heroes appear when people's lives and property are threatened. Members of Congress chose the time of the report meeting at this point, when all the heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance are on mission.

Compared with people's lives, whether you come to attend the report meeting in person is not important, right, Congressman? Steve said with a calm expression and a smile on his lips.

Senator Vincent was choked. What could he say?

Are you saying that people's lives can be delayed a little?

Then he still needs the people's votes?

He, as a congressman, was also elected.

"Colonel Trevor, can you accept questioning on behalf of the Justice League?" Jie Di, a fifty-year-old female congressman, asked.

"I want to remind all members." Steve looked around the House of Representatives and said seriously: "Theoretically, Congress can raise questions about the Justice League, but it is not qualified to require the Justice League to attend government meetings.

The Justice League belongs to Earth, not the United States.

Of course, the Justice League is not unfettered. The Eye of the Sky, which I am a member of, is the direct supervision department of superheroes.

Whether you want to ask about the finances of the Justice League or the operational status of the Watchtower, according to normal judicial procedures, you should contact me directly. "

After hearing this, some members showed dissatisfaction.

Councilor Vincent, who was sitting in the middle, remained calm and said in a deep voice: "Colonel Trevor, members of the American Congress have tried many times to intervene in the internal affairs of the Justice League, but without success.

As long as something happens on American soil, members of Congress are qualified to know the details.

Even if it occurs outside the borders of the United States, as long as it endangers U.S. homeland security, we have the right to defend national interests.

Therefore, it is extremely incorrect for you to say that Congress does not have the qualifications to require heroes of the Central League to attend government briefings. "

Steve smiled lightly and said: "Sir, Congress is not qualified to interfere with the Justice League's actions.

Above me, there is another congressman, Congressman Quinn. You won't forget, right?

Zheng Lian is responsible to me, and I am responsible to Congressman Quinn, Congress’s choice to head the superheroes.

Therefore, when I say that Congress has no power to require Zheng Lian to hold a meeting, it does not mean that Congress cannot review whether Zheng Lian’s actions are legal.

The emergence of superheroes on a large scale has been going on for several years. There is a complete operating mechanism, and there are corresponding systems and laws. The heroes of Zhenglian must abide by it, and so do you. "

The expressions of several congressmen were even more ugly.

Today they not only invited the leaders of the Justice League and Sky Eye Club, but the chairman of Sky Eye Club should also appear at the report meeting.

Not to be questioned, but to pick on the Justice League with them.

But she refused outright, without even making up a reason like the Justice League did.

In the United States, each state has only two senators, and their status is very high. Not only is he qualified to dictate any domestic affairs, he can even dictate to other countries.

This report meeting was initiated by several senators.

But Haley is also a senator.

Well, in the midterm elections after Crisis on Infinite Earths ended, she became a senator from New York State.

She was on the same level as several senators, and much higher than them in status. They could not force her to come to the meeting.

Even if she did commit a crime, she would still have to fight with each other in Congress, throwing shoes, pulling hair, and spitting. No one would dare to do that to her.

This report meeting was organized by several Republican congressmen who defected to Luther.

As a leader of the Democratic Party, Harley can even block their inquiry meeting on Zheng Lian.

Senator Vincent said: "Colonel Trevor, let me make it clear and clear that the recent crises - the Doomsday crisis and the Beach City crisis have made us doubt the Justice League's ability to defend the Earth's outer space. .

We hope the Justice League will allow the government to conduct a thorough assessment of the Watchtower.

We once went to the Hall of Justice and talked with the heroes stationed there. Some of them were very polite, while others directly expressed disdain and ridicule.

No matter what their attitude is, they unanimously refuse to cooperate with the government.

Our guys haven't even been up there, and as far as I know, Colonel Trevor hasn't been up there, right? "

Steve smiled and said: "I have never been there because they didn't invite me."

Senator Vincent's blood pressure began to spike, "Colonel, we need to know what's up on the watchtower and what the Justice League is doing above us."

"What are the Justice League doing?" Steve tilted his head and thought for a moment, then continued with a smile: "It's easy to guess, they are either working hard to save our lives, or they are going home from get off work to rest."

Several other congressmen couldn't stand listening anymore, so they whispered a few words into Congressman Vincent's ear, and then Congressman Vincent said directly: "Colonel Trevor, no matter how Sky Eye got along with the Justice League before, but now the new president New system.

The country invests tens of billions in the Watchtower every year, and we must have some control over it and the Justice League. "

Steve no longer smiled and said with a cold face: "Each of them is the greatest hero in the world. They cannot and will not be controlled, not any of them.

But I'm not a hero and can't make decisions for them.

I will only pass your words on to them.

I would say to them, you want to control them.

I guess their answers will be interesting. "

Councilor Vincent's face trembled a few times, "Do you sound like a threat?"

Steve shook his head and said, "No, it's not like that. This is a threat."

"Wow~~~" a nearby reporter heard a low cry.

Steve was stunned. Shit, he forgot that the reporter was there and said what was in his heart.

However, before he could think of any remedial measures, the congressman on the opposite side gave in.

