I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 415 Entering Paradise

I can feel the breath of the Sun God. When will this altar be completed?

The Sun Priest approached Harold about funding applications, and happened to see the Sun Altar that was about to be completed.

It's now!

Harold installed the last obsidian statue, and then the altar began to start spontaneously. The sun in the sky seemed to be moved, and it suddenly sprinkled majestic energy.

The altar of the sun began to emit light, constantly absorbing endless energy. Harold really guessed right, this is a large sun scepter. At the same time, the sun picture scroll recovered from Aphelios Start to feel hot.

The kingdom of the sun god has begun to migrate to the heaven world? Because of the sun altar to help gather faith?

In the past, although all creatures on the mainland worshiped the sun god, because the main object of worship was the distant sun, not the real sun god, and because the sun god was outside the world, there was no way to absorb belief into the spiritual world.

Now the Sun Altar is equivalent to a receiver and conversion device, and the Sun God, as the only true god believed in on the mainland, immediately has a deep imprint on the spiritual world.

Is this how you feel when you use the Sun Scepter? The endless energy can be squandered, and the magic can be released at will. No wonder ordinary believers can also release magic. This is indeed a miracle!

The Sun Priest was frantically condensing the energy of the sun like a high-power light bulb, and then began to kneel down devoutly thinking about the altar. The colossus of the Sun God was also completed at the same time. The huge body made of pure gold accepted the continuous energy supply from the Sun Altar , issued a light that illuminates the entire royal capital.

I have received your devout faith, indomitable human beings, I will always protect you!

The resounding voice of the Colossus of the Sun God resounded throughout the city, and at the same time, various healing techniques and divine grace techniques began to be released along with the light that filled the sky like no money.

Whether it was an old man who was infected with a cold or a young man who was bleeding, they all felt the grace of the gods at this moment. As soon as they walked out of the house, they could feel the warm light. All the people began to kneel and pray towards the square.

This should have been expected by the Sun God. He can use the idol to appear in the world? Or can he just lower his will for a short time?

It should be the latter, otherwise there is no need to set medium-term and long-term goals for Harold, just let him come in person, but this is the case, Harold is also relieved, it seems that dealing with the desert overlord Got insurance!

Unlike the calm Harold, the sun priest who heard the oracle of the sun god for the first time was so excited that he was about to cry, the water in his reddish eyes was swirling, and his voice was a little choked.

I'm really not a qualified believer, but this is the sun god's own problem. Only distance can produce worship. I know the details of his talkativeness. It's hard to believe in him from the bottom of my heart!

Harold, the archbishop of the Temple of the Sun, is the most impious one in the entire church, which is really ironic.

After a wave of eruption, the Colossus of the Sun God returned to its place and turned back into a statue, and the golden light on its body gradually faded, but none of the guards guarding the statue stood up for a long time.

Go and maintain order. It's better for you, the Sun Priest, to come forward. Now the label of the king on me is greater than that of the archbishop of the temple!

Harold also concealed a reason. He wanted to quickly check through the heaven picture scroll to see if the sun god had really come to heaven. In addition, he also wanted to ask the sun god about the question raised by Aphelios. The soul did not come to heaven. , hell, where did it go?

Arriving at the forbidden area in the royal palace, Harold opened the picture scroll and entered the paradise world. The miniature sun was already hanging high in the sky, and its momentum was several times stronger than before. The originally desolate paradise became like a paradise.

The ground is a grassland full of life, trees and flowers are everywhere, streams are flowing slowly, guards made of golden light are everywhere, and several huge golden holy eagles fly around the sun in the sky.

Surrounded by all living beings, the gate of the Sun God's palace opened, and Harold looked around. There was still a hazy void in the distance, which should be the reason why the heavens had not yet fully formed, and the Sun God had not yet stabilized.

Great Sun God, your pious disciple Harold has successfully completed the task, come to report!

Harold walked to the gate of the palace and tried to inquire about the situation. Whether it was the powerful holy eagle in the sky or the golden heroic spirit on the ground, he saluted him respectfully along the way. What is the status of the archbishop in the Kingdom of God, but it should be considered high at present.

There was no response from inside the palace. Harold thought for a while that there was absolutely no danger, so he pushed the door and went in. A huge phantom of a god with no face was sitting on the throne in the center. The shadow and the magnificent hall of the temple are a good match.

Harold hesitated for a while and didn't know how to speak. Logically speaking, shouldn't the gods come to ask questions and give instructions? Why did he stay silent like he was asleep?

Harold didn't dare to be too careful about a large number of gods. It would be bad if it was considered disrespectful. Although he was not devout, he never wanted to offend his backstage, especially when this god exuded a starry sky. Breath, the strength is definitely countless times stronger than those holy eagles outside who are like pets to him.

This way, this way! That's for other people, you can just come here and find me in the future! A familiar voice came, and Harold turned his head to look over.

Generally speaking, his appearance was that of a human being, but a human with a taller figure and a more refined face was waving at him. The voice was exactly that of the Sun God.

Here, which side is the real body and which side is the clone? Harold was a little confused. Could it be that the hundred-meter-long god in the hall is just a puppet?

Come here first, this hall is too spacious and grand, it's not suitable for us to discuss!

Harold followed the steps of the sun god while listening to the sun god's explanation.

Gods have multiple incarnations, multiple identities, and multiple forms of existence. Even the same body has completely opposite forms in the eyes of different people. It is impossible to simply say who is whose clone. I should reserve the one I am talking to you now. The most humane!

The one in the hall is the fusion of the will of the world and the priesthood of the sun. He has completely lost himself. Just treat him as a 'tool' that can only act according to the rules. In addition, the sun in the sky is the most powerful form. He should be divine The most complete and closest to the existence of a perfect god!

It turns out that the sun is also an incarnation of your old age? No wonder it feels infinitely stronger than the previous mini sun, so it seems that those holy eagles should be your other believers.

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