I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1006. Chopping mangoes in a dream?

"What advanced training?" Gordon was indeed interested.

"Do you know my Helena? Do you know what kind of education she received?" Harley asked.

"Uh, I heard about it."

I have heard Bateman complain that the children are so young and have all kinds of superpowers and superpower training piled on them, which makes them tired just looking at them.

"Isn't the child tired?" Gordon hesitated.

"Will children feel tired from playing?" Harley asked.

"Can you elaborate a little bit? I don't know much about it," Gordon said.

"Children like to play with rubber balls, so Ion Shark used a green light energy device to manifest the ball and let Helena use her mental power to maintain its shape.

When she throws the ball, she is controlling the direction of the ball. Is this tiring? "

Gordon thought of his daughter who was always chasing the ball and tripping herself when she was a child. She was very happy, not tired at all, and she didn't cry.

Harry added: "Children like to watch cartoons, so I will lead Helena myself or arrange angel guards.

When you go to the divine realm where you are familiar with the gods, just let the animal man take Helena with him.

I’ve also watched the real-life ‘cartoon’. It can also increase my knowledge, expand my horizons, and acquire knowledge. Will it be tiring? Helena enjoyed it anyway.

Another example is that children like to eat snacks. Of course, I can't let junk food damage Helena's body, so I feed her with magic medicine and fruit. While improving her talents and laying a solid foundation, I can also satisfy her appetite. Will this be tiring?

Children like to hold wooden knives and wooden swords and say, "Hey, hey, haha." I can't let Helena roll in the mud like a snot-nosed baby. Of course, I have a kung fu instructor or an angel guard to "play" with her.

If you can't even teach with fun, what kind of martial arts master is you?

Helena is having fun and has a solid foundation in martial arts. Will she be tired? "

Gordon sighed deeply. He was wrong. He was so wrong. He thought that the hard work of children from rich families was just to work hard on the problem sets.

Moreover, it was only now that he tasted the true meaning of Bateman's complex tone when he said "I feel tired just looking at it".

He looks tired because he imagines that providing the above educational resources for his daughter will be very tiring and tiring. But when a father looks tired, it does not mean that his daughter is really tired.

Farke, Bateman is actually in Versailles!

"Harry, you mean, Barbara can also enjoy this kind of education?" Gordon was moved.

We can’t let our children lose at the starting line!

Now that you have stepped onto the starting line, you can’t fall behind other “competitors”!

We are already close to the finish line, our children cannot lose!

The biggest trouble maker is never the student, but the student's parents.

"She has to become a junior priest first before she can receive the 'advanced priest training'." Harley said.

"Barbara has been working very hard, but there seems to be no sign of promotion yet." Gordon said.

"What's the use of her efforts? The abalone house doesn't smell the smell, the orchid room doesn't smell the fragrance. Do you understand what I mean?

If her parents don't work hard to create a good faith environment, what's the use of Barbara's efforts? Can orchids still grow in Abalone House? "

Gordon's cheeks were red and hot now.

"Harry, my house isn't as bad as you said. Even if it's not Zhilan Room, it still doesn't stink."

"The facts prove everything. You can't even receive the oracle, which shows that your faith in the 'divine king' is very low.

I don't mind your attitude, but your attitude is seen by the children, and they will learn from their father. " Harley sighed.

Gordon thought for a while and said: "Okay, I will no longer meditate and listen to the news at the same time."

——Fake, praying and listening to the news at the same time, no wonder you can’t even receive the “oracle”.

"However, it's not that I didn't receive the oracle, if what the giant god said is an oracle." Gordon continued.

"Oh, what did you hear?" Harley asked.

"you say--"

"I didn't say it, it was the Lord God who said it. Young Lord God of War, or Lord God for short." Harley corrected.

"Aren't they all the same?" Gordon asked doubtfully.

"It's different! I am your friend now, a mortal martial artist on Earth, and the Divine Lord is a belief. Your mortal friend is flawed, but the Divine Lord is perfect."

"But you are not perfect." Gordon frowned.

"So, don't think of me as a divine king. You can think of me as a part of the 'complete divine king', the human part."


Harry interrupted him and said, "Don't be so. Do as I say. I will ensure that the piety of you and your family will increase without affecting the relationship between you and me as equals."

"All right."

At least 'getting along with her as an equal' made Gordon feel comfortable.

"The Lord God said that the law is unfair and wants me to be Wei Zheng. I was confused when I heard that."

"You don't know about the Alien Crime Bill? Or do you think it's fair?" Harley asked.

Gordon sighed: "It doesn't matter what I think, because I'm just a policeman, not a law professor, and I don't understand the complex relationship between judicial equality, social stability, and civilizational progress in the wave of interstellarization.

What is important is that legal experts voted fairly and openly to ultimately select this package of bills.

Its legislative process is so legal that no one can fault it. "

Harry sneered: "Legal experts know the law like a hammer, and more than 99% of those litigators are going to hell. Others don't know this, but you don't know that?"

"I really don't understand this." Gordon was surprised and confused.

"You haven't been to hell yet?" Harley frowned.

"I'm supposed to have been to hell?" Gordon asked curiously.

Harry said: "As the spokesperson of the 'God King', you are responsible for preaching 'God's exorcism'.

I have never been to hell or seen the sentient beings in hell, how can I sincerely approve of God’s Bible? "

"I am indeed interested in hell, but I don't know what to do." Gordon said.

"You are really a GCPD, not a magician." Harley sighed: "A normal mage apprentice, with the resources you have now, would probably be promoted to a master by now."

