I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 416 Final Preparations

Arriving at a side hall of the Palace of the Gods, the talkative Sun God happily praised Harold, praising him for his high efficiency and good job completion.

Although Paradise is a spiritual world, and it is still a broken world fragment, not only can't help me, but it will drag me down, but it is still a great victory to come back from the outside world!

The sun god who is full of humanity is very talkative, and he promises to give Harold a rich reward after he takes care of the kingdom of God.

Thank you, but I want to ask, is there something wrong with heaven and hell? Why haven't the souls entered? Doesn't it mean that the world will spontaneously tend to completeness to help rebuild heaven and hell?

The Sun God underestimated in a low voice: That's the truth! Could it be that my settlement has consumed too much?

Harold's forehead was sweating, why is it this guy's fault again?

Seeing Harold's embarrassing expression, the Sun God said uncertainly, Maybe the World Tree or the Reverse World Tree is purifying and reshaping the soul?

I don't know much about the content of this aspect. I still have some experience in destroying it. The reconstruction of the spiritual world should be clearer to those elves who like to do research!

The gods are not as omniscient and omnipotent as imagined. After all, they are only creatures sublimated by human beings. The real wheel knowledge may not be better than the long-lived first-generation elves, but the sun god should crush any mortal in terms of strength, right?

We are about to find a way to deal with that monster in the desert. We have no chance alone. Can you give us any support?

Of course, Harold hoped that the Sun God would show his power and directly pull the monster out of the ground and burn it to ashes. He didn't have the kind of pretentiousness to control his own destiny and try not to rely on the gods. The trouble was caused by the Sun God in the first place. , It would be best to let him solve it himself.

The Sun God didn't answer immediately, but started chatting with Harold about the design taste of the Sun God Colossus, how to use the various functions of the Sun Altar, and how he worked so hard to create the supreme structure that absorbs the energy of the sun thousands of years ago. magic.

After talking about what was barely a business, the Sun God also talked about the unbearable nature of each species, such as the arrogance of the elves, the greed of the dragons, the weakness of the wingmen, and the need to believe in the potential of human beings.

If these are still gods sharing experiences based on their feelings about their human life, Harold will have to put on a black question mark expression when talking about food and women later.

You have not only retained your humanity, but you have all kinds of wine, sex and wealth. You have shadows of human beings' faults, and you don't have any human desires. Finding a body to come to the mainland is no different from ordinary people!

Cough, cough, Lord Sun God, I have to return to the real world to deal with a lot of troublesome things. You have just moved here, let's talk about it another day!

To be honest, this god is good everywhere, but it’s too damn down-to-earth, and it feels like a dislocation with the old man in the village, but it’s also very good. If you really want to communicate with the 100-meter phantom in the hall or the huge sun in the sky, Harold would probably be very nervous.

How long have I been talking about it? I'm about to tell you the love story between me and my 13th wife! Other incarnations are responsible for the remodeling of the heavens and the transformation of the kingdom of God. Spiritual communication is more important?

Having said that, the Sun God still didn't continue to chatter, and started to get to the point: That monster is definitely not something that mortals can fight against normally, but its strongest point is also its biggest weakness!

The strongest place? Harold thought for a while, then suddenly replied: Infinite fusion and division?

Big size is no big deal, the giant tortoise in the sea is even bigger, and its magic power is not a big deal. The sun scepter in Harold's hand can absorb the energy of the sun. How strong are you going to live in the sun?

The most frightening thing about Desert Overlord is that it can be split and reorganized infinitely. For ordinary creatures, fatal injuries such as cutting in half, heart out, and headshot have no effect at all. As long as the precision of destruction does not reach the millimeter level, it is equivalent to only It's just to make the other party change their posture.

And that monster can also quickly regenerate through predation and digestion, the sea of ​​people tactics can only be counterproductive!

That's right, if it's just an ordinary monster with an astonishing tonnage that can't compete with the power of the gods, even if it can resist, how can it delay me for hundreds of years?

Now I have come to the spiritual world from the outside of the world, and there is only a wall between the real world. I can launch the divine power to attack it continuously. In order to reduce the damage, it will definitely use the ability to split to resolve the damage. You just need to keep destroying it. Those little avatars that come off the main body will be fine!

There is no way to deal with the ultimate monsters at the 100-meter level, but what about those monsters that are a few meters or more than ten meters away?

Harold has also dealt with them before. Although they are difficult, they are not impossible to deal with. Although there is no Crom this time, the three legendary elf mages will only be stronger, and his and Cleon's strength has also increased greatly. upgrade!

If it's just to deal with those little monsters that have fallen off their bodies, it's really not difficult! Harold suddenly seemed to see the sun through the clouds, and instantly saw the possibility of successfully solving the monster.

As if seeing the change in Harold's expression, the Sun God reminded: Don't be too careless, even the split clones can still reach the threshold of legend, and you think the thing with nearly a million tons splits into small pieces. How terrifying will the number of monsters be?

Take control of the Colossus of the Sun God and the Sun Altar as soon as possible, and you don't need to intervene with the guy in the nearby water area. I said hello to the Sea God, and she will handle it!

Harold breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time felt a little regretful. It seems that there is no need to count on Iacosta going to the Sea Clan to ask for help.

This is also good, the overwhelming environmental disadvantage in the water, and God knows how difficult it is to fight a monster who knows how against the sky, it is best to let the Sea Clan deal with it, and the Sea God's shot is probably sure.

Okay, then I'll go back now, you can contact me through the Sun Scepter anytime you have anything to do!

At this time, the Sun Altar is not only a large solar energy absorption storage device, a belief collection and conversion device, but also a broadcast station and signal station, which can receive and send the will of the Sun God to the mobile phone Sun Scepter.

The Sun God watched Harold leave just like that, with a little encouragement in his eyes, and he wanted to open his mouth repeatedly but held back.


After Harold left completely, Sun God revealed a lonely expression, Why didn't this kid ask me about my relationship with Sea God? Why didn't he wonder why I was able to connect with Sea God?

For a chatterbox, throwing a big melon, but the other party didn't follow up, this feeling is really worrying!

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