I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1005 The Alien Crime Bill and the American Wei Zheng

"This is the most significant day in the legal history of the earth, and even in the history of the United States! Today, we have shown the progressive side of earth's civilization to many alien friends in the galaxy.

Ever since we came into contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, whether we like it or not, the wave of interstellarization on Earth has been unstoppable.

Just like after the Great Voyage, we cannot stop the wave of globalization.

There is no doubt that when civilization officially enters the forest of interstellar civilization, interstellar legalization must be at the forefront.

This has historical basis on earth.

In the process of globalization of the earth's civilization, changes in various countries all start with changes in laws.

Now the whole world has been replaced by the entire galaxy, and the countries have been replaced by the civilizations of each planet. The scope has expanded, but the principle is the same.

That’s why the Mongo case is so important.

Therefore, we must take this opportunity to re-enact laws that are in line with the interstellar process.

That’s why our legal experts formulated today’s ‘Polaris System Alien Crime Bill’.

So, I support this bill.

Therefore, please support me as president. I will vigorously promote this bill and adopt a more radical stance to face the surging wave of interstellarization. Thank you everyone, I am Sierra Daisy, please vote for me! "

On the day when Congress was discussing the Alien Crime Bill, Grandma Hee, wearing a pink suit and a candidate's badge, stood in the Metropolitan Park and delivered the above speech.

Just two hours later, news broke that the "Alien Crime Bill" had been officially passed. Tesla also gave a speech on the same theme in California, his home state.

The theme is the same, but the content is completely different.

"What a disgrace! Aliens slaughter people on earth at will without having to pay any harsh legal price!"

"Sadly, God's miracles were still appearing in Gotham some time ago, but we have departed from the Lord's commandment of 'a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye'."

"Angry, 7.56 million innocent souls are wailing in the seaside city and in the big pit connected to hell, while the living bureaucrats in the metropolis are making peace with their enemies."

"This is why I ran for office!" Abao Tesla shook his fist at the voters. "We are God's people, and God's glory favors us.

We are proud, we are confident, and we can hold our heads high in front of any alien.

But now, our dignity is being trampled upon by our own people.

If aliens kill people on Earth, they will not be sentenced to 4 sentences.

Just like in the past slave era, slave owners would pay at most some money if they killed their slaves.

Some politicians may say that people on earth do not punish people for killing people.

But is that the same?

No matter how vicious a criminal on Earth is, when he kills someone, he at least knows that he is killing a 'human being', and he has a sense of identification with humans by blood and status.

Aliens may not regard us as another species or as ants, but their attitude towards us is definitely different from humans towards humans.

Otherwise, how could the Kryptonians plan to transform the Earth into a Kryptonian environment regardless of the life and death of the 7 billion humans on Earth?

How could Brainiac casually throw a stellar bomb at the sun?

Will Mongo break into the earth carelessly and destroy a city with a population of millions?

No matter how vicious Earth's super criminals are, have they ever done the same thing?

At most, like Lex Luthor, they want to defeat Rip Man to prove themselves, or form an alliance of super criminals to dominate the world. Basically, they are within the scope of what we can understand. "

Luther was his rival within the Republican Party.

"Hahaha" his supporters laughed and applauded him.

Luther, who was watching the live broadcast, clenched his fists and said, "Messy, what's the approval rating between me and him now?"

"He has 35% of the general public, which is very high, almost the same as Sierra Daisy. BOSS, you are a bit crotchless. They often make extreme speeches, but you rarely participate in election campaigns, and your reputation is not as good as the two of them. "The female secretary said.

Luther frowned and said, "If I ask you about your support rate, just give me the numbers and don't talk about anything else."

"8.6%, almost hopeless." Maisie sighed.

"Humph, that's not necessarily the case." Luther stared at the old man on the screen who was still impassioned and chanting the slogan "Make America Safer" and sneered again and again, "Just wait, the show will start soon."

"Harry, I'm sorry, this bill is not something I personally influenced."

The presidential candidates are busy giving speeches to canvass votes, and the current president is busy making phone calls, trying to extinguish the anger in Hallie's chest.

"It's okay. Mr. Judge and the Speaker have already told me the results before the bill was passed." Harley's tone was very calm, not even too excited.

"Have you compromised? Changed your mind?" Mr. President asked curiously.

This is not like her character,

Harry sighed: "This is not a big deal, let alone my personal matter.

The destruction of Beach City is a matter for the whole United States and all mankind. Why should I represent everyone with my own will?

Since this is the result of a vote by all lawyers and judges, it shows that this bill is the will of the majority of the people on earth.

The reason why I was excited before was because I wanted to seek justice for the citizens of the coastal city who died.

If you get cheers and applause from the people, you have to ask for orders and serve the people.

This attitude determines my past, present and future mentality and thoughts.

Now facts have proven that the people are more willing to embrace interstellarization, so naturally I will not stand on the opposite side of the people. "

She was holding the phone with her right hand while speaking, and sending a message with her left hand: Gordon, the law is unfair, injustice is hard to redress, and the righteous anger in your heart is hard to calm down. Get ready, I want you to learn from Wei Zheng!

"You are the true hero! Only a true hero can say such heroic words." Mr. President said with emotion.

