I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 38 Soon to be a father

Harold thought that he could go to the Forest of Elves with Marcus to open his eyes and meet the famous elves, but Marcus didn't take him with him!

You are very good at training your subordinates! The strength of those five servants is almost comparable to that of my other knights!

I heard that the sun priest can strengthen his subordinates, allowing ordinary people to be promoted to sun knights comparable to blood nobles. You also have the potential in this regard! It seems that the test is not accurate, and it is said that you have no possibility of becoming a sun priest. Nonsense, let’s go to the Temple of the Sun after the land reclamation is over!”

You should train the soldiers during this time. Besides, you performed very well in land reclamation this time. You can choose 5 more people from my army to be your attendants as rewards!

Marcus arranged for Harold in a few words. There was no other way. Harold could only stay in the eastern province to train soldiers, and recruited 5 more [new northern adventurers].

After killing a large number of centaurs, Harold's level has been raised by one level to lv9. With the addition of a little skill point and a little attribute point saved before, Harold thought about adding [Domination] and [Coach] respectively. level one.

[Dominion] raised the upper limit of his troops to 20, and obviously felt that his subordinates looked at him with more admiration and respect.

[Coach] Allows him to give his soldiers experience points when he competes with his soldiers, and his efficiency is greatly improved when teaching them skills.

In the absence of Marcus, Harold has become the most important person again, and several other knights will do the complicated chores. He only needs to manage the army.

In this way, during the more than one-month gap between the Land Reclamation Alliance asking for help and gathering strength, Harold lived a leisure life of training soldiers during the day and training the beautiful maid and Shihoru at night.

This is delicious, Hill, and bring me another candied fruit! Harold was lying on a rocking chair and enjoying the service of the maid after he fought against the bald head and won with difficulty.

Hill is the beautiful maid, and the other two maids were trained by Harold to become [Lukanir Ranger] responsible for protecting Shihoru's safety.

[Lukanir Ranger] is the ultimate unit of [Lukanir Recruit] upgraded to [Lukanir Skirmisher] and then upgraded again. Its strength is 16 points, agility is 15, and its combat effectiveness is no less than those of his attendants. It took three or four hours to train the two maids every day before they were promoted to [Ranger].

As for why they were sent to protect Shihoru's safety, because Shihoru was pregnant!

Harold was full of energy, and did not take any safety measures. It is normal for Shihoru to be pregnant. It is very common for 16-year-old women in this world to get married and have children. However, after hearing the news, Harold suddenly felt a pain on his shoulder. The burden is much heavier.

Now he is not alone, there is Marcus who needs to be loyal, and there are subordinates who need to manage, and more importantly, he has a child and a wife.

Now he has recruited 20 soldiers, in addition to 10 attendants and 3 maids, there are 7 new servants he recruited.

The 10 attendants are all [Northern Knight Attendants]. If Harold trains with all his strength, he might have a chance to get one or two [Northern Rogue Knights]. It's a pity that he spent his time training those two rangers.

The other seven servants are all [Lukanir Infantry], and their strength is generally similar to that of ordinary soldiers. The [Lukanir Praetorian Guard] after being upgraded to another level is quite strong, but it is a pity that Harold does not have so much time.

He couldn't paddle in the task Marcus assigned him, and every day he had to teach those ordinary soldiers how to deal with monsters like centaurs with the bald head. After all, these soldiers had been trained to fight humanoid creatures.

The bald head had fully exerted his strength and lost to Harold. His mood was a little complicated. Looking at Harold who was being fed by the maid, he sighed and said, After all, you surpassed him! How do you train? We usually Together, I didn't see that you have any special training?

Harold knew that the bald head also wanted to become stronger, but he relied on the system to become stronger, and the bald head did not meet the requirements to be a member of his army, so he couldn't be recruited, so he could only vaguely say: I am young and talented. , your potential is not as good as mine when you are older!

The bald head looked at Harold suspiciously, and asked, Are you secretly practicing at night, maybe the Marquis of Prague is training you secretly?

Harold was struck by lightning, spit out the stuff in his mouth, and replied helplessly: I'm very busy at night, how can I have time to train secretly? If you don't believe me, ask Hill, and you won't watch it. Look, Shihoru has my children!

It can only be attributed to the fact that Harold is really talented. If Harold wants to complain about the Marquis of Prague, Marcus may not have the face to please him. Can he give him secret training? How do you feel that the brain circuit of the bald head is not normal?

At this moment, a soldier hurried over and reported to Harold and Baldhead: Master Marcus is back, and he's back with the elves!

Harold and the bald head exchanged glances, and quickly stopped resting to meet Marcus.

The dwarf reinforcements invited by the Marquis of Prague have arrived, and other nobles have also purchased a large amount of supplies and weapons from the other two human kingdoms. The 300 Warcraft horses supported by the Kingdom of Chiat are also in place, and the Grand Duke of Lance and the Marquis of Prague have also started to join forces. Combat training.

Except for Marcus who went to the Forest of Elves to ask for help, it can be said that everything is ready for the Land Reclamation Alliance. Now that Marcus has successfully brought the elves over, the personnel are assembled, and the second land reclamation operation will begin soon!

