After repelling the centaur attack, all the nobles quickly counted the losses, treated the wounded, and started an emergency meeting.

The meeting was short and the conclusion was decisive, one word, withdraw!

The fact that the leader of the centaur is a legendary strongman seriously hit everyone's confidence, including the Marquis of Prague himself. He fought for a long time and was 50-50 with the opponent, but the opponent put out a big move when the battle started He messed up his own formation, so in practice, he is not as good as the leader of the centaur.

The collective combat strength of the centaurs also made the nobles terrified, and the collective charge of thousands of centaurs was really terrifying.

They are the top high-end combat power in the wasteland alliance, and they were almost defeated even though the number of them was not much different.

One can imagine the consequences of ordinary soldiers facing centaurs, it is definitely a one-sided massacre!

Now one nobleman died in battle, more than 20 knights died, and the elite soldiers were almost wiped out. No matter whether they asked for help from the sub-human race or negotiated terms with the king, they had to retreat now to recuperate!

They also gave up on the so-called outpost plan, even if they built it, they couldn't keep it. The Land Reclamation Alliance rested for one night and immediately set foot on the road back to the Kingdom of Lucanir the next day.

Marcus's outstanding performance in this battle surprised everyone, and Marcus's previous opinions now seem so reasonable.

Coupled with the active performance of Harold Bald and other knights, Marcus became the core figure in the alliance as he wished. The wrong judgment and leadership of the Marquis of Prague also made many people understand that strong strength does not mean strong leadership.

Although the status of the Marquis of Prague is still very high, everyone will no longer unconditionally support his decision.

The Marquis of Prague himself also reflected a lot. After he became a legendary powerhouse, he really lost too much awe, and almost wiped out all the nobles and knights.

Although the Land Reclamation Alliance has experienced major setbacks, it may not be a good thing. After that, they were able to correct their mentality and face the land reclamation more cautiously, and the core bloodline nobles had already suffered few casualties from the Extraordinary Knights. Only four to five hundred elite soldiers were killed. Not too big of a loss.

The most exciting thing for everyone is that two of the three most critical herbs needed to make Hero Water have been found in the Eastern Land!

The living environment of the three kinds of medicinal herbs is almost the same. If two of them are found, there is a high probability that the third kind can be found. Even if you can't find it, you can barely replace it with other herbs. of heroic and noble blood!

Marcus also felt extremely gratified. In addition to the discovery of the herb and his becoming the core of the alliance, the more important point is that the determination of the wasteland alliance is still very firm.

Even after learning that the leader of the centaur is a legendary powerhouse and that the Thunder Tribe is very powerful, none of the nobles proposed to quit!

Although human beings are a weak race, they are not a cowardly race!

After everyone returned to the eastern provinces, other nobles in the kingdom watched the excitement one after another. When they went out, there were more than 800 people in awe, but when they came back, only more than 300 people were embarrassed.

The king sent envoys to negotiate terms, and the most important thing was land sharing. He refused to let go, and the lion asked for nearly half of the herb production, as if he had confirmed the land reclamation alliance.

In this case, it is necessary to ask for assistance from other countries and demihuman races.

The Marquis of Prague has a good relationship with the Dwarf Kingdom, and he asked the Dwarves for support at the cost of a large amount of minerals in the newly opened land.

Marcus is the most charismatic among the nobles. He went to the Forest of Elves to seek help from the elves at the cost of the Sun Orb.

Harold finally knew what the Sun Orb was. It is said that the soul of the Sun Priest would go to heaven after death, and his body would be incinerated into a bead with mysterious power.

This is the Sun Orb, but it is a pity that humans do not have any information about the specific use of the Sun Orb. Except for the elves, other races do not know the function of the Sun Orb.

Anyone who knows this thing must be a treasure, but the elves are only willing to trade this kind of treasure with humans and never disclose any information.

Humans have nothing to do, they dare not offend the elves to force them to ask, the elves in this world possess magic! Unlike Warcraft, it does not rely on instinct to release one or two, but a complete magic system that can be learned, studied, and enhanced the day after tomorrow!

The fighting power of the elves is well-deserved at the peak of the mainland, but the population is small and most of them like to live in the forest of elves, so the status of the overlord of the mainland belongs to the orcs.

Even an army of millions of orcs would not be able to break into the forest of elves. The three human kingdoms are in the north of the forest of elves, between elves and orcs.

To a certain extent, human beings are protected by the elves so that they will not be exterminated by the orcs. The red orcs have no intention of attacking the elves, so they put the main force in the war with the green orcs in the north. The orcs in the south are small and medium-sized tribes.

The relationship with other demi-human races is either mediocre or too far away. In addition to asking for help from the demi-human races, the Wildlands Alliance has also asked for help from other human kingdoms.

The nobles of other countries could not join their land reclamation alliance due to the law, but they provided a lot of support in terms of materials and equipment and weapons. After all, this land reclamation is a rare opportunity for human beings to obtain the water of heroes, and most of them are willing to sell favors.

The Kingdom of Chiat, in particular, has been the main force against the orcs for many years. The nobles of the Kingdom of Chiat suffered heavy casualties, and only half of the more than 200 noble families are left. They are extremely thirsty for the water of heroes. A large amount of heroic water reserves can not only better resist the orcs, but also increase many nobles.

Several great nobles of the Chiat Kingdom joined forces to support 300 Warcraft War Horses, and the legendary strong Duke Lance was willing to take action against the centaur leader. These are the two strongest trump cards of the Chiat Kingdom. The legendary strong Needless to say, Warcraft War Horse is also a treasure.

Normal monsters are rarely tamed on a large scale because their offspring cannot be genetically mutated and have a bad temper and are difficult to domesticate.

However, several core families of the Chiat Kingdom hold the secret of transforming ordinary horses into monsters, so they can artificially obtain war horses.

This kind of Warcraft horse is not only powerful and faster than ordinary horses, but also can use some low-level magic, and it is extraordinary in combat with extraordinary knights.

It's a pity that the number is very small. At the time when the Chiat Kingdom was at its strongest, there were only more than a thousand horses. Otherwise, under the leadership of the Grand Duke Lance, they would not have been crushed and beaten by the orcs. This time, they took out 300 Warcraft War Horse and sending the Grand Duke of Lance to help can be regarded as a hard work.

If it weren't for the fact that the ratio of men to women and the population of the Chiat Kingdom were already extremely uncoordinated, and a large amount of land occupied by orcs needed to be reclaimed, I'm afraid that instead of supporting them, the whole country invested in land reclamation.

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