"It's just words from the heart, not heroic." Harley chuckled.

The message has been recorded in the watchdog, and when Gordon goes to sleep tonight, he can hear the roar of "Hallelujah" in his dream.

This isn’t the Galactic Admiral or Harley Quinn communicating with Inspector Gordon.

Rather, the spirit Hali issued an oracle to the spokesman of God.

"The language and tone are not heroic, but the context and thoughts are highly eye-catching and unrivaled." Mr. President said seriously.

Harry smiled again and asked, "You will be resigning in a few days. What are your plans for the future?"

Because he is so good at talking, he can be given a lucrative job in the "Quinn Foundation" and the senior public relations team of Paradise Mountain Technology Company.

Mr. President seemed very "shy" and hesitated for a while before saying, "I plan to be a superhero. Do you think it's feasible?"


Harley heard clearly, but couldn't believe what she heard.

"When we went to Hell America, you gave me a 'godhead', which belongs to the god of faith, 'Beautiful Sword'. Do you still remember?"

"You want to become a hero with the power of 'Bronze Stink'?" Harley asked strangely.

Back then, she refined two divine talents from her belief in the god "Mei Dao". One is the "real money ability". As long as she consumes the United States Dao, she can realize her wishes within a certain limit.

For example, spending $1,000 to become a strongman for two minutes.

For example, ten thousand dollars affects the enemy's thinking.

Another talent for dollar bills is the ‘copper stench’, which allows you to exchange money for the stench that kills people.

It's not just a smell.

The ability of banknotes symbolizes people's love for banknotes and the positive effects of banknotes.

The smell of copper represents human beings' inner resentment and disgust towards money, as well as the negative effects of banknotes on society.

One positive and one negative, one yin and one yang.

Harley gave Helena the "money power" to play with, but later Selina kept the "money power" on the grounds that the child was too young to learn badly - just like a parent taking away a child's lucky money.

The copper stink was given to Mr. President on the same day.

"The stink of copper is very powerful. A mere ten dollars can cover the president's bodyguards within 5 meters of him. A hundred dollars can cover any bank lobby in the metropolis."

The President became more and more excited as he spoke, "If I had a thousand dollars in my hand, I could stun the pedestrians in half a street.

It's a pity that I can't use bank cards. Otherwise, I would dare to challenge the Doomsday with a bank card worth tens of millions of dollars. "

"Your skills are most suitable for being a super criminal." Harley said.

"No, Tongxi is best suited to be a superhero." Mr. President said seriously: "Superheroes don't kill people. I can never kill people with this trick, but I can keep saving people."

"Having said that, why do you want to be a superhero?" Harley asked confused.

Mr. President did not understand her incomprehension, “Since you can touch greatness and glory, why should you give up?

You don't know how envious I am to see heroes soaring in the sky, flying over the cities they protect like patron saints, waving to the cheering and applauding people below.

I envy the kind of free and unrestrained life with pure beliefs and no trace of confusion. "

"Well, I send you my sincere blessings, Money Man!"

"Money Man?" Mr. President frowned, savored it, shook his head and said, "This name is not prestigious enough. I'd better wait for me to make a name for myself, and then choose the most appropriate and domineering one from the many names given by the people."

The next morning, just before lunch, Gordon called Quinn Manor and asked: "Harry, did you talk to me last night?"

"What do you think?"

"I felt like I had a real dream. In the dream, a 100-meter-tall golden-armored god yelled at me, which scared me awake.

It was not until two o'clock in the morning that I fell asleep again, and vaguely saw the golden-armored god again. He said..." At this point, he suddenly stopped.

Harley was very dissatisfied. She communicated with the "Spokesperson of God" as a god, but the effect was so poor.

The other party didn't even recognize her identity, thinking she was dreaming, and most likely didn't hear the "oracle" she wanted to convey.

It's definitely not her fault.

It's just a message. It's very simple. If the guardian dog does it himself, there will be no mistakes.

It can only be that the "Spokesperson of God" is too ungrateful to her.

The more pious you are, the more you can feel the "Lord".

The true spokesperson of God does not need the help of a watchdog at all. He can vaguely sense what she is thinking in her heart.

"Gordon, that is the oracle conveyed to you by the God of War in heaven. As long as you have some piety, you will not be unable to receive and understand it. Have you prayed to the small statue of the God of War recently? I remember you have one at home. A shrine.”

"Yes, Barbara and Xiao Lai and I will sit in front of the shrine and meditate for half an hour after dinner." Gordon spoke in an erratic tone, hesitating.

It seems like we need to give him some more motivation.

However, she had promised back then that she did not need his faith.

Harley Quinn, your words are like gold!

Harry thought for a moment and immediately came up with a good idea. As a parent, the biggest motivation may not be your own career, but it must be related to the future of your children.

"Barbara doesn't seem to be a junior pastor yet," she said.

"Don't worry, she's still young. It's not good to become a superhero so early." Gordon said immediately.

Barbara discussed with him that once he has "superpowers", he will make his debut immediately and team up with Robin first.

Compared with him who treats prayer as a social bonding among family members, his daughter is very enthusiastic about "worshiping Buddha".

"After becoming a junior priest, you won't immediately become a hero. There will be a lot of 'advanced training'." Harley said seductively.

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