I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 355: Illusory Space

Let's find Aphelios later and sell the information to Harold. This guy has a lot of money now!

Xiang Yanghua thought about how to maximize her profits, and then used the short time to say goodbye to Tia. This is also a long-term meal ticket, and maintaining a good relationship is very important.

Master, can't you stay a few more days? I haven't learned the magic of changing flowers yet! Tia felt a little uncomfortable, and Sunflower easily developed a deep friendship with this little guy by relying on her ability.

Xiang Yanghua was secretly delighted, this little girl was captured by her just like that, but now this guy has not become the high priest of the Shanghai Temple, and her father is also in charge of the Hydra Kingdom, so it is better to follow Harold than follow her now, besides, there is still a lot of people on the shore. With other compatriots, it is more comfortable than staying at the bottom of the sea.

Don't worry, I will come to you in the future, and you can come to me too, this is for you! Sunflower gave Tia the cheap garland she made.

With it, you can sense my location from a distance, and I can find you at any time, and you can also call me once a day!

Tia put the wreath around her neck as if she had found a treasure, and thanked her while returning the gift. She came from a wealthy family and brought out valuable treasures. Xiangyang Huale's mouth was crooked. Don't do too much, or Tia may not care, and her guardian is not easy to mess with.

The props that can locate and communicate at a long distance are obviously the best. Why are they said to be worthless? The reason is also very simple. The essence of this thing is the ability of Sunflower at work.

Well, goodbye, master! Tia waved her hand and bid farewell. After she separated from Xiangyanghua, she wanted to see her father whom she hadn't seen for a long time, but she couldn't find it after searching for a long time.

Strange, where is the father? Tia scratched her head, a little confused, she hadn't seen each other for so long, and finally settled the matter of Sea God, why didn't her father accompany her well, maybe there are more important things thing?


The speed of the big whale Abu is not much slower than that of the giant tortoise, but the comfort level is unsatisfactory. Even though Abu has a unique talent and ability to divide the water flow, the high-speed travel on the bottom of the sea still makes Harlow, who is not used to the underwater environment. Te and Sunflower are a little disgusted.

Hold on for a while, and we will be on the shore soon. We will formally form an alliance soon, Brother Harold, the resource distribution map you gave me is really a treasure. Gold mine!

It is estimated that the Sea God Temple has just been investigated and discovered not long ago. You have been providing food and supplies to our territory. This small favor is nothing!

However, Harold slandered in his heart. It must be that money fanatic Kangel wanted to keep it for himself to occupy. According to the rules of the Sea Clan, the resources discovered within the scope of the territory belong to whoever, but part of it must be handed over to the Poseidon Temple.

You may not be very familiar with the forging process of the deep sea star stone. Even the dwarves who are best at forging on the shore may not be able to grasp the trick. Let me send an ace blacksmith to help you!

Thank you very much. If you don't dislike it, I can share some of those ores with you!

Of course, Harold knows that reciprocity is a win-win situation for a long time.

King Selton was a little excited when he heard it: Really? I happen to be short of a boxing glove, so I'll be in charge of forging it.

Cough, cough, dear, can you stop being so self-willed? The big mermaid made King Selton shut up honestly as soon as he opened his mouth. King Selton already had enough weapons, so even if he wanted to accept the gift, he should It is right to build it for son and daughter.

Harold looked at Seldon with a little sympathy. Such a domineering king turned out to be a tracheitis. He was really spineless. He would not be able to become such a virtue even if he was killed in the future.

Abu swam for a while longer and came to the shallow sea. The sun shone into the sea and his eyes became brighter. Harold felt indescribably comfortable. Sunflower also lazily changed her posture. Organisms still can't adapt at all in water.

Okay, now that we've landed, let's go first. When you formally establish a country, I'll immediately bring people over to present congratulatory gifts and sign a long-term alliance treaty!

Don't worry, I won't make you wait too long, and I can't wait to become the king!

Saying goodbye to King Selton and his wife, Harold felt a sense of relief, yawned, and went deeper into the land step by step. Strangely, no fishermen saw it. Now the main source of food is fishing. There should be a lot of people living in the aquatic products driven by the Sea Clan.

Forget it, don't worry about it, Sunflower, you have to see which piece of land you are more satisfied with along the way, and I will give it to you directly. I always keep my word, and the fief I promise to you will not renege on my promise!

Sunflower did not relax completely like Harold, but glanced back and forth anxiously, frowning tightly, and dilated pupils, like a restless little rabbit.

What's the matter, I lost the money? Didn't you put it all here? Harold relied too much on instinct to warn, and there was no threat at all at this time, so he couldn't get nervous.

Don't you feel that something is wrong with this place? After Xiang Yanghua finished speaking, she directly bent down and inserted her arms into the ground forcefully, and then her face changed suddenly:

This place is not your territory, hurry back to the sea!

As soon as Xiang Yanghua roared, she saw hundreds of water balloons falling from the sky and smashing towards her. At the same time, a huge and terrifying figure broke through the ground suddenly.

Giant Transformation!

Green buds of life!

Harold's first reaction was to turn on the transformation, took out the giant trident and swept across the sky, water waves flowed out along the trident's slash, met the water polo and neutralized the attack.

Sunflower, on the other hand, used the most precious hole card. Unfortunately, just when she was about to teleport away with Harold, Harold was bounced off by a rock suddenly protruding from the ground, and Harold, who had already grown huge, Lotte was ejected tens of meters in full, and this magic precisely blocked the timing of the teleportation.

At this time, if Sunflower continues to activate the space teleportation, Harold, who is too far away, will be left alone. If the teleportation is stopped, the emerald green life buds that have been activated to the last moment will be temporarily dormant due to the forced stop.

Sunflower didn't have time to think carefully, she suddenly stopped the space transmission, raised the black scythe to meet Harold, the enemy's target should be Harold, she would be safe if she just escaped like this, but she didn't want to betray Harold I run alone.

It is true that she is a 'war avoider', but that is because she does not want to get involved in unnecessary battles, especially those caused by other people's desires and ambitions, and now, she does not mind being brave in order to protect her companions. back!

It's okay, be careful in any direction around you, this place should be a fantasy space separated from the normal world, that guy can attack from anywhere!

Harold felt the sideways pain from being hit by the convex rock, but he still tried his best to stand still and looked at the enemy who was ambushing them.

The smoke subsided, and the huge figure revealed its true face. The huge gap in strength made Harold and Sunflower almost suffocate.

The mythical Hydra that has grown to the apex, one of the three most powerful forces of the Sea Clan, and the king of the Hydra Kingdom-Ogma.

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