I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 62 The Secret of Reincarnation and Rebirth

The Kingdom of Corondo is a nascent country that has just been established for 10 years. The king is Prague Corondo, the only legendary strongman among several human kingdoms.

There are now a total of 30 noble families in the country. In addition to the nobles of the Kingdom of Lucanir who started to open up wasteland, there are also several nobles who joined later, and some people who drank the water of heroes and completed feats to become heroic nobles.

Kryon became a nobleman, he fulfilled his life dream, slaying dragons!

Although it is a sub-dragon who can't fly and doesn't have much intelligence.

But Wurms are dragons too! 8 years ago, I don't know where it came from. The powerful and cruel Yalong killed several villages and a town in a row.

The crusade troops sent by the kingdom were all killed, and the king of Prague was so angry that he wanted to take action himself. The crusade troops were led by more than 20 knights, some of whom were his confidantes!

Evil dragons are raging everywhere. Except that he has no legendary ability and cannot fly, his combat effectiveness is no less than that of adult dragons.

Marcus' territory was invaded by Yalong, and Marcus took all the knights and hundreds of elite soldiers to fight Yaron.

Marcus is a person who is unwilling to back down and escape, and other nobles will definitely wait for the King of Prague to make a move.

This battle was very fierce, Yalong was no weaker than the legendary half-step centaur leader who once was, and Kryon, who drank the hero's water, was about as powerful as Tiona at that time, unable to contend head-on with Yaron.

A lot of soldiers were killed, Marcus himself was badly wounded, and finally Cleon blinded the wurm with two miraculous javelin shots.

In the end, the bald head climbed onto Yalong's body and killed the beast, obtained the gift of the sun, and became the first newly born nobleman in these hundreds of years.

Cleon's heroic deeds were greatly praised by the King of Prague, and spread throughout the Kingdom of Corondo. The Kingdom of Corondo lacked everything and land, and directly designated a large piece of unowned territory to Cleon as a reward, and granted Earl's title.

Harold was very happy for Kryon when he first found out about it, and after that, he shouted Dragon Slayer Hero every time he saw it.

But after Harold visited Cleon's castle as a guest, he saw Cleon's 12 wives, each more beautiful and plump than the other, and he couldn't help itching his teeth.

I only married 8 in my dream, you bald donkey TM married 12 in reality? Kryon's bloodline after killing the sub-dragon is related to the bloodline of the giant dragon, and the dragon is more promiscuous

In fact, this is not a big deal. As the first generation of heroes and nobles, the children of Kryon will not have the problem of blood disappearing and no one will be awakened. There is even a high probability that there will be multiple awakened nobles among the children like the Marquis of Harlaus.

Therefore, it is reasonable for Kryon to marry a few more, in order to continue to grow the family. A gentleman like Marcus does not dislike him, and Harold is purely a lemon.

Harlot, don't you want to stay for a while longer? The boss will be back soon! Stank, that is, Stone, has been following the bald head since he came out of the arena, and now he is the knight under the bald head in charge of guarding the castle.

No, I still have to learn magic and martial arts. I'll come and see him when he comes back! Harold said goodbye after riding a horse.

The bald head has become a nobleman and many habits can't be changed. He still likes to be called the boss by his subordinates, and he still likes to fight on the battlefield in person. Now he is still advancing eastward with Marcus.

When the Kingdom of Corondo was founded, its population was only a little over 600,000, which was not even as large as that of a province in other countries. Such a small number of people could not occupy the territory of the Thunder Tribe, which was three times the size of the Kingdom of Lucanir.

But after more than ten years of development, the birth and growth of the next generation of the territory and the continuous introduction of population from other countries, the number of people has now increased to more than 2 million, and more villages and towns can be established.

The lords of this era like to have a large territory. It is best to have a huge territory that can't be walked out for a day on horseback! Marcus is no exception!

King Prague pushed to the north, Marcus to the east, and other nobles went in the same direction as they did and some went south.

At this time, it is up to each person to see who is capable. As long as you can clear away the surrounding centaurs and build a settlement, the land will be yours.

There are few disputes between the nobles. There are many unowned lands in this land. If you like this land, I will go to another one. This is a paradise full of hopes and dreams.

After going through several arduous battles and overcoming various difficulties, the nobles happily enjoyed the fruits of land reclamation.

Harold has witnessed that the bald head has mastered a huge territory of tens of thousands of square kilometers in less than 10 years. Although villages and towns have not yet been built in most places, the bald head is already in the top ten in the country in terms of the size of the territory!

This is also related to the help of Marcus. Marcus is the only marquis in the country, and only families that have had legendary strongmen can be crowned with the status of marquis.

Marcus must win over allies to form a faction to improve his status. Cleon was once his knight, a natural ally, and a newborn nobleman has nothing to do with other nobles, so he is the best target to win over.

While Harold is envious, he also keeps motivating himself. In a few years, when I become an adult, I will also become a nobleman and obtain my own territory!