"We don't want to control the heroes of Zhenglian. This is just a matter of trust. Only by understanding each other can we strengthen trust." Representative Benjamin, wearing glasses, said softly.

After he hesitated, Steve simply continued to let himself go, "Okay, I'll tell the Justice League that you don't trust them.

Trust is mutual, if you don't trust them, they will never trust you again.

I'm guessing they'll be scanning your office carefully with X-ray vision, and I'm curious to see what they can find. "

The more he spoke, the more excited he became. He simply stood up and loudly said to them: "Recently, everyone is talking about interstellarization, interstellarization of law, interstellarization of culture, and interstellarization of political system.

In the universe, leadership positions are generally held by superheroes who are more capable, more honest and diligent, and more trusted by the people.

The Justice League was asked this question by the Cosmic Chronicle.

But they say they trust you, and you trust them. There is no need to change the existing social order if both parties trust each other.

Now that you say you don’t trust the Justice League, do you want to initiate an ‘interstellar’ reform of the political system? "

"No, we trust the Justice League," the congresswoman exclaimed with a white face.

"Colonel Trevor, please forgive our inappropriate wording just now." Councilor Vincent stood up tremblingly and bowed to him, "Sorry, we did not intend to offend the Justice League."

"We apologize, but this presentation will be suspended now, okay?"

"Hmph, you'd better know you're wrong."

"Lawless! Harley, that Steve Trevor, threatening and humiliating a U.S. senator in public is so outrageous." Luther sounded excited, as if he was the one being threatened and humiliated.

Well, they are all his people, and they do things according to his instructions. It is not wrong to say that Steve is threatening and humiliating him.

"You're right, Steve has indeed gone too far. Some things can be said in private, but they must not be said in front of reporters. I will revoke his position later." Harley sighed.

"Very good. A mere colonel dares to speak out in Congress. He should be shown how powerful he is." In the video, Luther's bald head nodded with satisfaction and added: "But this does not fundamentally solve the problem.

Steve Trevor is the puppet of the Justice League, and his speech just proves how rampant the heroes of the Justice League are-"

Harley interrupted him and said: "Luther, I am not a reporter, I am not a member of the public listening to your speech, and I am not a congressman. I am friends with many Zhenglian heroes.

Your goal is to build alien technology on the watchtower, and of course to suppress the Justice League by the way, so that you can feel proud and proud in front of Superman, right? "

Luther was not embarrassed when his little thoughts were exposed.

"But you can't deny that the watchtower has not achieved its intended purpose, and there is indeed corruption and waste."

Harley said: "Although I have publicly criticized Zhenglian and Watchtower, the fact is that no one can replace them.

There is no substitute for them, so we can only support them vigorously and help them become perfect. As for being greedy for 5, are you talking nonsense? "

Luther said: "Every week the government will prepare food supplies for the watchtower. Every week when Green Lantern Hal Jordan is transporting supplies to the sky, he will bring some of them back to his home honestly. He said he has no time to go to the supermarket. This is You are so greedy!"

"What kind of greed is this? The courier is also paid. He is responsible for carrying several tons of supplies to the satellite. The time and energy spent can buy ten times the same food, right?"

Harley gradually became impatient, "Okay, Luther, you want to use little tricks to mess with the Justice League. I don't have any objections, but you can't treat me as a fool and try to trick me into tormenting the Justice League. This will make me look bad." Lower you.”

"I am the president, and you are the person in charge of the Sky Eye Society." Luther emphasized.

"Go and find out whether the president has the power to directly manage the Sky Eye Society."

It is still November 2016, and the old president will not officially leave the White House until mid-to-late January 2017. Now Luther is still working as an intern president, spending two months to familiarize himself with presidential affairs.

After sending Luther away, Harley found a time and rode a dog to the Sky Eye Club in person. She called the president, vice president and more than a dozen senior officials to the conference room, and said directly: "Steve, you are openly threatening The congressman has caused a public uproar and is no longer fit to be president.

Well, you and Amanda switch places, she becomes the president and you become the vice president.

However, there is no need to change the work you were originally responsible for. "

Amanda Waller looked blank, what kind of punishment is this?

"I accept this punishment. It is fair and just." Steve breathed a sigh of relief and said with a relaxed expression: "I am a soldier, so I am really not suitable to deal with reporters."

Harley said calmly: "The president's power is not empty. You need to report to Amanda in the future. She has the responsibility to lead the overall situation."

ps: Explain two things. First, Luther’s character.

Some readers may think that Luther is too high-spirited to threaten others with such despicable means. In fact, this plot has a prototype. Of course, it is not to compete with Abao for the president, but to acquire other technology companies.

He is very proud and arrogant, but he is also used to solving problems in the simplest, most time-saving and labor-saving way.

Second, is Zhenglian really so strong that it dares to treat the US government with this attitude?

That’s right, it’s just that strong, there’s no second-guessing here.

Taking money from the US government, slapping the US government in the face, and meddling in politics from time to time.

In fact, this is in line with reality. Strength is power. It makes no sense that the "gods" with the power of Zhenglian giants should be manipulated by ordinary politicians.

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