I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 63 I just went to eat barbecue

Harold returned to his own territory. As usual, he first visited his mother Shihoru and adoptive mother Seele, and chatted with them.

Xihoru gave birth to a pair of twins when she was less than 17 years old, and her body has been relatively weak since then. Xier usually takes care of their brothers.

As for whether Harold will feel awkward about the change of identity, he will not at all. To be honest, he really has no true love for Seele and Shihoru.

On the contrary, after this rebirth, I felt maternal love and family affection, and I was very filial to the two mothers in my heart.

Seele and Shihoru are ordinary women with no ambitions and ambitions, and they have lived very comfortably under Marcus' arrangements these years.

Harlott, you must pay your allegiance to Lord Marcus in the future! Seele repeats the old tune, in his opinion, Marcus is the man who dominates everything, and Harold works for Marcus just like his father is the best choice.

Don't worry, I know it! Are you living comfortably? Harold wanted to be an independent nobleman like the bald head, and didn't want to be a knight under Marcus, so he deliberately changed the subject.

Shihoru's gentle expression became severe, she thought her son was gone: Don't think that this territory belongs to you, Lord Marcus gave you the territory to reward your father's bravery, if you don't live up to it He can take it back!

Seeing that Shihoru became serious, Harold sighed in his heart. Of course he knew this, so he wanted to become an independent nobleman with a bald head.

Well, I understand, I will go to the battlefield with Lord Marcus when I grow up! Marcus may give the territory to Harold forever out of the original friendship, but what about Marcus's descendants?

The descendants of the nobles are nobles after their bloodlines are awakened, and the territory can be passed down from generation to generation, but whether the knights attached to the nobles can pass on the land depends entirely on the mood of the contemporary nobles.

Harold's reincarnation this time is due to the cooperation of the system and the Sun Orb. The system has always been there, but the Sun Orb has disappeared.

It is necessary for Harold to truly establish a powerful family and a prosperous territory to become an aristocrat.

Don't worry about us, go to training, sweat more in normal times, and bleed less on the battlefield! Xihoru urged Harold to go to training.

Harold felt a little awkward. Isn't this sentence an excuse he came up with in his previous life for not having the time to play with Xi Horu and pretending to train?

Karma, this sentence was finally returned to him. Harold originally wanted to go to the next town to degenerate!

In that city, I heard that several high-end guild halls bought a group of young Asian slaves, and the knights and wealthy businessmen who had been there all agreed.

Harold didn't go to patronize because of his age and was too busy brushing [Growth Process Battle Genius\

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