Harold rushed to his territory, and Marcus awarded his territory. Although the man died, Marcus would not break his promise. The centaur commander killed Harold was very important, so he gave the reward to him. to Harold's son.

The territory is 4,000 square kilometers, and it happens to be near the Elf Homeland. The land in this place is also quite controversial. The number of elves who come to support it is so small that they are not entitled to share the land.

But firstly, the Archmage Iltiran was fooled by their mistakes, and secondly, the kingdom also wanted to have a better relationship with the elves, so they gave the elves the castle and the surrounding territory of the home of the elves by default.

Except for Harold, who has a good relationship with the elves, everyone else is not very good at occupying the nearby territory, and it will be very troublesome if there is a conflict.

As for why Harold still has a good relationship with the elves after reincarnation, it is because the elves know that he is still the original Harold.

16 years ago, after Marcus and his party returned from the Temple of the Sun, Alan took Tiona and Bias Bias to visit Elder Eltiran, and Elder Eltiran responded enthusiastically after suspending the experiment took them.

Elder Elteran's answer can be said to be extremely shocking: Although Harold's soul strength is not as strong as that of ordinary elves, his soul cohesion is extremely high, and he should be able to retain his memory and reincarnate his personality.

You should remember the characteristics of Harold's soul. This necklace can amplify your soul perception. Wearing this necklace will help you find his reincarnation! It should be a newborn baby related to Harold, said Ilti. Lan gave them a water blue necklace.

Tiona, a scumbag, didn't understand what was going on at all, but she understood that she could find Harold with this, so she took the necklace and left, Bias hurriedly followed.

Alan asked curiously: Elder, who is Harold? I have never heard of reincarnation and rebirth that can retain memory and personality. What kind of magic is this?

It doesn't count as magic. It should use some means to direct the reincarnation of the soul into their offspring with the help of the bloodline. It is their personal talent to be able to retain memory! You are not unfamiliar with this method!

El Tilan was very optimistic about Alan, and wanted to train him as an assistant, so he said, Do you know how long the Elf Queen has lived?

Alan replied without thinking: It should be more than 5,000 years, I don't know exactly!

What is the lifespan of the first generation of elves? Il Tilan carefully closed the door and continued to ask.

Um, about 3000 years ago, it was mentioned in the Introduction to the Races of the Southern Continent written by Elder Acosta. Ailan wondered why he asked him this.

The archmage said with a straight face: I have a good memory, but you read the wrong book. Acosta's book has many mistakes. I recommend you to read Encyclopedia of Wisdom Races. This book is more authoritative and accurate! What is written in the book The life span of the first generation of elves is 2850-2980 years.

Alan is speechless, isn’t it you who wrote this book? I know you have a bad relationship with Elder Acosta, but there’s no need to be so fussy. The 200 pages of other people’s books are an introduction, and the 8,000 pages of your book are divided into two parts. I bought a full set of 16 books, who the hell has time to read it!

Iltilan asked with a strange expression: What do you think is the reason why the Elven Queen can live so long beyond the life limit?

Yilan's expression was too weird, Alan was a little nervous, and asked anxiously: Isn't it possible to prolong life through the fruit of life?

The core of the forest of elves is the tree of life known as the origin of life, which can produce magical fruits of life. It is rumored that in the early years, elves were transformed from fruits of life. Later, the fruits of life no longer hatched life, and elves began to grow. Like other races, they reproduce by mating.

The more you eat the fruit of life, the worse the effect will be. No matter how impossible it is to prolong your life for more than 2,000 years! I and several other elders guessed that the elf queen was reincarnated! Just like Harold!

Ah! It is true that the souls of the first generation elves are stronger than ordinary elves in all aspects, and it is not surprising that reincarnation can retain memories. In fact, ordinary elves can occasionally recall things in their previous lives, but it is just a flash of subconsciousness.

No, hasn't the elf queen always been holy? She can't have offspring without a spouse, right? Alan suddenly discovered a blind spot and questioned it.

The fruit of life! The first generation of elves were originally transformed from the fruit of life, and it is entirely possible to be reborn from the fruit!

Alan didn't speak. After thinking carefully for a long time, he asked again: So Harold may be a hybrid of the first generation of elves?

Iltilan shook his head: That's not necessarily the case. Maybe he is the clone of a certain first-generation elf. Be careful when you get along with him in the future! Many first-generation elves have long been unable to turn back on the taboo road, yes It's hard to say whether the enemy is a friend or not!

Alan nodded thoughtfully, he still believed in his intuition, he didn't think Harold was a bad person.

Thank you elder, then I will take my leave first, and I will bring Harold to have a good talk in the future when I have a chance.

Go, don't be embarrassed to live in the castle of the elf home, just treat it as compensation for me!

After Alan left, Il Tilan continued to experiment. He was not interested in soul-related research for the time being. He is now focusing on the research of Manned Ancient Tree of War. With the legendary heart of the centaur leader, the power problem is solved. Yes, there are still operational problems to be overcome, and I am very busy.

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