"What resources do I have? You are not even willing to lend me your divine power." Gordon said aggrievedly.

Harry said calmly: "There are more than 90% black magicians in the magic world, and the demons I deal with can barely reach the rank of viscount.

If you can be favored by high-level demons, such as marquis and earl, and use their power and wisdom, it will be easy to become an archmage.

If you can get close to the devil and the demon king, as far as I know, there are not many magicians in the material world who can do it.

Yebiko is much stronger than any demon lord or demon king.

Apart from anything else, in terms of its magic power, in terms of quality and level, no one in the entire magic world dares to say that it is 100% superior to it.

Ordinary mages choose auspicious days and sacrifice the most precious sacrifices to demons, but they may not get a response.

The responses received were not necessarily well-intentioned.

And you? As long as you call Yebi's name, it can hear your words, respond 100%, and have no malice. If you make this matter public, I don't know how many mages will be envious and jealous. "

Gordon was hesitant, he believed that Jerbie was awesome, but most of the time when he saw Jerbie, he was as honest as a dog, being nudged around by Harley, or even just a mount.

"Yebi was not willing to pay attention to me, and he never taught me any magic."

Harley sighed again, "The so-called black magic is the induction and imitation of demons and demons.

You can feel Yebi's breath all the time, and it will pay attention to you.

It's not easy for you to imitate it.

If you can do something, use words or actions to please it, keep in contact with it frequently, and let its magic infiltrate your body, you will reach the sky in one step, and you will at least be on an equal footing with the devil. "

"So exaggerated?" Gordon said in shock.

"Yabi is the Holy Son of Hell. Taking people to travel to hell is as easy as going to work at the police station. If you tell it properly, it will not disagree. With knowledge and experience, how can your magic level not improve?"

If she were Gordon, he would have taken off on the spot.

How could it be like now? Such a long time has passed, without even magic being born, and without even going to hell.

"I'll try to find Yebi when I go back."

Gordon seemed to have been opened to a new world, and he was eager to try it.

"I've completed my task, and you can go on and on." Harley said.

"What mission? Well, you mean the Alien Crime Act, but what can I do?"

Harry said: "Being Wei Zheng, do you know Wei Zheng? Like you, he was an official in the court, but he relied on heaven and obeyed the orders of the 'Emperor of Heaven' to slay the demonic dragon that was causing harm to the world."

Gordon said: "I didn't know about Wei Zheng originally, but I received the news last night. Ahem, after receiving the 'oracle', I checked it out in the office at work today.

It's really strange to say that I obviously didn't know Wei Zheng, but after hearing the oracle, I immediately knew that this was the name of an ancient Chinese. "

"What's strange about this? The meaning of the oracle is directly imprinted on your heart. Now that you know the story of Wei Zheng slaying the dragon, now you understand how to do it? In ancient times, Wei Zheng slayed the dragon, and today there is Gordon rubbing mangoes."

"I want to enter Meng Ge's dream and kill him?" Gordon frowned, "It sounds so fantasy."

"When did Wei Zheng go to the Dragon King's dream? He had an out-of-body experience in the dream! You also had an out-of-body experience in the dream and went to the prison to kill Meng Ge."

Gordon rubbed his eyebrows, feeling more and more like he was listening to myths and legends.

"Even Tear Man can't easily defeat Meng Ge. Can I? Or am I just an illusory soul body?"

"I didn't let you have a fair duel with him. For a black magician, a sacrificial circle is enough to deal with people who are physically restrained, unable to use their strength, do not understand magic, and have extremely low magic resistance."

Gordon was startled. The feasibility seemed very high, but

He was deep in thought, and there was no doubt that sneaking into the prison to kill a criminal was illegal in all aspects, but he was not a police superintendent, but the "spokesman of God."

Does Meng Ge’s crime deserve this retribution?

"Harry, are you doing this to vent your anger, or is it the collective will of the resentful spirits in Beach City?" he asked.

Harley said "Huh", "You can think of the collective wishes of the undead in Beach City, which means your level of 'God Exorcism' is not low."

"There are so many resentful souls in Beach City, how can they form a unified opinion?" Gordon asked in surprise.

"Random sampling, questionnaire survey. If you are interested, you can be more formal and select a group of representatives to set up a small court in hell.

I'm too lazy to bother. You go find Yebi yourself, be your own judge, and find the right defendant yourself. " Harley laughed.

"I do!" Gordon said immediately.

It would be more reassuring to do the trial by myself, and you could get on Yebby's thick dog legs. Not to mention the magic power, you could at least travel to hell a few times.

"However, I suggest that Operation Dragon Slaying be postponed for a few days until the presidential election is over."

Then he said seriously: "Abao Tesla declared that when he became president, he would never let Mongo live a good life. He said he swore an oath.

Many voters support him, and I feel his chances of success are very high.

If Meng Ge could be sentenced to death legally, there would be no need to go to prison to murder criminals and become a criminal himself. "

"I'm not very optimistic about that guy. He can't compete with Luther, and he may not keep his promises." Harley said.

"Haha, Harley, you haven't watched TV for a long time, haven't you? Recent rounds of polls show that Mr. Tesla crushes Luther." Gordon smiled.

At noon the next day, he was slapped in the face.

"After careful consideration, I have decided to give up my identity as a candidate for the Republic and instead join Luther's team." Tesla dropped a bombshell at the press conference.

Luther is taking off!

"Mother Farke, why?" Gordon's jaw almost dropped.

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