Many nobles and knights couldn't wait to come to the edge of the territory to meet Marcus and the elves. There were not many people in the team, less than 100 people in total.

Marcus is still so handsome and extraordinary, even if he is surrounded by charming elves, his sense of presence has not been weakened, but the focus of everyone's attention is not Marcus, but the elf who leads the team!

The elves usually have blond hair and tall stature, but this team leader is different, with gray hair and short stature. The most important thing is that this family does not ride a mount, but floats cross-legged in the air and moves with everyone!

Grand Duke Lance has the most experience, recognized this elf at a glance, and blurted out: Archmage Il Tilan!

The elf leader turned his head to look at Grand Duke Lance after hearing the shout of Grand Duke Lance, looked at him for a few seconds and said, You are Lance! You are so old? I remember the last time I met you were still young and energetic. Where is the boy!

Grand Duke Lance was a little helpless, he was not young anymore, over 150 years old was definitely an antique in the human world, but it was really nothing compared to elves with a lifespan of over 1,000 years.

The elf leader knew the Grand Duke of Lance, and the other elves were also curious about humans, so everyone went into the castle to hold a banquet together, and the dwarves impatiently started drinking in advance.

Marcus said in a low voice to the bald-headed and Haroldt, the two knights with relatively little experience: The Archmage Iltilan, after the defeat of the orcs over 400 years ago, helped humans establish a country and resist the pursuit of the orcs. The three countries, including the Kingdom of Lucanir, will send envoys to the Forest of Elves to give gifts every 10 years.

I say I am grateful, but I just want to build a good relationship. Il Tilan was a legendary powerhouse 400 years ago. He can use several kinds of magic that can be called natural disasters, which is much stronger than ordinary legendary powerhouses!

Listening to this series of introductions, Harold felt like a legendary character in the book had come out, yes, it tasted like a fantasy world!

My lord, why did you invite such a legend? Then why is the Sun Orb so valuable? Harold himself has a Sun Orb, and his eyes are widening at this time. Could it be that this thing is some kind of artifact?

Marcus shook his head and said: I don't have that ability, the Sun Orb can be produced after every sun priest dies, and the three human kingdoms combined can produce a sun priest every ten years on average.

Over the past few hundred years, there are more than a dozen Sun Orbs in stock, and this thing is not enough to impress the legendary archmage! I originally wanted to invite an elf who has some connection with my ancestor Erwin, but I didn't expect the archmage to propose to come!

He seems to be researching something. He needs the heart of a legendary creature. The number of legendary creatures is rare and their strength is extraordinary. Even the archmage has been searching for it for a long time but can't get it.

It happened that he knew that the centaur leader in the east is a legendary thing, so he helped us deal with the centaur with the condition of the centaur leader's heart and the Sun Orb!

After hearing what Marcus said, Harold was both disappointed and relieved. The disappointment was that the Sun Orb was not that valuable. There were more than a dozen stocks in the three kingdoms. I had never heard of any artifact that was sold wholesale. of.

An Xin is a great increase in confidence in land reclamation, three legendary powerhouses! One of them is an elf mage above ordinary legends!

The venue of the banquet was a large open-air square, which accommodated a total of more than 2,000 people, all of whom were elite troops who would open up wasteland later.

One thousand of them are elite dwarven fighters, each of whom is a top player, and his strength is no less than that of an extraordinary knight.

The average height of dwarves is 1.5 meters, and their weight is 200 catties. Their physical fitness is very good. They are one of the few races that can confront orcs head-on. Although they do not have such mysterious powers as anger and qi, the dwarves' forging technology is the first in the mainland, and their equipment is extremely sophisticated. !

This time, in order to obtain the minerals from the Eastern Land, the Dwarf Kingdom sent more than 800 dwarf heavy soldiers and more than 200 bear cavalry to support them. The team leader is a giant dwarf whose strength is close to the legendary level!

The giant dwarf is a 2-meter-tall, 500-jin human tank that has activated the ancient bloodline. It is a mutant dwarf that can turn trolls into flesh in melee combat.

Giant dwarves also have a transformation skill called Avatar, which can strengthen themselves in a short period of time and gain legendary combat power. Simply put, they can be regarded as half legendary powerhouses.

The number of elves is very small, less than 100. Except for the archmage, the elves are all newborns of the younger generation. They are curious about the outside world and come out to see the world. They are not very strong, and most of them have not even learned magic.

The top combat power of this wasteland reclamation is 3.5 legendary powerhouses, the high-end combat power is more than 1,000 dwarf warriors, 25 nobles and their more than 200 knights.

The main force is 8,000 elite human soldiers, 20,000 regular soldiers, and 50,000 auxiliary miscellaneous soldiers! This is almost the entire combat power of all the nobles of the Land Reclamation Alliance, and the population of the entire eastern province is only one million. The productivity of this era is underdeveloped, and it is already very difficult to raise so many soldiers.

If you insist on recruiting more troops, you can recruit more than a hundred thousand militiamen, but the battle with the centaur is very difficult.

Those farmers and hunters who have only been trained for a few days are hard to say how useful they will be. The new territory after successful land reclamation requires a large number of people. It is best to reduce attrition, and there is no warning militia.

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